This paper analyzes the relationship between ethnic fractionalization, polarization, and conflict. In recent years many authors have found empirical evidence that ethnic fractionalization has a negative effect on growth. One mechanism that can explain this nexus is the effect of ethnic heterogeneity on rent-seeking activities and the increase in potential conflict, which is negative for investment. However the empirical evidence supporting the effect of ethnic fractionalization on the incidence of civil conflicts is very weak. Although ethnic fractionalization may be important for growth, we argue that the channel is not through an increase in potential ethnic conflict. We discuss the appropriateness of indices of polarization to capture conflictive dimensions. We develop a new measure of ethnic heterogeneity that satisfies the basic properties associated with the concept of polarization. The empirical section shows that this index of ethnic polarization is a significant variable in the explanation of the incidence of civil wars. This result is robust to the presence of other indicators of ethnic heterogeneity, other sources of data for the construction of the index, and other data structures.
Abstract OBJECTIVE Determining which is the most effective solution (heparin flush compared to 0.9% saline flush) for reducing the risk of occlusions in central venous catheters (CVC) in adults. METHOD The systematic review followed the principles proposed by the Cochrane Handbook; critical analysis, extraction and synthesis of data were performed by two independent researchers; statistical analysis was performed using the RevMan program 5.2.8. RESULTS Eight randomized controlled trials and one cohort study were included and the results of the meta-analysis showed no difference (RR=0.68, 95% CI=0.41-1.10; p=0.12). Analysis by subgroups showed that there was no difference in fully deployed CVC (RR=1.09, CI 95%=0.53-2.22;p=0.82); Multi-Lumen CVC showed beneficial effects in the heparin group (RR=0.53, CI 95%=0.29-0.95; p=0.03); in Double-Lumen CVC for hemodialysis (RR=1.18, CI 95%=0.08-17.82;p=0.90) and Peripherally inserted CVC (RR=0.14, CI 95%=0.01-2.60; p=0.19) also showed no difference. CONCLUSION Saline solution is sufficient for maintaining patency of the central venous catheter, preventing the risks associated with heparin administration.
El ciberperiodismo ha evolucionado, desde una etapa facsimilar, hasta su estado actual en el que aprovecha mejor los recursos de Internet y se diferencia del periodismo en soporte físico. El surgimiento de la Web 2.0 supone para los medios digitales y los estudiosos de la comunicación un aprendizaje y adaptación constantes. El acelerado cambio que ha caracterizado a estas nuevas tecnologías de la información ha causado que los cibermedios comenzaran a utilizarlas sin establecer estrategias ni objetivos previos; en su lugar, los han ido desarrollando y mejorando sobre la base de la experiencia, para así explotar al máximo el potencial que ofrecen. El presente estudio comprende una investigación descriptiva de tipo empírico y de carácter cuantitativo sobre el uso de estas plataformas que ejercen los medios deportivos on-line editados en Cataluña.
Històricament la inserció de Colombia a les TIC i al desenvolupament que aquestes comporten va ser lenta. Tot i això, als últims anys s'han desenvolupat projectes de infraestructura i apropiació tecnològica a grans velocitats. En aquest escenari la educomunicació ha avançat de manera formidable i la web colombiana comença a nodrir-se de continguts abundants i de qualitat per a l'educació. Aquest treball examina les principals iniciatives 2.0 per a l'educomunicació i dóna un diagnòstic sobre la seva funcionalitat (progressos i carències). Finalment, dóna una serie de recomanacions per al correcte ús de les eines que ofereix la web 2.0
Many empirical studies of business cycles have followed the practise ofapplying the Hodrick-Prescott filter for cross-country comparisons. Thestandard procedure is to set the weight \lambda, which determines the'smoothness' of the trend equal to 1600. We show that if this value isused for against common wisdom about business cycles. As an example, weshow that the long recession occurred inSpain between 1975 and 1985 goesunnotoced by the HP filter. We propose a method for adjusting \lambda byreinterpreting the HP-filter as the solution to a constrained minimizationproblem. We argue that the common practice of fixing \lambda across countriesamounts to chankging the constraints on trend variability across countries.Our proposed method is easy to apply, retains all the virtues of thestandard HP-filter and when applied to Spanish data the results are inthe line with economic historian's view. Applying the method to a numberof OECD countries we find that, with the exception of Spain, Italy andJapan, the standard choice of \lambda=1600 is sensible.
A `next' operator, s, is built on the set R1=(0,1]-{ 1-1/e} defining a partial order that, with the help of the axiom of choice, can be extended to a total order in R1. Besides, the orbits {sn(a)}nare all dense in R1 and are constituted by elements of the samearithmetical character: if a is an algebraic irrational of degreek all the elements in a's orbit are algebraic of degree k; if a istranscendental, all are transcendental. Moreover, the asymptoticdistribution function of the sequence formed by the elements in anyof the half-orbits is a continuous, strictly increasing, singularfunction very similar to the well-known Minkowski's ?(×) function.
Avaliar o potencial de crescimento de Lysiphlebus testaceipes (Cresson) é importante para seu uso em programas de controle biológico de pulgões. Este trabalho teve como objetivo determinar a tabela de vida de fertilidade de L. testaceipes em Rhopalosiphum maidis (Fitch) e Aphis gossypii Glover. Na avaliação da mortalidade de imaturos, do desenvolvimento e da razão sexual foram utilizadas 12 fêmeas do parasitóide e 480 ninfas de cada pulgão testado. Na avaliação da longevidade e da fertilidade foram utilizadas 15 fêmeas do parasitóide e uma colônia por dia de cada pulgão, até a morte da fêmea do parasitóide, sendo 300 (1º dia); 250 (2º dia); 200 (3º dia); 150 (4º dia); 100 (5º dia) e 50 ninfas nos demais dias. L. testaceipes apresentou taxas de mortalidade de imaturos de 5,6% em R. maidis e de 9,2% em A. gossypii, desenvolvimento de 10,2 e 10,1 dias e razão sexual de 0,71 e 0,66, respectivamente. L. testaceipes apresentou fecundidade de 498,2 ovos em R. maidis e de 327,8 ovos em A. gossypii. Os parâmetros de crescimento de L. testaceipes em R. maidis e A. gossypii foram, respectivamente, R O= 205,38 e 164,08 fêmeas; r m= 0,449 e 0,431 fêmeas/fêmeas/dia; lambda = 1,57 e 1,54 fêmeas/dia; T= 11,86 e 11,83 dias e TD= 10,78 e 11,27 dias. L. testaceipes apresenta alto potencial de crescimento em R. maidis e A. gossypii. R. maidis mostrou ser hospedeiro adequado aos propósitos de criação massal e utilização em sistema de criação aberta para L. testaceipes.
No presente trabalho procuramos entender mais sobre o conceito da Web 2.0, pois apesar de esta fazer parte do quotidiano da nossa sociedade, são poucos que conhecem a sua evolução. A Web 2.0 trata-se de um espaço em que a interactividade é uma das peças chave. Essa característica introduz desenvolvimentos em conceitos como cidadania e democracia e marca um virar de página na comunicação e no marketing político. Esta monografia procura ainda, através de um estudo de caso, perceber de que forma é que os progressos introduzidos pela Web 2.0 são sentidos na forma como se opera a comunicação política em Cabo Verde.
Recent studies of American politics evidence that political polarization of both the electorate and the political elite have moved 'almost in tandem for the past half century' (McCarty et al., 2003, p.2), and that party polarization has steadily increased since the 1970s. On the other hand, the empirical literature on party platforms and implemented policies has consistently found an imperfect but nonnegligible correlation between electoral platforms and governmental policies: while platforms tend to be polarized, policies are moderate or centrist. However, existing theoretical models of political competition are not manifestly compatible with these observations.In this paper, we distinguish between electoral platforms and implemented policies by incorporating a non-trivial policy-setting process. It follows that voters may care not only about the implemented policy but also about the platform they support with their vote. We find that while parties tend to polarize their positions, the risk of alienating their constituency prevents them from radicalizing. The analysis evidences that the distribution of the electorate, and not only the (expected) location of a pivotal voter, matters in determining policies. Our results are consistent with the observation of polarized platforms and moderate policies, and the alienation and indifference components of abstention.
BACKGROUND: HIV-1 RNA viral load is a key parameter for reliable treatment monitoring of HIV-1 infection. Accurate HIV-1 RNA quantitation can be impaired by primer and probe sequence polymorphisms as a result of tremendous genetic diversity and ongoing evolution of HIV-1. A novel dual HIV-1 target amplification approach was realized in the quantitative COBAS AmpliPrep/COBAS TaqMan HIV-1 Test, v2.0 (HIV-1 TaqMan test v2.0) to cope with the high genetic diversity of the virus. OBJECTIVES AND STUDY DESIGN: The performance of the new assay was evaluated for sensitivity, dynamic range, precision, subtype inclusivity, diagnostic and analytical specificity, interfering substances, and correlation with the COBAS AmpliPrep/COBAS TaqMan HIV-1 (HIV-1 TaqMan test v1.0) predecessor test in patients specimens. RESULTS: The new assay demonstrated a sensitivity of 20 copies/mL, a linear measuring range of 20-10,000,000 copies/mL, with a lower limit of quantitation of 20 copies/mL. HIV-1 Group M subtypes and HIV-1 Group O were quantified within +/-0.3 log(10) of the assigned titers. Specificity was 100% in 660 tested specimens, no cross reactivity was found for 15 pathogens nor any interference for endogenous substances or 29 drugs. Good comparability with the predecessor assay was demonstrated in 82 positive patient samples. In selected clinical samples 35/66 specimens were found underquantitated in the predecessor assay; all were quantitated correctly in the new assay. CONCLUSIONS: The dual-target approach for the HIV-1 TaqMan test v2.0 enables superior HIV-1 Group M subtype coverage including HIV-1 Group O detection. Correct quantitation of specimens underquantitated in the HIV-1 TaqMan test v1.0 test was demonstrated.
Nas últimas décadas a utilização de computadores tornou-se parte integrante da vida das pessoas, permitindo o aparecimento de vários tipos de crimes electrónicos. Neste contexto, é importante que as organizações se preparem para investigar casos que envolvem a informática e adoptem procedimentos válidos e confiáveis que permitem recuperar os dados dos computadores envolvidos em actividades ilícitas. A Forense Computacional, são técnicas que permitem-nos recolher, identificar, analisar e apresentar evidências de crimes digitais. Pretende-se com este trabalho, apresentar as principais técnicas de Forense Computacional em servidor IIS 5.0 da Microsoft.
BACKGROUND: Cytomegalovirus (CMV) retinitis is a major cause of visual impairment and blindness among patients with uncontrolled HIV infections. Whereas polymorphisms in interferon-lambda 3 (IFNL3, previously named IL28B) strongly influence the clinical course of hepatitis C, few studies examined the role of such polymorphisms in infections due to viruses other than hepatitis C virus. OBJECTIVES: To analyze the association of newly identified IFNL3/4 variant rs368234815 with susceptibility to CMV-associated retinitis in a cohort of HIV-infected patients. DESIGN AND METHODS: This retrospective longitudinal study included 4884 white patients from the Swiss HIV Cohort Study, among whom 1134 were at risk to develop CMV retinitis (CD4 nadir <100 /μl and positive CMV serology). The association of CMV-associated retinitis with rs368234815 was assessed by cumulative incidence curves and multivariate Cox regression models, using the estimated date of HIV infection as a starting point, with censoring at death and/or lost follow-up. RESULTS: A total of 40 individuals among 1134 patients at risk developed CMV retinitis. The minor allele of rs368234815 was associated with a higher risk of CMV retinitis (log-rank test P = 0.007, recessive mode of inheritance). The association was still significant in a multivariate Cox regression model (hazard ratio 2.31, 95% confidence interval 1.09-4.92, P = 0.03), after adjustment for CD4 nadir and slope, HAART and HIV-risk groups. CONCLUSION: We reported for the first time an association between an IFNL3/4 polymorphism and susceptibility to AIDS-related CMV retinitis. IFNL3/4 may influence immunity against viruses other than HCV.
La creació, anàlisi i implementació d’una marca pròpia online i offline com a forma d’autopromoció del valor individual en el món laboral. Amb aquesta finalitat es desenvoluparà una estratègia de comunicació personal que comprengui els coneixements, eines i recursos necessaris per convertir-se en l’opció preferent. L’elaboració d’aquesta estratègia estarà basada en un context real i avalada per casos d’èxit d’un bon Pla de Personal Branding i confrontada per autors de referència.