925 resultados para In-house Administration


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Este projeto se insere na área de Gestão de Carreiras e trata de questões referentes aos critérios utilizados para a construção de carreira dos alunos iniciantes do ensino superior. No momento da tomada de decisão, os jovens baseiam-se em seus desejos e aspirações, bem como são pressionados pela força cultura e social. Observam somente valores tais como status, remuneração e prestígio? O questionamento é permeado pela concepção de que o indivíduo é produto e também produtor da cultura. A relevância desta pesquisa se fundamenta na busca por compreender os critérios utilizados para a construção do caminho profissional dos jovens universitários, e qual a participação das instituições de ensino superior no processo. A pesquisa bibliográfica utilizada para a construção da plataforma teórica, permite aprofundar os conhecimentos sobre o tema, e serve como base para o estudo de caso que envolve alunos iniciantes do curso de administração de empresas e também uma profissional da área de Gestão de Carreira de uma instituição de ensino superior privada de São Paulo.(AU)


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O município de Diadema é conhecido no panorama público pela criação e implementação de programas inovadores em várias áreas das políticas públicas. Na educacional, a educação inclusiva foi inicialmente implementada nos anos 1990, muito antes da leis federais que atualmente vêm sendo amplamente discutidas. Como resultado, em 2000 o município recebeu o prêmio da Fundação Getúlio Vargas, que objetivava incentivar inovações na administração e prestação de serviços públicos municipais e estaduais: Programa de Inclusão Caminhos para a Inclusão Social: múltiplas leituras no olhar da diferença . Dessa forma, com o reconhecimento desse trabalho, em 2002 a educação especial foi contemplada com o financiamento do BNDES (Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social) para reformar, ampliar e adequar todas as instalações do CAIS (Centro de Atenção à Inclusão Social), com vistas a melhoria do atendimento a crianças, jovens e adultos com necessidades educacionais especiais. O recurso também previa adequação arquitetônica nas escolas municipais objetivando mais acessibilidade. Trata-se, portanto, de um município que dispõe de uma experiência valorosa na implementação de políticas públicas de inclusão social e educacional, além dos serviços de suporte pedagógico para essa inclusão. Em face desses pressupostos esta pesquisa parte da análise das bases conceituais e das influências do pensamento pedagógico de Paulo Freire que permearam o desenvolvimento da educação nesse município e tem como objetivos compreender os procedimentos desenvolvidos em Diadema para a efetivação do trabalho pedagógico e conhecer, a relação do que foi desenvolvido com o que hoje estabelecem as normativas federais. Assim, são questões norteadoras para este trabalho: o que foi considerado como inclusão educacional naquele momento em Diadema? Qual a formação teórica dos agentes envolvidos nesse trabalho pedagógico? Quais são os aspectos inovadores das normas desenvolvidas no município? Como comparar o trabalho desenvolvido e as normativas federais atuais? Para responder a esses questionamentos este estudo, de cunho qualitativo, teve como referencial teórico, além da legislação nacional e municipal, as concepções de Mendes (2010) e Mainardes (2006; 2009), entre outros autores. A pesquisa de campo, realizada por meio de entrevistas a gestores e professores, possibilitou evidenciar que o panorama democrático contribuiu de forma muito antecipada para a implementação de um modelo de inclusão educacional, ousado e produtor de procedimentos pedagógicos, metodológicos de grande atualidade.


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Este estudo se dedica à relação entre o administrativo e o pedagógico na gestão da escola, centrada na figura do diretor escolar. Ele tem por objetivo principal contribuir para a reflexão acerca desta relação, utilizando-se de perspectivas teóricas consideradas relevantes e de sua discussão com profissionais da prática. Os trabalhos dedicados ao tema retratam que a gestão escolar, no Brasil, é marcada por práticas distantes e fragmentadas entre as dimensões administrativa e pedagógica, um dilema que tem o diretor escolar como personagem central; eles mostram, também, que esta relação é um assunto que carece de reflexões, debates e análises complementares. A pesquisa se desenvolveu através de dois movimentos principais. O primeiro deles compreendeu uma revisão teórico-bibliográfica que culminou com a seleção de três perspectivas teóricas que nos pareceram mais relevantes para o tema: i) do conflito funcional (Saes & Alves), ii) da interconexão para a gestão escolar (Medeiros) e iii) do olhar multirreferencial (Barbosa). O segundo movimento envolveu a busca de interlocução destas perspectivas teóricas com a vivência de dois diretores escolares e dois supervisores de ensino que atuam na Secretaria de Educação do Estado de São Paulo. Os resultados confirmam a pertinência das três contribuições teóricas para a análise e encaminhamento da relação entre o administrativo e o pedagógico na escola e sua gestão, embora tenha havido certa dificuldade dos profissionais da prática em apreender o pedagógico na concepção dos autores selecionados. Evidenciou-se, igualmente, a pertinência da concepção e do entendimento das dimensões administrativas e pedagógicas sob a perspectiva da relação.(AU)


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As Inteligências Emocionais (IEs) têm sido objeto de estudo e discussão nos últimos quinze anos. Todavia, escassos são os estudos científicos, sobremaneira no campo da educação, voltados para o entendimento dos desafios e possibilidades das IEs no cenário do ensino superior. O modelo newtoniano-cartesiano, assumido por setores dominantes de nossa cultura de forma racionalista e reducionista, vem se estabelecendo desde tempos remotos, mais especificamente a partir do século XVI, avançando até os tempos atuais e trazendo muitas marcas para os diferentes campos da cultura ocidental, inclusive para a educação. Como características deste modelo, passíveis de crítica, estão a fragmentação do conhecimento, o foco na especialização e, a instituição de uma relação pedagógica dominadora e não dialogal que negligencia as múltiplas inteligências desenvolvidas e presentes nos indivíduos. Essas características contribuíram para o estabelecimento de uma sociedade de conhecimentos parcelares, para a disjunção entre sujeito e objeto, o descuido nas relações do homem para consigo mesmo, dele para com os demais homens e, dele para com os demais seres vivos que cohabitam o planeta, culminando numa intensa crise planetária. Urge discutir e rever o paradigma newtoniano-cartesiano, dado ao fato de que os resultados colhidos nestes últimos quinhentos anos, se por um lado nos beneficiaram do ponto de vista científico e tecnológico, não mais respondem aos problemas e necessidades com os quais nos deparamos, de modo especial na educação. Delimito esta pesquisa no âmbito do Ensino Superior e, no interior deste, no campo dos estudos de graduação em Administração. As perguntas que motivam o meu trabalho são: 1. Os professores do Curso de Administração consideram as dimensões emocionais em seu trabalho docente? 2. Eles sabem o que são IEs? 3. Que dificuldades eles vêem para desenvolver um trabalho com as dimensões emocionais? 4. Eles vêem possibilidades positivas no trabalho com as IEs? 5. Que pistas as respostas às perguntas acima sugerem à formação continuada de professores no campo da Administração? 6. Ao planejar e organizar suas aulas o professor tem vista o trabalho com a dimensão afetiva? Para fazer a crítica da educação construída na perspectiva newtoniano-cartesiana assumi como referências principais Morin (1995, 2000), Santos (1988) e Moraes (1997). Para estudar a construção do conhecimento considerando as IEs tomei como referências para esta pesquisa Gardner (1995), Izquierdo (2002) e Valle (2003). Foi realizada uma pesquisa de campo com seis (6) professores de um Curso de Administração, mediante um questionário estruturado. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi identificar as principais dificuldades dos docentes quando se pensa num trabalho pedagógico sensível às inteligências emocionais e, estudando estas dificuldades à luz dos teóricos por mim trazidos, construírem possíveis pistas para uma ação formativa, na perspectiva da formação continuada, que considere também o determinante das inteligências emocionais.(AU)


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A dissertação teve como objetivo principal estudar como uma Instituição de Ensino Superior Privada (IES) atuante no Brasil tem crescido pós Lei de Diretrizes e Bases (LDB) de 1996 até 2015, por meio da análise do curso de bacharelado em Administração de Empresas, nas modalidades: presencial, EAD e Flex (semipresencial). Para este fim, foi realizada uma pesquisa exploratória, de caráter qualitativo baseada no método do estudo de caso. Para coleta de evidências foram analisados relatórios corporativos (Annual Report, Relatórios Internos e outros documentos), entrevistas baseadas em roteiro semiestruturado com gestores da IES privada e observações. Dentre os principais achados, verificou-se que as principais estratégicas de crescimento da IES privada estudada se basearam em fusões e aquisições de outras IES, abertura de novos polos de EAD, na abertura de novas unidades próprias, bem como em inovações em várias dimensões da organização. Os programas governamentais de financiamento aos alunos também são fortes contribuintes para este crescimento, como o Fundo de Financiamento ao Estudante do Ensino Superior (FIES) e o Programa Universidade para Todos (Prouni). Com essa nova realidade, o ensino superior privado recebeu incentivo e facilitação para o seu crescimento, a um ritmo acelerado. Consequentemente pode-se concluir que a IES privada estudada adotou as seguintes estratégias de crescimento: Expansão orgânica com fusões/ aquisições de Instituições menores, com desenvolvimento de planos para todos os campi Brasil; Greenfield (por meio de solicitação de autorização de novas unidades e/ou cursos) em cidades sem possibilidades de aquisições/fusões, e aumentando o número de vagas/ matriculas nas unidades já existentes, aderiu aos programas do governo e também cuidou da evasão por meio de: Seguro educacional; gestão preparada para atender necessidades do discente; Sistema de Ensino com currículos integrados nacionalmente; Intercâmbio de alunos e professores entre as diversas unidades em todas as regiões do país e padronização dos processos.


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Original Paper European Journal of Information Systems (2001) 10, 135–146; doi:10.1057/palgrave.ejis.3000394 Organisational learning—a critical systems thinking discipline P Panagiotidis1,3 and J S Edwards2,4 1Deloitte and Touche, Athens, Greece 2Aston Business School, Aston University, Aston Triangle, Birmingham, B4 7ET, UK Correspondence: Dr J S Edwards, Aston Business School, Aston University, Aston Triangle, Birmingham, B4 7ET, UK. E-mail: j.s.edwards@aston.ac.uk 3Petros Panagiotidis is Manager responsible for the Process and Systems Integrity Services of Deloitte and Touche in Athens, Greece. He has a BSc in Business Administration and an MSc in Management Information Systems from Western International University, Phoenix, Arizona, USA; an MSc in Business Systems Analysis and Design from City University, London, UK; and a PhD degree from Aston University, Birmingham, UK. His doctorate was in Business Systems Analysis and Design. His principal interests now are in the ERP/DSS field, where he serves as project leader and project risk managment leader in the implementation of SAP and JD Edwards/Cognos in various major clients in the telecommunications and manufacturing sectors. In addition, he is responsible for the development and application of knowledge management systems and activity-based costing systems. 4John S Edwards is Senior Lecturer in Operational Research and Systems at Aston Business School, Birmingham, UK. He holds MA and PhD degrees (in mathematics and operational research respectively) from Cambridge University. His principal research interests are in knowledge management and decision support, especially methods and processes for system development. He has written more than 30 research papers on these topics, and two books, Building Knowledge-based Systems and Decision Making with Computers, both published by Pitman. Current research work includes the effect of scale of operations on knowledge management, interfacing expert systems with simulation models, process modelling in law and legal services, and a study of the use of artifical intelligence techniques in management accounting. Top of pageAbstract This paper deals with the application of critical systems thinking in the domain of organisational learning and knowledge management. Its viewpoint is that deep organisational learning only takes place when the business systems' stakeholders reflect on their actions and thus inquire about their purpose(s) in relation to the business system and the other stakeholders they perceive to exist. This is done by reflecting both on the sources of motivation and/or deception that are contained in their purpose, and also on the sources of collective motivation and/or deception that are contained in the business system's purpose. The development of an organisational information system that captures, manages and institutionalises meaningful information—a knowledge management system—cannot be separated from organisational learning practices, since it should be the result of these very practices. Although Senge's five disciplines provide a useful starting-point in looking at organisational learning, we argue for a critical systems approach, instead of an uncritical Systems Dynamics one that concentrates only on the organisational learning practices. We proceed to outline a methodology called Business Systems Purpose Analysis (BSPA) that offers a participatory structure for team and organisational learning, upon which the stakeholders can take legitimate action that is based on the force of the better argument. In addition, the organisational learning process in BSPA leads to the development of an intrinsically motivated information organisational system that allows for the institutionalisation of the learning process itself in the form of an organisational knowledge management system. This could be a specific application, or something as wide-ranging as an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) implementation. Examples of the use of BSPA in two ERP implementations are presented.


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A structured approach to process improvement is described in the context of the human resources division of a UK police force. The approach combines a number of established techniques of process improvement such as the balanced scorecard and process mapping with a scoring system developed to prioritise processes for improvement. The methodology described presents one way of ensuring the correct processes are identified and redesigned at an operational level in such a way as to support the organisation's strategic aims. In addition, a performance measurement system is utilised to attempt to ensure that the changes implemented do actually achieve the desired effect over time. The case demonstrates the need to choose and in some cases develop in-house tools and techniques dependent on the context of the process improvement effort.


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Industrial development has had a major role in creating the situation where bio-diverse materials and services essential for sustaining business are under threat. A key contributory factor to biodiversity decline comes from the cumulative impacts of extended supply chain business operations. In order to contribute to stopping this decline, the industrial world needs to form a better understanding of the way it utilizes the business and biodiversity agenda in its wider operations. This thesis investigates the perceptions and attitudes to biodiversity from government, society and a wide cross-section of industry. The research includes the extent of corporate attention to and use of environmental business tools and guidelines in reporting on biodiversity issues. A case study of three companies from different industrial sectors is undertaken to observe procurement and related environmental management of their supply chains. The use of accredited and non-accredited environmental management systems (EMS) are analysed as frameworks for introducing biodiversity aspects into supply chain management. The outcome is a methodology, which can be used either as a bespoke in-house biodiversity management system or within an accredited ISO 14001 EMS, for incorporating the assessment and management of the potential risks and opportunities involving environmental impacts on biodiversity of supply chain companies.


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Computer-Based Learning systems of one sort or another have been in existence for almost 20 years, but they have yet to achieve real credibility within Commerce, Industry or Education. A variety of reasons could be postulated for this, typically: - cost - complexity - inefficiency - inflexibility - tedium Obviously different systems deserve different levels and types of criticism, but it still remains true that Computer-Based Learning (CBL) is falling significantly short of its potential. Experience of a small, but highly successful CBL system within a large, geographically distributed industry (the National Coal Board) prompted an investigation into currently available packages, the original intention being to purchase the most suitable software and run it on existing computer hardware, alongside existing software systems. It became apparent that none of the available CBL packages were suitable, and a decision was taken to develop an in-house Computer-Assisted Instruction system according to the following criteria: - cheap to run; - easy to author course material; - easy to use; - requires no computing knowledge to use (as either an author or student) ; - efficient in the use of computer resources; - has a comprehensive range of facilities at all levels. This thesis describes the initial investigation, resultant observations and the design, development and implementation of the SCHOOL system. One of the principal characteristics c£ SCHOOL is that it uses a hierarchical database structure for the storage of course material - thereby providing inherently a great deal of the power, flexibility and efficiency originally required. Trials using the SCHOOL system on IBM 303X series equipment are also detailed, along with proposed and current development work on what is essentially an operational CBL system within a large-scale Industrial environment.


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Despite having been described by the then (2003) Chief Pharmaceutical Officer for England as ·probably the biggest untapped resource for health improvement", the development of the public health function of community pharmacists has been limited. However, devolution of healthcare budgets has led 10 differential rates of development of the public health function in each administration of the UK (England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland). This is measured and reflected upon in this thesis. Two large-scale surveys were conducted, one of key strategic personnel (Directors of Public Health and Chief Pharmacists) in Primary Care Organisations (PCOs) and one of practicing community pharmacists. This research highlights the fact that community pharmacists have developed an individualistic, service-based approach to their engagement with public health that is contrary to the more collective approach adopted by the wider public health movement. The study measures the scope and level of health-improving services through community pharmacy across the UK and shows that the nature of the pharmacy contractor (independent, multiple etc.) may impact on the range and nature of services provided. Survey data also suggest that attitudes towards pharmacy involvement in the public health agenda vary markedly between Directors of Public Health, PCO Chief Pharmacists, and community pharmacists. Furthermore, within the community pharmacist population, attitudes are affected by a wide range of factors including the nature of employment (owner, employee, self-employed) and the type of employing pharmacy (independent, multiple etc.). Implications for policy and areas for further research aimed at maximising the public health function of community pharmacists are suggested.


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Satellite information, in combination with conventional point source measurements, can be a valuable source of information. This thesis is devoted to the spatial estimation of areal rainfall over a region using both the measurements from a dense and sparse network of rain-gauges and images from the meteorological satellites. A primary concern is to study the effects of such satellite assisted rainfall estimates on the performance of rainfall-runoff models. Low-cost image processing systems and peripherals are used to process and manipulate the data. Both secondary as well as primary satellite images were used for analysis. The secondary data was obtained from the in-house satellite receiver and the primary data was obtained from an outside source. Ground truth data was obtained from the local Water Authority. A number of algorithms are presented that combine the satellite and conventional data sources to produce areal rainfall estimates and the results are compared with some of the more traditional methodologies. The results indicate that the satellite cloud information is valuable in the assessment of the spatial distribution of areal rainfall, for both half-hourly as well as daily estimates of rainfall. It is also demonstrated how the performance of the simple multiple regression rainfall-runoff model is improved when satellite cloud information is used as a separate input in addition to rainfall estimates from conventional means. The use of low-cost equipment, from image processing systems to satellite imagery, makes it possible for developing countries to introduce such systems in areas where the benefits are greatest.


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Introduction: Lower back pain treatment and compensation costs >$80 billion overall in the US. 75% of back pain is due to disc degeneration in the lumbar region of the spine. Current treatment comprises of painkillers and bed rest or as a more radical solution – interbody cage fusion. In the early stages of disc degeneration the patient would benefit from addition of an injectable gel which polymerises in situ to support the degenerated nucleus pulposus. This involves a material which is an analogue of the natural tissue capable of restoring the biomechanical properties of the natural disc. The nucleus pulposus of the intervertebral disc is an example of a natural proteoglycan consisting of a protein core with negatively charged keratin and chondroitin sulphate attached. As a result of the high fixed charge density of the proteoglycan, the matrix exerts an osmotic swelling pressure drawing sufficient water into support the spinal system. Materials and Methods: NaAMPs (sodium 2- acrylamido 2-methyl propane sulphonic acid) and KSPA (potassium 3- sulphopropyl acrylate) were selected as monomers, the sulphonate group being used to mimic the natural sulphate group. These are used in dermal applications involving chronic wounds and have acceptably low cytotoxicity. Other hydrophilic carboxyl, amide and hydroxyl monomers such as 2-hydroxyethyl acrylamide, ß-carboxyethyl acrylate, acryloyl morpholine, and polyethylene glycol (meth)acrylate were used as diluents together with polyethyleneglycol di(meth)acrylate and hydrophilic multifunctional macromers as cross-linker. Redox was the chosen method of polymerisation and a range of initiators were investigated. Components were packaged in two solutions each containing a redox pair. A dual syringe method of injection into the cavity was used, the required time for polymerisation is circa 3-7 minutes. The final materials were tested using a Bohlin CVO Rheometer cycling from 0.5-25Hz at 37oC to measure the modulus. An in-house compression testing method was developed, using dialysis tubing to mimic the cavity, the gels were swelled in solutions of various osmolarity and compressed to ~ 20%. The pre-gel has also been injected into sheep spinal segments for mechanical compression testing to demonstrate the restoration of properties upon use of the gel. Results and Discussion: Two systems resulted using similar monomer compositions but different initiation and crosslinking agents. NaAMPs and KSPA were used together at a ratio of ~1:1 in both systems with 0.25-2% crosslinking agent, diacrylate or methacrylate. The two initiation systems were ascorbic acid/oxone, and N,N,N,N - tetramethylethylenediamine (TEMED)/ potassium persulphate. These systems produced gelation within 3-7 and 3-5 minutes respectively. Storage of the two component systems was shown to be stable for approximately one month after mixing, in the dark, refrigerated at 1-4oC. The gelation was carried out at 37oC. Literature values for the natural disc give elastic constants ranging from 3-8kPa. The properties of the polymer can be tailored by altering crosslink density and monomer composition and are able to match those of the natural disc. It is possible to incorporate a radio-opaque (histodenz) to enable x-ray luminescence during and after injection. At an inclusion level of 5% the gel is clearly visible and polymerisation and mechanical properties are not altered. Conclusion: A two-pac injection system which will polymerise in situ, that can incorporate a radio-opaque, has been developed. This will reinforce the damaged nucleus pulposus in degenerative disc disease restoring adequate hydration and thus biomechanical properties. Tests on sheep spine segments are currently being carried out to demonstrate that a disc containing the gel has similar properties to an intact disc in comparison to one with a damaged nucleus.


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In the new ‘knowledge-intensive economies’ Intellectual assets increasingly play a key part on balance sheets. There is an increasing global awareness that in order to promote innovation and the growth of the economy, businesses must fully recognise and exploit their intellectual assets. A company’s ability to innovate rapidly and successfully is now regarded as essential and most breakthroughs are made by Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs), usually with no in-house legal professionals to help them. It is essential that those working with or creating intellectual property rights (IPR) are aware of the basics of Intellectual Property Law. Intellectual Property Asset Management provides business and management students at all levels with an accessible-straight-forward explanation of what the main Intellectual Property rights are and how these rights are protected. Locating the subject squarely in a business context and using case studies and examples throughout drawn from a wide range of business organisations, it explains how an organisation can exploit their rights through licensing, franchising and other means in order to make the best possible use of their IP assets. This book will provide students with: • the basic Intellectual Property law knowledge needed to identify a potential IP issue • the tools and understanding to assess an IP breach • the ability to identify where the problem cannot be solved in house and where expert legal assistance is required • the knowledge required to work effectively with lawyers and other legal professionals to achieve the desired outcome


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The business benefits of an outsourcing strategy are well documented, and HR is encouraged to outsource in order to add value. Yet little is known about how HR outsourcing affects the HR role, competencies and relationships with senior management. These issues are examined through 27 semi-structured interviews with senior HR professionals, comparing HR departments engaged in HR outsourcing with those maintaining full in-house HR provision. The findings indicate that HR outsourcing stymies HR role transformation. HR outsourcers experienced limited skill development and an increased focus on cost reduction at the expense of their strategic position. In contrast, non-HR outsourcers actively engaged in other parts of the business, developing competencies that garnered trust and support of senior managers. The benefits of an external HR community appear limited. The study suggests that an 'internal' HR community is better placed to enhance HR departmental roles. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.


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This paper models how the structure and function of a network of firms affects their aggregate innovativeness. Each firm has the potential to innovate, either from in-house R&D or from innovation spillovers from neighboring firms. The nature of innovation spillovers depends upon network density, the commonality of knowledge between firms, and the learning capability of firms. Innovation spillovers are modelled in detail using ideas from organizational theory. Two main results emerge: (i) the marginal effect on innovativeness of spillover intensity is non-monotonic, and (ii) network density can affect innovativeness but only when there are heterogeneous firms.