999 resultados para Isoimunização ao fator Rh


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Grass reference evapotranspiration (ETo) is an important agrometeorological parameter for climatological and hydrological studies, as well as for irrigation planning and management. There are several methods to estimate ETo, but their performance in different environments is diverse, since all of them have some empirical background. The FAO Penman-Monteith (FAD PM) method has been considered as a universal standard to estimate ETo for more than a decade. This method considers many parameters related to the evapotranspiration process: net radiation (Rn), air temperature (7), vapor pressure deficit (Delta e), and wind speed (U); and has presented very good results when compared to data from lysimeters Populated with short grass or alfalfa. In some conditions, the use of the FAO PM method is restricted by the lack of input variables. In these cases, when data are missing, the option is to calculate ETo by the FAD PM method using estimated input variables, as recommended by FAD Irrigation and Drainage Paper 56. Based on that, the objective of this study was to evaluate the performance of the FAO PM method to estimate ETo when Rn, Delta e, and U data are missing, in Southern Ontario, Canada. Other alternative methods were also tested for the region: Priestley-Taylor, Hargreaves, and Thornthwaite. Data from 12 locations across Southern Ontario, Canada, were used to compare ETo estimated by the FAD PM method with a complete data set and with missing data. The alternative ETo equations were also tested and calibrated for each location. When relative humidity (RH) and U data were missing, the FAD PM method was still a very good option for estimating ETo for Southern Ontario, with RMSE smaller than 0.53 mm day(-1). For these cases, U data were replaced by the normal values for the region and Delta e was estimated from temperature data. The Priestley-Taylor method was also a good option for estimating ETo when U and Delta e data were missing, mainly when calibrated locally (RMSE = 0.40 mm day(-1)). When Rn was missing, the FAD PM method was not good enough for estimating ETo, with RMSE increasing to 0.79 mm day(-1). When only T data were available, adjusted Hargreaves and modified Thornthwaite methods were better options to estimate ETo than the FAO) PM method, since RMSEs from these methods, respectively 0.79 and 0.83 mm day(-1), were significantly smaller than that obtained by FAO PM (RMSE = 1.12 mm day(-1). (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The preslaughter handling and transport of broilers are stressful operations that might affect welfare and meat quality and could increase numbers of deaths before slaughter. However, the influence of thermal factors during transportation and lairage at slaughterhouses is complex in subtropical regions, where increasing temperature and high RH are the major concerns regarding animal survival before slaughter. In this study we assessed the influence of a controlled lairage environment on preslaughter mortality rates of broiler chickens that were transported during different seasons of the year and had varying lairage times in the subtropical climate. Preslaughter data from 13,937 broiler flocks were recorded daily during 2006 in a commercial slaughterhouse in southeastern Brazil. The main factors that influenced daily mortality rate were mean dry bulb temperature and RH, lairage time, daily periods, density of broilers per crate, season of the year, stocking density per lorry, transport time, and distance between farms and slaughterhouse. A holding area at the slaughterhouse with environmental control was assessed. Using a double GLM for mean and dispersion modeling, the seasons were found to have significant effects (P < 0.05) on average mortality rates. The highest incidence was observed in summer (0.42%), followed by spring (0.39%), winter (0.28%), and autumn (0.23%). A decrease of preslaughter mortality of broilers during summer (P < 0.05) was observed when the lairage time was increased, mainly after 1 h of exposure to a controlled environment. Thus, lairage for 3 to 4 h in a controlled lairage environment during the summer and spring is necessary to reduce the thermal load of broiler chickens.


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Leaf wetness duration (LWD) is a key parameter in agricultural meteorology since it is related to epidemiology of many important crops, controlling pathogen infection and development rates. Because LWD is not widely measured, several methods have been developed to estimate it from weather data. Among the models used to estimate LWD, those that use physical principles of dew formation and dew and/or rain evaporation have shown good portability and sufficiently accurate results, but their complexity is a disadvantage for operational use. Alternatively, empirical models have been used despite their limitations. The simplest empirical models use only relative humidity data. The objective of this study was to evaluate the performance of three RH-based empirical models to estimate LWD in four regions around the world that have different climate conditions. Hourly LWD, air temperature, and relative humidity data were obtained from Ames, IA (USA), Elora, Ontario (Canada), Florence, Toscany (Italy), and Piracicaba, Sao Paulo State (Brazil). These data were used to evaluate the performance of the following empirical LWD estimation models: constant RH threshold (RH >= 90%); dew point depression (DPD); and extended RH threshold (EXT_RH). Different performance of the models was observed in the four locations. In Ames, Elora and Piracicaba, the RH >= 90% and DPD models underestimated LWD, whereas in Florence these methods overestimated LWD, especially for shorter wet periods. When the EXT_RH model was used, LWD was overestimated for all locations, with a significant increase in the errors. In general, the RH >= 90% model performed best, presenting the highest general fraction of correct estimates (F(C)), between 0.87 and 0.92, and the lowest false alarm ratio (F(AR)), between 0.02 and 0.31. The use of specific thresholds for each location improved accuracy of the RH model substantially, even when independent data were used; MAE ranged from 1.23 to 1.89 h, which is very similar to errors obtained with published physical models for LWD estimation. Based on these results, we concluded that, if calibrated locally, LWD can be estimated with acceptable accuracy by RH above a specific threshold, and that the EXT_RH method was unsuitable for estimating LWD at the locations used in this study. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Leaf wetness duration (LWD) is related to plant disease occurrence and is therefore a key parameter in agrometeorology. As LWD is seldom measured at standard weather stations, it must be estimated in order to ensure the effectiveness of warning systems and the scheduling of chemical disease control. Among the models used to estimate LWD, those that use physical principles of dew formation and dew and/or rain evaporation have shown good portability and sufficiently accurate results for operational use. However, the requirement of net radiation (Rn) is a disadvantage foroperational physical models, since this variable is usually not measured over crops or even at standard weather stations. With the objective of proposing a solution for this problem, this study has evaluated the ability of four models to estimate hourly Rn and their impact on LWD estimates using a Penman-Monteith approach. A field experiment was carried out in Elora, Ontario, Canada, with measurements of LWD, Rn and other meteorological variables over mowed turfgrass for a 58 day period during the growing season of 2003. Four models for estimating hourly Rn based on different combinations of incoming solar radiation (Rg), airtemperature (T), relative humidity (RH), cloud cover (CC) and cloud height (CH), were evaluated. Measured and estimated hourly Rn values were applied in a Penman-Monteith model to estimate LWD. Correlating measured and estimated Rn, we observed that all models performed well in terms of estimating hourly Rn. However, when cloud data were used the models overestimated positive Rn and underestimated negative Rn. When only Rg and T were used to estimate hourly Rn, the model underestimated positive Rn and no tendency was observed for negative Rn. The best performance was obtained with Model I, which presented, in general, the smallest mean absolute error (MAE) and the highest C-index. When measured LWD was compared to the Penman-Monteith LWD, calculated with measured and estimated Rn, few differences were observed. Both precision and accuracy were high, with the slopes of the relationships ranging from 0.96 to 1.02 and R-2 from 0.85 to 0.92, resulting in C-indices between 0.87 and 0.93. The LWD mean absolute errors associated with Rn estimates were between 1.0 and 1.5h, which is sufficient for use in plant disease management schemes.


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The purposes of this work were a) to evaluate citrus black spot (CBS) incidence in `Valencia` oranges and `Murcott` tangors aimed at the export market, and in Pera`, `Lima` and `Natal` oranges, and `Murcott` tangors, aimed at the domestic market after different processing stages in packinghouses in 2004/05 and 2005/06; b) to evaluate CBS incidence in Pera` and `Lima` oranges and `Murcott` tangors sold at Ceagesp-SP, the biggest wholesale market in the State of Sao Paulo, in 2006. Citrus fruits were collected at the packinghouse, on their arrival, after pre-washing and de-greening, from the packing table, from the pallet and at Ceagesp. They were stored for 14 to 21 days at 25 degrees C and 85-90% RH. The incidence of CBS was visually evaluated after one day and at the end of the storage period. CBS incidence in fruits aimed at the export market decreased, with values under 2.0% on arrival and no CBS symptoms observed on fruits from the pallet. The average incidence of CBS in `Pera`, `Lima` and `Natal` oranges, and `Murcott` tangors in the packinghouse aimed at the domestic market were 64.1, 39.0, 32.1 and 19.3%, respectively, after one day of storage, then remaining constant in all processing stages. The incidence of CBS in Ceagesp fruits was low in winter months and increased in the spring. The increase in disease incidence during the storage period (21 days) was not significant in collected fruits.


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The purposes of this workwere to characterize postharvest injuries and to evaluate the physicochemical characteristics of`Nra` and `Lima`oranges and `Murcott` tangor at Ceagesp market, as well as to characterize the environmental mycoflora in retail points at Ceagesp in 2006. Fruits collected at retail points were stored for 14 days at 25 degrees C and 85-90% RH. The incidence of injuries was visually evaluated every three days. The physicochemical characteristics analyzed were titratable acidity and soluble solids amount. The environmental mycoflora was sampled according to the gravimetric method, using Petri dishes containing potato-dextrose-agar medium+pentabiotic opened for two minutes. The average rot incidences in `Pera` and `Lima` oranges and `Murcott` tangor were 12.8, 14.9 and 25.8%, respectively, at the end of the storage period, and green mold was the main postharvest disease. Associations between physicochemical parameters and rot incidence was, in general, not significant. The environmental fungal population varied significantly between the sampling months in retail points with an average of 25.3 cfu/plate. Penicillium and Cladosporium were the most recorded genera of fungi. Positive correlation (r=0.96) was observed between frequency of P digitatum found in the environment of retail points and the green mold in on-sale fruits of `Pera` orange. However, for `Lima` orange and `Murcott` tangor such a correlation was not verified.


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A warning system for sooty blotch and flyspeck (SBFS) of apple, developed in the southeastern United States, uses cumulative hours of leaf wetness duration (LWD) to predict the timing of the first appearance of signs. In the Upper Midwest United States, however, this warning system has resulted in sporadic disease control failures. The purpose of the present study was to determine whether the warning system`s algorithm could be modified to provide more reliable assessment of SBFS risk. Hourly LWD, rainfall, relative humidity (RH), and temperature data were collected from orchards in Iowa, North Carolina, and Wisconsin in 2005 and 2006. Timing of the first appearance of SBFS signs was determined by weekly scouting. Preliminary analysis using scatterplots and boxplots suggested that Cumulative hours of RH >= 97% could be a useful predictor of SBFS appearance. Receiver operating characteristic curve analysis was used to compare the predictive performance of cumulative LWD and cumulative hours of RH >= 97%. Cumulative hours of RH >= 97% was a more conservative and accurate predictor than cumulative LWD for 15 site years in the Upper Midwest, but not for four site years in North Carolina. Performance of the SBFS warning system in the Upper Midwest and climatically similar regions may be improved if cumulative hours of RH >= 97% were substituted for cumulative LWD to predict the first appearance of SBFS.


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Experiments carried out to study changes induced by hard-to-cook (HTC) phenomenon in the non-starch polysaccharides of beans stored at 30 degrees C and 75% RH for 8 months showed that the development of HTC did not affect the amounts of soluble and insoluble fibre in cooked seeds but changed their carbohydrates physical properties. Aged beans non-starch polysaccharides presented lower water-solubility and underwent lower degradation of galacturonans and arabinose-rich polysaccharides when submitted to cooking. The decrease in non-starch polysaccharides water-solubility produced a shift in the polymers fractionation profile which resulted in an increase of weak and middle-alkali soluble polymers bulk as well as in their arabinose and uronic acid contents. Uronic acid contents were higher in polymers released by 1 M NaOH and in the cellulose-rich residues while the arabinose contents were higher in the mild-alkali soluble polymers of aged seeds. Methylation analysis showed no evident alterations in the xyloglucans and arabinans branching degree with beans ageing. However, both, the molecular mass of water-soluble pectins and CDTA-soluble pectins, increased. Even though changes in the non-starch polysaccharide solubility were not related to the decrease in the arabinan and xyloglucan degree of branching they may be related to the formation of new chemical interactions other than hydrogen bond. There was a correlation between acidic and neutral polysaccharides insolubilisation in beans ageing and probably in beans hardening. After processing, aged seeds present higher amounts of insoluble fibre when compared to normal beans. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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During rat hepatocarcinogenesis preneoplastic lesions (PNL) emerge which may persist (pPNL) and be sites of progress to cancer or suffer remodeling (rPNL) tending to disappear. Cellular and molecular mechanisms involved in both phenotypes are not sufficiently elucidated. pPNL and rPNL cellular proliferation and apoptosis were evaluated in rats submitted to the resistant hepatocyte (RH) model, and an adjusted growth index (AGI) was established. p53, Bcl-2, and NF-kappa B p65 subunit expression was evaluated by immunohistochemistry in pPNL and rPNL. p65 expression and NF-kappa B activation was evaluated by Western blot assays in whole livers. A lower number of BrdU-stained hepatocyte nuclei/mm(2) and higher number of apoptotic bodies (AB) per mm(2) were observed in remodeling compared to pPNL. Cytoplasmic p53 accumulation is related to increased hepatocarcinoma malignancy. We observed that 71.3% pPNL and 25.4% rPNL (P < 0.05) presented p53 staining in the cytoplasm. Similarly, 67.7% pPNL and 23.1 % rPNL (P < 0.05) presented increased Bcl-2 staining. Thirty-two percent pPNL and 15.6% rPNL (P < 0.05) presented p65 staining. Compared to normal rats, increase (P < 0.05) of hepatic p65 expression and NF-kappa B activation in rats submitted to the RH model was observed. in agreement to previous studies hepatic pPNL and rPNL differ regarding cell proliferation and apoptosis. Moreover, persistence and remodeling involve differences in p53, Bcl-2, and NF-kappa B pathways. These data point to molecular pathways that may direct preneoplastic lesions to spontaneously regress or to progress to cancer.


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The aim of this work is to propose a biomonitoring method for the simultaneous determination of Cd and Pb in whole blood by simultaneous electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry for assessment of environmental levels. A volume of 200 mu L of whole blood was diluted in 500 mu L of 0.2% (w v(-1)) Triton(R) X-100 + 2.0% (v v(-1)) HNO3. Trichloroacetic acid was added for protein precipitation and the supernatant analyzed. A mixture of 250 mu g W + 200 mu g Rh as permanent and 2.0% (w v(-1)) NH4H2PO4 as co-injected modifiers were used. Characteristic masses and limits of detections (n = 20, 3s) for Cd and Pb were 1.26 and 33 pg and 0.026 mu g L-1 and 0.65 mu g L-1, respectively. Repeatability ranged from 1.8 to 6.8% for Cd and 1.2 to 1.7% for Pb. The trueness of method was checked by the analysis of three Reference Materials: Lyphocheck(R) Whole Blood Metals Control level 1 and Seronorm(TM) Trace Elements in Whole Blood levels 1 and 2. The found concentrations presented no statistical differences at the 95% confidence level. Blood samples from 40 volunteers without occupational exposure were analyzed and the concentrations ranged from 0.13 to 0.71 mu g L-1 (0.32 +/- 0.19 mu g L-1) for Cd and 9.3 to 56.7 mu g L-1 (25.1 +/- 10.8 mu g L-1) for Pb. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The purpose of this study was to develop a lyotropic liquid crystalline formulation using the emulsifier vitamin E TPGS and evaluate its behavior after incorporation of a flavonoid, quercetin. The physical (macro and microscopic), chemical (determination of quercetin content by the HPLC method) and functional (determination of quercetin antioxidant activity by DPPH center dot assay) stability of the lamellar liquid crystalline formulation containing flavonoid was evaluated when stored at 4+/-2 degrees C; 30+/-2 degrees C/70+/-5% RH (relative humidity) and 40+/-2 degrees C/70+/-5% RH during 12 months. The lamellar liquid crystalline structure of the formulation was maintained during the experiment, however chemical and functional stability results showed a great influence of the storage period in all conditions tested. A significant decrease in quercetin content (approximately 40%) was detected during the first month of storage and a similar significant loss in antioxidant activity was detected after 6 months. The remaining flavonoid content was unchanged during the final 6 months of the experimental period. The results suggest possible interactions between quercetin and the liquid crystalline formulation, which could inhibit or reduce the quercetin activity incorporated in the system. In conclusion, the present study demonstrated that incorporation of quercetin (1%) did not affect the liquid crystalline structure composed of vitamin E TPGS/IPM/PG-H2O (1:1) at 63.75/21.25/15 (w/w/w). Nevertheless, of the total quercetin incorporated in the system only 60% was free to act as an antioxidant.


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The use of biodegradable natural polymers has increased due to the over-solid packaging waste. In this study, a chemical modification of the casein molecule was performed by Maillard reaction, and the modified polymer was evaluated by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE), thermogravimetry/derivative thermogravimetry (TG/DTG), FT-IR, and (1)H-NMR spectroscopy. Subsequently, films based on the modified casein were obtained and characterized by mechanical analysis, water vapor transmission, and erosion behavior. The PAGE results suggested an increase of molecular mass of the modified polymer, and FT-IR spectroscopy data indicated inclusion of C-OH groups into this molecule. The TG/DTG curves of modified casein presented a different thermal decomposition profile compared to the individual compounds. Mechanical tests showed that the chemical modification of the casein molecules provided higher elongation rates (45.5%) to the films, suggesting higher plasticity, than the original molecules (13.4%). The modified casein films presented higher permeability (0.505 +/- A 0.006 mu g/h mm(3)) than the original polymer (0.387 +/- A 0.006 mu g/h mm(3)) films at 90% relative humidity (RH). In pH 1.2, modified casein films presented higher erosion rates (32.690 +/- A 0.692%) than casein films (19.910 +/- A 2.083%) after 8 h, suggesting an increased sensibility for erosion of the modified casein films in acid environment. In water (pH 7.0), the films erosion profiles were similar. Those findings indicate that the modification of molecule by Maillard reaction provided films more plastic, hydrophilic, and sensitive to erosion in acid environment, suggesting that a new polymer with changed properties was founded.


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The aim of this research was to perform a stability testing of spray- and spouted bed-dried extracts of Passiflora alata Dryander (Passion flower) under stress storage conditions. Spouted bed- and spray-dried extracts were characterized by determination of the average particle diameter (dP), apparent moisture content (XP), total flavonoid content (TF), and vitexin content. Smaller and more irregular particles were generated by the spouted bed system due to a higher attrition rate (surface erosion) inside the dryer. The SB dryer resulted in an end product with higher concentration of flavonoids (approximate to 10%) and lower moisture content (1.6%, dry basis) than the spray dryer, even with both dryers working at similar inlet drying air temperature and ratio between the extract feed flow rate to drying air flow rate (Ws/Wg). Samples of the spouted bed- and spray-dried extracts were stored at two different temperatures (34 and 45 degrees C) and two different relative humidities (52 and 63% RH for 34 degrees C; 52 and 60% RH for 45 degrees C) in order to perform the stability testing. The dried extracts were stored for 28 days and were analyzed every 4 days. The flavonoid vitexin served as the marker compound, which was assayed during the storage period. Results revealed shelf lives ranging from 9 to 184 days, depending on the drying process and storage conditions.


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Inorganic metal oxide materials are generally poor proton conductors as conductivities are lower than 10-5-10-6 S.cm-1. However, by functionalising Silica, Zirconia or Titania, proton conduction increases by up to 5 orders of magnitude. Hence, functionalised nanomaterials are becoming very competitive against conventional electrolyte materials such as Nafion. In this work, sol-gel processes are employed to produce silica phosphate, zirconia phosphate and titania phosphate functionalised nanoparticles. Furthermore, conductivities at hydrate conditions are investigated, and nanoparticle formation and functionalisation effects on proton conductivity are discussed. Results show conductivities up to 10-1 S.cm-1 (95% RH). Proton conduction increases with the functionalisation content, however heat treatment of nanoparticles locks the functionality in the crystal phase, thus inhibiting proton conduction. Controlling the mesopore phase allows for high proton conduction at hydrated conditions, clearly indicating facilitated ion transport through the pore channels.


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Self-incompatibility RNases (S-RNases) are an allelic series of style glycoproteins associated with rejection of self-pollen in solanaceous plants. The nucleotide sequences of S-RNase alleles from several genera have been determined, but the structure of the gene products has only been described for those from Nicotiana alata. We report on the N-glycan structures and the disulfide bonding of the S-3-RNase from wild tomato (Lycopersicon peruvianum) and use this and other information to construct a model of this molecule. The S-3-RNase has a single N-glycosylation site (Asn-28) to which one of three N-glycans is attached. S-3-RNase has seven Cys residues; six are involved in disulfide linkages (Cys-16-Cys-21, Cys-46-Cys-91, and Cys-166-Cys-177), and one has a free thiol group (Cys-150). The disulfide-bonding pattern is consistent with that observed in RNase Rh, a related RNase for which radiographic-crystallographic information is available. A molecular model of the S-3-RNase shows that four of the most variable regions of the S-RNases are clustered on one surface of the molecule. This is discussed in the context of recent experiments that set out to determine the regions of the S-RNase important for recognition during the self-incompatibility response.