968 resultados para Jersey


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The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of numerous milk compositional factors on milk coagulation properties using Partial Least Squares (PLS). Milk from herds of Jersey and Holstein-Friesian cattle was collected across the year and blended (n=55), to maximize variation in composition and coagulation. The milk was analysed for casein, protein, fat, titratable acidity, lactose, Ca2+, urea content, micelles size, fat globule size, somatic cell count and pH. Milk coagulation properties were defined as coagulation time, curd firmness and curd firmness rate measured by a controlled strain rheometer. The models derived from PLS had higher predictive power than previous models demonstrating the value of measuring more milk components. In addition to the well-established relationships with casein and protein levels, CMS and fat globule size were found to have as strong impact on all of the three models. The study also found a positive impact of fat on milk coagulation properties and a strong relationship between lactose and curd firmness, and urea and curd firmness rate, all of which warrant further investigation due to current lack of knowledge of the underlying mechanism. These findings demonstrate the importance of using a wider range of milk compositional variable for the prediction of the milk coagulation properties, and hence as indicators of milk suitability for cheese making.


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Brazil’s recent cinematic sensation, O som ao redor/Neighboring Sounds (Kleber Mendonça Filho, 2012), displays an effective integration of form and content, as exemplified by its vertical figuration that crystallizes the devastating effects of property development and global capitalism. This chapter will attempt to unravel a two-way drive within this vertical motif: a movement off the ground, resulting in global cosmopolitanism; and another into the ground, in search of the social history and film history at its base. As I hope to demonstrate, despite the characters’ late postmodernist disconnect from local context and history, O som ao redor offers a perspicacious insight into regional and national history that contributes an original and exciting addition to Brazilian and world cinema.


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Reprinted from Matrix 7 (Winter 1987) with revisions


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Influences of inbreeding on daily milk yield (DMY), age at first calving (AFC), and calving intervals (CI) were determined on a highly inbred zebu dairy subpopulation of the Guzerat breed. Variance components were estimated using animal models in single-trait analyses. Two approaches were employed to estimate inbreeding depression: using individual increase in inbreeding coefficients or using inbreeding coefficients as possible covariates included in the statistical models. The pedigree file included 9,915 animals, of which 9,055 were inbred, with an average inbreeding coefficient of 15.2%. The maximum inbreeding coefficient observed was 49.45%, and the average inbreeding for the females still in the herd during the analysis was 26.42%. Heritability estimates were 0.27 for DMY and 0.38 for AFC. The genetic variance ratio estimated with the random regression model for CI ranged around 0.10. Increased inbreeding caused poorer performance in DMY, AFC, and CI. However, some of the cows with the highest milk yield were among the highly inbred animals in this subpopulation. Individual increase in inbreeding used as a covariate in the statistical models accounted for inbreeding depression while avoiding overestimation that may result when fitting inbreeding coefficients.


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We study the photoassociation of Bose-Einstein condensed atoms into molecules using an optical cavity field. The driven cavity field introduces a dynamical degree of freedom into the photoassociation process, whose role in determining the stationary behavior has not previously been considered. The semiclassical stationary solutions for the atom and molecules as well as the intracavity field are found and their stability and scaling properties are determined in terms of experimentally controllable parameters including driving amplitude of the cavity and the nonlinear interactions between atoms and molecules. For weak cavity driving, we find a bifurcation in the atom and molecule number occurs that signals a transition from a stable steady state to nonlinear Rabi oscillations. For a strongly driven cavity, there exists bistability in the atom and molecule number.


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The Sagnac effect is an important phase coherent effect in optical and atom interferometers where rotations of the interferometer with respect to an inertial reference frame result in a shift in the interference pattern proportional to the rotation rate. Here, we analyze the Sagnac effect in a mesoscopic semiconductor electron interferometer. We include in our analysis the Rashba spin-orbit interactions in the ring. Our results indicate that spin-orbit interactions increase the rotation-induced phase shift. We discuss the potential experimental observability of the Sagnac phase shift in such mesoscopic systems.


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Electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT) is an important tool for controlling light propagation and nonlinear wave mixing in atomic gases with potential applications ranging from quantum computing to table top tests of general relativity. Here we consider EIT in an atomic Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) trapped in a double-well potential. A weak probe laser propagates through one of the wells and interacts with atoms in a three-level Lambda configuration. The well through which the probe propagates is dressed by a strong control laser with Rabi frequency Omega(mu), as in standard EIT systems. Tunneling between the wells at the frequency g provides a coherent coupling between identical electronic states in the two wells, which leads to the formation of interwell dressed states. The macroscopic interwell coherence of the BEC wave function results in the formation of two ultranarrow absorption resonances for the probe field that are inside of the ordinary EIT transparency window. We show that these new resonances can be interpreted in terms of the interwell dressed states and the formation of a type of dark state involving the control laser and the interwell tunneling. To either side of these ultranarrow resonances there is normal dispersion with very large slope controlled by g. We discuss prospects for observing these ultranarrow resonances and the corresponding regions of high dispersion experimentally.


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The Delaware River provides half of New York City's drinking water, is a habitat for wild trout, American shad and the federally endangered dwarf wedge mussel. It has suffered four 100‐year floods in the last seven years. A drought during the 1960s stands as a warning of the potential vulnerability of the New York City area to severe water shortages if a similar drought were to recur. The water releases from three New York City dams on the Delaware River's headwaters impact not only the reliability of the city’s water supply, but also the potential impact of floods, and the quality of the aquatic habitat in the upper river. The goal of this work is to influence the Delaware River water release policies (FFMP/OST) to further benefit river habitat and fisheries without increasing New York City's drought risk, or the flood risk to down basin residents. The Delaware water release policies are constrained by the dictates of two US Supreme Court Decrees (1931 and 1954) and the need for unanimity among four states: New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Delaware ‐‐ and New York City. Coordination of their activities and the operation under the existing decrees is provided by the Delaware River Basin Commission (DRBC). Questions such as the probability of the system approaching drought state based on the current FFMP plan and the severity of the 1960s drought are addressed using long record paleo‐reconstructions of flows. For this study, we developed reconstructed total annual flows (water year) for 3 reservoir inflows using regional tree rings going back upto 1754 (a total of 246 years). The reconstructed flows are used with a simple reservoir model to quantify droughts. We observe that the 1960s drought is by far the worst drought based on 246 years of simulations (since 1754).


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The Bola-DRB3 gene participates in the development of the immune response and is highly polymorphic. For these reasons, it has been a candidate gene in studies of the genetic basis of disease resistance and in population genetic analysis. South American native cattle breeds have been widely replaced by improved exotic breeds leading to a loss of genetic resources. In particular South American native breeds have high levels of fertility and disease resistance. This work describes genetic variability in the BoLA-DRB3 gene in native (Caracu, Pantaneiro, Argentinean Creole) and exotic (Holstein, Jersey, Nelore, Gir) cattle breeds in Brazil and Argentina. PCR-RFLP alleles were identified by combining the restriction patterns for the BoLA-DRB3.2 locus obtained with RsaI, BstY, and HaeIII restriction enzymes. Allelic frequencies and deviations from the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium were also calculated. Analysis of the 24 BoLA-DRB3 PCR-RFLP alleles identified showed differences in the allele distributions among breeds.


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Seis índices de estresse ambiental foram aplicados a 1.359 dados de 359 vacas Holandesas e 54 vacas Jersey em rebanhos comerciais do Ceará e Rio Grande do Norte. O critério de seleção aplicado aos índices foi sua correlação com a temperatura retal e a freqüência respiratória dos animais. O Índice de Temperatura e Umidade (THI) e o Índice de Globo e Umidade (BGHI) apresentaram os piores resultados, com correlações muito baixas com as respostas dos animais. Os índices escolhidos foram o Índice de Temperatura Equivalente (ESI), correlacionado significativamente com a temperatura retal (r = 0,293) e a freqüência respiratória (r = 0,520), e o Índice de Carga Térmica (HLI), com correlações r = 0,286 e r = 0,542 respectivamente.


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A distribuição radicular de duas cultivares de aspargo (New Jersey 220 e UC 157 F1), irrigadas por aspersão convencional, foi avaliada durante o ano de 1997 em solos de textura arenosa, em plantio experimental e comercial, respectivamente, nos Projetos de Irrigação de Bebedouro e Senador Nilo Coelho, em Petrolina (PE). O objetivo foi obter informações do sistema radicular do aspargo, empregando-se os métodos do monolito e do perfil de solo auxiliado pela análise de imagens digitais, para o manejo de solo e água nesse cultivo. Na área experimental, a maior parte da matéria seca, área e comprimento de raízes no perfil de solo e densidade de comprimento radicular foram encontradas até a profundidade de 0,4 m nas duas cultivares, enquanto que na comercial a maior parte da área e comprimento de raízes no perfil do solo estendeu-se até a profundidade de 0,6 m (cv. New Jersey 220). Nesses dois plantios, as raízes das cultivares atingiram a profundidade de 1 m. Na área experimental, a massa seca, a área e o comprimento no perfil de solo, e a densidade de comprimento radicular nas cultivares concentraram-se até a distância de 0,6 m à linha de plantas. No intervalo de diâmetro (d) de raízes 2Jersey 220 e UC 157 F1, respectivamente, enquanto que pela análise das imagens, o diâmetro de raízes variou entre 2,4 e 2,6 mm (cv. New Jersey 220) e 2,4 e 3,6 mm (cv. UC 157 F1). As estimativas da distribuição e do diâmetro radicular apresentaram similaridades considerando os métodos empregados.


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In the manufacture of composite, textile materials are being used as reinforcement. Generally, the combination of the matrix with the textile material in the form of fibres or yarns is used depending on their distribution in the web. In the present work, in place of fibres or yarns, a knitted structure in the form of the final product which is defined as preform. The preform is weft knit manufactured with polyester filaments. In the manufacture of composite, polyester resin was used as matrix. The physical and mechanical properties as well as the formability of the weft knit were analysed. The physical and mechanical properties as well as the formability of the knitted structure were analysed. The results obtained on the analysis show that the courses and wales of the weft knit structure and the tensile properties help the formability of the structure and the impregnation of the resin. It could be clearly observed that composite structure in the direction of the courses support more tension than in the direction of the wales. In relation to the three points flexural tests it was possible to note that there was more flexion in the direction of wales, what was expected. It was also possible to note that there are other advantages such as reduction in the loss of materials used, homogeneity in the distribution of the knitted structure in the mould, reduction in the preparation time and also in the reduction in the cost of manufacture


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Os objetivos do presente estudo foram avaliar a performance das raças Jersey e Holandesa em diferentes condições de pluviosidade (estações seca e chuvosa) através do monitoramento de aspectos relacionados com a mastite subclínica (contagem de células somáticas, isolamento microbiológico, tipo de patógeno isolado), qualidade do leite (lactose, proteína, gordura e sólidos totais) e produção (media da produção de leite) de ambas as raças. O estudo foi conduzido em propriedade leiteira localizada no estado de São Paulo, Brasil. Oito visitas foram realizadas a propriedade, quatro em período de alta pluviosidade e outro em período de baixa pluviosidade. Amostras de leite foram colhidas de todos os animais para contagem eletrônica de células somáticas e determinação dos principais componentes do leite (proteína, gordura, sólidos totais, lactose). Gordura, proteína, sólidos totais e produção leiteira foram influenciadas tanto pela raça como pela estação, apresentando tendências similares para ambas raças em ambas estações. A contagem de células somáticas (CCS) apresentou resultados similares para ambas as raças. Vacas holandesas com infecção intramamária (IIM) apresentaram um maior aumento na CCS quando comparadas as vacas Jersey (P<0.001). Na estação seca, 53 animais tiveram IIM em pelo menos um mês do estudo. Destes, 32 eram da raça Holandesa e 21 da raça Jersey. Na estação chuvosa, 65 animais possuíram infecção intramamária, dos quais 43 eram da raça Holandesa e 22 da raça Jersey. A frequência de casos de IIM foi maior na estação chuvosa em comparação à estação seca. Vacas Jersey apresentaram uma menor chance de desenvolver sinais e sintomas de IIM em relação às vacas holandesas na estação chuvosa (razão de chances=0.52). O maior numero de casos de IIM na estação chuvosa pode ter contribuído para uma menor taxa de lactose no leite para ambas as raças, sendo que esta pode ser considerada como um indicador do status de IIM. Existiu uma prevalência de patógenos contagiosos durante todo o experimento. O modelo estatístico aplicado mostrou que patógenos ambientais foram mais frequentemente isolados da raça Jersey, independentemente do período do estudo. Aparentemente existem diferenças na resposta imune das raças Jersey e Holandesa.