981 resultados para Moscato Branco


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A boa produtividade e os valores intermediários para altura da planta e altura da espiga caracterizam a população de milho ESALQ-PB1 como agronomicamente promissora. São relatadas estimativas de parâmetros para 13 caracteres: altura da planta (PH), altura da espiga (EH), posição relativa da espiga (EP), comprimento do pendão (TL), peso do pendão (TW), número de ramificações do pendão (TB), peso de espigas (EW), peso de grãos (GW), comprimento da espiga (EL), diâmetro da espiga (ED), número de fileiras de grãos (RN), número de grãos por fileira (KR) e prolificidade (PR). Os resultados se referem a um único ambiente (um local e um ano). Foi detectada variação genética para todos os caracteres, e são apresentadas estimativas da variância genética aditiva. Os coeficientes de herdabilidade (indivíduos) variaram de 0,14 a 0,72 e foram considerados altos para PH, EH e TB; intermediários para EP, TL, TW, EL e ED, e baixos para EW, GW, KR e PR. O coeficiente de herdabilidade para médias de progênies mostrou aproximadamente a mesma tendência, variando de 0,40 a 0,75. O maior ganho esperado por seleção foi para TB (27% por ciclo) sob seleção massal e para TW (16,4%) por seleção entre progênies; o menor ganho esperado foi para ED, tanto por seleção massal (1,9%) como por seleção entre progênies (2,9%). Coeficientes de correlação aditiva (rA) 0.5


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Measures of mortality represent one of the most important indicators of health conditions. For comprising the larger rate of deaths, the study of mortality in the elderly population is regarded as essential to understand the health situation. In this sense, the present study aims to analyze the mortality profile of the population from 60 to 69 (young elders) and older than 80 years old (oldest old) in the Rio Grande do Norte state (Brazil) in the period 2001 to 2011, and to identify the association with contextual factors and variables about the quality of the Mortality Information System (SIM). For this purpose, Mortality Proportional (MP) was calculated for the state and Specific Mortality Rate by Age (CMId) , according to chapters of ICD- 10, to the municipalities of Rio Grande do Norte , through data from the Mortality Information System (SIM) and the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IGBE). In order to identify groups of municipalities with similar mortality profiles, Nonhierarchical Clustering K-means method was applied and the Factor Analysis by the Principal Components Analysis was resort to reduce contextual variables. The spatial distribution of these groups and the factors were visualized using the Spatial Analysis Areas technique. During the period investigated, 21,813 younger elders deaths were recorded , with a predominance of deaths from circulatory diseases (32.75%) and neoplasms (22.9 %) . Among the oldest old, 50,637 deaths were observed, which 35.26% occurred because of cardiovascular diseases and 17.27% of ill-defined causes. Clustering Analysis produced three clusters to the two age groups and Factor Analysis reduced the contextual variables into three factors, also the sum of the factor scores was considered. Among the younger elders, the groups are called misinformation profile, development profile and development paradox, which showed a statistically significant association with education and poverty and extreme poverty factors, factorial sum and the variable related to underreporting of deaths. Misinformation profile remained in the oldest old group, accompanied by the epidemiological transition profile and the epidemiological paradox, that were statistically associated with the development and health factor, as well as with the variables that indicate the SIM quality: proportion of blank fields about the schooling and underreporting. It proposed that the mortality profiles of the younger elders and oldest old differ on the importance of the basic causes and that are influenced by different contextual aspects , observing that 60 to 69 years group is more affected by such aspects. Health inequalities can be reduced by measures aimed to improve levels of education and poverty, especially in younger elders, and by optimizing the use of health services, which is more associated to the oldest old health situation. Furthermore, it is important to improve the quality of information for the two age groups


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Tendo em vista os atuais preceitos socioconstrutivistas da Ciência e da Educação em Ciências, neste estudo, o nosso objetivo foi analisar a vertente epistemológica em artigos científicos que tratam de linguagem escrita. Para tanto, analisamos o conteúdo de seis desses artigos, baseando-nos em indicadores educacionais: concepções de ciência, de sujeito, de linguagem e de intervenção fonoaudiológica. A análise destas concepções, em seu conjunto, nos permitiu o enquadramento do conteúdo desses artigos em uma vertente epistemológica mais ou menos técnica ou humanista, lógico-positivista ou pós-positivista, e, ainda, inferir sobre as implicações dessas vertentes na construção de um conhecimento pedagógico e educacional no campo da Fonoaudiologia, para a formação continuada e em serviço de um profissional fonoaudiólogo capaz de atuar também na escola. Os resultados mostraram que as visões dos autores dos artigos analisados se enquadram em uma vertente predominantemente lógico-positivista, o que aponta para a importância de reestruturar os cursos formadores desses profissionais com base em preceitos de Educação em Ciência e à luz de uma nova Filosofia da Ciência.


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Through the adoption of the software product line (SPL) approach, several benefits are achieved when compared to the conventional development processes that are based on creating a single software system at a time. The process of developing a SPL differs from traditional software construction, since it has two essential phases: the domain engineering - when common and variables elements of the SPL are defined and implemented; and the application engineering - when one or more applications (specific products) are derived from the reuse of artifacts created in the domain engineering. The test activity is also fundamental and aims to detect defects in the artifacts produced in SPL development. However, the characteristics of an SPL bring new challenges to this activity that must be considered. Several approaches have been recently proposed for the testing process of product lines, but they have been shown limited and have only provided general guidelines. In addition, there is also a lack of tools to support the variability management and customization of automated case tests for SPLs. In this context, this dissertation has the goal of proposing a systematic approach to software product line testing. The approach offers: (i) automated SPL test strategies to be applied in the domain and application engineering, (ii) explicit guidelines to support the implementation and reuse of automated test cases at the unit, integration and system levels in domain and application engineering; and (iii) tooling support for automating the variability management and customization of test cases. The approach is evaluated through its application in a software product line for web systems. The results of this work have shown that the proposed approach can help the developers to deal with the challenges imposed by the characteristics of SPLs during the testing process


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The tracking between models of the requirements and architecture activities is a strategy that aims to prevent loss of information, reducing the gap between these two initial activities of the software life cycle. In the context of Software Product Lines (SPL), it is important to have this support, which allows the correspondence between this two activities, with management of variability. In order to address this issue, this paper presents a process of bidirectional mapping, defining transformation rules between elements of a goaloriented requirements model (described in PL-AOVgraph) and elements of an architectural description (defined in PL-AspectualACME). These mapping rules are evaluated using a case study: the GingaForAll LPS. To automate this transformation, we developed the MaRiPLA tool (Mapping Requirements to Product Line Architecture), through MDD techniques (Modeldriven Development), including Atlas Transformation Language (ATL) with specification of Ecore metamodels jointly with Xtext , a DSL definition framework, and Acceleo, a code generation tool, in Eclipse environment. Finally, the generated models are evaluated based on quality attributes such as variability, derivability, reusability, correctness, traceability, completeness, evolvability and maintainability, extracted from the CAFÉ Quality Model


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The approach Software Product Line (SPL) has become very promising these days, since it allows the production of customized systems on large scale through product families. For the modeling of these families the Features Model is being widely used, however, it is a model that has low level of detail and not may be sufficient to guide the development team of LPS. Thus, it is recommended add the Features Model to other models representing the system from other perspectives. The goals model PL-AOVgraph can assume this role complementary to the Features Model, since it has a to context oriented language of LPS's, which allows the requirements modeling in detail and identification of crosscutting concerns that may arise as result of variability. In order to insert PL-AOVgraph in development of LPS's, this paper proposes a bi-directional mapping between PL-AOVgraph and Features Model, which will be automated by tool ReqSys-MDD. This tool uses the approach of Model-Driven Development (MDD), which allows the construction of systems from high level models through successive transformations. This enables the integration of ReqSys-MDD with other tools MDD that use their output models as input to other transformations. So it is possible keep consistency among the models involved, avoiding loss of informations on transitions between stages of development


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A colaboração na pesquisa é uma das tarefas centrais da área acadêmica. Atualmente, muitos pesquisadores estão utilizando meios modernos de troca de arquivos digitais através de ferramentas assíncronas e também com o uso de ferramentas mais sofisticadas, do tipo síncronas. Juntamente com o fato da crescente quantidade de artigos sendo gerados, mais complexos, diversificados e aumentando de forma desorganizada, o que trás ao pesquisador uma tarefa difícil para organizá-los de forma a se extrair o melhor conteúdo destes, isto ocorre porque uma subárea da Engenharia de Software (ES) ainda é bastante mal aproveitada, a Engenharia de Software Experimental (ESE). Utilizando-se de um dos tipos de experimentos que a ESE oferece, as revisões sistemáticas entram como uma solução bastante robusta, na qual o pesquisador pode identificar o conhecimento existente em uma área e planejar devidamente sua pesquisa, evitando a repetição de erros em pesquisas já efetivadas por outros pesquisadores no passado. Contudo, estas duas abordagens, a colaboração virtual de pesquisadores e a utilização de revisões sistemáticas, contem problemas: na primeira, sistemas colaborativos são geralmente difíceis de configurar e usar; na segunda, apesar da robustez da metodologia de revisões sistemáticas, ainda se torna necessário uma rigorosa revisão na literatura para se conseguir um resultado satisfatório. Assim, com o foco de unir estas duas abordagens, este trabalho propõe uma maneira de produzir revisões sistemáticas de forma organizada e com a possibilidade de interação entre usuários, com o desenvolvimento de um sistema interativo, no qual as revisões sistemáticas possam ser geradas por usuários em colaboração com outros e também ser avaliadas seguindo a orientação de um profissional da área, tornando o seu conteúdo mais consistente e de melhor qualidade. O sistema não possui níveis de acesso, ou seja, qualquer pessoa pode se cadastrar e usufruir de seus recursos, seja na área acadêmica ou mesmo na área profissional


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To investigate the possibilities and limits of mechanisms of participativa management in the scope of the Pronaf - National Program of Fortalecimento of Familiar Agriculture, and the corresponding effectiveness of its actions in the construction of alternatives of sustainable agricultural development in the Coast North of the State of the Great River of the North, more specifically, in the composed Subzona de Touros for the cities of Bulls, White Well, Pureness, Is Miguel of the Gostoso and Taipu. To carry through this analysis they had been carried through Research of Field with the objective to reconstitute the trajectory of the CMDRS, to trace the profile of the citizens that compose each one of the five advice, its expectations, interests and the level of participation of the local population


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The study aims to examine the planning, the construction and uses of the stadium Presidente Castelo Branco (Castelão), opened in Natal, capital of Rio Grande do Norte, in 1972. Used as main sources of documents printed newspapers A República, Tribuna do Norte e Diário de Natal; photographs of the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s and, finally, an interview with Moacyr Gomes da Costa, architect responsible for building the stadium Castelão. Seeks to understand the changes and continuities stemming from the construction of this stadium for football history and the city. Articulated in the text the inauguration of the stadium with the process of commodification and massification of football norte-rio-grandense, that occurred from the 1970s. Indicates the places where they practiced football in Natal before the construction of a stadium and analyzes the historical needs that led to the construction of a sports square. Discusses the transformation of football matches in shows profit, which now involve large economic interests. Investigates how political potiguares made use of football stadiums as a mechanism of legitimation and realize this debate with the performances of Djalma Maranhão and the Cortez Pereira, that at different times using this mechanism. Search elements that favored the popularization experienced by football potiguar from the 1970s, the role of the sports press this process and the emergence organized supporters


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As miopatias em equinos são classificadas de acordo com aspectos clínicos, morfológicos e moleculares, em três grandes grupos: não associadas ao exercício, associadas ao exercício e devido alteração da condução elétrica do sarcolema. Apesar dos avanços no diagnóstico, a literatura ainda relata surtos de miopatia em equinos sem etiologia esclarecida em diversos países. O objetivo desse estudo foi descrever as alterações histológicas e histoquímicas de biópsias musculares de equinos acometidos por miopatia. Sete equinos da raça Quarto de Milha, com 18-24 meses de idade, apresentaram sinais clínicos de miopatia. Dentre esses animais, cinco apresentaram sinais subagudos leves a moderados e dois apresentaram sinais hiperagudos severos e decúbito lateral. Foram realizadas biópsias musculares utilizando a técnica percutânea, por agulha tipo Bergström, no músculo glúteo médio em todos os animais acometidos. As amostras foram processadas por meio de técnicas histológicas (HE, Tricrômio de Gomori modificado) e histoquímicas (PAS, NADH, ATPase). Nos quadros clínicos mais leves, a principal alteração encontrada foi a presença de fibras vermelhas rajadas do tipo I e IIA, que estão associadas às alterações do metabolismo oxidativo e das funções mitocondriais, como ocorrem nas miopatias mitocondriais. Também foram observadas fibras atróficas do tipo I e IIA, além da presença de agregados subsarcolemais. Nos quadros mais severos o tecido muscular apresentou infiltrado inflamatório, aumento de colágeno, fagocitose, necrose, calcificação e regeneração muscular. Diante dos achados morfológicos, da resposta à terapia com vitamina E e Se e da baixa mortalidade quando comparado aos relatos de miopatia atípica, conclui-se que esse surto foi desencadeado por lesões mitocondriais, caracterizadas pelas fibras musculares vermelhas rajadas, possivelmente devido uma quebra da homeostase de vitamina E e Se, sendo compatível com o diagnóstico de miopatia nutricional.


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The chart of control of Hotelling T2 has been the main statistical device used in monitoring multivariate processes. Currently the technological development of control systems and automation enabled a high rate of collection of information of the production systems in very short time intervals, causing a dependency between the results of observations. This phenomenon known as auto correlation causes in the statistical control of the multivariate processes a high rate of false alarms, prejudicing in the chart performance. This entails the violation of the assumption of independence and normality of the distribution. In this thesis we considered not only the correlation between two variables, but also the dependence between observations of the same variable, that is, auto correlation. It was studied by simulation, the bi variate case and the effect of auto correlation on the performance of the T2 chart of Hotelling.


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Uma cadela, Dachshund, quatro anos, foi encaminhada ao H.V. da FMVZ-UNESP-Botucatu-SP com histórico de prostração, emagrecimento progressivo, anorexia, cansaço e tosse seca. Ao exame clínico observou-se apatia, secreção nasal serosa bilateral e dispnéia intensa. Radiografia torácica demonstrou efusão pleural, edema pulmonar acentuado, desvio dorsal da traquéia e possível massa mediastinal. A ultra-sonografia, após drenagem torácica, confirmou a presença de massa mediastinal, sendo classificada como neoplasia maligna de origem epitelial pela citologia aspirativa por agulha fina. O animal veio a óbito logo após o diagnóstico de neoplasia. À necropsia constatou-se massa mediastinal encapsulada, consistência macia e superfície de corte com coloração branco-acinzentada e áreas necrótico-hemorrágicas, localizada na região ântero-ventral do tórax. O exame histopatológico demonstrou células epiteliais neoplásicas, células linfóides (timócitos) com morfologia normal, vasos sangüíneos de pequeno e médio calibre, formações císticas com conteúdo eosinofílico e corpúsculos de Hassall. A imunohistoquímica apresentou positividade para citoqueratina AE1/AE3 e UCHL, confirmando o diagnóstico de timoma.


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The association of paracoccidioidomycosis with AIDS is apparently less frequent than expected. The authors present an unusual case of paracoccidioidomycosis in a 13-year-old female student which was later found to be the first opportunistic infection in the course of the patient's HIV-infection. The clinical presentation followed an accidental incised wound on the palmar region initially described as a 'sporotrichotic-chancre'. After good response under sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprin, the patient relapsed and presented an associated oral candidiasis. HIV-infection was documented and additional investigation showed CD4(+) T-cells=22/mm(3), CD8(+)=280 cell/mm(3) and viral load=4,043 log. This case report presents an uncommon dermatological-clinical picture in the youngest patient in which such association has been reported to date.


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In this work, the study of some complex systems is done with use of two distinct procedures. In the first part, we have studied the usage of Wavelet transform on analysis and characterization of (multi)fractal time series. We have test the reliability of Wavelet Transform Modulus Maxima method (WTMM) in respect to the multifractal formalism, trough the calculation of the singularity spectrum of time series whose fractality is well known a priori. Next, we have use the Wavelet Transform Modulus Maxima method to study the fractality of lungs crackles sounds, a biological time series. Since the crackles sounds are due to the opening of a pulmonary airway bronchi, bronchioles and alveoli which was initially closed, we can get information on the phenomenon of the airway opening cascade of the whole lung. Once this phenomenon is associated with the pulmonar tree architecture, which displays fractal geometry, the analysis and fractal characterization of this noise may provide us with important parameters for comparison between healthy lungs and those affected by disorders that affect the geometry of the tree lung, such as the obstructive and parenchymal degenerative diseases, which occurs, for example, in pulmonary emphysema. In the second part, we study a site percolation model for square lattices, where the percolating cluster grows governed by a control rule, corresponding to a method of automatic search. In this model of percolation, which have characteristics of self-organized criticality, the method does not use the automated search on Leaths algorithm. It uses the following control rule: pt+1 = pt + k(Rc − Rt), where p is the probability of percolation, k is a kinetic parameter where 0 < k < 1 and R is the fraction of percolating finite square lattices with side L, LxL. This rule provides a time series corresponding to the dynamical evolution of the system, in particular the likelihood of percolation p. We proceed an analysis of scaling of the signal obtained in this way. The model used here enables the study of the automatic search method used for site percolation in square lattices, evaluating the dynamics of their parameters when the system goes to the critical point. It shows that the scaling of , the time elapsed until the system reaches the critical point, and tcor, the time required for the system loses its correlations, are both inversely proportional to k, the kinetic parameter of the control rule. We verify yet that the system has two different time scales after: one in which the system shows noise of type 1 f , indicating to be strongly correlated. Another in which it shows white noise, indicating that the correlation is lost. For large intervals of time the dynamics of the system shows ergodicity


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This paper proposes a new control chart to monitor a process mean employing a combined npx-X control chart. Basically the procedure consists of splitting the sample of size n into two sub-samples n1 and n2 determined by an optimization search. The sampling occur in two-stages. In the first stage the units of the sub-sample n1 are evaluated by attributes and plotted in npx control chart. If this chart signs then units of second sub-sample are measured and the monitored statistic plotted in X control chart (second stage). If both control charts sign then the process is stopped for adjustment. The possibility of non-inspection in all n items may promote a reduction not only in the cost but also the time spent to examine the sampled items. Performances of the current proposal, individual X and npx control charts are compared. In this study the proposed procedure presents many competitive options for the X control chart for a sample size n and a shift from the target mean. The average time to sign (ATS) of the current proposal lower than the values calculated from an individual X control chart points out that the combined control chart is an efficient tool in monitoring process mean.