999 resultados para Oliveira Viana


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Usually, the concepts of the Sol-Gel technique are not applied in experimental chemistry courses. This work presents a feasible experiment for chemistry instruction, which involves the synthesis of luminescent materials - Zn2SiO4, with and without Mn2+ as a dopant - by the Sol-Gel technique. The obtained materials were analyzed by scanning electron microscopy, X-Ray diffraction, IR spectroscopy and luminescence measures by UV-vis spectroscopy. The results allow the students to confirm the luminescent properties of the zinc orthosilicate luminophores as well as the structural features expected from literature data.


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This text describes an experiment on fractional precipitation of a polymer together with determination of average degree of polymerization by NMR. Commercial sodium polyphosphate was fractionated by precipitation from aqueous solution by adding increasing amounts of acetone. The polydisperse salt and nine fractions obtained from it were analyzed by 31P Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and the degree of polymerization of the salts and of the fractions were calculated. Long-chain sodium polyphosphate was also synthesized and analyzed. This experiment was tested in a PChem lab course but it can be used also to illustrate topics of inorganic polymers and analytical chemistry.


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The gravimetric and electrochemical tests are the most common techniques used in determining the corrosion rate. However, the use of electrochemical polarization is limited to electrolytes with sufficient conductivity for which Tafel curves are linear. In this study, we investigated a technique in which working microelectrodes of AISI 1020 steel were used to obtain the Tafel curves in diesel oil. The strategy was to reduce the electrode area and hence the ohmic drop. The diameter of the microelectrode was reduced to a value where the compensation of the Tafel curves became unnecessary. The results showed that for electrodes with diameters below 50 μm, the ohmic drop tends to a minimum and independent of the microelectrode diameter.


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Arrabidaea chica (H&B) Verlot is a plant popularly known as Pariri and this species is a known source of anthocyanins, flavonoids and tannins. This report describes an approach involving enzymatic treatment prior to extraction procedures to enhance A chica crude extract anticancer activity. Anticancer activity in human cancer cell lines in vitro using a 48 h SRB cell viability assay was performed to determine growth inhibition and cytotoxic properties. The final extraction yield without enzyme treatment was higher (24.28%) compared to the enzyme-treated material (19.03%), with an enhanced aglycones anthocyanin ratio as determined by HPLC- DAD and LC-MS with direct infusion.


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The physical model was based on the method of Newton-Euler. The model was developed by using the scientific computer program Mathematica®. Several simulations where tried varying the progress speeds (0.69; 1.12; 1.48; 1.82 and 2.12 m s-1); soil profiles (sinoidal, ascending and descending ramp) and height of the profile (0.025 and 0.05 m) to obtain the normal force of soil reaction. After the initial simulations, the mechanism was optimized using the scientific computer program Matlab® having as criterion (function-objective) the minimization of the normal force of reaction of the profile (FN). The project variables were the lengths of the bars (L1y, L2, l3 and L4), height of the operation (L7), the initial length of the spring (Lmo) and the elastic constant of the spring (k t). The lack of robustness of the mechanism in relation to the variable height of the operation was outlined by using a spring with low rigidity and large length. The results demonstrated that the mechanism optimized showed better flotation performance in relation to the initial mechanism.


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A base-cutter represented for a mechanism of four bars, was developed using the Autocad program. The normal force of reaction of the profile in the contact point was determined through the dynamic analysis. The equations of dynamic balance were based on the laws of Newton-Euler. The linkage was subject to an optimization technique that considered the peak value of soil reaction force as the objective function to be minimized while the link lengths and the spring constant varied through a specified range. The Algorithm of Sequential Quadratic Programming-SQP was implemented of the program computational Matlab. Results were very encouraging; the maximum value of the normal reaction force was reduced from 4,250.33 to 237.13 N, making the floating process much less disturbing to the soil and the sugarcane rate. Later, others variables had been incorporated the mechanism optimized and new otimization process was implemented .


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Base cutting and feeding into harvesters of plants lying close to the ground surface require an efficient sweeping action of the cutting mechanism. It is not the case of conventional sugarcane harvesters which have rigid blades mounted on discs capable to contaminate the cane with dirt as well as damage the ratoons. The objective of this work was to simulate the sweeping performance of a segmented base cutter. The model was developed using the laws of dynamic. Simulation included two rotational speeds (400 and 600 rpm), two cutting heights (0.12 and 0.13 m) and two disk tilting angles (-10º and -12º). The simulated sweeping angle varied between 56º and 193º, which are very promising as a mean to cutting and feeding cane sticks lying on the ground. Cutting height was the variable that affected sweeping action the most. This behavior indicates the need to have an automatic control of the cutting disk height in order to keep good sweeping performance as the harvester moves forward.


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Inulin is a fructooligosacharide found in diverse agricultural products, amongst them garlic, banana, Jerusalem artichoke and chicory root. Inulin generally is used in developed countries, as a substitute of sugar and/or fat due to its characteristics of fitting as functional and dietary food. Chicory root is usually used as source and raw material for commercial extration of inulin. The experiments consisted on drying sliced chicory roots based on a factorial experimental design in a convective dryer whose alows the air to pass perpendicularly through the tray. Effective diffusivity (dependent variable) has been determined for each experimental combination of independent variables (air temperature and velocity). The data curves have been fitted by the solution of the second Fick law and Page's model. Effective difusivity varied from 3.51 x 10-10 m² s-1 to 1.036 x 10-10 m² s-1. It is concluded that, for the range of studied values, air temperature is the only statistically significant variable. So, a first order mathematical model was obtained, representing effective diffusivity behavior as function of air temperature. The best drying condition was correspondent to the trial using the highest drying air temperature.


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Civil society and sugarcane farmer demands indicate that harvesting technology has enough limitations to jeopardize production in large sugar cane producing areas. This work analyses the current mechanical harvesting compared to a semi-mechanical harvesting proposal, on the bases of eleven characteristics considered determinant for a quick spreading of green cane harvesting on hilly areas, with lower impact on agricultural labor and farmers investment capacity.


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Development of processing technology and equipments requires new methods and better quality of the processed product. In the continuous drying process, utilization of equipments that promotes an increment in the transfer coefficients becomes of the major interest. The use of vibrational energy has been recommended to the dispersed materials. Such method is based on the use of vibrational energy applied to disperse media. Thus, a literature review on the mass transfer and drying in vibro-fluidized beds was carried out, showing experimental results and mathematical modeling.


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Application of mechanical vibration to aid fluidization and to improve heat, mass and momentum transfer are usual processes in agricultural industry and it has found nowadays extensive applications in particle processing of materials difficult-to-fluidized. Equations and experimental data found in literature for the aerodynamics characteristics of vibro-fluidized beds are presented and discussed, emphasizing the vibration effect in the bed.


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This work was carried out with the objective of studying the spatial variability of the physical attributes of a Red-Yellow Ultisol under pasture and secondary vegetation in natural regeneration. Two areas were chosen in a hillside, with the soil sampling to the depth of 0-0.2 m, with the georeferenced points in a regular grid of 10x10 m, totalizing 64 points. In each point it was evaluated the total volume of porosity, macroporosity, microporosity, bulk density, soil penetration resistance and soil water content. The studied attributes in the pasture area present indicator of soil compaction for the animals' traffic, with moderate and strong structure of spatial dependence, except for the macroporosity and penetration resistance. In the area of secondary vegetation (VN) only the macroporosity does not present spatial dependence. The total volume of porosity and the bulk density present the same spatial standard in the area under pasture.


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Due to its geographical location, the northeastern Coast of Brazil (Litoral Setentrional do Nordeste - LSN) is a hotter and drier climate than the eastern coast. In addition, because of its proximity to caatinga and cerrado, the LSN contains species from these vegetation biomes and from the restinga on the coast, which comprise different plant formations and creates a vegetation complex. Despite the great importance of this ecotone, there are few studies about its flora. The objective of this work was to contribute to what is known about the floristic and phytosociological composition of this region. We made a floristic survey in the area (between 2007 and 2011), consulted herbaria data from the region and made a phytosociological study in a stretch of coastal semideciduous forest (mata de tabuleiro). The study recorded 382 plant species from 96 families. In the phytosociological survey (0.32 ha) we recorded 2,970 individuals and 52 species. The most abundant plants surveyed were the trees Manilkara triflora, Chamaecrista ensiformis and Guapira nitida and the shrubs Cordiera sessilis and Maytenus erythroxyla (average height 3.8 m, average diameter 6.2 cm, basal area 39.28 m²/ha). The local flora includes floristic elements of caatinga, cerrado and restinga, corroborating the idea that the plant community of the coastal region of Ceará has an ecotonal nature.


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This aim of this work was to carry out an epidemiological study on acetabular fractures in the city of Campinas and surrounds, in view of the few published papers on this subject. Medical files with a diagnosis of acetabular fracture between the years 2004 and 2008 that were made available by the Medical Archiving Service of Hospital das Clínicas, State University of Campinas (UNICAMP) were analyzed by six observers. Data on patients' ages, sex, side affected by the fracture, mechanism of injury, material used for synthesis, complications of the operation, associated fractures, length of hospitalization before and after the surgery, time of total internment and number of physiotherapy sessions before and after the surgery were gathered. It was observed in this population that the left side was more affected; the mechanism of injury that most often caused this type of fracture was automobile accidents; injuries to the sciatic nerve were the commonest surgical complications; and the synthesis material most used was reconstruction plates.


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The purpose of the present study was to verify the factorial validity of a learning strategy scale as well as to explore the concurrent validity of the instrument in regard to students´ academic achievement. The sample was composed of 815 basic education children from both public and private schools of São Paulo and Minas Gerais. The Learning Strategy Scale was collectively applied. Exploratory factorial analyses were conducted to achieve the purposes of the study. The alphas of Cronbach of the instrument and of its three subscales showed good reliability. Variance analyses showed significant differences between school achievement and punctuation in the scale. The data were discussed in terms of their possible implications for the psycho-educational evaluation area.