1000 resultados para Ménélik II


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L’objectiu d’aquest projecte ha estat identificar i analitzar els rituals funeraris a celebrats als suburbis de Tàrraco i el seu territorium. Per tal d’assolir-lo hem revisat col•leccions de museus, arxius i informes arqueològics arribant a documentar 721 enterraments. A través de la recerca, hem estudiat les peculiaritats i els elements d’aixovar que les tombes presenten amb el suport de les fonts escrites. Hem detectat pràctiques rituals com ara libacions, sacrificis i objectes relacionats amb ofrenes funeràries a l’exterior de les tombes. Hem documentat certa una uniformitat general i repetiva pel que fa a la selecció dels aixovars funerari. No obstant això, hi ha algunes diferències sobretot en aixovars que provenen de les tombes d’individus morts prematurament (individus no casats, infants). També s’ha constatat una diferència sexual entre dones i homes pel que fa als objectes d’aixovar. Hem utilitzat l’evidència arqueològica i literària per tal de trobar el significat d’aquests artefactes quotidians que canvien de significat quan entren en contacte amb els morts. En revisar la informació procedent d’excavacions hem identificat espais rituals específics dins de la necròpolis com jardins funeraris i ustrina. Aquest estudi ha explorat la manera com l’arqueologia ens permeten identificar les pràctiques rituals dins les àrees funeràries. L’estudi de materials arqueològics documentats als estrats de freqüentació de les necròpolis ens ha permès detectar l’evidència material de la ritualitat.


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Triatoma rubrovaria has become the most frequently captured triatomine species after the control of T. infestans in the State of Rio Grande do Sul (RS), Brazil. Isoenzymatic and chromatic studies indicate the existence of, at least, two distinct phenotypic patterns of T. rubrovaria in RS. The geographic variation noted through molecular tools may also result in distinct profiles of vectorial potentiality. In order to enhance our understanding of the bionomic knowledge of T. rubrovaria separate batches of the species were collected from different municipalities of RS distant from 72 to 332 km: Santana do Livramento (natural ecotope), Santana do Livramento (artificial ecotope), Santiago (natural ecotope), Canguçu (peridomicile) and Encruzilhada do Sul (natural ecotope). A total of 285 specimens were collected, 85 specimens kept sufficient fecal material in their guts for the precipitin analysis. The results indicated the food eclecticism for this species and the anti-rodent serum showed the highest positivity in most localities. From the total of analyzed samples, only 1.3% of unique positivity for human blood was registered, all of them for Santiago population. This reactivity to human blood may be associated to pastures activities in the field.


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Clinically, heart failure is an age-dependent pathological phenomenon and displays sex-specific characteristics. The renin-angiotensin system mediates cardiac pathology in heart failure. This study investigated the sexually dimorphic functional effects of ageing combined with angiotensin II (AngII) on cardiac muscle cell function, twitch and Ca(2+)-handling characteristics of isolated cardiomyocytes from young (~13 weeks) and aged (~87 weeks) adult wild type (WT) and AngII-transgenic (TG) mice. We hypothesised that AngII-induced contractile impairment would be exacerbated in aged female cardiomyocytes and linked to Ca(2+)-handling disturbances. AngII-induced cardiomyocyte hypertrophy was evident in young adult mice of both sexes and accentuated by age (aged adult ~21-23 % increases in cell length relative to WT). In female AngII-TG mice, ageing was associated with suppressed cardiomyocyte contractility (% shortening, maximum rate of shortening, maximum rate of relaxation). This was associated with delayed cytosolic Ca(2+) removal during twitch relaxation (Tau ~20 % increase relative to young adult female WT), and myofilament responsiveness to Ca(2+) was maintained. In contrast, aged AngII-TG male cardiomyocytes exhibited peak shortening equivalent to young TG; yet, myofilament Ca(2+) responsiveness was profoundly reduced with ageing. Increased pro-arrhythmogenic spontaneous activity was evident with age and cardiac AngII overexpression in male mice (42-55 % of myocytes) but relatively suppressed in female aged transgenic mice. Female myocytes with elevated AngII appear more susceptible to an age-related contractile deficit, whereas male AngII-TG myocytes preserve contractile function with age but exhibit desensitisation of myofilaments to Ca(2+) and a heightened vulnerability to arrhythmic activity. These findings support the contention that sex-specific therapies are required for the treatment of age-progressive heart failure.


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We conducted monthly snail captures in Bananal, State of São Paulo, Brazil, between March 1998 and February 2001, to identify Schistosoma mansoni vectors, estimate seasonal population changes, and delimit foci. We also evaluated the impact of improvements in city water supply and basic sanitation facilities. We identified 28,651 vector specimens, 28,438 as Biomphalaria tenagophila, 49 of them (0.2%) infected with S. mansoni, and 213 as B. straminea, none of the latter infected. Vectors predominated in water bodies having some vegetation along their banks. Neither population density nor local vegetation could be linked to vector infection. We found the first infected snails in 1998 (from March to May). Further captures of infected snails ocurred, without exception, from July to December, when rainfall was least. Irrespective of season, overall temperature ranged from 16.5ºC to 21ºC; pH values, from 6.0 to 6.8. Neither factor was associated with snail population density. Frequent contact of people with the river result from wading across it, extracting sand from its bottom, fishing, washing animals, etc. Despite a marked reduction in contamination, cercaria shedding persists. Whatever the location along its urban course, contact with river Bananal, particularly of the unprotected skin, entails risks of infection.


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DNA methylation has an important impact on normal cell physiology, thus any defects in this mechanism may be related to the development of various diseases In this project we are interested in identifying epigeneticaliy modified genes, in general controlled by processes related to the DNA methylation, by means of a new strategy combining protomic and genomic analyses. First, the two Dimensional-Difference Gel Electrophoresis (2-DIGE) protein analyses of extracts obtained from HCT-116 wt and double knockout for DNMT1 and DNMT3b (DKO) cells revealed 34 proteins overexpressed in the condition of DNMTs depletion. From five genes with higher transcript lavels in DKO cells, comparing with HCT-116 wt. oniy AKR1B1, UCHLl and VIM are melhylated in HCT-116. As expected. the DNA methvlation 1s lost in DKO cells. The rneth,vl ation of VIM and UCHLl promoters in some cancer samples has already been repaired, thus further studies has been focused on AKRlBI. AKR1B1 expression due lo DNA methyiaton of promoter region seems to occur specilfically in the colon cancer cell Iines. which was confirmed in the DNA rnethylation status and expression analyses. performed on 32 different cancer cell lines (including colon, breast, lymphoma, leukemia, neuroblastoma, glioma and lung cancer cell Iines) as well as normal colon and normal lymphocytes samples. AKRIBI expression after treatments with DNA demethvlating agent (AZA) was rescued in 5 coloncancer cell lines (including genetic regulation of the candidate gene. The methylation status of the rest of the genes identified in proteomic analysis was checked by methylation specific PCR (MSP) experiment and all appeared to be unmethylated. The similar research has been done also bv means of Mecp2-null mouse model For 14 selected candidate genes the analyses of expression leveis, methylation Status and MeCP2 interaction with promoters are currently being performed.


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Seven species of Beatogordius (Nematomorpha) have been reported from South America. A reinvestigation could not reproduce a number of determinations indicated in the literature. B. deshayesi has been a misinterpretation and the status of B. irregularis appears to be very uncertain, because no generic characters could be found. The descriptions of B. alfredi and B. latastei confirm that these species belong to South America only. In B. abaiconus we found adhesive warts anterior of the male cloacal opening. These structures were to date only known from the genus Gordionus. In the posterior end of females from B. alfredi and B. variabilis, short paired rows of bristles were present which had to date only been known from the African species B. equinatus. Two new species, B. funis and B. palustre could be added to the genus.


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The main goal of psychosocial rehabilitation is to compensate the vulnerability underlying psychiatric disorders through intermediate institutions when the persistence and recurrence of these disorders have led to social and professional exclusion. Intermediate institutions refer to services which allow transition between the state of dependence on the hospital to the state of relative autonomy in social community. Psychosocial rehabilitation is a comprehensive approach which link the type of interventions: treatment, rehabilitation and support integrated in multimodal and individualized programs. A study of the out-patients followed by the rehabilitation unit of the psychiatric department in Lausanne has shown that provision of services is divided into 60% for rehabilitation, 20% for treatment and 20% for support independently of the psychiatric disorders. The implementation of these programs necessitates institutional support from psychiatric hospital to outpatient clinics through different types of facilities in order to offer a medical and psychosocial device of rehabilitation into the community


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Angiostrongylus costaricensis intermediate hosts are terrestrial mollusks mostly belonging to the Veronicellidae family. In the present investigation we focused on the mechanisms of larval expulsion from Sarasinula marginata infected with A. costaricensis. Twenty-five mollusks were individually infected with 5000 L1 and sacrificed at 30 min and 1, 2, 4, 6, and 8 h post-infection and at days 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 20, 21, 22, 25, 26, 28, and 30 post-infection; the mollusks were then fixed and stained. Diverse organs involved throughout the course of the migratory routes of larvae from oral penetration on were specified and the mechanisms of larval access to the fibromuscular layer through the kidney, rectum, and vascular system were defined. The elimination of L3, derived from oral and/or cutaneous infections, appears to depend on granulomas located close to the excretory ducts of mucous cells.


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It is well known that the renin-angiotensin system contributes to left ventricular hypertrophy and fibrosis, a major determinant of myocardial stiffness. TGF-β1 and renin-angiotensin system signaling alters the fibroblast phenotype by promoting its differentiation into morphologically distinct pathological myofibroblasts, which potentiates collagen synthesis and fibrosis and causes enhanced extracellular matrix deposition. However, the atrial natriuretic peptide, which is induced during left ventricular hypertrophy, plays an anti-fibrogenic and anti-hypertrophic role by blocking, among others, the TGF-β-induced nuclear localization of Smads. It is not clear how the hypertrophic and fibrotic responses are transcriptionally regulated. CLP-1, the mouse homolog of human hexamethylene bis-acetamide inducible-1 (HEXIM-1), regulates the pTEFb activity via direct association with pTEFb causing inhibition of the Cdk9-mediated serine 2 phosphorylation in the carboxyl-terminal domain of RNA polymerase II. It was recently reported that the serine kinase activity of Cdk9 not only targets RNA polymerase II but also the conserved serine residues of the polylinker region in Smad3, suggesting that CLP-1-mediated changes in pTEFb activity may trigger Cdk9-dependent Smad3 signaling that can modulate collagen expression and fibrosis. In this study, we evaluated the role of CLP-1 in vivo in induction of left ventricular hypertrophy in angiotensinogen-overexpressing transgenic mice harboring CLP-1 heterozygosity. We observed that introduction of CLP-1 haplodeficiency in the transgenic α-myosin heavy chain-angiotensinogen mice causes prominent changes in hypertrophic and fibrotic responses accompanied by augmentation of Smad3/Stat3 signaling. Together, our findings underscore the critical role of CLP-1 in remodeling of the genetic response during hypertrophy and fibrosis.


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Of the 110 dentists who had presented seroconversion 50 days after the intradermal application of three 2 µg doses of the Belgian recombinant vaccine against hepatitis B (HB), administered eight years before at an interval of one month between the 1st and 2nd doses and of five months between the 2nd and 3rd doses, 51 were included for the assessment of the persistence of immunity. None of the dentists had hepatitis or had received HB vaccine during this period. All subjects were submitted to serological tests for the detection of the following markers of hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection: HBsAg, anti-HBc, HBeAg, anti-HBe, and anti-HBs, with no HBsAg, anti-HBc, HBeAg or anti-HBe being detected. A microparticle enzyme immunoassay (MEIA) revealed the presence of anti-HBs at protective titers (> 10 mIU/ml) in 42 dentists (82.4%), with the anti-HBs titer being higher than 100 mIU/ml in 36 of them (70.6%) (good responders), between 10 and 100 mIU/ml in 6 (11.8%) (poor responders), and lower than 10 mIU/ml in 9 (17.6%) (non-responders). According to clinical data and serological tests, none of the dentists had presented disease or latent HBV infection during the eight years following the first vaccination. A 2 µg booster dose was administered intradermally to eight dentists with anti-HBs titers lower than 10 mIU/ml (non-responders) and to six dentists with titers ranging from 10 to 100 mIU/ml (poor responders); the determination of anti-HBs one month later demonstrated the occurrence of seroconversion in the eight non-responders and an increase in anti-HBs titer in the six poor responders. In summary, the present results demonstrated the prolonged persistence of protection against HBV infection and the development of immunologic memory provided by vaccination against HB - with intra-dermal application of three 2 µg doses of the Belgian recombinant vaccine at 0, 1, and 6 months - carried out eight years before in 51 dentists.


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Angiotensin II (AII), a product of rennin-angiotensin system, exerts an important role on the function of immune system cells. In this study, the effect of AII on the phagocytic activity of mouse peritoneal macrophages was assessed. Mice peritoneal macrophages were cultured for 48 h and the influence of different concentrations of AII (10-14 to 10-7 M) and/or losartan, 10-16 to 10-6 M), an AT1 angiotensin receptor antagonist, on phagocytic activity and superoxide anion production was determined. Dimethylthiazoldiphenyltetrazolium bromide reduction and the nucleic acid content were used to assess the cytotoxicity of losartan. A stimulatory effect on phagocytic activity (P < 0.05) was observed with 10-13 M and 10-12 M AII concentrations. The addition of losartan (up to10-14 M) to the cell cultures blocked (P < 0.001) the phagocytosis indicating the involvement of AT1 receptors. In contrast, superoxide anion production was not affected by AII or losartan. The existence of AT1 and AT2 receptors in peritoneal macrophages was demonstrated by immunofluorescence microscopy. These results support the hypothesis that AII receptors can modulate murine macrophage activity and phagocytosis, and suggest that AII may have a therapeutic role as an immunomodulatory agent in modifying the host resistance to infection.


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This study aimed at implementing a Nested-polymerase chain reaction (Nested-PCR) for the molecular diagnosis of human T-cell lymphotropic virus type I/II (HTLV-I and HTLV-II) infections in peripheral blood mononuclear cells of infected subjects in Argentina. The sensitivity and specificity of the assay for the detection of regional strains were assessed by comparing them with the molecular assay of reference PCR-hybridization. The Nested-PCR detected 1 MT-2 cell (³ 8 proviral copies)/1x106 non-infected cells showing high sensitivity for provirus detection. While both molecular assays showed high specificity (100%) for HTLV-I and HTLV-II detection, the sensitivity values differed: 100% for Nested-PCR and 67% for PCR-hybridization assay. Moreover, this technique showed less sensitivity for the detection of DNA sequences of HTLV-II (33%) than for the detection of DNA sequences of HTLV-I (75%). The high sensitivity and specificity of the Nested-PCR for regional strains and its low costs indicate that this assay could replace the PCR-hybridization assay for the molecular diagnosis of HTLV-I/II infections. It will be interesting to assess the usefulness of this assay as a tool for the molecular diagnosis of HTLV-I/II infections in other developing countries. Other studies that include a greater number of samples should be conducted.