999 resultados para Invertebrado marinho - Teses
Objective: The present study was aimed at evaluating the contribution of transrectal prostate ultrasound in the screening for prostate neoplasias and in the guidance of prostate biopsies. Materials and Methods: Prospective study developed over a one-year period. All the patients with indication for prostate biopsy were evaluated. Regardless of PSA values, the patients underwent ultrasound in order to identify suspicious nodules (confirmed by two observers). Sextant biopsy was subsequently performed. In cases of finding suspicious nodules, an additional puncture directed to such nodules was done. Results: In a total of 155 cases the prevalence of malignancy was of 53%. Suspicious nodules were detected in 34 patients, and 25 where malignant (positive predictive value of 74%). The specificity and sensitivity for suspicious nodules were 88% and 31% respectively. Comparatively with the randomly obtained sextant specimens, the rate of findings of neoplasia was higher in the specimens obtained with puncture directed to the nodule (p = 0.032). No statistically significant difference was observed in the Gleason score for both types of specimens (p = 0.172). Conclusion: The high positive predictive value and the high rate of findings of neoplasia in specimens of suspicious nodules should be taken into consideration in the future. The authors suggest a biopsy technique similar to the one described in the present study (sextant biopsy plus puncture directed to the suspicious nodule).
Environmental education is a big challenge in this century and the University has an important role to play in it. This paper presents a practical experience of environmental education in the university teaching at the University of Bahia. That experience involves the creation of an interdisciplinary group that has been developing research and teaching activities with interdisciplinary perspectives. The paper also discusses a methodology proposed by this group aiming to include environmental education in science teaching using social and cultural approaches.
Eight compounds comprising four groups of polyketides, the xanthone fusarindin, the mixed peptide alkaloid-polyketide GKK1032, the anthraquinones crisophanol, citreoveridin and janthinone, and the azaphylones dihydrocitrinone, citrinin and citrinin H-1, were identified in Penicillium species isolated as endophytic fungi from Melia azedarach and Murraya paniculata. The antibacterial activity of the azaphylones was tested and showed that citrinin H-1 is more active than citrinin.
The importance of natural products as a source of new high value-added drugs has, no doubt, transformed Brazilian megadiversity into one of the country's most valuable and strategic assets. Thus the rational exploration of the Brazilian flora on an economic basis should be considered as part of a national development strategy. In this respect, governmental mechanisms to stimulate regulation on the access, bioprospection and industrial use of natural products represent a crucial issue. The aim of this paper is to show how the incentives and institutional arrangements that led to one of the greatest breakthroughs in the pharmaceutical industry, the development and commercialization of the anti-cancer agent Taxol, could be applied to the Brazilian case.
The present article reviews aspects of the controversy in nineteenth-century physical sciences between atomists and anti-atomists, and the scientific, philosophical and methodological aspects about the atomic debates. The meanings of the atom concept used by physicists and chemists in that century are also discussed.
Six compounds comprising the groups of steroids, the ergosterol, the ergosterol peroxide, the cerevisterol, the neociclocitrinols, the ergosta-4,6,8(14),22-tetraen-3-one, the 25-hydroxy-ergosta-4,6,8(14),22-tetraen-3-one, were isolated from Penicillium herquei fungus obtained from Melia azedarach. The structures were identified by spectral methods of RMN 1D and 2D and MS.
A series of 15 ω-aminoalkoxylxanthones containing methyl, ethyl, propyl, tert-butylamino and piperidinyl moieties were synthesized from a natural xanthone isolated from a lichen species. These compounds were tested for their in vitro antibacterial properties against Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria and cytotoxicity against a number of human tumor cell lines was too evaluated. The newly synthesized derivatives revealed selective activity against Staphylococcus aureus (Gram-positive), and the most promising results are for a multidrug resistant strain, for which six of these compounds showed good activity (MICs 4 µg/mL). Many derivatives inhibited tumor cells growth and most compounds were active on multiple lines.
A sequential batch reactor (4 L) inoculated with Aspergillus niger was operated in order to remove congo red dye (10 mg L-1). The feeding of the reactor was done to each 7 days. The glucose was added in the concentration of 1 g.L-1 (Stage I) and 0.5 g L-1 (Stage II). The Stage III occurred without glucose addition. The Stage I was great to process, because the system reached the greater dye removal (95%) as well as the kinetic parameters ware the best - K M (0.7 g L-1) and k1 (0.025 h-1).
Commonly used HPLC acetonitrile solvent has been through a worldwide shortage with a cost increase in 2008 and 2009. In order to get around this situation, a method by RP-HPLC employing methanol and aqueous acid mobile phase was developed and validated to evaluate simvastatin. The quality control assay and dissolution studies of this lipid-lowering drug were performed in diluents methanol and 0.01 M phosphate buffer with 0.5% SDS, pH 7, respectively. Dissolution test aliquots did not go through sample treatment, as described in USP SIM tablets monograph by ultraviolet spectrophotometry. The proposed method is fast, simple, feasible and robust.
Phytochemical studies of the leaves and fruits have led to the identification of the known amides (E)-N-methyl-cinnamamide, N-benzoyltyramine, N-benzoyl-O-geranyltyramine, N-benzoyl-O-(4-acetoxyl)-geranyltyramine, in addition to the new N-{2-[4-(butoxyl-3-one)phenyl]ethyl}benzamide, N-{2-[4-(2,3-dihydroxy-2-methyl-butoxylanal)phenyl]ethyl}benzamide, N-{2-[4-(2,3-dihydroxy-2-methyl-butoxyloic)phenyl]ethyl}benzamide, N-benzoyl-O-(4-acetoxyl-6,7-epoxy)-geranyltyramine, N-benzoyl-O-(4-acetoxyl-6,7-dihydroxy)-geranyltyramine and N-benzoyl-O-(6-acetoxyl-4,7-dihydroxy)-geranyltyramine. The isolated compounds clearly point to Swinglea phytochemical affinities with other Aurantioideae species.
Fresh water sponge was used as a silica source for the synthesis of MCM-41 via the hydrothermal process. The silica was extracted from the sponge by washing with nitric acid and piranha solution. Synthesis of MCM-41 was performed at 100 °C for 5 days and the procedure was optimized, with modifications made to the leaching temperature of the silica and the synthesis of mesoporous material, which was characterized by XRD, FT-IR, SEM and adsorption of N2. The optimal result was achieved at a temperature of 135 °C for 3 days, showing ordered mesoporous material with a surface area of 1080 m² g-1.
São descritos aspectos biográficos do cientista Heinrich Anton de Bary, natural da Alemanha, que possui os títulos Pai da Fitopatologia e criador da Moderna Micologia. Médico de formação, não exerceu a profissão, decicando-se a botânica, com grande interesse pelos talófitas. Estudou profundamente e foi responsável por grandes contribuições ao conhecimento dos fungos, algas e mixomicetes. Com menor ênfase, apresentou revelações valiosas ao estudo das bactérias. Publicou exaustivamente sobre muitos outros assuntos e as maiores contribuições à Fitopatologia e Micologia foram as pesquisas sobre a requeima da batata e ferrugens dos cereais. Faleceu aos 58 anos.
A method to detect Apple stem grooving virus (ASGV) based on reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) was developed using primers ASGV4F-ASGV4R targeting the viral replicase gene, followed by a sandwich hybridisation, in microtiter plates, for colorimetric detection of the PCR products. The RT-PCR was performed with the Titan™ RT-PCR system, using AMV and diluted crude extracts of apple (Malus domestica) leaf or bark for the first strand synthesis and a mixture of Taq and PWO DNA polymerase for the PCR step. The RT-PCR products is hybridised with both a biotin-labelled capture probe linked to a streptavidin-coated microtiter plate and a digoxigenin (DIG)-labelled detection probe. The complex was detected with an anti-DIG conjugate labelled with alkaline phosphatase. When purified ASGV was added to extracts of plant tissue, as little as 400 fg of the virus was detected with this method. The assay with ASGV4F-ASGV4R primers specifically detected the virus in ASGV-infected apple trees from different origins, whereas no signal was observed with amplification products obtained with primers targeting the coat protein region of the ASGV genome or with primers specific for Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus (ACLSV) and Apple stem pitting virus (ASPV). The technique combines the power of PCR to increase the number of copies of the targeted gene, the specificity of DNA hybridization, and the ease of colorimetric detection and sample handling in microplates.
A antracnose da mangueira (Mangifera indica), causada pelo fungo Colletotrichum gloeosporioides, é um dos fatores limitantes à produção de frutos sadios e comercializáveis. Conhecendo a importância desta enfermidade para a cultura, avaliou-se a eficiência do fungicida azoxistrobina em diferentes doses, comparando-as com diferentes fungicidas já utilizados no controle da antracnose da mangueira. O ensaio constou de dez tratamentos com quatro repetições de três plantas da cv. Tommy Atkins. Os produtos utilizados foram azoxistrobina GrDa 500 g/kg (50; 75; 100 mg.l-1 i.a.) acrescido de nonilfenol etoxilado a 0,05%; azoxistrobina (75 mg.l-1 i.a.) acrescido de óleo mineral parafínico a 0,2 e 0,5%; clorotalonil PM 825 g/kg (1240 mg.l-1 i.a.); benomil PM 500g/kg (500 mg.l-1 i.a.); oxicloreto de cobre PM 588 g/kg (2350 mg.l-1 i.a.); clorotalonil/azoxistrobina (1240/75 mg.l-1 i.a.), alternando-se esses produtos a cada pulverização, e uma testemunha sem pulverizar. Foi realizado um total de seis aplicações com intervalos de 15 dias, sendo estas iniciadas no momento da floração plena da panícula. A avaliação dos frutos foi realizada 20 dias após a última pulverização, sendo coletados 25 frutos/planta. Os mesmos foram acondicionados em caixas de papelão e armazenados a temperatura ambiente durante 15 dias. A avaliação foi realizada com base na incidência e severidade de antracnose nos frutos. O teste não-paramétrico de Kruskal-Wallis indicou que não houve diferença significativa entre os tratamentos químicos, tendo estes diferido da testemunha. Entretanto, o tratamento azoxistrobina (75 mg.l-1) + óleo mineral parafínico a 0,5% foi o que apresentou a menor incidência de frutos com antracnose.
Ceratocystis fimbriata was found sporulating in gray to black discolored areas on edible corms of Colocasia esculenta found in supermarkets in the states of São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Bahia, Rondônia and the Distrito Federal. In most cases the corms were grown in the state of São Paulo. The black rot appeared to occur post-harvest. Sequences of rDNA indicated that the Colocasia sp. isolates belong to the Latin American clade of the C. fimbriata complex, but the isolates were more aggressive than isolates from Ficus carica and Mangifera indica, in pseudopetioles of C. esculenta.