991 resultados para Narrativa contemporânea


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The Italian writer Antonio Tabucchi (Pisa-1943, Lisbon-2012) is considered by the critic as one of the most representative voices in the contemporary European literature. The Literature, according to Tabucchi, exerts a fundamental role in society and it, still according to the writer, must cause disquietude, evoke doubts, raise questions and not tranquilize people’s mind. Thereby, it’s noticed that it’s one of the reasons why the tabucchian narrative incessantly dialogues with Luigi Pirandello’s and Fernando Pessoa's poetics, establishing a great fictional game in wich the people, the truths, the history and the world are shown, at the least, duplicated.


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The objetive of this article is discuss the question of difference and alterity presents in analyzes of contemporary society conducted by the polish sociologist Zygmunt Bauman. The author observed that human relations are guided by a logic of cost-benefit connected with values of present in the discardability of consumer society. At the same time, it has built ways of eliminating difference through the construction of a politics of expulsion of those considered strangers. For the author, the cities are the materialization of the ambivalence of live with the other people in contemporary times, being the locus of experience approach and retraction to the other expressed by fear of the difference. The result of this process is the impoverishment relational, the feeling of loneliness and an ethical-political crisis seen that could be seen from the primacy of the private/intimate rather than the public dimention/action.


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This article analyzes the human bonds in the context of contemporary society from the work of the polish sociologist Zygmunt Bauman. Taking as starting point the bond of friendship and relational virtualization process motivated by the development of new technologies, it was observed the occurrence in the present world an affective-relational impoverishment. As an alternative to this, it is argued the exercise of building and maintenance of dense bonds that provide an alternative to the bind model of momentary satisfaction, this time marks. Finally, it is indicated that the discussion of friendship necessarily imply on the problematization of contemporary ethics which will provide the foundation for building a new affective political.


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This paper presents a brief reflection on the survey done by the group Research group “Approaches in Studies of Arts, History, Linguistics and Literature Japanese translation and autochthon oral tradition-European”, where there was a significant number of translations of Japanese contemporary works. The most translated authors traced in outline the main characteristics which of we perceive similarities possibly attract by the Brazilian reader. In this addendum to reflect on the application of the literature on the bias of the communicative approach in the teaching and learning of the Japanese language.


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This paper presents a non-heterosexual young lady s Narrative Life History. By presenting it, we aim to understanding how desire, (in)visibility and the processes of exclusion are articulated in relation to the experience of homoeroticism, especially within the family. By this, we are able to point out some homophobic aspects, modes of how the device of closet operates and how some expectations and demands exert pressures over a non-heterosexual member in the family. In this case study, the way her family lived her sexuality depended on a strong family ties, such as: the secret about sexuality. Such secret, according to our hypothesis, was produced and preserved by homophobia which served as the major aspect on the construction of gender and (dis)unity of the family. This work is part of a in progress doctoral thesis, sponsored by FAPESP Fundação para o Amparo à Pesquisa no Estado de São Paulo.


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This research was done by a theoretical investigation about the moment when a child starts to go to education places like a school before the obligatory age of usual education, here called Precocious Institutionalization, and the changings that it results at the productions of subjectivity, at the relationship between children and family, specially the maternity in the society. Using theory references of Foucault, Deleuze and Guattari, was done the analysis with the help of cartography. As a result, there is a kind of map of the way that the human subjectivity is produced by two different society strategies, the disciplinary society integrated with the control society using biopolitics inside the contemporary questions to increase capitalism system.


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We can notice in Brazilian literature —both past and contemporary— the presence of the historical novel in its several modalities which include traditional models but also contemporary formulations that break old models with irreverence. Among them are the historiographical metafictions (Hutcheon, 1991), which propose the rereading not only of history but also of literature itself. Therefore, in the large number of historical characters which are fictionalized by contemporary Brazilian historical novel in the last decades, this essay intends to discuss how Ana Miranda engages in reading the history of Brazilian literature through fiction in three of her novels. The first is Boca do inferno (1989), whose protagonists are two of the main representatives of Brazilian colonial barroque, Father Antônio Vieira and poet Gregório de Matos. Following the chronological order of protagonist writers, the next novel to be discussed is Dias & dias (2002), whose action is centered in Gonçalves Dias, a well known poet of national Romanticism. The third is A última quimera (1995), which makes an outline of Brazilian literature at the beginning of the 20th century, dealing with Augusto dos Anjos and Olavo Bilac. By inverting some traditional viewpoints, Ana Miranda proposes, as in a palimpsest, the rereading and discussion of the national literary cânon and its construction.


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En Novela negra con argentinos, publicada en 1990, la escritora Luisa Valenzuela se propone a discutir la sociedad moderna en un cruce apropiado entre género y personajes. Al representar la ciudad de Nueva York, bajo sus aspectos más degradantes e inhumanos con reverberaciones de la política argentina, Valenzuela da vida a un relato construido a partir del diálogo entre el discurso ficcional y histórico, de los desdoblamientos de la experiencia del exilio y la identidad contemporánea argentina.


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El ensayo presenta una lectura crítica de la obra medieval conocida como el Itinerario de Eteria, en la cual la autora relata los viajes de peregrinación a las Tierras Santas que realizó a finales del siglo IV y comienzos del V a. C..


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Letras - IBILCE


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Partimos da constatação do distanciamento historicamente efetuado entre o homem e a dança, iniciando nossos questionamentos acerca dos impedimentos localizados na cultura para tal configuração. Identificamos mecanismos de poder que estabelecem este afastamento por questões ligadas ao gênero masculino, refletindo preconceitos enfrentados por bailarinos e a criação do estereótipo do ser homem, baseados numa perspectiva empobrecida a seu respeito. Com isso nos questionamos sobre o que o homem perde ao deixar de dançar. Necessitamos tentar definir do que se trata o masculino, cuidando por abandonar os formatos fornecidos culturalmente, por estarem sob a ótica das relações de poder predominantes. Após empreendermos um esforço nesta direção, percebemos com maior clareza a função do masculino enquanto força criadora que, em consonância ao feminino, atua nas mais diversas instâncias do criar, num movimento constante que o sustenta. Neste momento nos deparamos com as formas socialmente instituidas destas duas forças e em como passaram a atuar após a perpetuação dos modos de vida patriarcais nas sociedades ocidentais. Aqui nosso foco recai sobre o processo de criação na dança e em como esta se encontra afetada com as políticas de dominação nos aspectos destacados como o gênero masculino, a multiplicidade e a intensidade. Estes aspectos, ao sofrerem limitações ocasionadas pelo formato estabelecido sobre o masculino, tornam-se pontos-chave para a análise da dança cênica brasileira em seu ensino e criação ao mesmo tempo em que mostram-se como potências de seu aspecto transformador. Percebemos processos de resistência às políticas dominantes de anestesiamento e colonização dos corpos, aqui focados sobre o homem, pensando o movimento como força capaz de subverter-se às formas dominantes limitadoras


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The Morse Taper implant system, developed from its introduction in engineering, has become increasingly effective for use in dentistry. However, other systems, main external hexagon type, have been used more frequently today. Current studies have been reported the positive features of the Morse taper system and even emphasized as ideal within the systems used in implantology. Unfortunately, some professional duty by not knowing this system, or even prefer hexagon type system by decreased cost of components, have refused to use it. Thus, this study was aimed to perform a brief review of the Morse taper system, emphasizing its main points of interest in dentistry, in an attempt to familiarize the professionals to at least learn more about this system that has the prospect to become the leading system implants used in dentistry in the coming years. It is concluded that this system of dental implants is favorable showing predictability and success.