977 resultados para INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY


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Sistema por gotejamento. Qualidade e tratamento da água. Necessidade de águas das plantas. Manejo da água de irrigação. Fertilizante para fertirrigação. Manejo da fertirrigação. Estado nutricional das plantas. Síntese das recomendações.


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O pôrometro de pós-colheita é um instrumento para medir transpiração, resistência difusiva e déficit de pressão de vapor por manometria a volume constante e por volumetria a pressão constante. É constituído de uma câmara de transpiração com fechamento hermético contendo um suporte de amostras sobre um ventilador e externamente um manômetro de coluna de água com pipeta graduada móvel. Sob temperatura constante, o déficit de pressão de vapor (.P), e o volume de vapor de água (.V) foram proporcionais aos volumes de água vaporizados. Com o uso de um excesso de água este aumento da pressão de vapor iguala-se, em módulo, ao déficit de pressão de vapor do ar na câmara de transpiração. Para amostras do ar atmosférico no laboratório, o déficit de pressão de vapor foi calculado a partir das temperaturas de bulbo seco e úmido em um psicrômetro ventilado e por manometria. A correlação entre estes dois métodos foi de 0,976. A acurácia das medidas de transpiração é tal que o produto do volume morto da câmara (V) pela declividade (.P/ .V) determinada pelo vapor de água liberado no processo iguala-se à pressão barométrica, com erro inferior a 1%. Um exemplo experimental do uso do porômetro de pós-colheita em cenoura é apresentado juntamente e os detalhes para obter a resistência difusiva e espessura da camada laminar. O porômetro de pós-colheita é um porômetro de difusão simples, robusto, que poderá ser usado em estudos de efeito de cêras, na seleção de cultivares e em variados outros estudos de fisiologia de pós-colheita.


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The future of the software industry is today being shaped in the courtroom. Most discussions of intellectual property to date, however, have been frames as debates about how the existing law --- promulgated long before the computer revolution --- should be applied to software. This memo is a transcript of a panel discussion on what forms of legal protection should apply to software to best serve both the industry and society in general. After addressing that question we can consider what laws would bring this about.


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Base experimental e metodologia utilizada; Resultados; Rendimento de graos; Rendimento x epoca de semeadura; Peso do hectolitro(PH); Peso de mil semeadura(PMS); de doencas; Ciclo; Altura e acamamento; Doencas; Controle de doencas; Qualidade industrial.


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Interaction of traditional Chinese Herb Rhizoma Chuanxiong and protein was studied by microdialysis coupled with high performance liquid chromatography. Compounds in Rhizoma Chuanxiong, such as ferulic acid, senkyunolide A and 3-butylphthalide, were identified by HPLC, HPLC-MS and UV-vis. Microdialysis recoveries and binding degrees of compounds in Rhizoma Chuanxiong with human serum albumin (HSA) and other human plasma protein were determined: recoveries of microdialysis sampling ranged from 36.7 to 98.4% with R.S.D. below 3.1%; while binding to HSA ranged from 0 to 91.5% (0.3 mM HSA) and from 0 to 93.5% (0.6 mM HSA), respectively. Compared with HSA, most of compounds bound to human blood serum more extensively and the results showed that binding of these compounds in Rhizoma Chuanxiong was influenced by pH. Two compounds were found to bind to HSA and human blood serum. their binding degrees were consistent with ferulic acid and 3-butylphthalide, the active compounds in Rhizoma Chuanoxiong. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Esta publicação tem por finalidade apresentar uma descrição das principais espécies de insetos e ácaros praga da cultura do tomateiro industrial e das injúrias decorrentes de seu ataque, bem como das técnicas utilizadas no monitoramento e das medidas de controle, visando à redução de perdas econômicas e a sustentabilidade do setor.


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This study seeks both to describe and account for the patterns of industrial relations which have emerged in the UK coal industry since privatisation in 1994. In doing so, it also aims to address some of the wider questions concerning the relationship between ownership and industrial relations. A series of hypotheses are advanced concerning how changes in ownership might affect industrial relations within the industry, and whether such changes would have positive or negative implications for organised labour. A case study approach is utilised to analyse labour relations developments at a number of collieries, and it is shown that the industrial relations strategies adopted by management within the new coal enterprises have had a determining effect upon the patterns of labour relations within the privati sed industry. This study also demonstrates that the emergent pattern of labour relations in the privatised industry is characterised by both continuity and change. However, whilst continuity with the patterns of labour relations established during the final decade of public ownership is shown to have had negative implications for organised labour within the industry, the changes associated with privatisation are demonstrated to have been a more ambivalent force. Change has, in different contexts, had some positive implications for organised labour, but in the majority of cases, the implications for labour have been negative. Overall, therefore, this study concludes that privatisation has had a significant influence upon industrial relations within the coal industry, and that organised labour has been detrimentally affected by these developments.


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N.W. Hardy and M.H. Lee. The effect of the product cost factor on error handling in industrial robots. In Maria Gini, editor, Detecting and Resolving Errors in Manufacturing Systems. Papers from the 1994 AAAI Spring Symposium Series, pages 59-64, Menlo Park, CA, March 1994. The AAAI Press. Technical Report SS-94-04, ISBN 0-929280-60-1.


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V. Robinson, N. W. Hardy, D. P. Barnes, C. J. Price, M. H. Lee. Experiences with a knowledge engineering toolkit: an assessment in industrial robotics. Knowledge Engineering Review, 2 (1):43-54, 1987.


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M. H. Lee, D. P. Barnes, and N. W. Hardy. Knowledge based error recovery in industrial robots. In Proc. 8th. Int. Joint Conf. Artificial Intelligence, pages 824-826, Karlsruhe, FDR., 1983.