999 resultados para Intenções comportamentais


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O monitoramento endócrino pela mensuração de metabólitos urinários e fecais de hormônios esteróides tem se mostrado uma alternativa viável na investigação da fisiologia reprodutiva e do estresse em uma grande variedade de aves e mamíferos, domésticos e selvagens. Esta abordagem tem contribuído para uma maior integração da endocrinologia com estudos comportamentais e ecológicos, gerando informações mais detalhadas em diversas áreas tais como bem-estar animal, comportamento social, reprodução, biologia da conservação, biomedicina, entre outros. Todavia, o emprego desta metodologia no Brasil tem sido limitado principalmente à pesquisa de parâmetros reprodutivos e de estresse em espécies selvagens, não havendo até o momento trabalhos publicados utilizando a quantificação urinária ou fecal de glucocorticóides ou esteróides sexuais em animais domésticos. Desta forma, esta palestra tem como objetivo ilustrar alguns exemplos de estudos conduzidos no país envolvendo técnicas de monitoramento endócrino não-invasivo, assim como expor possíveis áreas de aplicação desta ferramenta em pesquisas com espécies domesticas.


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Les connaissances de la tradition et position de la Science dehors pour un non-hiérarchique dialoguez qui frappe pour les distinguer mais ils sont undésavouer inséparable étant donné les compléments ils composent. Cet essai assume la possibilité de ce roi de dialogue dans un place spéciale: la classe. Sur ce qui vient au connaissance de la tradition, le centre remarquable est pour la construction de bateaux du travail manuel, una pratique culturellement déployé dans la ville d'Abaetetuba, dans le État de Pará, Brésil. En revanche, la Science est concentrée par le le contenu d'école a adopté dans l'Ensino Fundamental (École primaire). La construction du dialogue est faite en utilisant des activités de l'enseignement qui accentuez des aspects géométriques (solide, géométrique, angles et symétries) aussi bien que par information qui implique le tableau, poésie, histoire, géographie et physique - les deux inspiré dans le chiffre de bateau résumé dans un CD-ROM interactif. Les activités ont eu lieu dans D'Escola Ensino Pedro Teixeira Fondamental (Abaetetuba-Pa), avec étudiants du 6e niveau (plus spécifiquement avec un groupe de 13 étudiants) d'août à octobre2004. Ethnomathématiques et transdisciplinarité sont le support théorique sous-jacent du projet. Dans résumé, c'est possible pour dire que l'interaction entre Science et Tradition, à travers activités au-delà lesquelles vont le le contenu a restreint à mathématiques d'école, contribuées à,: identifiez le contenu a appris pas sur dans série antérieure; renouveler le rôle joué par école dans ses fonctions didactique pédagogiques; réduire le isolement entre information passée historique et les étudiants présent culturel; indiquer des obstacles à l'érudition des mathématiques intéresser aux aspects cognitifs et behavioristes; et provoquer un participation affective qui rôle principal à la qualité d'apprendre l'école contenu aussi bien que les connaissances de la tradition


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This dissertation examines the concept of the personalized teaching proposed by the physician and educator from Rio Grande do Norte Luiz Antonio dos Santos Lima, in his doctoral thesis "Mental Hygiene and Education," published in 1927. To do so, we start from the assumption that this thinker appropriated part of the educational theory formulated by Èdouard Claparède - specifically, in the case of the teaching concepts of the personalized teaching and comprehensive education designed by the Swiss intellectual - and, considering the Brazilian social reality of early twentieth century, reframed these concepts, adapting them to the country context. To implement the proposed idea, the bibliographical study was the option chosen, and so was done through a theoretical research which had as a reference authors whose studies referred to the Brazilian historical moment in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century, our examined time frame. As for the understanding and the methodological analysis of discourse, seen as socially constructed, the Foucault postulations were studied under an analytical approach, in which the disciplinary society is analyzed from the relations of power and knowledge that exist in it. The main source of this research was the work of "Mental Hygiene and Education," published as a requirement to the obtainment of Luiz Antonio s medical degree by the Rio de Janeiro Medicine School. Thus, it was found that the conception of personalized learning to the comprehensive education of students, as proposed in the doctoral thesis of Luiz Antonio dos Santos Lima, was related to abnormalities of mental character that children could present. School education was thought in a way by the potiguar thinker that it could be applied as deep as the moral, intellectual and behavioral deviations of the individual were, making use of hygiene practices of the minds through a normalizing process towards a civilized and developed future of the Brazilian nation which would manage, watch and fix the thoughts of the school students


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A escola tem se guiado por ações pedagógicas do professor consideravelmente limitadas, as quais têm dificultado configurar com nitidez intenções educativas que contemplam a sua organização curricular. Nesse sentido, esta dissertação tem por objetivo apresentar uma experiência pedagógica da educação física a partir da operacionalização de temas transversais com os conteúdos curriculares no ensino médio integrado no IFRN, campus SGA. Os fundamentos teórico-metodológicos seguiram a linha qualitativa da pesquisa-ação. Participaram desta pesquisa estudantes dos cursos de Edificações e Informática do 1º ano do ensino médio integrado e a professora-pesquisadora, que é servidora efetiva do instituto. Optando pela pesquisa-ação, estruturamos uma intervenção pedagógica com intenção de promover a construção de conhecimento dos conteúdos da educação física com os temas transversais, tanto em amplitude como em profundidade, alicerçada no aporte teórico da teoria da ação dialógica (FREIRE, 2011) e da concepção aberta no ensino da educação física (HILDEBRANDT, 1986). A pesquisa teve como procedimentos a observação participante e a filmagem das aulas de educação física. As observações e os discursos dos estudantes foram organizados em categorias de questões, a saber: 1. Percepção dos estudantes sobre a educação física; 2. Sentidos e significados dos conteúdos da educação física na interfase com os temas transversais nas aulas; 3. Diálogos sobre a interação do conhecimento na relação professor-estudante. As observações e a análise dos depoimentos dos estudantes apontaram, em alguns momentos, que as aulas de educação física ainda são estruturadas no modelo rola bola , sem planejamento, configurando-se mera atividade, e não como prática pedagógica que trata dos saberes do campo da cultura de movimento. Por não constituir-se prática pedagógica que aborda os conteúdos de forma sistematizada, não se tem de forma precisa a ordenação e sequenciação dos aprendizados de práticas corporais, tampouco a introdução de temas transversais, os quais não poderiam ser aprendidos sem uma ação pedagógica concreta do professor. A interação professor-estudante afetiva e dialógica favoreceu que os estudantes se permitissem participar das experiências corporais de um jeito diferente, aceitando aprender os conteúdos curriculares em conjunto com os temas transversais, passando a perceber as aulas de educação física como espaços de experiências de movimento que lhes permitiram atribuir sentido/significado, além do conhecimento sobre o universo da cultura de movimento. A nosso ver, acrescentamos também que a escola não valorizou o trabalho com os temas transversais, pois a recente discussão sobre a inserção desses temas como temáticas relevantes, que devem ser tratadas pedagogicamente em conjunto nos componentes curriculares, ainda não é contemplada expressivamente no projeto curricular da escola


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The pain is a sensuous and emotional experience unpleasant associated or related to real injury or potencial of the tissues. It is considered an individual and subjective experience generally has been described in the literature about in the neonatal stage a lot. This study has descriptive and exploratory character with a qualitative approach. The study has with objectives to analyze the performance of the nursing technicians working with newborns admitted in the ITUN, seeking to describe the perception of the nursing technicians about the pain, identify the parameters used for the detection and evaluation of pain in them, trying to describe the ons of this team about the pain in the newborns in ITUN. The subjects are nine nursing technicians of the ITU of the Parenting School Januário Cicco in Natal-RN, engaged in direct assistance to newborns in the ITU, on the turn of the morning, which was prepared to participate in the search. The collection of the data was conducted through a structured interview with tree questions; through a non-participatory observation with a structured roadmap and were used to record and pass on call was also as a way of obtaining data. The start of the collection made after the assent of the Ethics Committee / UFRN in November, 2007. The speakings have been transcribed and data read extensively to obtain categories.The analysis of the content made in terms of Bardin. Emerged three main categories of significance: Perceptioning of pain in newborns; Caring for the newborns with pain; Registering the pain in the newborns. A nursing technicians identifies the pain in the newborns, for the most part, so empirical, using signs of behavioral or physiological changes in isolation, giving little emphasis to the environment and to respect that the newborns is inserted. It was found that the attitudes cited by subjects of the search before the newborns with pain, are for the most part non-pharmacological actions such as sucking nutrient not, a proper positioning and measures of comfort, however pharmacological actions have also been reported.These is also the absence of records of nursing records in the report of pain and actions to minimize them and, in records and for the passage of call. With this study we understand the role of the nursing technicians, and seek to contribute to subsidies for the practice of professionals involved in caring for this age group, and also in the search for a humane assistance to the newborns


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The model of attention to health in Single Health System (Sistema Único de Saúde SUS) presupposes a human-resources policy which prepares professionals of health to guide the services and sanitary practices. The nurse, a member of health staff, takes over an important role in implementation of principles and standards of SUS, being its professional formation necessary to labor organization in this purpose. In this way this study objectifies to analyse the process of formation of the male nurse in the Politic-Pedagogical Project (Projeto Político-Pedagógico PPP) in the perception of learning and teaching of the Faculty of nursing FAEN of the University of The Rio Grande do Norte State UERN. It treats about a descriptive-exploratory study with qualitative and quantitative approach carried out with learning and teaching of the graduation nursing course. In the field research carried out between the months of november, 2006 and february, 2007, were used like instruments the documental research below PPP´s, structured interview directed to the learning and the closed questionnaire applied to the students of eighth and ninth semesters of graduation course. The results of data about the questionnaires elaborated according to National Curricular Patters (Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais DCN) and the Instrument of Evaluation Course of Graduation MEC were organized according to six lists about the profile of the learning and teaching that participate of the research; of the didactical-pedagogical organization and PPP´s objectives to the just-graduates person to the didactical-pedagogical curriculum organization. For considering the interviews it was adopted thematic analysis of content discribed in lexical analysis by informatical program ALCESTE which provided the organization of the material in five categories: daily problems of SUS consolidation versus nurse formation, dichotomies about FAEN´s nursing course of curriculum versus principles of integralization of graduating process, the just-graduated one from FAEN and its professional insertion united to SUS politic-pedagogical project and the concern about the overcoming of dichotomies of graduation process abilities and necessary competences to the SUS performing nurse. The analysis of informations deriving from documental performance and field research resulted on the verification that, in spite of good intentions, the implementation strategies showed themselves fragile to cope with the rendering of expressed ideal on PPP. There is still a great gap between what´s thought as innovating graduating process and what´s being really implemented


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Hansen's disease, despite significant advances regarding the diagnosis, treatment and control still carries an immense burden of stigma as a result, mainly of its socio-historical marked by prejudice and isolation of patients, translated by suffering, abandonment and psychosocial problems. Thus, the study set out to rescue the life stories of former leprosy patients with a leprosarium history; recovering the life trajectory stories of these former patients and to identify common factors to these life stories. Exploratory-descriptive study with a qualitative approach, using the Life History Research Methodology. The sample was composed by twelve former leprosy patients who lived while undergone treatment in the Colony Hospital St. Francisco de Assis, located in Natal, Rio Grande do Norte. The network was composed without considering sex and age limit, patients that lived in the Colony Hospital for at least six months and who agree to participate freely in the study. The subjects with special physical needs (hearing) or mental disabilities and those who do not agree to participate were excluded. A semi-structured interview was used to data collection, the interviews were recorded in the household context of individual, residents in neighborhoods Felipe Camarão, Km 6 and Jardim America, more precisely at Nova Vida village, all located in that district. The data collected were subjected to the technique of thematic content analysis. This study had obtained an appropriate consent of the UFRN Research Ethics Committee under the protocol No. 016/2010. After extensive and careful readings of life stories we identified three themes that guided the data analysis: behavioral stages, social exclusion and, stigma and prejudice. Thus, it is clear that the practice of compulsory confinement of patients in nursing homes and the mythical image of Hansen's disease as being ugly and deformed, contributed to solidifying the historical stigma surrounding the disease and its patients, raising in society and family attitudes and feelings of exclusion, prejudice and fear. Moreover, there are remarkable stories in the lives of these interviewed reporting suffering, denials, anger that reverberate to this day, affecting negatively the social and family reintegration of these individuals. As a result, we see the need for managers and local health professionals, especially nurses, rethink existing strategies for social rehabilitation of the patient and ex-leprosy patient aiming to suppression unjust and harmful stigma rooted in image and stories of these individuals


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Communication is seen as vital function. Through it, individuals and organizations relate to each other, the environment and the shares of their own group, influencing each other to turn facts into information. The user of the male part of a group of patients whose health policy is still in development. This fact can create insecurity in the nurse to establish a process that promotes disease prevention, promotion and / or recovery of health for that user. Aiming to elucidate this, the present study aimed to: apprehend the social representations of nurses communication with the users were male, looking for disease prevention, promotion and recovery of his health; identify the factors that influenced, positively or negatively on the effectiveness of nurses communication with the users were male and investigate the strategies used by nurses to clarify communication with the users were male. In order to achieve the goal raised, this study was a descriptive, exploratory and qualitative approach. Was based on theoretical and methodological framework social representations of Denise Jodelet and Serge Moscovici. The project has, through no Parecer nº 649/10, approval of the Ethics and Research HULW. During data collection, we used a semi-structured script and a diary interviews with 24 nurses in basic health units of district-Mangabeira Health District III, the city of João Pessoa (PB). The results were analyzed using the technique of content analysis according to Bardin (2007). Classifying the research subjects and identified three categories and five nuclei of the central ideas. The categories identified: the grasp of the RS communication of nurses with male users, identifying factors that influence the effectiveness of nurses' communication with users and male research on the strategies used by nurses to the elucidation of the communication with male users. The nuclei of the central ideas found: social representations of nurses' communication with the users of the male is externalized as difficult, different, difficult, not technical (knowledge) specific, with a dubious sense in relation to its therapeutic action, the factors examined as positive in this communication were based on the connection between professional and user look in detail and not mechanistic, in preventive actions, the dynamics of care, accessibility, participatory care, humanization, and qualification service. Whereas served as negative factors for the communication, signed on the behavioral differences of men, the feminization of nurses, lack of training for professionals in relation to the subject, prescriptive conduct and prejudice (concerns) sociocultural. Another related consolidated core strategies employed for the occurrence of such communication. Given these results, it was realized the importance of social representations for the consecration of a single language, the common understanding of reality on the nurse's communication with the user in male and determination of changes in the behavior of nurses and the user to the establishment of more effective strategies for obtaining a therapeutic communication between them


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Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar o efeito da Matricaria chamomila sobre o estresse de codornas japonesas na fase de recria (28 a 42 dias de idade). Foram utilizadas 192 codornas com 28 dias de idades, distribuídas em blocos casualizados e submetidas às dietas com 0, 250, 500 e 750mg de camomila/kg de ração, totalizando quatro tratamentos, com oito repetições e seis aves por parcela. Foram avaliados os parâmetros de desempenho (consumo diário de ração, conversão alimentar e ganho de peso), comportamentais (tempo em imobilidade tônica, ferimentos corporais e agressividade) e fisiológicos (concentração plasmática de corticosterona e relação heterófilo:linfócito). Os resultados obtidos demonstraram que a camomila adicionada na dieta não foi capaz de alterar os parâmetros de desempenho, bem como os de comportamento e fisiológicos.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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This work presents a study of the ambient management in urban centers, considering the ambient perception as element necessary to develop in the population the conscience of the necessity to preserve the environment. For this, the attitudes and behaviors of the community, represented for students of an Institution had been evaluated, so that strategies and actions are traced that come to minimize the ambient degradation and to provide an aggregate sustainable development to the economic development. The objective of this research consists of studying the problematic one of the ambient management in urban centers under the point of view of the awareness, of the ambient perception and of the participation of the population, this because the ambient questions are inserted in the aspects that involve the practical life and the daily one, for what becomes excellent to understand that the environment is a right of all, therefore, must be preserved. The methodology used in this work constitutes in the application of a questionnaire with scales of the type likert contends variables that compose the acts and mannering aspects, beyond a partner-demographic scale. The Chi-square method was used in the analysis statistics de Pearson to verify the dependence of the associations between the partner-demographic 0 variable and the acts and mannering variables. The results point that the academic environment is opportune to deal with the subject, in view of that the ambient preservation goes for all the contents, and that the pupils of today will be able, in the future, in its areas of performance to plan action to safeguard the sustainable development. One concludes that the strategies to manage the environment pass for the awareness of the citizen, therefore when it is educated its attitudes will be more responsible, a time that the ambient concern will be present in its day-by-day. Therefore, the Public Power when planning programs of ambient preservation that comes to promote changes of habits of the population, such as: management of the solid residues generated by the population, recycling, programs of selective collections, ambient education, etc. the local community for the success of its actions will have to be involved


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The present study inserts on the international environmental thematic, approaching the integrated management of solid waste and the participation of the social actors in the search of the sustainable development. The awareness in combining it still describes a Selective Collection Program SCP of solid waste, in partnership with the municipal public power, in the development of joint actions that result in better alternatives of waste management in the urban centers, providing better life quality for the population and conservation of the environment. The aim of this research is to study problematic of the management of solid waste under the point of view of the environmental awareness and the participation of the population in a city of Brazil. In this matter, the target of the work is focusing on the strategy of solid waste management, through the attitudes and the respondents behaviors to aid in the making decision of the public manager related to the implantation of a selective collection program in Natal/RN. The methodology used in this work constitutes in the application of a questionnaire with scales of the type Likert being constituted of variables that compose the aspects of attitudes and of behaviors, besides a social-demographic scale. For analysis statistics is used the Pearson s Chi-Square Method in order to verify the dependence of the associations between the social-demographic variables and the attitude and the behavior ones. The results appear for a larger participation in a SCP, since this provides a better quality of life of the population (28,3 %), followed for offering a financial advantage (27,3%). Other results indicate the existence of the variables that exercise influence on the environmental awareness of the population to its demographic aspects


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Global Positioning System, or simply GPS, it is a radionavigation system developed by United States for military applications, but it becames very useful for civilian using. In the last decades Brazil has developed sounding rockets and today many projects to build micro and nanosatellites has appeared. This kind of vehicles named spacecrafts or high dynamic vehicles, can use GPS for its autonome location and trajectories controls. Despite of a huge number of GPS receivers available for civilian applications, they cannot used in high dynamic vehicles due environmental issues (vibrations, temperatures, etc.) or imposed dynamic working limits. Only a few nations have the technology to build GPS receivers for spacecrafts or high dynamic vehicles is available and they imposes rules who difficult the access to this receivers. This project intends to build a GPS receiver, to install them in a payload of a sounding rocket and data collecting to verify its correct operation when at the flight conditions. The inner software to this receiver was available in source code and it was tested in a software development platform named GPS Architect. Many organizations cooperated to support this project: AEB, UFRN, IAE, INPE e CLBI. After many phases: defining working conditions, choice and searching electronic, the making of the printed boards, assembling and assembling tests; the receiver was installed in a VS30 sounding rocket launched at Centro de Lançamento da Barreira do Inferno in Natal/RN. Despite of the fact the locations data from the receiver were collected only the first 70 seconds of flight, this data confirms the correct operation of the receiver by the comparison between its positioning data and the the trajectory data from CLBI s tracking radar named ADOUR


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Este texto tem por objetivo ressaltar um aspecto que não tem sido tratado com a devida profundidade na literatura que estuda a formalização da Teoria Geral do Emprego, dos Juros e da Moeda de John Maynard Keynes (1936). Mais precisamente, o texto destaca a estratégia de formalização adotada por David G. Champernowne em seu artigo intitulado Unemployment, Basic and Monetary: the classical analysis and the keynesian, publicado em 1935-36 na Review of Economic Studies. Chamamos a atenção para o fato dele distinguir a teoria clássica da teoria de Keynes não apenas pelos pressupostos adotados por cada teoria, mas principalmente pela construção de subsistemas a partir de um sistema geral, com características recursivas (relações de causalidade) distintas. As explicações em prosa, a descrição algébrica das funções comportamentais e condições de equilíbrio e a ilustração por meio de diagramas, além da escolha de conjuntos específicos de variáveis para representar cada uma das teorias e suas diferentes versões são aspectos deste artigo de Champernowne que merecem uma análise mais minuciosa.