894 resultados para IEN
In Nuclear Medicine, radioiodine, in various chemical forms, is a key tracer used in diagnostic practices and/or therapy. Due to its high volatility, medical professionals may incorporate radioactive iodine during the preparation of the dose to be administered to the patient. In radioactive iodine therapy doses ranging from 3.7 to 7.4GBq per patient are employed. Thus, aiming at reducing the risk of occupational contamination, we developed a low cost filter to be installed at the exit of the exhaust system where doses of radioactive iodine are fractionated, using domestic technology. The effectiveness of radioactive iodine retention by silver impregnated silica [10%] crystals and natural activated carbon was verified using radiotracer techniques. The results showed that natural activated carbon is effective for I2 capture for a large or small amount of substrate but its use is restricted due to its low flash point (150º C). Besides, when poisoned by organic solvents, this flash point may become lower, causing explosions if absorbing large amounts of nitrates. To hold the CH3I gas, it was necessary to increase the volume of natural activated carbon since it was not absorbed by SiO2 + Ag crystals. We concluded that, for an exhaust flow range of (306 4) m3/h, a double stage filter using SiO2 + Ag in the first stage and natural activated carbon in the second is sufficient to meet radiological safety requirements.
This paper presents flow regimes identification methodology in multiphase system in annular, stratified and homogeneous oil-water-gas regimes. The principle is based on recognition of the pulse height distributions (PHD) from gamma-ray with supervised artificial neural network (ANN) systems. The detection geometry simulation comprises of two NaI(Tl) detectors and a dual-energy gamma-ray source. The measurement of scattered radiation enables the dual modality densitometry (DMD) measurement principle to be explored. Its basic principle is to combine the measurement of scattered and transmitted radiation in order to acquire information about the different flow regimes. The PHDs obtained by the detectors were used as input to ANN. The data sets required for training and testing the ANN were generated by the MCNP-X code from static and ideal theoretical models of multiphase systems. The ANN correctly identified the three different flow regimes for all data set evaluated. The results presented show that PHDs examined by ANN may be applied in the successfully flow regime identification.
Multiphase flows, type oil–water-gas are very common among different industrial activities, such as chemical industries and petroleum extraction, and its measurements show some difficulties to be taken. Precisely determining the volume fraction of each one of the elements that composes a multiphase flow is very important in chemical plants and petroleum industries. This work presents a methodology able to determine volume fraction on Annular and Stratified multiphase flow system with the use of neutrons and artificial intelligence, using the principles of transmission/scattering of fast neutrons from a 241Am-Be source and measurements of point flow that are influenced by variations of volume fractions. The proposed geometries used on the mathematical model was used to obtain a data set where the thicknesses referred of each material had been changed in order to obtain volume fraction of each phase providing 119 compositions that were used in the simulation with MCNP-X –computer code based on Monte Carlo Method that simulates the radiation transport. An artificial neural network (ANN) was trained with data obtained using the MCNP-X, and used to correlate such measurements with the respective real fractions. The ANN was able to correlate the data obtained on the simulation with MCNP-X with the volume fractions of the multiphase flows (oil-water-gas), both in the pattern of annular flow as stratified, resulting in a average relative error (%) for each production set of: annular (air= 3.85; water = 4.31; oil=1.08); stratified (air=3.10, water 2.01, oil = 1.45). The method demonstrated good efficiency in the determination of each material that composes the phases, thus demonstrating the feasibility of the technique.
In this study, it was developed a methodology for the determination of the dispersion of a gaseous tracer in porous media using the radiotracer technique. In order to evaluate several porous media, a cylindrical filter was constructed in PVC and connected to a system with constant flow. Inside this unit silica crystals (16-20) mesh was used as porous media and CH3Br (Methyl Bromide) marked with 82Br was used as radiotracer. An instantaneous pulse of tracer was applied in the system entrance and registered by two NaI (3x3)” scintillation detectors located one before and the other after the filter. The curves produced by the radioactive cloud and recorded by the detector were analyzed statistically using the weighted moment method. The mathematical model one considered as great dispersion of tracer was used to evaluate the flow conditions inside the filter system. The results show us that the weight moment method associated with radiotracer techniques is useful to evaluated an industrial filter and allows to measure the residence time distribution, τ, and the axial dispersion, DAB, gas in a porous medium.
Desenvolveu-se no Instituto de Engenharia Nuclear um sistema de aquisição de dados para avaliação das condições operacionais de unidades industriais pelo estudo das curvas Distribuição do Tempo de Residência - RTD, composto de detectores cintiladores NaI (Tl) 3”x 3” conectados a analisadores monocanal cujos sinais são captados por uma interface acoplada a um microcomputador. Para a análise das informações coletadas desenvolveu-se o programa TRACER que efetua um tratamento matemático preliminar dos dados; apresenta na tela a curva RTD, e calcula valores como o tempo de residência médio e as funções resposta, tanto para estímulos instantâneos como para estímulos contínuos. As informações levantadas permitem a identificação de problemas como possíveis canalizações, fugas, zonas mortas e decréscimo na eficiência das unidades. Todo o conjunto é disposto em módulos compactos o que possibilita seu transporte e instalação em unidades industriais.
The objective was the development a methodology to label organic compounds with radioactive iodine (123I) from the reaction of organic compound with iodine nomochloride (ICL). The process begins with the production of 123ICl from the oxidation of potassium iodate in acid medium. The ICL labeled with 123I is extracted from aqueous phase using diethyl ether and then mixed with the organic compound to be labeled and the process is based on adding the radioactive iodine to the Carbon-Carbon double bonds of the organic compound. To measure the efficiency of the labeling process, in all stages samples were collected and the total activity of 123I was measure. The results show a production yield of 82% for lubricant oil and 85% for gasoline and diesel.
Found in the nature in form different, the iodine has been used in diverse works in the area of the industry and health. The iodine is very unstable and volatile in the ambient temperature and the I2 is one of the diverse gaseous forms found. In this work was developed methodology for production of gaseous tracer from the sodium iodide (NaI) 0,1 M marked with 123I. The synthesis was processed with in chlorine acid (HCl) 1M and sodium iodate salt (NaIO3). The production of gas I2 initially was carried through in unit of glass with the inert material and the purpose was to study the kinetic of reaction. The synthesis occurs in the reaction bottle and the produced gas is stored in the collect bottle that contains a starch solution (5 g/100 mL water). To determine the efficiency of production of gas I2, analytic tests had been carried through, where the consumption of iodide ions of the bottle of reaction is measured. The optimization of production of the gaseous tracer was studied varying parameters as: concentration of iodide and iodate, concentration of acid and temperature. Then, the synthesis of the radiotracer was realized in the compact unit, being utilized as main reagent the salt radiated of sodium iodide, Na123I. The transportation of elementary iodine was studied by a scintillation detector NaI (2 x 2)” placed in the reaction bottle. To acquire the data, the detector use a set of electronic modules for the acquisition of signals generated.
The main aim of this work is to develop a methodology to evaluate the characteristics of porous media in filter using the radio-tracing technique. To do this, an experimental prototype filter made up of an acrylic cylinder, vertically mounted and supported on the lower side by a controlled leaking valve was developed. Two filters (spheres of acrylic and silica crystals) were used to check the movement of the water through the porous media using 123I in its MIBG (iodine-123-meta-iodo benzyl-guanidine) form. Further up the filter an instantaneous injection of the substance makes it possible to see the passage of radioactive clouds through the two scintillatory detectors NaI (2x2)” positioned before and immediately after the cylinder with the filtering element (porous media). The are caused by the detectors on the passage of the radioactive cloud are analyzed through statistical functions using the weighted moment method which makes it possible to calculate the Residence-Time (the amount of time the tracer takes to thoroughly pass through the filter) per the equation of dispersion in tubular flow and the one-directional flow of the radiotracer in the porous media.
With the prohibition of the use of radioactive lightning conductor in Brazil, this material passed to be collected and stored as radioactive waste in the waste deposits of The Brazilian National Nuclear Energy Commission (CNEN). The majority of these lightning conductor used as radioactive source 241Am with activity varying of 1 the 5 mCi. In this work are presented preliminary studies by recovering of 241Am through the electroplating technique, in order to posterior use as sources to portable X-rays fluorescence spectrometer. The 241Am sources have been removed from lightning conductor and dissolved in acid solution. The solution presented an activity of 0,6 Ci L-1. Small amounts of this solution were added to some electrolytes and tested in order to evaluate optimum electrolyte for deposition of 241Am. It was studied as electrolytes: HNO3 (0,2 mol L-1), NH4Cl (5,0 mol L-1) and a mixture of KCN and K2CO3 (in the rate of 2,0 g of each per liter). Yields of up to 90% were obtained applied a current density of 50 mA cm-2.
É apresentada metodologia para estudos e avaliações em tempo real, de unidades para dedantação de particulados sólidos em estações de tratamento de esgoto (ETE) empregando-se traçadores radioativos. Um tanque decantador foi construído e os testes foram realizados usando-se 110mAg e 140La na marcação da fase sólida do esgoto e a técnica permitiu levantar-se a curva resposta da unidade e as funções distribuição do tempo de residência (RTD) para diversas situações experimentais e também identificar problemas operacionais que interferem na qualidade final do processo de tratamento do efluente. Os resultados serviram como diretriz para elaborar uma nova configuração da unidade, tornando-a mais eficiente.
The main objective of this R&D work is to simulate particle beam optics in CV-28 Cyclotron of Instituto de Engenharia Nuclear – IEN/CNEN, as a support for improvements or optimization of this particle accelerator. Besides 2D magnetostatic field computation results, the authors present an alternative method for charged particle trajectories computation in electrostatic or magnetostatic fields. This task is approached by analytical computation of trajectories, by parts, considering constant fields within each finite element. This method has some advantages over numerical integration ones: numerical miscomputation of trajectories is avoided; stability problem is also avoided, for the magnetostatic field case. Some examples are presented, including positive ion extraction from cyclotrons with strip-foil. This latter technique is an interesting alternative for upgrading positive ion cyclotrons, such as CV-28 Cyclotron. The particle trajectory computation method presented in this work is of interest not only for cyclotrons, but for accelerator and related technology, in general.
Apresentação VI SECIN
The use of the Design by Analysis (DBA) route is a modern trend in pressure vessel and piping international codes in mechanical engineering. However, to apply the DBA to structures under variable mechanical and thermal loads, it is necessary to assure that the plastic collapse modes, alternate plasticity and incremental collapse (with instantaneous plastic collapse as a particular case), be precluded. The tool available to achieve this target is the shakedown theory. Unfortunately, the practical numerical applications of the shakedown theory result in very large nonlinear optimization problems with nonlinear constraints. Precise, robust and efficient algorithms and finite elements to solve this problem in finite dimension has been a more recent achievements. However, to solve real problems in an industrial level, it is necessary also to consider more realistic material properties as well as to accomplish 3D analysis. Limited kinematic hardening, is a typical property of the usual steels and it should be considered in realistic applications. In this paper, a new finite element with internal thermodynamical variables to model kinematic hardening materials is developed and tested. This element is a mixed ten nodes tetrahedron and through an appropriate change of variables is possible to embed it in a shakedown analysis software developed by Zouain and co-workers for elastic ideally-plastic materials, and then use it to perform 3D shakedown analysis in cases with limited kinematic hardening materials
The use of the Design by Analysis concept is a trend in modern pressure vessel and piping calculations. DBA flexibility allow us to deal with unexpected configurations detected at in-service inspections. It is also important, in life extension calculations, when deviations of the original standard hypotesis adopted initially in Design by Formula, can happen. To apply the DBA to structures under variable mechanic and thermal loads, it is necessary that, alternate plasticity and incremental collapse (with instantaneous plastic collapse as a particular case), be precluded. These are two basic failure modes considered by ASME or European Standards in DBA. The shakedown theory is the tool available to achieve this goal. In order to apply it, is necessary only the range of the variable loads and the material properties. Precise, robust and efficient algorithms to solve the very large nonlinear optimization problems generated in numerical applications of the shakedown theory is a recent achievement. Zouain and co-workers developed one of these algorithms for elastic ideally-plastic materials. But, it is necessary to consider more realistic material properties in real practical applications. This paper shows an enhancement of this algorithm to dealing with limited kinematic hardening, a typical property of the usual steels. This is done using internal thermodynamic variables. A discrete algorithm is obtained using a plane stress, mixed finite element, with internal variable. An example, a beam encased in an end, under constant axial force and variable moment is presented to show the importance of considering the limited kinematic hardening in a shakedown analysis.
In design or safety assessment of mechanical structures, the use of the Design by Analysis (DBA) route is a modern trend. However, for making possible to apply DBA to structures under variable loads, two basic failure modes considered by ASME or European Standards must be precluded. Those modes are the alternate plasticity and incremental collapse (with instantaneous plastic collapse as a particular case). Shakedown theory is a tool that permit us to assure that those kinds of failures will be avoided. However, in practical applications, very large nonlinear optimization problems are generated. Due to this facts, only in recent years have been possible to obtain algorithms sufficiently accurate, robust and efficient, for dealing with this class of problems. In this paper, one of these shakedown algorithms, developed for dealing with elastic ideally-plastic structures, is enhanced to include limited kinematic hardening, a more realistic material behavior. This is done in the continuous model by using internal thermodynamic variables. A corresponding discrete model is obtained using an axisymmetric mixed finite element with an internal variable. A thick wall sphere, under variable thermal and pressure loads, is used in an example to show the importance of considering the limited kinematic hardening in the shakedown calculations