977 resultados para Intrusions (Geology)


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A formação ferrífera do Serrote do Breu e de Alto das Pedras localiza-se no município de Campo Grande, Estado de Alagoas e está sendo pesquisada quanto ao seu potencial como minério de ferro. Ela está inserida em um domo de embasamento arqueano no interior da Faixa Sergipana, o Domo de Jirau de Ponciano. A área de estudo é caracterizada por dois altos topográficos denominados Serrote do Breu e Alto das Pedras, sustentados pela formação ferrífera, e que representam flancos opostos de um sinformal inclinado, com direção N60W e forte mergulho para sul, e extensão total de aproximadamente 2 km. A formação ferrífera ocorre em diversas camadas intercaladas em gnaisses quartzo-feldspáticos e em rochas metamáficas. Os primeiros foram agrupados na unidade de gnaisses quartzo-feldspáticos e as últimas na suíte intrusiva máfica-ultramáfica. Na porção interior do sinformal estão quartzitos e paragnaisses agrupados na unidade metassedimentar e cortando essas unidades há uma unidade de pegmatitos. A formação ferrífera é constituída por quartzo, hematita, anfibólio e magnetita. O anfibólio é em geral cummingtonita, mas riebeckita também ocorre subordinadamente. Os teores médios de SiO2, e Fe2O3t são 43,1% e 50,7%, respectivamente, e, assim como os demais elementos maiores, são compatíveis com outras formações ferríferas do mundo. Com base na petrografia e geoquímica de elementos terras raras os gnaisses quartzo-feldspáticos foram divididos em gnaisses bandados e gnaisses com titanita. Ambos apresentam composição riolítica e trend calcio-alcalino. Já as rochas metamáficas e metaultramáficas apresentam composição basáltica a andesítica e trend toleítico completamente dissociado daquele dos gnaisses. Acredita-se que os gnaisses quartzo-feldspáticos e as rochas metamáficas e metaultramáficas tenham se formado em ambientes tectônicos totalmente distintos, com as últimas tendo se formado provavelmente intrusivas nos primeiros.


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This is the River Ehen and Calder sub catchment management plan: Consultation Report September 1993 produced by the National Rivers Authority (NRA) North West Region in 1993. The report focuses on the management plan of both River Catchments Ehen and Calder, in North West England, UK. The Catchment Management Plan (C.M.P.) enabled the NRA to summarise the status of the catchment, identify the main issues and present its vision of the future. It provides a strategic policy framework for its Management and influences decision making leading to improvements in the water environment. The report contains sections on Description of Catchment, Catchment uses by NRA function, Target and objectives of the plan, Summary of Issues and Catchment Issues. The section on description of Catchment includes a general description, Transport, Geology, major services, summary of key details, area, topography, administrative details, main towns and population, water quality Sewage Treatment Works Trade effluent discharges, Water Resources, flood defence and land drainage and Fisheries.


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This is a handbook about Chalk Rivers Nature Conservation and Management from March 1999 by the Water Research Centre and commissioned by English Nature and the Environment Agency, primarly provides an objective basis for formulating conservation strategies for relevant Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSIs) and Special Areas of Conservation (SACs). It was also seen as being applicable to chalk rivers more generally and has increasingly been regarded as important to the work of the Biodiversity Action Plan Steering Group on chalk rivers, which is led by the Environment Agency. This report contains information on characteristic wildlife communities, their habitat requirements and the ecological impact of activities that are relevant to the chalk river environment. It provides guidance on setting management objectives, options for mitigating impacts, and measures for the maintaining and enhancing the river channel, riparian and floodplain areas associated. The term `chalk river’ is used to describe watercourses dominated by groundwater discharge from chalk geology, including those that flow over a range of non-chalk surface geologies at various points along their length. England contains numerous examples of this river type, located in and downstream of areas of outcropping chalk in the south, East Anglia and up into Lincolnshire and Yorkshire. Indeed, England has the major part of the chalk river resource of Europe. A number of chalk rivers have been designated as Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSIs) and English Nature and Environment Agency work drawing up joint conservation strategies.


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This is the technical report of a hydrogeological assessment of the Delamere sandsheet and environments by the Environment Agency. The overall objective of the study is to carry out Stage 3-appropriate assessment, under the EU Habitats Directive (92/43/EEC), of the influence of activities permitted by the Agency relating to groundwater on candidate Special Areas of Conservation (cSAC). The geology of Delamere area, based on published and collected information is described in Section2. Groundwater flow and water quality are described in Section 3, including sections on groundwater levels, aquifer properties, groundwater discharge and hydrogeochemisty. A water balance for the sandsheet for the period 2001-2002 is presented in Section 4, and the hydrogeological conceptual model of the area is described in Section 5. The assessment of the possible impacts of Agency-permitted groundwater abstractions on Oakmere and Abbots Moss is presented in Section 6 whilst conclusions and recommendations are given in Section 7.


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A intrusão alcalina do Marapicu é uma intrusão localizada no maciço Marapicu-Gericinó-Mendanha situado na região metropolitana do Rio de Janeiro. Este maciço é formado por dois corpos alcalinos: Marapicu e Mendanha que fazem parte do lineamento magmático Poços de Caldas-Cabo Frio. Este lineamento inclui dezenas de corpos ígneos alcalinos de idade Cretácea com uma direção preferencial WNW-ESE. Os litotipos mais abundantes do Maciço Marapicu são representados por nefelina sienitos e sienitos de caráter plutônico, além de, fonolitos caracterizados por intrusões rasas geralmente em forma de diques. Além desses litotipos foram amostradas duas rochas com características químicas de magma parental (lamprófiro e fonolito tefrítico), porém, essas duas amostras não apresentam relação genética com as demais. Também foi amostrado um nefelina sienito que possui sodalita azul como feldspatóide, sendo assim, chamado de nefelina sodalita sienito. Entre os fonolitos coletados para esse trabalho, uma amostra apresenta granada melanita em sua assembleia mineralógica, e esta foi então denominada melanita fonolito. Quimicamente as rochas do Marapicu formam uma série alcalina predominantemente insaturada em sílica, miaskítica e metaluminosa. Dentro desta série se observam duas suítes sendo uma potássica (predominante) e outra sódica. A evolução química do corpo se deu por processo de cristalização fracionada com ou sem assimilação de crosta continental provavelmente dentro de uma fonte mantélica enriquecida. Duas idades de cristalização foram obtidas para o Maciço do Marapicu sendo uma idade 40Ar/39Ar de 80,46 0,58 Ma em hornblenda, e uma idade U-Pb em zircão bastante concordante de 78,0 2,1 Ma. Os dados apresentados aqui em conjunto com dados da literatura apontam para dois modelos geodinâmicos de geração dos corpos alcalinos do sudeste brasileiro, um considera a existência de uma pluma mantélica gerada na astenosfera, o outro tem por base a hipótese de flexura crustal e considera que a carga de sedimentos depositados na plataforma continental exerceria esforços que provocariam fraturas profundas permitindo a ascenção desses magmas. O presente trabalho vem para contribuir no entendimento do alojamento dos corpos alcalinos do sudeste brasileiro através do estudo especifico do Maciço Marapicu em conjunto com dados da literatura


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Este trabalho teve como objetivo geral avaliar o potencial das imagens do sensor ASTER, utilizando a região do infravermelho de ondas curtas (SWIR), para discriminação espectral de rochas carbonáticas aflorantes na região Noroeste do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, complementando produtos existentes de mapeamento geológico. As rochas carbonáticas servem de matéria-prima para produção de cimento, que atualmente apresenta forte demanda dado o crescimento de obras civis devido à expansão da infraestrutura do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Este crescimento no consumo oferece desafios às companhias produtoras, tornando-se de vital importância a identificação de novas áreas para exploração de insumos para a indústria civil. Neste sentido, o carbonato tem sofrido grande pressão com relação a sua produção pois é a principal matéria-prima utilizada na fabricação do cimento. Imagens do sensor Aster vem sendo utilizadas na área da geologia com êxito, discriminando litologias e minerais como quartzo, óxido de ferro e calcita. Na região do intervalo de ondas entre 2,235-2,285 μm e 2,295-2,365 μm , as bandas 7 e 8 do sensor ASTER na região do SWIR, mostram-se adequadas para a identificação de minerais de calcita e dolomita. Como metodologia, foram aplicadas as técnicas de razões de bandas para separação de calcários e dolomitos e para a classificação espectral, foi utilizada a técnica SAM. Tornou-se como referência para a classificação espectral amostras de áreas de rochas carbonáticas aflorantes e espectros da biblioteca espectral da USGS. As classificações espectrais obtiveram resultados significativos na discriminação espectral das áreas carbonáticas, no entanto as técnicas de razões de bandas não obtiveram resultados suficientes para a discriminação de calcários e dolomitos. Para trabalhos futuros sugere-se a realização de trabalho de campo para a coleta de espectros, através da espectrorradiometria dos afloramentos dos carbonatos.


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A Costa Verde se localiza no estado do Rio Janeiro, onde também está localizada a Ilha Grande, importante polo turístico do estado. É composta pelas baías Sepetiba e Ilha Grande, que podem ser compartimentadas em diversas enseadas. As principais enseadas são Sepetiba, Marambaia, Mangaratiba, Angra dos Reis, Ribeira, Frade e Paraty. O presente estudo foi realizado nas enseadas de Mangaratiba, Angra dos Reis e Ribeira e foram compilados dados de Sepetiba e Marambaia estudado por outros autores. O objetivo do estudo destas enseadas foi identificar os metais e suas fontes e os mecanismos que os controlam, além de propor novos parâmetros de concentração de metais que indiquem processos de contaminação. O método utilizado foi a coleta de sedimento de fundo através da utilização de Van Veen e analisados por digestão total em espectrômetro de massa da qual se obteve a concentração dos elementos Ca, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, K, Pb, Na, Ni, Sr, S, U, V e Zn, além das razões isotópicas de chumbo, com prioridade da razão 206Pb/207Pb. Foram obtidos resultados que indicam que a enseada de Mangaratiba apresenta as maiores concentrações de metais e com predominante contribuição antrópica cujas fontes são, os empreendimentos localizados na costa dessa enseada, incluindo o TEBIG. A enseada de Angra dos Reis também apresenta concentrações elevadas de metais, provenientes de efluentes domésticos, rejeito industrial ao qual se inclui o estaleiro Verolme e com forte controle do embasamento da enseada. A enseada da Ribeira tem seus metais fornecidos pelo porto de Bracuhy e uma fonte desconhecida que são controlados, em parte, pelos efluentes da CNAAA. Em relação a interação entre as cinco enseadas existe mútua troca de metais controlados pela dinâmica da Costa e acentuada pelo Canal de Ilha Grande (que liga as duas baias), onde a dispersão dos metais também é controlada por temperatura, fração sedimentar, profundidade e salinidade. Os principais metais relacionados às fontes antrópicas na Costa Verde são Co, Cr, Cu, Mn, Ni, Pb e Zn. As concentrações hoje apresentadas na resolução CONAMA não atendem a realidade da Costa Sul brasileira, sendo então propostos novos parâmetros de controle, menos permissivo


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Os dados geológicos e geofísicos escolhidos para o tema de estudo pertencem a Bacia do Amazonas, na região centro-norte do Brasil. A Bacia do Amazonas é uma bacia intracratônica com cerca de 500.000 km. A mesma está limitada ao norte pelo Escudo das Guianas e ao sul pelo Escudo Brasileiro. O limite oeste com a Bacia do Solimões é marcado pelo Arco de Purus, ao passo que o Arco de Gurupá constitui seu limite leste. Possui características inerentes a uma bacia intracratônica paleozóica, com uma longa história evolutiva, marcada por discordâncias expressivas e com uma cunha sedimentar relativamente rasa se comparada às bacias cretáceas brasileiras, o que levanta controvérsia a respeito da suficiência do soterramento para a eficiência de geração de hidrocarboneto. Podem ser reconhecidas nos 5000 m do preenchimento sedimentar da Bacia do Amazonas, duas seqüências de primeira ordem: uma paleozóica, intrudida por diques e soleiras de diabásio, na passagem do Triássico para o Jurássico, e uma mesozóica-cenozóica que representam um aspecto importante na evolução térmica da matéria orgânica que ocorre na primeira seqüência. Com relação à exploração de petróleo, apesar do fomento exploratório ocorrido nos últimos anos, a bacia ainda é considerada pouco explorada sendo sua maior reserva a da província de Urucu. Um dos fatores que dificultam bastante a exploração desta bacia assim como a bacia do Solimões a oeste é o acesso restrito, pois estão situadas em áreas remotas e florestadas, de difícil acesso, com muitas reservas indígenas e florestais, o que causa restrições logísticas, operacionais e legais. O efeito térmico das intrusões ígneas é considerado como o responsável pelo acréscimo de calor necessário à maturação da matéria orgânica e conseqüente geração de hidrocarbonetos. Este trabalho contribui com a reconstrução da história térmica desta bacia a partir da modelagem das variáveis termais e da história de soterramento. Para isso, foram utilizados modelos consagrados na literatura, que permitem, de forma simples, a estimativa do fluxo térmico através do embasamento e da seqüência sedimentar. Na análise da influência de intrusões ígneas na estrutura térmica da bacia, o modelo bidimensional desenvolvido pelo método de diferenças finitas se mostrou apropriado. Utilizou-se o fluxo térmico basal calculado nas condições de contorno da modelagem da influência térmica das ígneas. Como resultado obteve-se a estruturação térmica da bacia e a historia maturação de suas rochas geradoras


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NOAA’s National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science Biogeography Branch has mapped and characterized large portions of the coral reef ecosystems inside the U.S. coastal and territorial waters, including the U.S. Caribbean. The complementary protocols used in these efforts have enabled scientists and managers to quantitatively and qualitatively compare marine ecosystems in tropical U.S. waters. The Biogeography Branch used similar protocols to generate new benthic habitat maps for Fish Bay, Coral Bay and the St. Thomas East End Reserve (STEER). While this mapping effort marks the third time that some of these shallow-water habitats (≤40 m) have been mapped, it is the first time that nearly 100% of the seafloor has been characterized in each of these areas. It is also the first time that high resolution imagery describing seafloor depth has been collected in each of these areas. Consequently, these datasets provide new information describing the distribution of coral reef ecosystems and serve as a spatial baseline for monitoring change in the Fish Bay, Coral Bay and the STEER. Benthic habitat maps were developed for approximately 64.3 square kilometers of seafloor in and around Fish Bay, Coral Bay and the STEER. Twenty seven percent (17.5 square kilometers) of these habitat maps describe the seafloor inside the boundaries of the STEER, the Virgin Islands National Park and the Virgin Islands Coral Reef National Monument. The remaining 73% (46.8 square kilometers) describe the seafloor outside of these MPA boundaries. These habitat maps were developed using a combination of semi-automated and manual classification methods. Habitats were interpreted from aerial photographs and LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) imagery. In total, 155 distinct combinations of habitat classes describing the geology and biology of the seafloor were identified from the source imagery.


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NOAA’s Center for Coastal Monitoring and Assessment’s Biogeography Branch has mapped and characterized large portions of the coral reef ecosystems inside the U.S. coastal and territorial waters, including the U.S. Caribbean. The complementary protocols used in these efforts have enabled scientists and managers to quantitatively compare different marine ecosystems in tropical U.S. waters. The Biogeography Branch used these same general protocols to generate three seamless habitat maps of the Bank/Shelf (i.e., from 0 ≤50 meters) and the Bank/Shelf Escarpment (i.e., from 50 ≤1,000 meters and from 1,000 ≤ 1,830 meters) inside Buck Island Reef National Monument (BIRNM). While this mapping effort marks the fourth time that the shallow-water habitats of BIRNM have been mapped, it is the first time habitats deeper than 30 meters (m) have been characterized. Consequently, this habitat map provides information on the distribution of mesophotic and deep-water coral reef ecosystems and serves as a spatial baseline for monitoring change in the Monument. A benthic habitat map was developed for approximately 74.3 square kilometers or 98% of the BIRNM using a combination of semi-automated and manual classification methods. The remaining 2% was not mapped due to lack of imagery in the western part of the Monument at depths ranging from 1,000 to 1,400 meters. Habitats were interpreted from orthophotographs, LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) imagery and four different types of MBES (Multibeam Echosounder) imagery. Three minimum mapping units (MMUs) (100, 1,000 and 5,000 square meters) were used because of the wide range of depths present in the Monument. The majority of the area that was characterized was deeper than 30 m on the Bank/Shelf Escarpment. This escarpment area was dominated by uncolonized sand which transitioned to mud as depth increased. Bedrock was exposed in some areas of the escarpment, where steep slopes prevented sediment deposition. Mesophotic corals were seen in the underwater video, but were too sparsely distributed to be reliably mapped from the source imagery. Habitats on the Bank/Shelf were much more variable than those seen on the Bank/Shelf Escarpment. The majority of this shelf area was comprised of coral reef and hardbottom habitat dominated by various forms of turf, fleshy, coralline or filamentous algae. Even though algae was the dominant biological cover type, nearly a quarter (24.3%) of the Monument’s Bank/Shelf benthos hosted a cover of 10%-<50% live coral. In total, 198 unique combinations of habitat classes describing the geography, geology and biology of the sea-floor were identified from the three types of imagery listed above. No thematic accuracy assessment was conducted for areas deeper than about 50 meters, most of which was located in the Bank/Shelf Escarpment. The thematic accuracy of classes in waters shallower than approximately 50 meters ranged from 81.4% to 94.4%. These thematic accuracies are similar to those reported for other NOAA benthic habitat mapping efforts in St. John (>80%), the Main Eight Hawaiian Islands (>84.0%) and the Republic of Palau (>80.0%). These digital maps products can be used with confidence by scientists and resource managers for a multitude of different applications, including structuring monitoring programs, supporting management decisions, and establishing and managing marine conservation areas. The final deliverables for this project, including the benthic habitat maps, source imagery and in situ field data, are available to the public on a NOAA Biogeography Branch website (http://ccma.nos.noaa.gov/ecosystems/coralreef/stcroix.aspx) and through an interactive, web-based map application (http://ccma.nos.noaa.gov/explorer/biomapper/biomapper.html?id=BUIS). This report documents the process and methods used to create the shallow to deep-water benthic habitat maps for BIRNM. Chapter 1 provides a short introduction to BIRNM, including its history, marine life and ongoing research activities. Chapter 2 describes the benthic habitat classification scheme used to partition the different habitats into ecologically relevant groups. Chapter 3 explains the steps required to create a benthic habitat map using a combination of semi-automated and visual classification techniques. Chapter 4 details the steps used in the accuracy assessment and reports on the thematic accuracy of the final shallow-water map. Chapter 5 summarizes the type and abundance of each habitat class found inside BIRNM, how these habitats compare to past habitat maps and outlines how these new habitat maps may be used to inform future management activities.


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This project characterized and assessed the condition of coastal water resources in the Dry Tortugas National Park (DRTO) located in the Florida Keys. The goal of the assessment was to: (1) identify the state of knowledge of natural resources that exist within the DRTO, (2) summarize the state of knowledge about natural and anthropogenic stressors and threats that affected these resources, and (3) describe strategies being implemented by DRTO managers to meet their resource management goals. The park, located in the Straits of Florida 113 km (70 miles) west of Key West, is relatively small (269 square kilometers) with seven small islands and extensive shallow water coral reefs. Significant natural resources within DRTO include coastal and oceanic waters, coral reefs, reef fisheries, seagrass beds, and sea turtle and bird nesting habitats. This report focuses on marine natural resources identified by DRTO resource managers and researchers as being vitally important to the Tortugas region and the wider South Florida ecosystem. Selected marine resources included physical resources (geology, oceanography, and water quality) and biological resources (coral reef and hardbottom benthic assemblages, seagrass and algal communities, reef fishes and macro invertebrates, and wildlife [sea turtles and sea-birds]). In the past few decades, some of these resources have deteriorated because of natural and anthropogenic factors that are local and global in scale. To meet mandated goals (Chapter 1), resource managers need information on: (1) the types and condition of natural and cultural resources that occur within the park and (2) the stressors and threats that can affect those resources. This report synthesizes and summarizes information on: (1) the status of marine natural resources occurring at DRTO; and (2) types of stressors and threats currently affecting those resources at the DRTO. Based on published information, the assessment suggests that marine resources at DRTO and its surrounding region are affected by several stressors, many of which act synergistically. Of the nine resource components assessed, one resource category – water quality – received an ecological condition ranking of "Good"; two components – the nonliving portion of coral reef and hardbottom and reef fishes – received a rating of "Caution"; and two components – the biotic components of coral reef and hardbottom substrates and sea turtles – received a rating of "Significant concern" (Table E-1). Seagrass and algal communities and seabirds were unrated for ecological condition because the available information was inadequate. The stressor category of tropical storms was the dominant and most prevalent stressor in the Tortugas region; it affected all of the resource components assessed in this report. Commercial and recreational fishing were also dominant stressors and affected 78% of the resource components assessed. The most stressed resource was the biotic component of coral reef and hardbottom resources, which was affected by 76% of the stressors. Water quality was the least affected; it was negatively affected by 12% of stressors. The systematic assessment of marine natural resources and stressors in the Tortugas region pointed to several gaps in the information. For example, of the nine marine resource components reviewed in this report, the living component of coral reefs and hardbottom resources had the best rated information with 25% of stressor categories rated "Good" for information richness. In contrast, the there was a paucity of information for seagrass and algal communities and sea birds resource components.


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The primary objective of this study was to predict the distribution of mesophotic hard corals in the Au‘au Channel in the Main Hawaiian Islands (MHI). Mesophotic hard corals are light-dependent corals adapted to the low light conditions at approximately 30 to 150 m in depth. Several physical factors potentially influence their spatial distribution, including aragonite saturation, alkalinity, pH, currents, water temperature, hard substrate availability and the availability of light at depth. Mesophotic corals and mesophotic coral ecosystems (MCEs) have increasingly been the subject of scientific study because they are being threatened by a growing number of anthropogenic stressors. They are the focus of this spatial modeling effort because the Hawaiian Islands Humpback Whale National Marine Sanctuary (HIHWNMS) is exploring the expansion of its scope—beyond the protection of the North Pacific Humpback Whale (Megaptera novaeangliae)—to include the conservation and management of these ecosystem components. The present study helps to address this need by examining the distribution of mesophotic corals in the Au‘au Channel region. This area is located between the islands of Maui, Lanai, Molokai and Kahoolawe, and includes parts of the Kealaikahiki, Alalākeiki and Kalohi Channels. It is unique, not only in terms of its geology, but also in terms of its physical oceanography and local weather patterns. Several physical conditions make it an ideal place for mesophotic hard corals, including consistently good water quality and clarity because it is flushed by tidal currents semi-diurnally; it has low amounts of rainfall and sediment run-off from the nearby land; and it is largely protected from seasonally strong wind and wave energy. Combined, these oceanographic and weather conditions create patches of comparatively warm, calm, clear waters that remain relatively stable through time. Freely available Maximum Entropy modeling software (MaxEnt 3.3.3e) was used to create four separate maps of predicted habitat suitability for: (1) all mesophotic hard corals combined, (2) Leptoseris, (3) Montipora and (4) Porites genera. MaxEnt works by analyzing the distribution of environmental variables where species are present, so it can find other areas that meet all of the same environmental constraints. Several steps (Figure 0.1) were required to produce and validate four ensemble predictive models (i.e., models with 10 replicates each). Approximately 2,000 georeferenced records containing information about mesophotic coral occurrence and 34 environmental predictors describing the seafloor’s depth, vertical structure, available light, surface temperature, currents and distance from shoreline at three spatial scales were used to train MaxEnt. Fifty percent of the 1,989 records were randomly chosen and set aside to assess each model replicate’s performance using Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC), Area Under the Curve (AUC) values. An additional 1,646 records were also randomly chosen and set aside to independently assess the predictive accuracy of the four ensemble models. Suitability thresholds for these models (denoting where corals were predicted to be present/absent) were chosen by finding where the maximum number of correctly predicted presence and absence records intersected on each ROC curve. Permutation importance and jackknife analysis were used to quantify the contribution of each environmental variable to the four ensemble models.


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A baseline environmental characterization of the inner Kachemak Bay, Alaska was conducted using standardized National Status and Trends Bioeffects Program methods. Three sites near the village of Port Graham were also sampled for comparison. Concentrations of over 120 organic and metallic contaminants were analyzed. Ambient toxicity was assessed using two bioassays. A detailed benthic community condition assessment was performed. Habitat parameters (e.g. depth, salinity, temperature, dissolved oxygen, sediment grain size, and organic carbon content) that influence species and contaminant distribution were also measured at each sampling site. The following is the synopsis of findings • Sediments were mostly mixed silt and sand with pockets of muddy zones. Organic compounds (PAHs, DDTs, PCBs, chlorinated pesticides) were detected throughout the bay but at relatively low concentrations. With some exceptions, metals concentrations were relatively low and probably reflect the input of glacial runoff. • Homer Harbor had elevated concentrations of metallic and organic contaminants. Concentrations of organic contaminants measured were five to ten times higher in the harbor sites than in the open bay sites. Tributyltin was elevated in Homer Harbor relative to the other areas. • There was no evidence of residual PAHs attributable to oil spills, outside of local input in the confines of the harbor. • The benthic community is very diverse. Specific community assemblages were distributed based on depth and water clarity. Species richness and diversity was lower in the eastern end of the bay in the vicinity of the Fox River input. Abundance was also generally lower in the eastern portion of the study area, and in the intertidal areas near Homer. The eastern portions of the bay are stressed by the sediment load from glacial meltwater. • Significant toxicity was virtually absent. • The benthic fauna at Port Graham contained a significant number of species not found in Kachemak Bay. • Selected metal concentrations were elevated at Port Graham relative to Kachemak Bay, probably due to local geology. Organic contaminants were elevated at a site south of the village.