932 resultados para Japanese abacus
Handwritten character recognition is always a frontier area of research in the field of pattern recognition and image processing and there is a large demand for OCR on hand written documents. Even though, sufficient studies have performed in foreign scripts like Chinese, Japanese and Arabic characters, only a very few work can be traced for handwritten character recognition of Indian scripts especially for the South Indian scripts. This paper provides an overview of offline handwritten character recognition in South Indian Scripts, namely Malayalam, Tamil, Kannada and Telungu
Optical Character Recognition plays an important role in Digital Image Processing and Pattern Recognition. Even though ambient study had been performed on foreign languages like Chinese and Japanese, effort on Indian script is still immature. OCR in Malayalam language is more complex as it is enriched with largest number of characters among all Indian languages. The challenge of recognition of characters is even high in handwritten domain, due to the varying writing style of each individual. In this paper we propose a system for recognition of offline handwritten Malayalam vowels. The proposed method uses Chain code and Image Centroid for the purpose of extracting features and a two layer feed forward network with scaled conjugate gradient for classification
The present study was initiated when several massive outbreaks of Chikungunya, Dengue and Japanese Encephalitis were frequently reported across the State of Kerala. Multiple symptoms persisted among the affected individuals and the public health officials were in search of aetiological agents responsible for the out breaks and, other than clinical samples no resources were available. In this context, a study was undertaken to focus on mosquito larvae to investigate the viruses borne by them which remain silently prevalent in the environment. The study was not a group specific investigation limited to either arbovirus or enterovirus, but had a broad spectrum approach. The study encompassed the viral pathogens that could be isolated, their impact when passaged through cell lines, growth kinetics, titer of the working stocks in specific cell line, the structure by means of transmission electron microscopy(TEM), the one step growth and molecular characterization using molecular tools.
Aiming at consensus building in environmental management with democratic procedure, a communication tool for mutual understanding is profoundly needed. The main purpose of this research is the establishment of a practical methodology to understand vernacular meanings of the environment in terms of resident landscape perception as a precondition for environmental discussion.
Geographically, Taiwan is an Island and situated in the northeast of Asia, on the western side of the Pacific Basin, at the southeast of main China, south of Japan, and north of the Philippines. The main topographic character is the longitudinally oriented mountainous area. More than 200 peaks rise above 3000 m. They departed Taiwan into two lowland areas, an eastern and western plain. Taiwan is departed into subtropical (north area) and tropical zone (south area), which have a warm and humid climate, due to the Tropic of Cancer passing through. The average annual temperature in the lowland amounts to 28°C (7~38°C). The temperate climate also presents in the mountainous areas. The tropical typhoons usually come in summer and bring heavy rain, while the monsoon seasons have an important effect on the regional rainfall distribution. The mean annual rainfall of Taiwan is about 2600 mm (1000~6700 mm); the mountainous areas receive more rain than the lowlands. In Taiwan, according to different temperature and vegetation, the ecological environments were given rise to vertical biotic zonations, and form five major types: highland snowfield, highland meadow, coniferous forest, deciduous forest, and tropical forest. Six National Parks in Taiwan are located in the mountainous areas, in the north, the south, and on Jinmen Island. The National Parks represent about 8.4% of the country area. In this study, the collection sites are situated in Yangmingshan, Shei-Pa, Yushan, and Kenting National Park. Due to the island isolation, the proportions of endemic species are great in Taiwan, which also presents a high biodiversity. There are 4255 species of vascular plants including 1133 endemic. 5936 species in 1276 genera of fungi are hitherto reported in Taiwan. Among them, 233 Corticiaceae species were recorded, over one third (79 species) of them are known only from Taiwan. The first fungal report in Taiwan is about Phytophthora cyperi, published by the Japanese researcher T. Kawakami in 1904. Therefore, the history of research about fungi in Taiwan is more than one hundred years old. An eminent Japanese mycologist K. Sawada made an intensive survey from 1919 to 1959, and reported 2464 fungi species in his eleven volumes of “Descriptive Catalogue of Formosan Fungi”. However, only a few species (21 species in 9 genera) of Corticiaceae were recorded. From 1973, Chen and Lin resumed the study on Corticiaceae, and also some other foreign mycologists contributed for this field after 1980. The German research group lead by Franz Oberwinkler from Tübingen University collected in Taiwan several times. They published a number of new species and new records. Since 1989, S. H. Wu, a Taiwanese mycologist, has published a great amount of reports on corticioid fungi from Taiwan. Corticioid fungi were made up by the large and heterogeneous unnatural family Corticiaceae and other resupinate fungi belonging to other natural families in the Agaricomycetes. Molecular studies have shown that corticioid genera are distributed across all major clades of Agaricomycetes indicating that the corticioid fungi represent a polyphyletic group. They have resupinate fruitbodies and similar habitats. Species are characterized by simple fruitbody, more or less effused, and present smooth, porioid, grandinioid to odontioid hymenial surface. The fruitbodies are differently colored and usually soft to tough. Most of the Corticiaceae species are wood-saprobic organisms and gain the energy from the decomposing of wood-substrate such as cellulose or lignin. Materials for this study were collected by the author and other mycologists in Taiwan during surveys in April and May 1996, and March 2007, using the spring season with its high humidity and warm climate which are optimal conditions for the development of fungi. For assembling, the convenience sampling method was used in this study. This approach was chosen because it enables to detect a high biodiversity in a short time, and also to find species with rare or patchy distribution. The collecting sites from the North to the South include four National Parks and some preserved forests. They cover many different habitats such as low lands and high mountains. Fresh specimens were dried and analysed with a light microscope. 265 specimens belonging to Corticiaceae were studied in this research. Among them, 50 species in 21 genera including 11 new records and 10 new species were described with text and drawing. Four new species are belonging to Hyphodontia (H. sp. nov. 1, H. sp. nov. 2, H. sp. nov. 3, and H. sp. nov. 4), four to Schizopora (Sch. sp. nov. 1, Sch. sp. nov. 2, Sch. sp. nov. 3, and Sch. sp. nov. 4), one in Trechispora (T. sp. nov. 1), and one in Tubulicrinis (T. sp. nov. 1). Species recorded as new are Aleurodiscus amorphus, Botryohypochnus isabellinus, Hyphodontia cineracea, Hyphodontia palmae, Hypochnicium vellereum, Merulius tremellosus, Metulodontia nivea, Paullicorticium ansatum, Phlebia radiata, Phlebiella ardosiaca, and Xylobolus frustulatus. Besides, Botryohypochnus, Merulius, Metulodontia, Paullicorticium, and Xylobolus are also newly recorded genera in Taiwan. The genus Hyphodontia presents the highest diversity with 20 out of 50 species recorded. The second important genus is Hyphoderma, however with only 5 species. This indicates that Hyphodontia and Hyphoderma have a higher ability to develop in variable environments and approximately shows the predominance of these two genera in Taiwanese Corticiaceae. There are 11 new records out of the 50 species recorded, representing 22%. Some species, e.g. Hypochnicium vellereum and Paullicorticium ansatum were in the past recorded only in Europe and North America with cold and temperate climate. The samples of them are for the first time found in the subtropical belt, and display some difference from those of temperate regions. These collections should be molecularly investigated to clarify if they represent the same species of temperate areas. Patchily distributed species, for example Phlebiella ardosiaca, previously known only in Europe, and Hyphodontia palmae collected only in Brazil, were first recorded in different continents. Two possibilities are indicated by these new records: they are worldwide species but very rare to be found, or the Taiwanese specimens are taxonomically different. More survey from other continents and molecular study for these collections should be done in the future to solve this question. The distribution of Corticiaceae in Taiwan presents the variations in the north, central, and south areas and shows the diversity in lowlands and high mountains. The results of this study provide the evidence that the temperate Corticiaceae species displays a wider distribution. Subtropical and tropical taxa probably have also high dispersal capacities, and could possibly be found in the future in neighboring areas such as China, Japan, Korea or South Asia, but this needs further researches. In the total of 50 species, 10 new taxa were described in this study, giving about 20%. Some new species (e.g. Hyphodontia sp. 1, Hyphodontia sp. 2, and Hyphodontia sp. 3) are very similar to known species (Hyphodontia sambuci and Hyphodontia formosana), and the distinctive characters of Schizopora sp. nov. 1 are intermediate between those of Schizopora paradoxa and Hyphodontia flavipora. Thus, these small differences between the new and known species, suggest that the speciation occurred when the fungi migrated into Taiwan, due to the high diversity of environment, and amounts of the endemic plants. Taiwan is an intermediate place for the south (tropical) fungal species to migrate and adapt to north (temperate) regions. The middle and high altitude environments in Taiwan offer good conditions for the fungal speciation and possibly the occurrence of physiological changes to adapt to the temperate climate. Thus Taiwan has an important position for the biogeography of Asia mycobiota. 5936 known species in Taiwan represent about only 20% of the estimated number (24000) of Taiwanese fungal taxa. In this study, the findings (22% new records and 20% new species) indicate that amounts of unknown fungi species are expected in Taiwan. The lack of knowledge indicates that many new species are awaiting description, and fungal survey in Taiwan remains in a Pioneer phase. The last three wide surveys of Corticiaceae researches took place 20 years before this study (Chen & Lin 1977, Lin & Chen 1989, Wu 1990). After previous important contributions, the present taxonomic study comprising 21 genera is the most extensive on Corticiaceae of Taiwan.
The Japanese economy entered a long recession in spring 1997. Its economic growth has been much lower than in the US and the EU despite large fiscal stimulus packages, a monetary policy which has brought interest rates to zero since 1999, injections of public money to recapitalize banks, and programs of liberalization and deregulation. How could all these policies have failed to bring the Japanese economy back on a sustainable growth path? This paper argues that the failure of Japan's efforts to restore a sound economic environment is the result of having deliberately chosen inappropriate and inadequate monetary and fiscal instruments to tackle the macroeconomic and structural problems that have burdened the Japanese economy since the burst of the financial bubble at the beginning of the 90s. These choices were deliberate, since the "right" policies (in primis the resolution of the banking crisis) presented unbearable political costs, not only for the ruling parties, but also for the bureaucratic and business elites. The misfortunes of the Japanese economy during the long recession not only allow us to draw important economic policy lessons, but also stimulate reflections on the disruptive role on economic policies caused by powerful vested interests when an economy needs broad and deep structural changes. The final part of the paper focuses on ways to tackle Japan's banking crisis. In particular, it explores the Scandinavian solution, which, mutatis mutandis, might serve Japanese policy-makers well.
This is a preliminary paper. Please do not quote without the permission of the author. The research on which this paper is based has been conducted with the collaboration of John Paul MacDuffie, MIT. The researchers owe much to the warm cooperation of managers, employees, and union officials of Japanese auto companies and joint venture companies in the U.S. as well as American auto companies and the UAW. We would like to express our sincere appreciation for their assistance.
El desarrollo del Este Asiático en los últimos años ha sido sorprendente. Estos Estados han logrado un crecimiento acelerado integrándose en el mercado mundial tanto de bienes como de capitales. Lo anterior, ha generado que la postura japonesa cambie frente a la integración económica, pues ahora el Estado Nipón está creando acciones en su política exterior como un actor racional para mantener su posición, estabilidad y bienestar dentro de la región. Es así que la presente monografía busca identificar cuáles son los intereses de Japón en materia de Integración Regional en el Este Asiático durante el período 1997-2008. Por lo antes mencionado, se han planteado como propósitos particulares: Identificar la perspectiva japonesa frente al establecimiento de Integración Regional en el Este Asiático, describir cuáles son los intereses y estrategias de política exterior japonesa en el Este Asiático y analizar la influencia de los enfoques económico y político en la consolidación de la influencia del Estado Japonés.
Este proyecto trata acerca del sector floricultor colombiano (2005-2009)y su relación con el mercado japonés, como proveedor potencial de flores de alta calidad y altamente valoradas en el mercado. Adicionalmente, se busca proponer a los floricultores colombianos la posibilidad de fortalecer su presencia en el mercado japonés, el cual ofrece grandes e importante oportunidades para su fortalecimiento y expansión.
Introducción: De todos los casos de cáncer en el mundo el 80% se presentan en países en vía de desarrollo siendo el cáncer de estómago o cáncer gástrico la segunda causa de muerte por cáncer en el mundo con aproximadamente 700.000 muertes cada año. En Colombia, el cáncer gástrico es la primera causa de muerte por tumores malignos en ambos sexos, aún cuando no es la primera neoplasia en frecuencia. Metodología: Estudio observacional descriptivo, de registros de defunción del DANE, Colombia 2000 a 2009. Se analizaron tasas anuales crudas y por grupos de edad, género, procedencia geográfica, estado civil, nivel educativo y área de residencia habitual estableciendo diferencias estadísticas entre las variables y sus categorías. Resultados: En el período estudiado se registraron 43759 defunciones por cáncer gástrico, con mayor frecuencia en hombres 1,5:1. Las tasas de mortalidad por cáncer gástrico ajustadas por grupos etáreos aumentan después de la quinta década de la vida. Se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas en todos los años estudiados y el departamento de residencia habitual del fallecido presentando Cauca (18,11- 19) y Boyacá (14,54-1742) las tasas más altas por 100.000 habitantes. Las tasas más altas se concentran en la zona de la Cordillera de los Andes, al estandarizar por grupos etáreos el Cauca tiene una tasa de 114,98 casos por 100.000 habitantes. Conclusión: El cáncer gástrico es la neoplasia que causa más muertes en Colombia por lo cual es necesario diseñar e implementar programas de detección precoz que vayan dirigidos al control de la mortalidad.
Actualmente, la investigación científica acerca de la influencia de los factores educativos y familiares en el aprendizaje de una segunda lengua (L2) es limitada. En comparación, los efectos que tiene la L2 en la inteligencia y cognición han sido más estudiados. Por esta razón, el artículo presenta una revisión de la literatura empírica existente que relaciona lo mencionado anteriormente, ampliando así la temática del bilingüismo. Se buscaron artículos en cuatro bases de datos (PSICODOC, ISI Web of knowledge y SCOPUS), usando palabras claves específicas, en el periodo de 1990 hasta el 2012. De 79 artículos encontrados, 34 cumplieron con los criterios de inclusión para la revisión. Asimismo, se tuvieron en cuenta dos libros, de los cuales se revisó un capítulo por cada uno según los mismos criterios. En conjunto, los resultados arrojaron importantes datos teóricos y de investigación que relacionan el éxito en el aprendizaje de una L2 con la inteligencia y cognición, según la influencia de los factores educativos y familiares. En conclusión, se identificaron más factores educativos que familiares; lo cual a concepto de la autora evidencia la limitada investigación que se ha hecho sobre los factores familiares en el bilingüismo actualmente.
Este trabajo constituye una revisión de la influencia de las variables individuales y contextuales sobre las actitudes hacia la discapacidad. Para alcanzar este objetivo, se describió el concepto de discapacidad desde una perspectiva social, en donde se concibió la discapacidad como un aspecto relacional en vez de una característica individual. Por otra parte se describieron las actitudes hacia la discapacidad, los tipos y sus consecuencias, teniendo en cuenta las percepciones, creencias, emociones, información sobre discapacidad y variables sociodemográficas las cuales tienen un papel significativo en la formación y mantenimiento de las actitudes hacia la discapacidad. Adicionalmente se presentaron algunas de las estrategias de intervención que tiene como propósito mejorar las actitudes, aspecto que puede ayudar o contribuir a la aceptación de las personas con discapacidad. Finalmente, el presente trabajo muestra la necesidad de continuar el estudio de las actitudes hacia la discapacidad, y el mejorar las intervenciones basadas en los hallazgos presentados.
Este trabajo pretende mostrar el manejo que le da la comunidad internacional a los desastres naturales, a partir del envío de cooperación humanitaria y de emergencia. Para ello se realizó un estudio de caso de Japón y la ayuda que recibió luego del terremoto y tsunami del 11 de marzo de 2011. Esta tesis está dividida en 4 partes: el primer capítulo está dedicado a Japón, en este se pretende mostrar la vulnerabilidad del país frente a los desastres y los problemas que afrontó luego de la emergencia. El segundo capítulo está dedicado a la cooperación humanitaria y de emergencia, mostrando las distintas estrategias en esta materia que tienen los actores de la comunidad internacional. En el tercer capítulo se muestra el tipo de ayuda humanitaria que se envió a Japón por parte de la comunidad internacional frente a las principales necesidades y problemas de su población. Finalmente se establecen una serie de conclusiones que muestran como se dio el envío de la ayuda, si esta fue oportuna y si el manejo que dio el gobierno de Japón fue el adecuado.
El objetivo general de la presente monografía es analizar la incidencia de los cambios en el entorno regional en la reformulación de la agenda de seguridad de Japón y en el Tratado de Seguridad Nipo-Americano durante el periodo 2001-2010. Para llevar a cabo este objetivo es necesario abordar, como un primer capítulo, los cambios en el escenario regional que representan un desafío para la seguridad de Japón. En el segundo capítulo, se describirá el alcance y ajustes que ha tenido la alianza Nipo-Americana; finalmente, en el tercer capítulo se explicará como Japón ha reformulado su agenda de seguridad en respuesta a los nuevos desafíos regionales.
Introducción: El síndrome nefrótico idiopático es una entidad con una tasa de prevalencia de 16/100.000 niños, en la cual ocurre pérdida de proteínas a través del filtro glomerular; la proteinuria > 40mg/sc/hora, se acompaña de edema, hipoproteinemia, albumina < 2,5g/dL. La ausencia de datos de prevalencia de nefropatía de cambios mínimos en nuestro medio limita la perspectiva real para lograr un manejo integral de nuestros niños y el enfoque a seguir por parte del grupo de pediatría. Materiales y métodos: Estudio de corte transversal descriptivo, se revisan historias clínicas de los niños con síndrome nefrótico idiopático con biopsia renal, que asistieron a la consulta de nefrología pediátrica en la Fundación Cardio Infantil durante un período de 14 años. Resultados: La prevalencia de nefropatía de cambios mínimos en nuestro subgrupo de pacientes con biopsia renal es de 24,2%. En esta, se presentaron 50% con hematuria macroscópica y 43,7% con hematuria microscópica. La insuficiencia renal crónica se presentó en un sólo paciente con 6,25% y la corticoresistencia en 3 pacientes con 18,7%. Discusión: La prevalencia de nefropatía de cambios mínimos en nuestra población es la tercera parte de lo reportado en la literatura mundial en población general con síndrome nefrótico idiopático. Esta prevalencia menor en nuestro estudio se puede deber posiblemente por tratarse la población de nuestro estudio un subgrupo de pacientes con indicación de biopsia renal además de ser la Fundación Cardio Infantil, central de referencia que llegan remitidos patologías más complejas.