969 resultados para Ladoga and Onego : great European lakes


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Due to the fast rate of peach post-harvest ripening, damage due to mechanical handling, externally appreciated as bruises and soft areas, is a real problem that leads to an early harvesting and poor quality of the fruits, as perceived by the consumers. More and more, the European consumer asks for good taste and freshness of fruits and vegetables, and these quality factors are not included in standards, nor in most of the producers' practices. Fruit processing and marketing centres (co-operatives) are increasingly interested in adopting quality controls in their processes. ISO 9000 procedures are being applied in some food areas, primarily milk and meat processors, but no generalised procedures have been developed until the present time to be applied to fresh product processes. All different peach and nectarine varieties that are harvested and handled in Murcia cooperatives and sold in a large supermarket in Madrid were analysed during the whole 1997 season (early May to late August). A total number of 78 samples of 25 fruits (co-operative) or 10 fruits (market), were tested in the laboratory for mechanical, optical, chemical and tasting quality. The variability and relationships between all these quality parameters are presented and discussed, and sampling unit sizes which would be advisable for quality control are calculated.


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In this letter , we report a new method for óptical switching based on the electro-optical properties of liquid crystal materials and, in particular, of the nematic type. The basis of this new method is the use of twisted wedge structure that has not been reported before elsewhere. In the past several years , great efforts in integrated optics have been made to develop optical switching devices with fast speed by using electro-optic, acousto-optic or magneto -optic materials. A mechanically operated óptical switch made of grade-index rod 1enses and e1ectromagnets has been proposed too . Switches of this kind include one input and two output waveguides and, depending on the app1ied voltage, one incident light on the switch exits either in one or another of the two output waveguides.


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This paper describes the preliminary results of an intercomparison of spectroradiometers for global (GNI) and direct normal incidence (DNI) irradiance in the visible (VIS) and near infrared (NIR) spectral regions together with an assessment of the impact these results may have on the calibration of triple-junction photovoltaic devices and on the relevant spectral mismatch calculation. The intercomparison was conducted by six European scientific laboratories and a Japanese industrial partner. Seven institutions and seven spectroradiometer systems, representing different technologies and manufacturers were involved, representing a good cross section of the todays available instrumentation for solar spectrum measurements.


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The area of mobile city guides has grown really fast in the last years based on new mobile capabilities. This growth has been fostered by the evolution of ubiquitous systems and the great penetration of smartphones in the society. In this paper we propose a generic model to support a new way of visiting the city: instead of as a place for tourism, we see it as a place for learning in which located educational resources are available for end users. The model has been conceived as a way to encourage them to create their own educational tours, in which Learning Points Of Interest are set up to be discovered. Two main use cases are supported by the model: formal (conducted by a teacher) and informal (no educator is related to the learning experience) outdoor mobile learning. Details about the impact of the conjunction of tourism, learning and gamification dimensions in the model design, as well as about the model itself are provided. Finally, a mobile application prototype developed in the context of the FI-CONTENT European project is presented as a proof of concept of the model.


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In this work we present the results and analysis of a 10 MeV proton irradiation experiment performed on III-V semiconductor materials and solar cells. A set of representative devices including lattice-matched InGaP/GaInAs/Ge triple junction solar cells and single junction GaAs and InGaP component solar cells and a Ge diode were irradiated for different doses. The devices were studied in-situ before and after each exposure at dark and 1 sun AM0 illumination conditions, using a solar simulator connected to the irradiation chamber through a borosilicate glass window. Ex-situ characterization techniques included dark and 1 sun AM0 illumination I-V measurements. Furthermore, numerical simulation of the devices using D-AMPS-1D code together with calculations based on the TRIM software were performed in order to gain physical insight on the experimental results. The experiment also included the proton irradiation of an unprocessed Ge solar cell structure as well as the irradiation of a bare Ge(100) substrate. Ex-situ material characterization, after radioactive deactivation of the samples, includes Raman spectroscopy and spectral reflectivity.


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Starting on June 2011, NGCPV is the first project funded jointly between the European Commission (EC) and the New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO) of Japan to research on new generation concentration photovoltaics (CPV). The Project, through a collaborative research between seven European and nine Japanese leading research centers in the field of CPV, aims at lowering the cost of the CPVproduced photovoltaic kWh down to 5 ?cents. The main objective of the project is to improve the present concentrator cell, module and system efficiency, as well as developing advanced characterization tools for CPV components and systems. As particular targets, the project aims at achieving a cell efficiency of at least 45% and a CPV module with an efficiency greater than 35%. This paper describes the R&D activities that are being carried out within the NGCPV project and summarizes some of the most relevant results that have already been attained, for instance: the manufacturing of a 44.4% world record efficiency triple junction solar cell (by Sharp Corp.) and the installation of a 50 kWp experimental CPV plant in Spain, which will be used to obtain accurate forecasts of the energy produced at system level.


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The PVCROPS project (PhotoVolta ic Cost r€duction, Reliability, Operational performance, Prediction and Simulation), cofinanced by European Commission in the frame of Seventh Framework Programme, has compiled in the “Good and bad practices: Manual to improve the quality and reduce the cost of PV systems” a collection of good and bad practices in actual PV plants . All the situations it collects represent the state-of-the-art of existing PV installations all around Europe. They show how the different parts of an installation can be implem ented properly or not. The aim of this manual is to represent a reference text which can help any PV actor (installers, electricians, maintenance operators, owners, etc.) not only to check and improve an already existing installation but will also, and mainly, avoid the previously known bad practices for the construction of a new PV installation. Thus, solving a priori the known errors, new PV installations will be more reliable, efficient and cost-effective and can recover the initial investment in a shorter time. The manual is going to be free available in the PVCROPS website in several languages.


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We demonstrate the capability of a laser micromachining workstation for cost-effective manufacturing of a variety of microfluidic devices, including SU-8 microchannels on silicon wafers and 3D complex structures made on polyimide Kapton® or poly carbonate (PC). The workstation combines a KrF excimer laser at 248 nm and a Nd3+:YVO4 DPSS with a frequency tripled at 355 nm with a lens magnification 10X, both lasers working at a pulsed regime with nanoseconds (ns) pulse duration. Workstation also includes a high-resolution motorized XYZ-tilt axis (~ 1 um / axis) and a Through The Lens (TTL) imaging system for a high accurate positioning over a 120 x 120 mm working area. We have surveyed different fabrication techniques: direct writing lithography,mask manufacturing for contact lithography and polymer laser ablation for complex 3D devices, achieving width channels down to 13μ m on 50μ m SU-8 thickness using direct writing lithography, and width channels of 40 μm for polyimide on SiO2 plate. Finally, we have tested the use of some devices for capillary chips measuring the flow speed for liquids with different viscosities. As a result, we have characterized the presence of liquid in the channel by interferometric microscopy.


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La aparición de varias fotografías del Café Samt & Seide no publicadas hasta 2008 en las que se observaba la luz natural de la exposición; los planos a escala de la nave donde se realizó la exposición textil; y los croquis inéditos de la instalación de la seda localizados durante el transcurso de la Tesis Doctoral por el doctorando en el plano de la Sala de Cristal, han sido las principales aportaciones de la búsqueda documental que ha tenido por objeto el conocimiento espacial e interpretación gráfica del proyecto expositivo realizada durante el transcurso de la Tesis Doctoral para poder profundizar en el alcance de la propuesta protoarquitectónica y, a través de ella, en la obra y pensamiento de Mies van der Rohe. Material, espacio y color son elementos propuestos como capítulos que estructuran la disertación y que son empleados por Mies van der Rohe como factores de una nueva expresión espacial en la exposiciones como ensayos identificados con su idea de arquitectura. En el Café Samt & Seide, Mies van der Rohe y Lilly Reich proponen una sensibilidad en el empleo del material y color trasladada al espacio mediante una atmósfera rítmica y en movimiento de superficies abstraídas e iluminadas. La estructura visual de opuestos nace del doble material textil de la exposición desplegándose en un orden espacial y constructivo de elementos independientes iniciado en los apartamentos de la Colonia Weissenhof y Sala de Cristal de Stuttgart 1926-1927, y que será trasladado desde los espacios experimentales de 1927 a las series de mármoles y cristales del Pabellón Alemán 1928-1929. La síntesis intelectual (arte-ciencia-filosofía) guía el proceso de formalización y la técnica en una intención que será trasladada a su arquitectura en el empleo de la tecnología. La creatividad y repercusión de las vanguardias en la instalación muestra la voluntad integradora de la exposición y arquitectura como arte total. Los aspectos interpretativos de las artes plásticas, visuales y musicales se integran como criterios y sensibilidades aplicadas a las estructuras yuxtapuestas material, espacial y de color. Modernidad y tradición tectónica convergen en este espacio construido cuyas superficies cubren un armazón metálico oculto. La construcción mínima textil será incorporada como idea de forma en la futura construcción del pilar metálico, la pared flotante de sus viviendas y pabellones abiertos a la naturaleza, y la gran fachada tecnológica del espacio público de sus agrupaciones en la ciudad. El espacio total del Café Samt & Seide dentro de la gran nave de Berlín anticipa las exposiciones artísticas e industriales realizadas junto a Lilly Reich en el interior de las espaciosas salas de estructura metálica como instalaciones conceptuales de gravedad y luz antecedentes de los pabellones de grandes dimensiones y espacio universal. Arquitectura, construcción y lugar son integrados en la instalación por el principio estructural como propuesta de una idea de arquitectura que es desarrollada en las exposiciones. Oscilador y bastidor son construcciones escaladas dentro de la gran nave iluminada, expresando el conjunto un orden de partes que reflejan un todo integrado en la naturaleza y lo universal. Las múltiples relaciones espaciales, constructivas y conceptuales de la exposición con su arquitectura desvelan al Café Samt & Seide como un exponente y antecedente de su obra e idea a la que definió como una propuesta estructural. La estructura, entendida como un conjunto de valores culturales y medios técnicos, es el concepto con el que Mies van der Rohe identifica la síntesis intelectualtecnológica de su tiempo, constituyendo la finalidad de su expresión material, espacial y de color. ABSTRACT The unpublished pictures of the Café Samt & Seide appeared in 2008 in which the natural light in the exhibition can be seen; the scaled plan of the nave where the textile exhibition was held; and the unpublished sketches of the silk exhibition located by the doctoral candidate while preparing his dissertation have been the main input of the data search aiming at a better understanding of the space and a graphic interpretation of the exhibition project made by the doctoral candidate during the dissertation as a basic requirement to deepen in the scope of this protoarchitectural proposal and, though it, into Mies van der Rohe’s work and thinking. Material, space and colour are the elements put forward as the chapters structuring this dissertation and were used by Mies van der Rohe as factors of a new spatial expression in expositions as tests identified with his idea of architecture. In Café Samt & Seide, Mies van der Rohe and Lilly Reich present material and colour sensitivity transferred to space though a rhythmic and moving atmosphere made up by abstracted and lit surfaces. Such a visual grammar and oppositions unfolds into a space and constructive order of independent elements originated with the apartments of the Weissenhof Colony and Glass Room in Stuttgart 1926-1927, and which were transferred these test spaces 1927 to the series of marble and glass in the German Pavilion 1928-1929. The intellectual and formal will (art-science-philosophy) guides the technical expression, which is transferred to architecture through technology. The creativity and impact of avant-gardes in the installation reflects exhibition and architecture’s will to integrate as a Total Art. The interpretative aspects of plastic, visual and musical arts are part of a sensitivity applied to the overlapped structures of material, space and colour. Tectonic modernity and tradition converge in this space built with surfaces covering a hidden metal framework. The minimal textile construction is integrated as a shape idea in his subsequent construction of the metal pillar, floating wall in his housing and pavilions open to nature, and the great technological façade of the public space of his urban clusters. The total space of the exhibition inside the great nave in Berlin anticipates the artistic and industrial exhibitions done together with Lilly Reich inside the spacious Halls built with exposed metal structures as conceptual installation of gravity and light prior to the big-dimensioned pavilions and universal space. Architecture, construction and place are integrated by the structural principle. Oscillator and framework are scaled constructions integrated inside the great, lit nave, and the whole conveys order of its parts reflecting a whole integrated in nature and the universal. The many conceptual, space and constructive link of the textile exhibition to his European and American architecture add a greater knowledge of the time when Mies van der Rohe stated he gained a “new awareness” 1926, revealing Café Samt & Seide as a valuable example and the experimental precursor of his work and idea defined by himself as a “structural proposal”. The structure, understood as a set of cultural and material values expressed by architecture, is the notion used by Mies van der Rohe to identify the intellectual-technological synthesis as the idea of a time and which is the goal of its material, space and colour expression.


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In 1933 public letter to Wilhelm Furtwängler, Joseph Goebbels synthesized the official understanding of the link between politics, art and society in the early steps of the Third Reich. By assuming the ethos of art, politics acquired a plastic agency to mold its objects —population and the state— as a unified entity in the form of a ‘national-popular community’ (Volksgemeinschaft); in turn, by infusing art with a political valence, it became part of a wider governmental apparatus that reshaped aesthetic discourses and practices. Similar remarks could be made about the ordering of cities and territories in this period. Dictatorial imaginations mobilized urbanism —including urban theory, urban design and planning— as a fundamental tool for social organization. Under their aegis the production of space became a moment in a wider production of society. Many authors suggest that this political-spatial nexus is intrinsic to modernity itself, beyond dictatorial regimes. In this light, I propose to use dictatorial urbanisms as an analytical opportunity to delve into some concealed features of modern urban design and planning. This chapter explores some of these aspects from a theoretical standpoint, focusing on the development of dictatorial planning mentalities and spatial rationalities and drawing links to other historical episodes in order to inscribe the former in a broader genealogy of urbanism. Needless to say, I don’t suggest that we use dictatorships as mere templates to understand modern productions of space. Instead, these cases provide a crude version of some fundamental drives in the operationalization of urbanism as an instrument of social regulation, showing how far the modern imagination of sociospatial orderings can go. Dictatorial urbanisms constituted a set of experiences where many dreams and aspirations of modern planning went to die. But not, as the conventional account would have it, because the former were the antithesis of the latter, but rather because they worked as the excess of a particular orientation of modern spatial governmentalities — namely, their focus on calculation, social engineering and disciplinary spatialities, and their attempt to subsume a wide range of everyday practices under institutional structuration by means of spatial mediations. In my opinion the interest of dictatorial urbanisms lies in their role as key regulatory episodes in a longer history of our urban present. They stand as a threshold between the advent of planning in the late 19th and early 20th century, and its final consolidation as a crucial state instrument after World War II. We need, therefore, to pay attention to these experiences vis-à-vis the alleged ‘normal’ development of the field in contemporary democratic countries in order to develop a full comprehension thereof.


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La edificación es un sector de enorme influencia en la evolución del consumo de energía y las emisiones de CO2. Teniendo en cuenta que en estos momentos hay 3,5 millones de viviendas vacías y que los próximos años no va a haber un aumento en la demanda de vivienda nueva, la rehabilitación sostenible del parque residencial existente es una tarea prioritaria y sobre la que hay que prestar especial interés. Dado que aún queda mucho donde actuar, es necesario hacer una reflexión sobre cómo se está rehabilitando para poder mejorar en el futuro. Por ello, el objetivo del presente trabajo es analizar algunas estrategias adoptadas hasta ahora en el parque inmobiliario y su aplicación en un caso de estudio, mediante la mejora de la fachada de un edificio de viviendas situado en Madrid.


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El daño cerebral adquirido (DCA) es un problema social y sanitario grave, de magnitud creciente y de una gran complejidad diagnóstica y terapéutica. Su elevada incidencia, junto con el aumento de la supervivencia de los pacientes, una vez superada la fase aguda, lo convierten también en un problema de alta prevalencia. En concreto, según la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) el DCA estará entre las 10 causas más comunes de discapacidad en el año 2020. La neurorrehabilitación permite mejorar el déficit tanto cognitivo como funcional y aumentar la autonomía de las personas con DCA. Con la incorporación de nuevas soluciones tecnológicas al proceso de neurorrehabilitación se pretende alcanzar un nuevo paradigma donde se puedan diseñar tratamientos que sean intensivos, personalizados, monitorizados y basados en la evidencia. Ya que son estas cuatro características las que aseguran que los tratamientos son eficaces. A diferencia de la mayor parte de las disciplinas médicas, no existen asociaciones de síntomas y signos de la alteración cognitiva que faciliten la orientación terapéutica. Actualmente, los tratamientos de neurorrehabilitación se diseñan en base a los resultados obtenidos en una batería de evaluación neuropsicológica que evalúa el nivel de afectación de cada una de las funciones cognitivas (memoria, atención, funciones ejecutivas, etc.). La línea de investigación en la que se enmarca este trabajo de investigación pretende diseñar y desarrollar un perfil cognitivo basado no sólo en el resultado obtenido en esa batería de test, sino también en información teórica que engloba tanto estructuras anatómicas como relaciones funcionales e información anatómica obtenida de los estudios de imagen. De esta forma, el perfil cognitivo utilizado para diseñar los tratamientos integra información personalizada y basada en la evidencia. Las técnicas de neuroimagen representan una herramienta fundamental en la identificación de lesiones para la generación de estos perfiles cognitivos. La aproximación clásica utilizada en la identificación de lesiones consiste en delinear manualmente regiones anatómicas cerebrales. Esta aproximación presenta diversos problemas relacionados con inconsistencias de criterio entre distintos clínicos, reproducibilidad y tiempo. Por tanto, la automatización de este procedimiento es fundamental para asegurar una extracción objetiva de información. La delineación automática de regiones anatómicas se realiza mediante el registro tanto contra atlas como contra otros estudios de imagen de distintos sujetos. Sin embargo, los cambios patológicos asociados al DCA están siempre asociados a anormalidades de intensidad y/o cambios en la localización de las estructuras. Este hecho provoca que los algoritmos de registro tradicionales basados en intensidad no funcionen correctamente y requieran la intervención del clínico para seleccionar ciertos puntos (que en esta tesis hemos denominado puntos singulares). Además estos algoritmos tampoco permiten que se produzcan deformaciones grandes deslocalizadas. Hecho que también puede ocurrir ante la presencia de lesiones provocadas por un accidente cerebrovascular (ACV) o un traumatismo craneoencefálico (TCE). Esta tesis se centra en el diseño, desarrollo e implementación de una metodología para la detección automática de estructuras lesionadas que integra algoritmos cuyo objetivo principal es generar resultados que puedan ser reproducibles y objetivos. Esta metodología se divide en cuatro etapas: pre-procesado, identificación de puntos singulares, registro y detección de lesiones. Los trabajos y resultados alcanzados en esta tesis son los siguientes: Pre-procesado. En esta primera etapa el objetivo es homogeneizar todos los datos de entrada con el objetivo de poder extraer conclusiones válidas de los resultados obtenidos. Esta etapa, por tanto, tiene un gran impacto en los resultados finales. Se compone de tres operaciones: eliminación del cráneo, normalización en intensidad y normalización espacial. Identificación de puntos singulares. El objetivo de esta etapa es automatizar la identificación de puntos anatómicos (puntos singulares). Esta etapa equivale a la identificación manual de puntos anatómicos por parte del clínico, permitiendo: identificar un mayor número de puntos lo que se traduce en mayor información; eliminar el factor asociado a la variabilidad inter-sujeto, por tanto, los resultados son reproducibles y objetivos; y elimina el tiempo invertido en el marcado manual de puntos. Este trabajo de investigación propone un algoritmo de identificación de puntos singulares (descriptor) basado en una solución multi-detector y que contiene información multi-paramétrica: espacial y asociada a la intensidad. Este algoritmo ha sido contrastado con otros algoritmos similares encontrados en el estado del arte. Registro. En esta etapa se pretenden poner en concordancia espacial dos estudios de imagen de sujetos/pacientes distintos. El algoritmo propuesto en este trabajo de investigación está basado en descriptores y su principal objetivo es el cálculo de un campo vectorial que permita introducir deformaciones deslocalizadas en la imagen (en distintas regiones de la imagen) y tan grandes como indique el vector de deformación asociado. El algoritmo propuesto ha sido comparado con otros algoritmos de registro utilizados en aplicaciones de neuroimagen que se utilizan con estudios de sujetos control. Los resultados obtenidos son prometedores y representan un nuevo contexto para la identificación automática de estructuras. Identificación de lesiones. En esta última etapa se identifican aquellas estructuras cuyas características asociadas a la localización espacial y al área o volumen han sido modificadas con respecto a una situación de normalidad. Para ello se realiza un estudio estadístico del atlas que se vaya a utilizar y se establecen los parámetros estadísticos de normalidad asociados a la localización y al área. En función de las estructuras delineadas en el atlas, se podrán identificar más o menos estructuras anatómicas, siendo nuestra metodología independiente del atlas seleccionado. En general, esta tesis doctoral corrobora las hipótesis de investigación postuladas relativas a la identificación automática de lesiones utilizando estudios de imagen médica estructural, concretamente estudios de resonancia magnética. Basándose en estos cimientos, se han abrir nuevos campos de investigación que contribuyan a la mejora en la detección de lesiones. ABSTRACT Brain injury constitutes a serious social and health problem of increasing magnitude and of great diagnostic and therapeutic complexity. Its high incidence and survival rate, after the initial critical phases, makes it a prevalent problem that needs to be addressed. In particular, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), brain injury will be among the 10 most common causes of disability by 2020. Neurorehabilitation improves both cognitive and functional deficits and increases the autonomy of brain injury patients. The incorporation of new technologies to the neurorehabilitation tries to reach a new paradigm focused on designing intensive, personalized, monitored and evidence-based treatments. Since these four characteristics ensure the effectivity of treatments. Contrary to most medical disciplines, it is not possible to link symptoms and cognitive disorder syndromes, to assist the therapist. Currently, neurorehabilitation treatments are planned considering the results obtained from a neuropsychological assessment battery, which evaluates the functional impairment of each cognitive function (memory, attention, executive functions, etc.). The research line, on which this PhD falls under, aims to design and develop a cognitive profile based not only on the results obtained in the assessment battery, but also on theoretical information that includes both anatomical structures and functional relationships and anatomical information obtained from medical imaging studies, such as magnetic resonance. Therefore, the cognitive profile used to design these treatments integrates information personalized and evidence-based. Neuroimaging techniques represent an essential tool to identify lesions and generate this type of cognitive dysfunctional profiles. Manual delineation of brain anatomical regions is the classical approach to identify brain anatomical regions. Manual approaches present several problems related to inconsistencies across different clinicians, time and repeatability. Automated delineation is done by registering brains to one another or to a template. However, when imaging studies contain lesions, there are several intensity abnormalities and location alterations that reduce the performance of most of the registration algorithms based on intensity parameters. Thus, specialists may have to manually interact with imaging studies to select landmarks (called singular points in this PhD) or identify regions of interest. These two solutions have the same inconvenient than manual approaches, mentioned before. Moreover, these registration algorithms do not allow large and distributed deformations. This type of deformations may also appear when a stroke or a traumatic brain injury (TBI) occur. This PhD is focused on the design, development and implementation of a new methodology to automatically identify lesions in anatomical structures. This methodology integrates algorithms whose main objective is to generate objective and reproducible results. It is divided into four stages: pre-processing, singular points identification, registration and lesion detection. Pre-processing stage. In this first stage, the aim is to standardize all input data in order to be able to draw valid conclusions from the results. Therefore, this stage has a direct impact on the final results. It consists of three steps: skull-stripping, spatial and intensity normalization. Singular points identification. This stage aims to automatize the identification of anatomical points (singular points). It involves the manual identification of anatomical points by the clinician. This automatic identification allows to identify a greater number of points which results in more information; to remove the factor associated to inter-subject variability and thus, the results are reproducible and objective; and to eliminate the time spent on manual marking. This PhD proposed an algorithm to automatically identify singular points (descriptor) based on a multi-detector approach. This algorithm contains multi-parametric (spatial and intensity) information. This algorithm has been compared with other similar algorithms found on the state of the art. Registration. The goal of this stage is to put in spatial correspondence two imaging studies of different subjects/patients. The algorithm proposed in this PhD is based on descriptors. Its main objective is to compute a vector field to introduce distributed deformations (changes in different imaging regions), as large as the deformation vector indicates. The proposed algorithm has been compared with other registration algorithms used on different neuroimaging applications which are used with control subjects. The obtained results are promising and they represent a new context for the automatic identification of anatomical structures. Lesion identification. This final stage aims to identify those anatomical structures whose characteristics associated to spatial location and area or volume has been modified with respect to a normal state. A statistical study of the atlas to be used is performed to establish which are the statistical parameters associated to the normal state. The anatomical structures that may be identified depend on the selected anatomical structures identified on the atlas. The proposed methodology is independent from the selected atlas. Overall, this PhD corroborates the investigated research hypotheses regarding the automatic identification of lesions based on structural medical imaging studies (resonance magnetic studies). Based on these foundations, new research fields to improve the automatic identification of lesions in brain injury can be proposed.


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La aparición del tren de alta velocidad en Europa en las últimas décadas del siglo XX supuso el resurgir de un medio de transporte en progresivo declive desde la popularización del automóvil y del avión. La decadencia del ferrocarril había supuesto en muchos casos el abandono, o incluso la demolición, de estaciones históricas y el deterioro de su entorno urbano. Como reacción a esa desatención surgió, también en el último cuarto de siglo, una mayor conciencia social preocupada por la conservación del patrimonio construido del ferrocarril. La necesidad de adaptación de las grandes estaciones de ferrocarril para dar servicio al nuevo sistema de transporte, junto con el interés por poner en valor sus construcciones históricas y su céntrico entorno, ha dado como resultado la realización de importantes transformaciones. El objeto de la presente investigación es el estudio de las transformaciones que han sufrido las grandes estaciones europeas del siglo XIX con la llegada del tren de alta velocidad, profundizando de manera especial en el caso más significativo que tenemos en nuestro país: la estación de Atocha. En el ámbito europeo es donde se localizan los ejemplos más relevantes de estaciones que tuvieron gran trascendencia en el siglo XIX y que ahora, con la llegada de la Alta Velocidad, vuelven a recuperar su grandeza. En España, el crecimiento de la Alta Velocidad en los últimos años ha sido extraordinario, hasta situarse como el segundo país del mundo con más kilómetros de líneas de alta velocidad en operación y, en consecuencia, se ha construido un gran número de estaciones adaptadas a este servicio. El caso más notable es el de la estación de Atocha, que desde la llegada del AVE en 1992 hasta el día de hoy, se ha convertido en uno de los complejos ferroviarios más importantes del mundo. El trabajo parte del estudio de otros referentes europeos, como las Gares de París, la estación de St Pancras en Londres y de otras cinco estaciones del centro de Europa –Amsterdam Centraal, Antwerpen Centraal, Köln Hauptbahnhof, Frankfurt (Main) Hauptbahnhof y la Gare de Strasbourg–, para establecer el marco analítico sobre el que se profundiza con la estación de Atocha. El proceso de transformación de la estación de Atocha se ha gestado a través de una serie de proyectos que han ido configurando la estación hasta el momento actual y planteando la previsión de futuro: el proyecto del Plan General de Madrid, el concurso de ideas para el diseño de la estación, la estación de Cercanías, la estación de Alta Velocidad y Largo Recorrido, la ampliación de esta para separar los flujos por niveles, los Estudios Informativos del Nuevo Complejo Ferroviario de la Estación de Atocha y su primera fase de construcción. Estos siete proyectos son objeto de un análisis en tres niveles: análisis cronológico, análisis funcional y análisis formal. La estación de Atocha fue la primera estación histórica europea en sufrir una gran transformación vinculada a la llegada de la Alta Velocidad. Aporta el entendimiento de la estación como un todo y la intermodalidad como sus principales valores, además de la gran mejora urbana que supuso la «operación Atocha», y adolece de ciertas carencias en su desarrollo comercial, vinculadas en parte a la presencia del jardín tropical, y de un pobre espacio en las salas de embarque para los pasajeros de salidas. La estación de Atocha completa su transformación a partir de su renovación funcional, manteniendo la carga simbólica de su historia. De la confrontación del caso de Atocha con otras importantes estaciones europeas resulta la definición de las principales consecuencias de la llegada de la Alta Velocidad a las grandes terminales europeas y la identificación de los elementos clave en su transformación. Las consecuencias principales son: la potenciación de la intermodalidad con otros medios de transporte, el desarrollo comercial no necesariamente destinado a los usuarios de los servicios ferroviarios, y la puesta en valor de la antigua estación y de su entorno urbano. Por su parte, los elementos clave en la transformación de las grandes estaciones tienen que ver directamente con la separación de flujos, el entendimiento de la estación por niveles, la dotación de nuevos accesos laterales y la construcción de una nueva gran cubierta para los nuevos andenes. La preeminencia de unos elementos sobre otros depende del carácter propio de cada estación y de cada país, de la magnitud de la intervención y, también, de la estructura y composición de los equipos encargados del diseño de la nueva estación. En la actualidad, nos encontramos en un momento interesante respecto a las estaciones de Alta Velocidad. Tras el reciente atentado frustrado en el Thalys que viajaba de Ámsterdam a París, se ha acordado establecer controles de identidad y equipajes en todas las estaciones de la red europea de alta velocidad, lo que implicará modificaciones importantes en las grandes estaciones que, probablemente, tomarán el modelo de la estación de Atocha como referencia. ABSTRACT The emergence of the high speed train in Europe in the last few decades of the 20th century represented the resurgence of a means of transport in progressive decline since the popularization of the car and the airplane. The railway decay brought in many cases the abandonment, or even the demolition, of historical stations and the deterioration of its urban environment. In response to that neglect, a greater social awareness towards the preservation of the railway built heritage raised up, also in the last quarter-century. The need for adaptation of the great railway stations to serve the new transport system, along with the interest in enhancing the historical buildings and its central locations, had resulted in important transformations. The subject of current investigation is the study of the transformations that the great 19th century European stations have experienced with the arrival of the high speed rail, deepening in particular in the most significant case we have in Spain: Atocha railway station. At European level is where the most relevant examples of stations which have had a great significance in the 19th century and now, with the arrival of the high speed train, have regain their greatness, are located. In Spain, the growth of the high speed rail over the past few years has been outstanding. Today is the second country in the world with the longest high speed rail network in operation and, therefore, with a great number of new stations adapted to this service. The most remarkable case is Atocha station. Since the arrival of the AVE in 1992, the station has become one of the world's most important railway hub. The research starts with the study of other European reference points, as the Gares of Paris, St Pancras station in London and five other stations of Central Europe –Amsterdam Centraal, Antwerpen Centraal, Köln Hauptbahnhof, Frankfurt (Main) Hauptbahnhof y la Gare de Strasbourg–, to establish the analytical framework that will be deepen with Atocha station. The transformation process of Atocha station has been created through a number of projects that have forged the station to date and have raised the sights in the future: the project of the General Urban Development Plan, the ideas competition for the station design, the Suburban train station, the High Speed and Long Distance station, its enlargement in order to separate passenger flows in different levels, the 'Masterplans' for the new Atocha transport hub and its first phase of construction. These seven projects are under scrutiny at three levels: chronological analysis, functional analysis and formal analysis. Atocha station was the first European historical station to undergo a great transformation tied to the arrival of the high speed rail. It brings the understanding of the station as a whole and the intermodality as its greatest values, besides the great urban improvement of the 'Atocha operation', and suffers from certain shortcomings in its commercial development, partly linked to the presence of the tropical garden, and from a poor space in the departure lounges. Atocha station completes its transformation on the basis of its functional renewal, keeping the symbolic charge of its history. The confrontation of Atocha case with the great European stations results in the definition of the principal consequences of the high speed rail arrival to the great European terminals and the identification of the key elements in its transformation. The principal consequences are: the empowering of the intermodality with other means of transport, of the commercial development, not necessarily intended for railway services users, and the enhancement of the old station and its urban environment. On the other hand, the key elements in the transformation of the great stations are directly related with the separation of passenger flows, the understanding of the station in different levels, the placement of new lateral accesses and the construction of a new deck over the new platforms. The pre-eminence of some elements over the others depends on the particular nature of each station and each country, on the scale of the intervention and also in the structure and composition of the teams in charge of the new station design. Nowadays, this is an interesting time concerning the high speed rail stations. After the recent foiled terrorist attempt in the Thalys train travelling from Amsterdam to Paris, it was agreed to establish passenger and luggage controls in every European high speed rail station. This will mean important changes in these great stations, which probably will take Atocha station's model as a reference.


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We thank Karim Gharbi and Urmi Trivedi for their assistance with RNA sequencing, carried out in the GenePool genomics facility (University of Edinburgh). We also thank Susan Fairley and Eduardo De Paiva Alves (Centre for Genome Enabled Biology and Medicine, University of Aberdeen) for help with the initial bioinformatics analysis. We thank Aaron Mitchell for kindly providing the ALS3 mutant, Julian Naglik for the gift of TR146 cells, and Jon Richardson for technical assistance. We thank the Genomics and Bioinformatics core of the Faculty of Health Sciences for Next Generation Sequencing and Bioinformatics support, the Information and Communication Technology Office at the University of Macau for providing access to a High Performance Computer and Jacky Chan and William Pang for their expert support on the High Performance Computer. Finally, we thank Amanda Veri for generating CaLC2928. M.D.L. is supported by a Sir Henry Wellcome Postdoctoral Fellowship (Wellcome Trust 096072), R.A.F. by a Wellcome Trust-Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Postdoctoral Fellowship, L.E.C. by a Canada Research Chair in Microbial Genomics and Infectious Disease and by Canadian Institutes of Health Research Grants MOP-119520 and MOP-86452, A.J. P.B. was supported by the UK Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BB/F00513X/1) and by the European Research Council (ERC-2009-AdG-249793-STRIFE), KHW is supported by the Science and Technology Development Fund of Macau S.A.R (FDCT) (085/2014/A2) and the Research and Development Administrative Office of the University of Macau (SRG2014-00003-FHS) and R.T.W. by the Burroughs Wellcome fund and NIH R15AO094406. Data availability RNA-sequencing data sets are available at ArrayExpress (www.ebi.ac.uk) under accession code E-MTAB-4075. ChIP-seq data sets are available at the NCBI SRA database (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov) under accession code SRP071687. The authors declare that all other data supporting the findings of this study are available within the article and its supplementary information files, or from the corresponding author upon request.


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Acknowledgments This paper was sponsored by the Spanish FPU12/00984 Program (Ministerio de Educacion, Cultura y Deporte). It was also sponsored by the Spanish Government Research Program with the Project DPI2012-37062-CO2-01 (Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad) and by the European Social Fund.