1000 resultados para MONGE, CARLOS FRANCISCO,


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a resposta de milho verde (Zea mays) e de feijão-caupi (Vigna unguiculata), cultivados em consórcio, a lâminas de irrigação e doses de fósforo. Os experimentos foram realizados em 2008 e 2009, em delineamento de blocos ao acaso, com 25 tratamentos e quatro repetições. Os tratamentos consistiram de cinco lâminas de irrigação, a 70, 110, 140, 180 e 220% da evapotranspiração da cultura, e de cinco doses de P2O5 a 0, 50, 100, 150 e 200% da dose de P recomendada. O milho foi semeado no espaçamento 0,80x0,40 m, e o feijão-caupi foi semeado dentro das linhas entre as plantas de milho. Não houve efeito das doses de P2O5; porém, a resposta às lâminas de irrigação foi quadrática em milho e linear em feijão-caupi. As máximas produtividades técnicas de espigas de milho verde com palha (10,76 Mg ha-1) e sem palha (7,62 Mg ha-1) foram obtidas com a lâmina de 530 mm, intermediária às lâminas referentes a 180 e 220% da evapotranspiração da cultura. A maior produtividade de grãos verdes de feijão-caupi (3,40 Mg ha-1) foi obtida com a maior lâmina de água aplicada, de 644 mm.


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Little is known about the long-term survivors of acute arsenic intoxication. We present here a clinical case report of a man with chronic hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection who developed hepatocellular carcinoma four years after acute arsenic poisoning. HBsAg was detected in serum in 1990 when he voluntarily donated blood. In 1991, the patient suffered from severe psychological depression that led him to attempt suicide by massive ingestion of an arsenic-containing rodenticide. He survived with polyneuropathy and paralysis of the lower limbs, and has been wheelchair-bound since then. During participation in a follow-up study conducted among HBV carriers, abdominal ultrasound detected a two-centimeter liver mass consistent with hepatocellular carcinoma. The tumor was confirmed by computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance image (MRI). Because of his significant comorbidity, the patient received palliative treatment with transarterial lipiodol chemoembolization (TACE) on three occasions (1996, 1997 and 1999). At his most recent visit in May 2005, the patient was asymptomatic, liver enzymes were normal and the tumor was in remission on ultrasound.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi identificar a presença dos genes Ty-2 e Ty-3, de resistência a begomovírus, em acessos de tomateiro do Banco de Germoplasma de Hortaliças da Universidade Federal de Viçosa. Os oligonucleotídeos TO302 F/R e FLUW25 F/R foram utilizados em reações de PCR, para verificar a presença de marcadores relacionados aos genes Ty-2 e Ty-3, respectivamente. Observou-se a presença do gene Ty-2, em heterozigose na subamostra BGH-6881 (Solanum peruvianum), e do gene Ty-3, em homozigose nas subamostras BGH-6878, BGH-6897 (S. lycopersicum) e em heterozigose na subamostra BGH-6881. A identificação dos genes de resistência, com reações de PCR, representa um avanço para os programas de melhoramento de tomateiro no Brasil.


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The objective of this work was to estimate outcrossing rates between Haden and Tommy Atkins mango cultivars, using AFLP and microsatellite markers. Progenies of an isolated 'Haden' plant, identified in a 'Tommy Atkins' commercial orchard, in Petrolina, PE, Brazil, were analyzed. Total DNA was isolated from the progeny leaves and used for AFLP and microsatellite reactions. Multilocus outcrossing rates (t m) were estimated by direct count of AFLP or microsatellite markers and by the mLTR software. Outcrossing rates ranged from 0.85 to 0.87 with the analysis based on seven AFLP markers, and from 0.83 to 0.91 based on three microsatellite primers. No unexpected band patterns were observed for 'Haden' and 'Tommy Atkins'. The estimates obtained with the mLTR software were close to those obtained by direct AFLP and microsatellite allele counting, which indicates that the multilocus model was appropriate for this kind of study. The microsatellites mMiCIR005, mMiCIR030, and mMiCIR036 can be used to elucidate the origin of 'Haden' and 'Tommy Atkins' seedlings.


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El objetivo de este trabajo fue utilizar el análisis de componentes principales y de semivarianza para seleccionar variables físicas que explicaran la variabilidad de un suelo aluvial, y establecer el comportamiento espacial de las variables seleccionadas, con el fin de definir técnicamente la localización de parcelas experimentales para estudiar los efectos de la abrasividad del suelo sobre el desgaste de herramientas agrícolas. Las pruebas de campo se realizaron en 2008, en un lote plano de 6.000 m² con suelos de textura media a pesada (Vertic Haplustepts). Se hizo un muestreo intensivo en cuadrícula de 10x14 m. Las variables que mayor peso tuvieron en los tres primeros componentes principales fueron los contenidos de limo, arena fina y media, gravilla media, la humedad a capacidad de campo y el coeficiente higroscópico. A excepción de la arena media y la capacidad de campo, las demás propiedades presentaron alta dependencia espacial y su distribución mostró que en el lote experimental se encuentran tres sectores de acumulación diferencial de limo y de arena fina. La combinación de los análisis de componentes principales y geoestadística permitió definir las propiedades del suelo involucradas en el desgaste de herramientas, su patrón espacial y la manera más adecuada de distribuir parcelas experimentales, para estudiar la abrasividad del suelo.


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Podeu consultar la Setena trobada de professorat de Ciències de la Salut completa a: http://hdl.handle.net/2445/43352


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar o potencial produtivo e a interação entre genótipos e ambientes em 550 acessos da Coleção Nuclear de Arroz da Embrapa. O desempenho, a adaptação e a estabilidade produtiva de cada genótipo foram avaliados por meio da metodologia de análise dos efeitos principais aditivos e interações multiplicativas (AMMI), em nove experimentos de campo, realizados em seis Estados, em condição de sequeiro e irrigada, durante três anos agrícolas. Foi realizada a análise por meio de modelos lineares mistos, e as estimativas de componentes de variância foram obtidas pelo método de máxima verossimilhança residual (REML), com aplicação do procedimento de melhor predição linear não viesada (BLUP) para a predição dos valores genéticos dos efeitos aleatórios (EBLUP) associados a cada um dos acessos. O grupo de acessos com melhor desempenho foi o de linhagens e cultivares brasileiras (LCB), conforme o esperado. No entanto, foram identificadas variedades tradicionais (VT) entre os genótipos mais produtivos, o que mostra o potencial deste grupo de germoplasma em contribuir com novas fontes de variabilidade genética para programas de melhoramento. Foram identificados acessos superiores quanto à estabilidade, adaptabilidade e produtividade de grãos, entre os quais destacam-se CA880078, CA840182 e CNA00091.


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El objetivo de este trabajo fue estimar el grado de variación genética dentro del complejo infraespecífico de Sechium mediante el uso de sistemas isoenzimáticos. Se analizaron 23 loci codificados por 12 sistemas isoenzimáticos, en geles de almidón, en 10 individuos de cada una de las 30 accesiones (27 cultivadas y tres silvestres). La variación genética se estimó con base en el número promedio de alelos por locus (NPAL), porcentaje de porlimorfismo (PP), heterocigosidad observada y esperada (Ho y He), índice relativo de heterocigosidad (IRH) e índice de Shannon (IS). Para NPAL y PP, el promedio para las 30 accesiones fue de 2, 03 y 59, 8%, respectivamente. El análisis de Ho y He mostró variación genética en el complejo infraespecífico de Sechium, con valores promedio de 0, 05 y 0, 26, respectivamente. El IRH mostró una deficiencia de individuos heterocigotos (promedio de -0, 75). El IS mostró gran diversidad en las 30 accesiones (0, 41). Las poblaciones con mayor diversidad fueron Negrito, Verde liso, Negro xalapa, Verde espinoso y Negro cónico; con una variación intermedia fueron Castilla blanco, Caldero y Blanco pequeño; y, con poca variación, Castilla verde, Cambray y los parientes silvestres.


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To compare the cost and effectiveness of the levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine system (LNG-IUS) versus combined oral contraception (COC) and progestogens (PROG) in first-line treatment of dysfunctional uterine bleeding (DUB) in Spain. STUDY DESIGN: A cost-effectiveness and cost-utility analysis of LNG-IUS, COC and PROG was carried out using a Markov model based on clinical data from the literature and expert opinion. The population studied were women with a previous diagnosis of idiopathic heavy menstrual bleeding. The analysis was performed from the National Health System perspective, discounting both costs and future effects at 3%. In addition, a sensitivity analysis (univariate and probabilistic) was conducted. RESULTS: The results show that the greater efficacy of LNG-IUS translates into a gain of 1.92 and 3.89 symptom-free months (SFM) after six months of treatment versus COC and PROG, respectively (which represents an increase of 33% and 60% of symptom-free time). Regarding costs, LNG-IUS produces savings of 174.2-309.95 and 230.54-577.61 versus COC and PROG, respectively, after 6 months-5 years. Apart from cost savings and gains in SFM, quality-adjusted life months (QALM) are also favourable to LNG-IUS in all scenarios, with a range of gains between 1 and 2 QALM compared to COC and PROG. CONCLUSIONS: The results indicate that first-line use of the LNG-IUS is the dominant therapeutic option (less costly and more effective) in comparison with first-line use of COC or PROG for the treatment of DUB in Spain. LNG-IUS as first line is also the option that provides greatest health-related quality of life to patients.


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The objective of this work was to characterize the chemical properties of white oat (Avena sativa) caryopsis and to determine the adaptability and stability of cultivars recommended for cultivation in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The trials were carried out in the 2007, 2008 and 2009 crop seasons, in three municipalities: Augusto Pestana, Capão do Leão, and Passo Fundo. Fifteen cultivars were evaluated in a randomized block design, with four replicates. The contents of protein, lipid, and nitrogen-free extract were evaluated in the caryopsis. Cultivar performances for the measured characters varied according to location and year of cultivation. The cultivar URS Guapa showed high content of nitrogen-free extract and low contents of protein and lipid in the caryopsis. 'FAPA Louise' showed high content of lipid, whereas 'Albasul', 'UPF 15', and 'UPF 18' showed high content of protein and low content of nitrogen-free extract. There is no evidence of an ideal biotype for the evaluated characters, which could simultaneously show high average performance, adaptability to favorable and unfavorable environments, and stability.


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The objective of this work was to evaluate the dry matter production of elephant grass (Pennisetum purpureum) genotypes, managed under intermittent stocking. A completely randomized design was used, with two genotypes and three replicates. The treatments consisted of factorial combinations (2x2x2) of genotypes ('BRS Kurumi' and the clone CNPGL 00‑1‑3), two light interception levels (LI) at the onset of grazing (90 and 95%), and two post‑grazing canopy heights (30 and 50 cm). A total of 24 Holstein x Zebu crossbred heifers were used. The stocking density varied in order to finish the grazing periods in two days. The interval between the defoliation, based on 95% LI, resulted in a higher leaf mass per grazing cycle. The post‑grazing height of 30 cm did not affect the number of grazing cycles but provided a greater herbage accumulation rate. The cultivar BRS Kurumi has higher pasture growth, lower rest period, and greater number of grazing cycles, which results in increased forage production in the growing season.


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The objective of this work was to evaluate the growth of the mangrove oyster Crassostrea gasar cultured in marine and estuarine environments. Oysters were cultured for 11 months in a longline system in two study sites - São Francisco do Sul and Florianópolis -, in the state of Santa Catarina, Southern Brazil. Water chlorophyll-α concentration, temperature, and salinity were measured weekly. The oysters were measured monthly (shell size and weight gain) to assess growth. At the end of the culture period, the average wet flesh weight, dry flesh weight, and shell weight were determined, as well as the distribution of oysters per size class. Six nonlinear models (logistic, exponential, Gompertz, Brody, Richards, and Von Bertalanffy) were adjusted to the oyster growth data set. Final mean shell sizes were higher in São Francisco do Sul than in Florianópolis. In addition, oysters cultured in São Francisco do Sul were more uniformly distributed in the four size classes than those cultured in Florianópolis. The highest average values of wet flesh weight and shell weight were observed in São Francisco do Sul, whereas dry flesh weight did not differ between the sites. The estuary environment is more promising for the cultivation of oysters.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar clones de cajueiro como porta-enxertos para quatro genótipos-copa. Foram avaliados como porta-enxertos os clones CCP 06, CCP 09, CCP 76, CCP 1001, Embrapa 50, Embrapa 51, BRS 189, BRS 226, BRS 253, BRS 265, BRS 274 e BRS 275 e, como copas, os clones CCP 76, BRS 189, BRS 226 e BRS 274. Aos 60 dias após a semeadura, os porta-enxertos foram avaliados quanto às características biométricas e quanto às taxas de germinação e de aptidão à enxertia. Aos 80 dias após a enxertia, foram avaliadas as taxas de sucesso da enxertia, a aptidão para o plantio e as características biométricas das mudas. Houve correlação negativa entre massa de semente e taxas de germinação e de aptidão à enxertia. BRS 226, BRS 253 e BRS 274 apresentaram taxas insatisfatórias de germinação e de aptidão à enxertia. As maiores taxas de plantas aptas ao plantio, para a copa CCP 76, ocorreram nos porta-enxertos CCP 06, CCP 76 e CCP 1001; para BRS 189, destacou-se o CCP 06; para BRS 226, destacaram-se CCP 06, Embrapa 50, Embrapa 51, BRS 189 e BRS 265; e, para BRS 274, os porta-enxertos CCP 06, CCP 76, CCP 1001, Embrapa 50, Embrapa 51 e BRS 189.


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The objective of this work was to evaluate the contribution of efficient nitrogen-fixing rhizobial strains to grain yield of new cowpea cultivars, indicated for cultivation in the Brazilian Semiarid region, in the sub-medium of the São Francisco River Valley. Two experiments were set up at the irrigated perimeters of Mandacaru (Juazeiro, state of Bahia) and Bebedouro (Petrolina, state of Pernambuco). The treatments consisted of single inoculation of five rhizobial strains - BR 3267, BR 3262, INPA 03-11B, UFLA 03-84 (Bradyrhizobiumsp.), and BR 3299T(Microvirga vignae) -, besides a treatment with nitrogen and a control without inoculation or N application. The following cowpea cultivars were evaluated: BRS Pujante, BRS Tapaihum, BRS Carijó, and BRS Acauã. A randomized complete block design, with four replicates, was used. Inoculated plants showed similar grain yield to the one observed with plants fertilized with 80 kg ha-1 N. The cultivars BRS Tapaihum and BRS Pujante stood out in grain yield and protein contents when inoculated, showing their potential for cultivation in the sub-medium of the São Francisco River Valley.