961 resultados para Latent heat loss


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Marinesco-Sjögren syndrome (MSS) is a rare autosomal recessive neurodegenerative disorder characterized by cerebellar ataxia due to cerebellar cortical atrophy, infantile- or childhood-onset bilateral cataracts, progressive myopathy, and mild to severe mental retardation. Additional features include hypergonadotropic hypogonadism, various skeletal abnormalities, short stature, and strabismus. The neuroradiologic hallmarks are hypoplasia of both the vermis and cerebellar hemispheres. The histopathologic findings include severe cerebellar atrophy and loss of Purkinje and granule cells. The common pathologic findings in muscle biopsy are variation in muscle fiber size, atrophic fibers, fatty replacement, and rimmed vacuole formation. The presence of marked cerebellar atrophy with myopathy distinguishes MSS from another rare syndrome, the congenital cataracts, facial dysmorphism, and neuropathy syndrome (CCFDN). Previously, work by others had resulted in the identification of an MSS locus on chromosome 5q31. A subtype of MSS with myoglobinuria and neuropathy had been linked to the CCFDN locus on chromosome 18qter, at which mutations in the CTDP1 gene had been identified. We confirmed linkage to the previously identified locus on chromosome 5q31 in two Finnish families with eight affected individuals, reduced the critical region by fine-mapping, and identified SIL1 as a gene underlying MSS. We found a common homozygous founder mutation in all Finnish patients. The same mutation was also present in patient samples from Norway and Sweden. Altogether, we identified eight mutations in SIL1, including nonsense, frameshift, splice site alterations, and one missense mutation. SIL1 encodes a nucleotide exchange factor for the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) resident heat-shock protein 70 chaperone GRP78. GRP78 functions in protein synthesis and quality control of the newly synthesized polypeptides. It senses and responds to stressful cellular conditions. We showed that in mice, SIL1 and GRP78 show highly similar spatial and temporal tissue expression in developing and mature brain, eye, and muscle. Studying endogenous proteins in mouse primary hippocampal neurons, we found that SIL1 and GRP78 colocalize and that SIL1 localizes to the ER. We studied the subcellular localization of two mutant proteins, a missense mutant found in two patients and an artificial mutant lacking the ER retrieval signal, and found that both mutant proteins formed aggregates within the ER. Well in line with our findings and the clinical features of MSS, recent work by Zhao et al. showed that a truncation of SIL1 causes ataxia and cerebellar Purkinje cell loss in the naturally occurring woozy mutant mouse. Prior to Purkinje cell degeneration, the unfolded protein response is initiated and abnormal protein accumulations are present. MSS thus joins the group of protein misfolding and accumulation diseases. These findings highlight the importance of SIL1 and the role of the ER in neuronal function and survival. The results presented in this thesis provide tools for the molecular genetic diagnostics of MSS and give a basis for future studies on the molecular pathogenesis of MSS. Understanding the mechanisms behind this pleiotropic syndrome may provide insights into more common forms of ataxia, myopathy, and neurodegeneration.


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Latent transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta) binding proteins (LTBPs) -1, -3 and -4 are ECM components whose major function is to augment the secretion and matrix targeting of TGF-beta, a multipotent cytokine. LTBP-2 does not bind small latent TGF-beta but has suggested functions as a structural protein in ECM microfibrils. In the current work we focused on analyzing possible adhesive functions of LTBP-2 as well as on characterizing the kinetics and regulation of LTBP-2 secretion and ECM deposition. We also explored the role of TGF-beta binding LTBPs in endothelial cells activated to mimic angiogenesis as well as in malignant mesothelioma. We found that, unlike most adherent cells, several melanoma cell lines efficiently adhered to purified recombinant LTBP-2. Further characterization revealed that the adhesion was mediated by alpha3beta1 and alpha6beta1 integrins. Heparin also inhibited the melanoma cell adhesion suggesting a role for heparan sulphate proteoglycans. LTBP-2 was also identified as a haptotactic substrate for melanoma cell migration. We used cultured human embryonic lung fibroblasts to analyze the temporal and spatial association of LTBP-2 into ECM. By We found that LTBP-2 was efficiently assembled to the ECM only in confluent cultures following the deposition of fibronectin (FN) and fibrillin-1. In early, subconfluent cultures it remained primarily in soluble form after secretion. LTBP-2 colocalized transiently with FN and fibrillin-1. Silencing of fibrillin-1 expression by lentiviral shRNAs profoundly disrupted the deposition of LTBP-2 indicating that the ECM association of LTBP-2 depends on a pre-formed fibrillin-1 network. Considering the established role of TGF-beta as a regulator of angiogenesis we induced morphological activation of endothelial cells by phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA) and followed the fate of LTBP-1 in the endothelial ECM. This resulted in profound proteolytic processing of LTBP-1 and release of latent TGF-beta complexes from the ECM. The processing was coupled with increased activation of MT-MMPs and specific upregulation of MT1-MMP. The major role of MT1-MMP in the proteolysis of LTBP-1 was confirmed by suppressing the expression with lentivirally induced short-hairpin RNAs as well as by various metalloproteinases inhibitors. TGF-beta can promote tumorigenesis of malignant mesothelioma (MM), which is an aggressive tumor of the pleura with poor prognosis. TGF-beta activity was analyzed in a panel of MM tumors by immunohistochemical staining of phosphorylated Smad-2 (P-Smad2). The tumor cells were strongly positive for P-Smad2 whereas LTBP-1 immunoreactivity was abundant in the stroma, and there was a negative correlation between LTBP-1 and P-Smad2 staining. In addition, the high P-Smad2 immunoreactivity correlated with shorter survival of patients. mRNA analysis revealed that TGF-beta1 was the most highly expressed isoform in both normal human pleura and MM tissue. LTBP-1 and LTBP-3 were both abundantly expressed. LTBP-1 was the predominant isoform in established MM cell lines whereas the expression of LTBP-3 was high in control cells. Suppression of LTBP-3 expression by siRNAs resulted in increased TGF-beta activity in MM cell lines accompanied by decreased proliferation. Our results suggest that decreased expression of LTBP-3 in MM could alter the targeting of TGF-beta to the ECM and lead to its increased activation. The current work emphasizes the coordinated process of the assembly and appropriate targeting of LTBPs with distinct adhesive or cytokine harboring properties into the ECM. The hierarchical assembly may have implications in the modulation of signaling events during morphogenesis and tissue remodeling.


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The rapid data acquisition, natural fluorescence rejection and experimental ease are the advantages of the ultra-fast Raman loss scattering (URLS) which makes it a unique and valuable molecular structure-determining technique. URLS is an analogue of stimulated Raman scattering (SRS) but far more sensitive than SRS. It involves the interaction of two laser sources, viz. a picosecond (ps) pulse and white light, with the sample leading to the generation of loss signal on the higher energy (blue) side with respect to the wavelength of the ps pulse, unlike the gain signal observed on the red side in SRS. These loss signals are at least 1.5 times more intense than the SRS signals. Also, the very prerequisite of the experimental protocol for signal detection to be on the higher energy side by design eliminates the interference from fluorescence, which always appears on the red side. Unlike coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering, URLS signals are not precluded by non-resonant background under resonance condition and also being a self-phase matched process, it is experimentally easier.


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Data on free convection heat transfer to water and mercury are collected using a test rig in vertical annuli of three radii ratios, the walls of which are maintained at uniform temperatures. A theoretical analysis of the boundary layer equations has been attempted using local similarity transformation and double boundary layer approach. Correlations derived from the present theoretical analysis are compared with the analysis and the experimental data available in literature for non-metallic fluids and also with the present experimental data on water and mercury. Generalised correlations are set up for expressing the ratio of heat transferred by convection to the heat transferred by pure conduction and Nusselt's number, in terms of Grashof, Rayleigh and Prandtl numbers, based on the theoretical analysis and the present data on mercury and water. The present generalised correlations agree with the reported and present data for non-metallic fluids and liquid metals with an average deviation of 9% and maximum deviation of ± 13.7%.


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Latent class and genetic analyses were used to identify subgroups of migraine sufferers in a community sample of 6,265 Australian twins (55% female) aged 25-36 who had completed an interview based on International Headache Society (IHS) criteria. Consistent with prevalence rates from other population-based studies, 703 (20%) female and 250 (9%) male twins satisfied the IHS criteria for migraine without aura (MO), and of these, 432 (13%) female and 166 (6%) male twins satisfied the criteria for migraine with aura (MA) as indicated by visual symptoms. Latent class analysis (LCA) of IHS symptoms identified three major symptomatic classes, representing 1) a mild form of recurrent nonmigrainous headache, 2) a moderately severe form of migraine, typically without visual aura symptoms (although 40% of individuals in this class were positive for aura), and 3) a severe form of migraine typically with visual aura symptoms (although 24% of individuals were negative for aura). Using the LCA classification, many more individuals were considered affected to some degree than when using IHS criteria (35% vs. 13%). Furthermore, genetic model fitting indicated a greater genetic contribution to migraine using the LCA classification (heritability, h(2)=0.40; 95% CI, 0.29-0.46) compared with the IHS classification (h(2)=0.36; 95% CI, 0.22-0.42). Exploratory latent class modeling, fitting up to 10 classes, did not identify classes corresponding to either the IHS MO or MA classification. Our data indicate the existence of a continuum of severity, with MA more severe but not etiologically distinct from MO. In searching for predisposing genes, we should therefore expect to find some genes that may underlie all major recurrent headache subtypes, with modifying genetic or environmental factors that may lead to differential expression of the liability for migraine.


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For zygosity diagnosis in the absence of genotypic data, or in the recruitment phase of a twin study where only single twins from same-sex pairs are being screened, or to provide a test for sample duplication leading to the false identification of a dizygotic pair as monozygotic, the appropriate analysis of respondents' answers to questions about zygosity is critical. Using data from a young adult Australian twin cohort (N = 2094 complete pairs and 519 singleton twins from same-sex pairs with complete responses to all zygosity items), we show that application of latent class analysis (LCA), fitting a 2-class model, yields results that show good concordance with traditional methods of zygosity diagnosis, but with certain important advantages. These include the ability, in many cases, to assign zygosity with specified probability on the basis of responses of a single informant (advantageous when one zygosity type is being oversampled); and the ability to quantify the probability of misassignment of zygosity, allowing prioritization of cases for genotyping as well as identification of cases of probable laboratory error. Out of 242 twins (from 121 like-sex pairs) where genotypic data were available for zygosity confirmation, only a single case was identified of incorrect zygosity assignment by the latent class algorithm. Zygosity assignment for that single case was identified by the LCA as uncertain (probability of being a monozygotic twin only 76%), and the co-twin's responses clearly identified the pair as dizygotic (probability of being dizygotic 100%). In the absence of genotypic data, or as a safeguard against sample duplication, application of LCA for zygosity assignment or confirmation is strongly recommended.


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Abstract is not available.


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The prevalence of latent autoimmune diabetes in adults (LADA) in patients diagnosed with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) ranges from 7 to 10% (1). They present at a younger age and have a lower BMI but poorer glycemic control, which may increase the risk of complications (2). However, a recent analysis of the Collaborative Atorvastatin Diabetes Study (CARDS) has demonstrated no difference in macrovascular or microvascular events between patients with LADA and T2DM, but neuropathy was not assessed (3). Previous studies quantifying neuropathy in patients with LADA are limited. In this study, we aimed to accurately quantify neuropathy in subjects with LADA compared with matched patients with T2DM.


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Statistical studies of rainfed maize yields in the United States(1) and elsewhere(2) have indicated two clear features: a strong negative yield response to accumulation of temperatures above 30 degrees C (or extreme degree days (EDD)), and a relatively weak response to seasonal rainfall. Here we show that the process-based Agricultural Production Systems Simulator (APSIM) is able to reproduce both of these relationships in the Midwestern United States and provide insight into underlying mechanisms. The predominant effects of EDD in APSIM are associated with increased vapour pressure deficit, which contributes to water stress in two ways: by increasing demand for soil water to sustain a given rate of carbon assimilation, and by reducing future supply of soil water by raising transpiration rates. APSIM computes daily water stress as the ratio of water supply to demand, and during the critical month of July this ratio is three times more responsive to 2 degrees C warming than to a 20% precipitation reduction. The results suggest a relatively minor role for direct heat stress on reproductive organs at present temperatures in this region. Effects of elevated CO2 on transpiration efficiency should reduce yield sensitivity to EDD in the coming decades, but at most by 25%.


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There is a world-wide trend for deteriorating water quality and light levels in the coastal zone, and this has been linked to declines in seagrass abundance. Localized management of seagrass meadow health requires that water quality guidelines for meeting seagrass growth requirements are available. Tropical seagrass meadows are diverse and can be highly dynamic and we have used this dynamism to identify light thresholds in multi-specific meadows dominated by Halodule uninervis in the northern Great Barrier Reef, Australia. Seagrass cover was measured at similar to 3 month intervals from 2008 to 2011 at three sites: Magnetic Island (MI) Dunk Island (DI) and Green Island (GI). Photosynthetically active radiation was continuously measured within the seagrass canopy, and three light metrics were derived. Complete seagrass loss occurred at MI and DI and at these sites changes in seagrass cover were correlated with the three light metrics. Mean daily irradiance (I-d) above 5 and 8.4 mol m(-2) d(-1) was associated with gains in seagrass at MI and DI, however a significant correlation (R = 0.649, p < 0.05) only occurred at MI. The second metric, percent of days below 3 mol m(-2) d(-1), correlated the most strongly (MI, R = -0.714, p < 0.01 and DI, R = -0.859, p = <0.001) with change in seagrass cover with 16-18% of days below 3 mol m(-2) d(-1) being associated with more than 50% seagrass loss. The third metric, the number of hours of light saturated irradiance (H-sat) was calculated using literature-derived data on saturating irradiance (E-k). H-sat correlated well (R = 0.686, p <0.01; and DI, R = 0.704, p < 0.05) with change in seagrass abundance, and was very consistent between the two sites as 4 H-sat was associated with increases in seagrass abundance at both sites, and less than 4 H-sat with more than 50% loss. At the third site (GI), small seasonal losses of seagrass quickly recovered during the growth season and the light metrics did not correlate (p > 0.05) with change in percent cover, except for I-d which was always high, but correlated with change in seagrass cover. Although distinct light thresholds were observed, the departure from threshold values was also important. For example, light levels that are well below the thresholds resulted in more severe loss of seagrass than those just below the threshold. Environmental managers aiming to achieve optimal seagrass growth conditions can use these threshold light metrics as guidelines; however, other environmental conditions, including seasonally varying temperature and nutrient availability, will influence seagrass responses above and below these thresholds. (C) 2012 Published by Elsevier Ltd.


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This thesis reports on investigations into the influence of heat treatment on the manufacturing of oat flakes. Sources of variation in the oat flake quality are reviewed, including the whole chain from the farm to the consumer. The most important quality parameters of oat flakes are the absence of lipid hydrolysing enzymes, specific weight, thickness, breakage (fines), water absorption. Flavour, colour and pasting properties are also important, but were not included in the experimental part of this study. Of particular interest was the role of heat processing. The first possible heat treatment may occur already during grain drying, which in Finland generally happens at the farm. At the mill, oats are often kilned to stabilise the product by inactivating lipid hydrolysing enzymes. Almost invariably steaming is used during flaking, to soften the groats and reduce flake breakage. This thesis presents the use of a material science approach to investigating a complex system, typical of food processes. A combination of fundamental and empirical rheological measurements was used together with a laboratory scale process to simulate industrial processing. The results were verified by means of industrial trials. Industrially produced flakes at three thickness levels (nominally 0.75, 0.85 and 0.90 mm) were produced from kilned and unkilned oat groats, and the flake strength was measured at different moisture contents. Kilning was not found to significantly affect the force required to puncture a flake with a 2mm cylindrical probe, which was taken as a measure of flake strength. To further investigate how heat processing contributes to flake quality, dynamic mechanical analysis was used to characterise the effect of heat on the mechanical properties of oats. A marked stiffening of the groat, of up to about 50% increase in storage modulus, was observed during first heating at around 36 to 57°C. This was also observed in tablets prepared from ground groats and extracted oat starch. This stiffening was thus attributed to increased adhesion between starch granules. Groats were steamed in a laboratory steamer and were tempered in an oven at 80 110°C for 30 90 min. The maximum force required to compress the steamed groats to 50% strain increased from 50.7 N to 57.5 N as the tempering temperature was increased from 80 to 110°C. Tempering conditions also affected water absorption. A significantly higher moisture content was observed for kilned (18.9%) compared to unkilned (17.1%) groats, but otherwise had no effect on groat height, maximum force or final force after a 5 s relaxation time. Flakes were produced from the tempered groats using a laboratory flaking machine, using a roll gap of 0.4 mm. Apart from specific weight, flake properties were not influenced by kilning. Tempering conditions however had significant effects on the specific weight, thickness and water absorption of the flakes, as well as on the amount of fine material (<2 mm) produced during flaking. Flake strength correlated significantly with groat strength and flake thickness. Trial flaking at a commercial mill confirmed that groat temperature after tempering influenced water absorption. Variation in flake strength was observed , but at the groat temperatures required to inactivate lipase, it was rather small. Cold flaking of groats resulted in soft, floury flakes. The results presented in this thesis suggest that heating increased the adhesion between starch granules. This resulted in an increase in the stiffness and brittleness of the groat. Brittle fracture, rather than plastic flow, during flaking could result in flaws and cracks in the flake. These would be expected to increase water absorption. This was indeed observed as tempering temperature increased. Industrial trials, conducted with different groat temperatures, confirmed the main findings of the laboratory experiments. The approach used in the present study allowed the systematic study of the effect of interacting process parameters on product quality. There have been few scientific studies of oat processing, and these results can be used to understand the complex effects of process variables on flake quality. They also offer an insight into what happens as the oat groat is deformed into a flake.


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Introduction: Extreme heat events (both heat waves and extremely hot days) are increasing in frequency and duration globally and cause more deaths in Australia than any other extreme weather event. Numerous studies have demonstrated a link between extreme heat events and an increased risk of morbidity and death. In this study, the researchers sought to identify if extreme heat events in the Tasmanian population were associated with any changes in emergency department admissions to the Royal Hobart Hospital (RHH) for the period 2003-2010. Methods: Non-identifiable RHH emergency department data and climate data from the Australian Bureau of Meteorology were obtained for the period 2003-2010. Statistical analyses were conducted using the computer statistical computer software ‘R’ with a distributed lag non-linear model (DLNM) package used to fit a quassi-Poisson generalised linear regression model. Results: This study showed that RR of admission to RHH during 2003-2010 was significant over temperatures of 24 C with a lag effect lasting 12 days and main effect noted one day after the extreme heat event. Discussion: This study demonstrated that extreme heat events have a significant impact on public hospital admissions. Two limitations were identified: admissions data rather than presentations data were used and further analysis could be done to compare types of admissions and presentations between heat and non-heat events. Conclusion: With the impacts of climate change already being felt in Australia, public health organisations in Tasmania and the rest of Australia need to implement adaptation strategies to enhance resilience to protect the public from the adverse health effects of heat events and climate change.


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Adsorption of CO has been investigated on the surfaces of polycrystalline transition metals as well as alloys by employing electron energy loss spectroscopy (eels) and ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy (ups). CO adsorbs on polycrystalline transition metal surfaces with a multiplicity of sites, each being associated with a characteristic CO stretching frequency; the relative intensities vary with temperature as well as coverage. Whilst at low temperatures (80- 120 K), low coordination sites are stabilized, the higher coordination sites are stabilized at higher temperatures (270-300 K). Adsorption on surfaces of polycrystalline alloys gives characteristic stretching frequencies due to the constituent metal sites. Alloying, however, causes a shift in the stretching frequencies, indicating the effect of the band structure on the nature of adsorption. The up spectra provide confirmatory evidence for the existence of separate metal sites in the alloys as well as for the high-temperature and low-temperature phases of adsorbed CO.