987 resultados para Kikuchi approximations


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The rates for lepton number washout in extensions of the Standard Model containing right-handed neutrinos are key ingredients in scenarios for baryogenesis through leptogenesis. We relate these rates to real-time correlation functions at finite temperature, without making use of any particle approximations. The relations are valid to quadratic order in neutrino Yukawa couplings and to all orders in Standard Model couplings. They take into account all spectator processes, and apply both in the symmetric and in the Higgs phase of the electroweak theory. We use the relations to compute washout rates at next-to-leading order in g, where g denotes a Standard Model gauge or Yukawa coupling, both in the non-relativistic and in the relativistic regime. Even in the non-relativistic regime the parametrically dominant radiative corrections are only suppressed by a single power of g. In the non-relativistic regime radiative corrections increase the washout rate by a few percent at high temperatures, but they are of order unity around the weak scale and in the relativistic regime.


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We present a novel approach for the reconstruction of spectra from Euclidean correlator data that makes close contact to modern Bayesian concepts. It is based upon an axiomatically justified dimensionless prior distribution, which in the case of constant prior function m(ω) only imprints smoothness on the reconstructed spectrum. In addition we are able to analytically integrate out the only relevant overall hyper-parameter α in the prior, removing the necessity for Gaussian approximations found e.g. in the Maximum Entropy Method. Using a quasi-Newton minimizer and high-precision arithmetic, we are then able to find the unique global extremum of P[ρ|D] in the full Nω » Nτ dimensional search space. The method actually yields gradually improving reconstruction results if the quality of the supplied input data increases, without introducing artificial peak structures, often encountered in the MEM. To support these statements we present mock data analyses for the case of zero width delta peaks and more realistic scenarios, based on the perturbative Euclidean Wilson Loop as well as the Wilson Line correlator in Coulomb gauge.


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We describe an extension to the SOFTSUSY program that provides for the calculation of the sparticle spectrum in the Next-to-Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (NMSSM), where a chiral superfield that is a singlet of the Standard Model gauge group is added to the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM) fields. Often, a Z3 symmetry is imposed upon the model. SOFTSUSY can calculate the spectrum in this case as well as the case where general Z3 violating (denoted as ) terms are added to the soft supersymmetry breaking terms and the superpotential. The user provides a theoretical boundary condition for the couplings and mass terms of the singlet. Radiative electroweak symmetry breaking data along with electroweak and CKM matrix data are used as weak-scale boundary conditions. The renormalisation group equations are solved numerically between the weak scale and a high energy scale using a nested iterative algorithm. This paper serves as a manual to the NMSSM mode of the program, detailing the approximations and conventions used.


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We define a rank function for formulae of the propositional modal μ-calculus such that the rank of a fixed point is strictly bigger than the rank of any of its finite approximations. A rank function of this kind is needed, for instance, to establish the collapse of the modal μ-hierarchy over transitive transition systems. We show that the range of the rank function is ωω. Further we establish that the rank is computable by primitive recursion, which gives us a uniform method to generate formulae of arbitrary rank below ωω.


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Approximate models (proxies) can be employed to reduce the computational costs of estimating uncertainty. The price to pay is that the approximations introduced by the proxy model can lead to a biased estimation. To avoid this problem and ensure a reliable uncertainty quantification, we propose to combine functional data analysis and machine learning to build error models that allow us to obtain an accurate prediction of the exact response without solving the exact model for all realizations. We build the relationship between proxy and exact model on a learning set of geostatistical realizations for which both exact and approximate solvers are run. Functional principal components analysis (FPCA) is used to investigate the variability in the two sets of curves and reduce the dimensionality of the problem while maximizing the retained information. Once obtained, the error model can be used to predict the exact response of any realization on the basis of the sole proxy response. This methodology is purpose-oriented as the error model is constructed directly for the quantity of interest, rather than for the state of the system. Also, the dimensionality reduction performed by FPCA allows a diagnostic of the quality of the error model to assess the informativeness of the learning set and the fidelity of the proxy to the exact model. The possibility of obtaining a prediction of the exact response for any newly generated realization suggests that the methodology can be effectively used beyond the context of uncertainty quantification, in particular for Bayesian inference and optimization.


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In this paper, we confirm, with absolute certainty, a conjecture on a certain oscillatory behaviour of higher auto-ionizing resonances of atoms and molecules beyond a threshold. These results not only definitely settle a more than 30 year old controversy in Rittby et al. (1981 Phys. Rev. A 24, 1636–1639 (doi:10.1103/PhysRevA.24.1636)) and Korsch et al. (1982 Phys. Rev. A 26, 1802–1803 (doi:10.1103/PhysRevA.26.1802)), but also provide new and reliable information on the threshold. Our interval-arithmetic-based method allows one, for the first time, to enclose and to exclude resonances with guaranteed certainty. The efficiency of our approach is demonstrated by the fact that we are able to show that the approximations in Rittby et al. (1981 Phys. Rev. A 24, 1636–1639 (doi:10.1103/PhysRevA.24.1636)) do lie near true resonances, whereas the approximations of higher resonances in Korsch et al. (1982 Phys. Rev. A 26, 1802–1803 (doi:10.1103/PhysRevA.26.1802)) do not, and further that there exist two new pairs of resonances as suggested in Abramov et al. (2001 J. Phys. A 34, 57–72 (doi:10.1088/0305-4470/34/1/304)).


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Pollen-trap results from the Swiss Alps 1996–2009 were used to assess the pollen dispersal–deposition properties of Poaceae (grasses) and Cyperaceae (sedges). Dispersal parameter values were investigated for a modified version of the Prentice–Sugita pollen dispersal–deposition model. Appropriate values (i.e. realistic in the field and allowing realistic modelling results) for wind speed are suggested to be in the range of 3–7 m s− 1 and for pollen an injection height of 0.03–0.1 m above the ground. The appropriate range of pollen injection height values for grasses and sedges differs from that of trees in the same area, suggesting different pollen dispersal properties between herbs and trees. In addition, logarithmic weighting of the vegetation was tested as an alternative to the modified Prentice–Sugita model. This yielded very similar results, suggesting that the use of such much simpler approximations of the pollen–vegetation relationship is a plausible alternative. Based on the modified Prentice–Sugita model, absolute pollen productivity for Poaceae was estimated to 7300 ± 400 grains cm− 2 year− 1 (1 SE). The data basis for Cyperaceae is smaller than for Poaceae, but the dispersal parameter values determined as appropriate for Poaceae yield good results. Absolute pollen productivity for Cyperaceae was estimated to 6300 ± 1100 grains cm− 2 year− 1 (1 SE).


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In this article, we present a new microscopic theoretical approach to the description of spin crossover in molecular crystals. The spin crossover crystals under consideration are composed of molecular fragments formed by the spin-crossover metal ion and its nearest ligand surrounding and exhibiting well defined localized (molecular) vibrations. As distinguished from the previous models of this phenomenon, the developed approach takes into account the interaction of spin-crossover ions not only with the phonons but also a strong coupling of the electronic shells with molecular modes. This leads to an effective coupling of the local modes with phonons which is shown to be responsible for the cooperative spin transition accompanied by the structural reorganization. The transition is characterized by the two order parameters representing the mean values of the products of electronic diagonal matrices and the coordinates of the local modes for the high- and low-spin states of the spin crossover complex. Finally, we demonstrate that the approach provides a reasonable explanation of the observed spin transition in the [Fe(ptz)6](BF4)2 crystal. The theory well reproduces the observed abrupt low-spin → high-spin transition and the temperature dependence of the high-spin fraction in a wide temperature range as well as the pronounced hysteresis loop. At the same time within the limiting approximations adopted in the developed model, the evaluated high-spin fraction vs. T shows that the cooperative spin-lattice transition proves to be incomplete in the sense that the high-spin fraction does not reach its maximum value at high temperature.


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Differential equations are equations that involve an unknown function and derivatives. Euler's method are efficient methods to yield fairly accurate approximations of the actual solutions. By manipulating such methods, one can find ways to provide good approximations compared to the exact solution of parabolic partial differential equations and nonlinear parabolic differential equations.


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This paper provides new sufficient conditions for the existence, computation via successive approximations, and stability of Markovian equilibrium decision processes for a large class of OLG models with stochastic nonclassical production. Our notion of stability is existence of stationary Markovian equilibrium. With a nonclassical production, our economies encompass a large class of OLG models with public policy, valued fiat money, production externalities, and Markov shocks to production. Our approach combines aspects of both topological and order theoretic fixed point theory, and provides the basis of globally stable numerical iteration procedures for computing extremal Markovian equilibrium objects. In addition to new theoretical results on existence and computation, we provide some monotone comparative statics results on the space of economies.


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In locations of rapid sediment accumulation receiving substantial amounts of laterally transported material the timescales of transport and accurate quantification of the transported material are at the focus of intense research. Here we present radiocarbon data obtained on co-occurring planktic foraminifera, marine haptophyte biomarkers (alkenones) and total organic carbon (TOC) coupled with excess Thorium-230 (230Thxs) measurements on four sediment cores retrieved in 1649-2879 m water depth from two such high accumulation drift deposits in the Northeast Atlantic, Björn and Gardar Drifts. While 230Thxs inventories imply strong sediment focussing, no age offsets are observed between planktic foraminifera and alkenones, suggesting that redistribution of sediments is rapid and occurs soon after formation of marine organic matter, or that transported material contains negligible amounts of alkenones. An isotopic mass balance calculation based on radiocarbon concentrations of co-occurring sediment components leads us to estimate that transported sediment components contain up to 12% of fossil organic matter that is free of or very poor in alkenones, but nevertheless appears to consist of a mixture of fresh and eroded fossil material. Considering all available constraints to characterize transported material, our results show that although focussing factors calculated from bulk sediment 230Thxs inventories may allow useful approximations of bulk redeposition, they do not provide a unique estimate of the amount of each laterally transported sediment component. Furthermore, our findings provide evidence that the occurrence of lateral sediment redistribution alone does not always hinder the use of multiple proxies but that individual sediment fractions are affected to variable extents by sediment focussing.


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It is still an open question how equilibrium warming in response to increasing radiative forcing - the specific equilibrium climate sensitivity S - depends on background climate. We here present palaeodata-based evidence on the state dependency of S, by using CO2 proxy data together with a 3-D ice-sheet-model-based reconstruction of land ice albedo over the last 5 million years (Myr). We find that the land ice albedo forcing depends non-linearly on the background climate, while any non-linearity of CO2 radiative forcing depends on the CO2 data set used. This non-linearity has not, so far, been accounted for in similar approaches due to previously more simplistic approximations, in which land ice albedo radiative forcing was a linear function of sea level change. The latitudinal dependency of ice-sheet area changes is important for the non-linearity between land ice albedo and sea level. In our set-up, in which the radiative forcing of CO2 and of the land ice albedo (LI) is combined, we find a state dependence in the calculated specific equilibrium climate sensitivity, S[CO2,LI], for most of the Pleistocene (last 2.1 Myr). During Pleistocene intermediate glaciated climates and interglacial periods, S[CO2,LI] is on average ~ 45 % larger than during Pleistocene full glacial conditions. In the Pliocene part of our analysis (2.6-5 Myr BP) the CO2 data uncertainties prevent a well-supported calculation for S[CO2,LI], but our analysis suggests that during times without a large land ice area in the Northern Hemisphere (e.g. before 2.82 Myr BP), the specific equilibrium climate sensitivity, S[CO2,LI], was smaller than during interglacials of the Pleistocene. We thus find support for a previously proposed state change in the climate system with the widespread appearance of northern hemispheric ice sheets. This study points for the first time to a so far overlooked non-linearity in the land ice albedo radiative forcing, which is important for similar palaeodata-based approaches to calculate climate sensitivity. However, the implications of this study for a suggested warming under CO2 doubling are not yet entirely clear since the details of necessary corrections for other slow feedbacks are not fully known and the uncertainties that exist in the ice-sheet simulations and global temperature reconstructions are large.


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X-ray powder diffraction and optical and scanning-electron microscope analyses of sediment samples taken from four sites drilled in the Goban Spur area of the northeast Atlantic show variable diagenetic silicification of sediments at several stratigraphic horizons. The results are as follows: 1. The silicified sediments are middle Eocene at Site 548, Paleocene to lower Albian at Site 549, upper to lower Paleocene at Site 550, and lower Turanian at Site 551. 2. There are three types of these silicified sediments: nodular type in carbonate-rich host sediments, bedded type in clayey host sediments, and a type transitional between the other two. 3. Silica diagenesis is considered to progress as follows: dissolution of siliceous fossils; precipitation of opal CT in pore spaces and transformation of biogenic silica (opal A) to opal CT, development of opal CT cement; chalcedonic quartz precipitation in pore spaces and replacement of foraminiferal tests by chalcedonic quartz; and finally, transformation of opal CT to quartz, and cementation. But the strong influence of host-sediment types on diagenetic silica fades is recognized. Bedded-type silicified sediments in a clayey environment indicate a lower grade of silica diagenesis. Only very weak chalcedonic quartz formation is recognized, and there is no opal CT cementation, even in Lower Cretaceous bedded-type clayey silicified sediments. 4. The rf(101) spacing of opal CT shows two distinct trends of ordering or decrease with burial depth; one is a rapid change, in the case of nodular silicified sediments, and the other is a more gentle shift, found in bedded silicified sediments. 5. Diagenetic silica facies of the nodular type develop as irregular concentric zones around some nodule nuclei. Also, quartz-chert nodule formation occurs at rather shallower horizons, and is discordant with the trend of decreasing d(101) spacing in opal CT. 6. Silicified sediments at Site 551 are shallower than at the other sites. The diagenetic silica facies suggest the probable erosion of 300 m or more of sediment at this site. 7. The zeolites clinoptilolite and phillipsite were found in the sediment samples recovered on Leg 80. Clinoptilolite occurs from the shallower levels to the deepest horizons of diagenetically silicified zones, suggesting that clinoptilolite formation is related to diagenesis of biogenic silica. Phillipsite at Site 551 (Section 551-5-2) may originate from volcanogenie material.


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Propuesta de investigación enmarcada en la postulación para las Becas de Investigación. Estado de la cuestión y primeras aproximaciones para la revisión de la formación en Letras en torno a los estudios sobre lírica románica medieval y renacentista


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El artículo explora las significaciones imaginarias en el campo de la bibliotecología en relación con las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación. Para el estudio se utilizaron entrevistas en profundidad que se llevaron a cabo sobre un grupo de egresadas de la carrera de Bibliotecología de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata (UNLP, Argentina) que actualmente desempeñan cargos de gestión en bibliotecas universitarias y de investigación. Las entrevistadas fueron situadas en un hipotético escenario futuro de diez años, y consultadas por los siguientes aspectos: posibles cambios en el volumen de trabajo, rutinas laborales, modificaciones probables en la composición del fondo documental, principales características de los usuarios, servicios y productos de información predominantes, saberes específicos necesarios. El análisis recupera los testimonios claves y representativos de las diferentes opiniones. En términos generales, se concluye que las entrevistadas tienen una mirada semejante acerca del progresivo incremento del uso de la tecnología, aunque sus opiniones difieren respecto de las transformaciones que en una década puedan generarse en los ámbitos bibliotecarios a partir de este fenómeno