919 resultados para Historically Black Colleges and Universities


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Este trabalho tem como proposta pensar os processos identitários da afrodiáspora, a partir dos diálogos com a Capoeira Angola e as narrativas de suas/seus praticantes. Apresentamos a Capoeira Angola como prática cultural de matriz africana, significada por um processo histórico de luta e resistência das populações negras na diáspora. Procuramos discutir quais identidades são reivindicadas, tecidas e enunciadas nessa prática, com especial atenção às identidades angoleiras, às identidades negras e ao pertencimento etnicorracial enunciado por suas/seus praticantes. O processo histórico de escravização das populações negras no Brasil resultou na discriminação racial de mulheres e homens negras/os e na visibilização estereotipada das suas práticas e epistemologias, produzindo diferenciações hierárquicas. A cultura como enunciação e diferença permite através do ato enunciativo, a produção de novos sentidos e significados para as populações negras, que ressignificam suas identidades e tensionam às lógicas e racionalidades hegemônicas. As identidades são compreendidas como processos de identificação, permitidos pelo dinamismo da cultura e pelas práticas discursivas. O agenciamento coletivo reivindica outras identificações, de modo que o ato enunciativo pode produzir novos sentidos para às significações atribuídas às populações negras, sendo a linguagem um importante mecanismo de circulação da palavra e o indicador mais sensível de transformações sociais.


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A two year, comprehensive, quantitative investigation was conducted to analyze and identify the spatial distribution of petrogenic and biogenic hydrocarbons in sediments, surface waters, fish and shellfish of Biscayne Bay, Florida. The goal for the first year of the project was to establish baseline information to support oil spill impact assessment and clean-up. One hundred fifty-five sediment and eleven biota samples were collected. The areas sampled included the Miami River, Intracoastal Waterway, tidal flats, access canals and environmentally sensitive shorelines. The second year of the study centered on areas exhibiting petroleum contamination. These areas included the Miami River, Little River, Goulds Canal, Black Creek and Military Canal. Surface and subsurface sediment, biota and surface water were collected. Sample collection, analyses, and data handling for the two year project were conducted so that all information was court-competent and scientifically accurate. Chain of custody was maintained for all samples. Total hydrocarbon content of surface sediments ranged from below detection limits to a high of 2663.44 pg/g. Several sample stations contained petroleum contamination. The majority of biota samples exhibited hydrocarbon concentrations and characteristics that indicated little, if any, petroleum contamination. Surface water samples ranged from 0.78 to 64.47 μg/L and several samples contained petroleum hydrocarbons. Our results indicate several areas of petroleum contamination. These areas are characterized by industrial complexes, port facilities, marinas, major boating routes and many of the major tributaries emptying into Biscayne Bay.


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黑碳(BC)是生物质和化石燃料不完全燃烧产生的高度聚合的碳质混合物,包括木炭 (char/charcoal)和烟炱碳(soot)等形式。黑碳产生后大部分储存在燃烧原地,而烟炱碳 由于粒径较小,易进入大气,滞留一到数周后回到地表。部分土壤黑碳随河流和大气的搬 运作用进入海洋环境,主要汇集在海岸带沉积物中。由于黑碳涉及到气候变化、碳循环、 环境危害、人体健康等诸多问题而成为当前气候与环境领域的研究热点。黑碳在环境介质 中比较稳定,因而可以较好的指示人类能源使用及其对环境质量的影响;同时黑碳具有很 强的吸附性,能显著影响周围介质中持久性有机污染物(如多环芳烃等)的赋存状态和生态 毒理效应。 多环芳烃(PAHs)是指两个或两个以上的苯环以稠环形式结合的芳香族化合物,主要 来源于含碳物质的不完全燃烧过程,在环境中广泛存在。由于PAHs 具有潜在的致癌性、 致畸性和致突变性(“三致”效应)而在环境研究领域中备受关注。另外由于具有主体的 同源性,PAHs 可以指示BC 的来源和环境过程。 海岸带沉积物是包括BC 和PAHs 在内的众多污染物在环境地球化学迁移过程中的主 要载体和归宿,由于受到陆地和海洋双重作用,海岸带对环境污染物尤其敏感。环渤海地 区是我国北方的社会经济中心,工业、农业和交通发达、人口稠密,污染严重。前人的研 究表明渤海湾的BC 和PAHs 污染程度明显高于我国其他海岸带,但受限制于采样区域和 样品数量,不能全面地反应BC 和PAHs 在渤海湾海岸带的分布状况及人类活动对海岸带 环境质量的影响。 本次研究在渤海湾海岸带潮间带、近海及主要入海河流系统布设了多条采样剖面,采 集表层沉积物样品85 个。首先,对国际上较为常用的化学热氧化法(CTO-375)处理沉积 物黑碳样品的方法进行了比对实验和优化,然后对全部样品进行黑碳分析;利用GC-MS 方法对样品中的PAHs(USEPA 的16 种优控物)进行了定量检测;对全部沉积物样品还进 行了粒度分析。 结果表明,该区域内黑碳的含量为0.09 到22.8 mg/g dw,其中,潮间带样品的BC 平 均含量为0.52 ± 0.39 mg/g dw,近海样品为0.84 ± 0.38 mg/g dw,河流样品(海河样品除外) 为1.88 ± 0.89 mg/g dw。BC占总有机碳的比例在潮间带、近海、河流区域分别为18.4 ± 8.3%、 14.5 ± 5.3%、14.2 ± 4.1%。潮间带黑碳存在明显的“北高南低”的趋势(以天津港码头和 海河为界),与近海和河流样品的BC 浓度有相似的变化趋势,反映了BC 在海岸带的运移 扩散具有一定的继承性;河流输入可能是近岸沉积物BC 的主要来源。同时,潮间带沉积 物粒度分析结果表明“北区细”(以粘土质粉砂主)而“南区粗”(以砂为主),反映了两个区 域不同的水动力条件和沉积环境,可能是造成BC 浓度空间分异的主要原因。 摘要 II 多环芳烃的含量分布为33.1-7658.7 ng/g dw,其中,潮间带样品的PAHs 平均含量为 147.0 ng/g dw,近海样品为170.9 ng/g dw,河流样品(海河样品除外)为1228.5 ng/g dw。 主要成分均为三环和四环多环芳烃。PAHs 也呈现出了与BC 相似的“北高南低”的趋势, 多环芳烃与黑碳的相关性研究表明两者相关性较好(R2=0.59),表明多环芳烃和黑碳的同 源性和继承性。运用比值法(菲/蒽,荧蒽/芘,低环/高环等)对多环芳烃的来源解析显示, 整个研究区域内多环芳烃主要为燃烧源。


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Innovation policies play an important role throughout the development process of emerging industries. However, existing policy studies view the process as a black-box, and fail to understand the policy-industry interactions through the process. This paper aims to develop an integrated technology roadmapping tool, in order to facilitate the better understanding of policy heterogeneity at the different stages of new energy industries in China. Through the case study of Chinese wind energy equipment manufacturing industry, this paper elaborates the dynamics between policy and the growth process of the industry. Further, this paper generalizes some Chinese specifics for the policy-industry interactions. As a practical output, this study proposes a policy-technology roadmapping framework that maps policy-market-product- technology interactions in response to the requirement for analyzing and planning the development of new industries in emerging economies (e.g. China). This paper will be of interest to policy makers, strategists, investors, and industrial experts. © 2011 IEEE.


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Mitochondrial DNA restriction maps for 12 restriction enzymes of four species of muntjacs-Indian muntjac (M. muntjak), Gongshan muntjac (M. gongshanensis), black muntjac (M. crinifrons), and Chinese muntjac (M. reevesi)-were compared to estimate the phylogenetic relationships among them. Phylogenetic trees were constructed by both distance and parsimony methods. The two resulting trees share a similar topology, which indicates that the black muntjac and the Gongshan muntjac are closely related, followed by the Chinese muntjac; the Indian muntjac is the sister taxon to all the other muntjacs.


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Innovation policies play an important role throughout the development process of emerging industries in China. Existing policy and industry studies view the emergence process as a black-box, and fail to understand the impacts of policy to the process along which it varies. This paper aims to develop a multi-dimensional roadmapping tool to better analyse the dynamics between policy and industrial growth for new industries in China. Through reviewing the emergence process of Chinese wind turbine industry, this paper elaborates how policy and other factors influence the emergence of this industry along this path. Further, this paper generalises some Chinese specifics for the policy-industry dynamics. As a practical output, this study proposes a roadmapping framework that generalises some patterns of policy-industry interactions for the emergence process of new industries in China. This paper will be of interest to policy makers, strategists, investors and industrial experts. Copyright © 2013 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.


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Reliable means of predicting ingestion in cavities adjacent to the main gas path are increasingly being sought by engineers involved in the design of gas turbines. In this paper, analysis is to be presented that results from an extended research programme, MAGPI, sponsored by the EU and several leading gas turbine manufactures and universities. Extensive use is made of CFD modelling techniques to understand the aerodynamic behaviour of a turbine stator well cavity, focusing on the interaction of cooling air supply with the main annulus gas. The objective of the study has been to benchmark a number of CFD codes and numerical techniques covering RANS and URANS calculations with different turbulence models in order to assess the suitability of the standard settings used in the industry for calculating the mechanics of the flow travelling between cavities in a turbine through the main gas path. The modelling methods employed have been compared making use of experimental data gathered from a dedicated two-stage turbine rig, running at engine representative conditions. Extensive measurements are available for a range of flow conditions and alternative cooling arrangements. The limitations of the numerical methods in calculating the interaction of the cooling flow egress and the main stream gas, and subsequent ingestion into downstream cavities in the engine (i.e. re-ingestion), have been exposed. This has been done without losing sight of the validation of the CFD for its use for predicting heat transfer, which was the main objective of the partners of the MAGPI Work- Package 1 consortium. Copyright © 2012 by ASME.


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THERE ARE MANY different kinds of robots: factory automation systems that weld and assemble car engines; machines that place chocolates into boxes; medical devices that support surgeons in operations requiring high-precision manipulation; cars that drive automatically over long distances; vehicles for planetary exploration; mechanisms for powerline or oil platform inspection; toys and educational toolkits for schools and universities; service robots that deliver meals, clean floors, or mow lawns; and "companion robots" that are real partners for humans and share our daily lives. In a sense, all these robots are inspired by biological systems; it's just a matter of degree. A driverless vehicle imitates animals moving autonomously in the world.© 2012 ACM.


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The northern South China Sea margin has experienced a rifting stage and a post-rifting stage during the Cenozoic. In the rifting stage, the margin received lacustrine and shallow marine facies sediments. In the post-rifting thermal subsidence, the margin accumulated shallow marine facies and hemipelagic deposits, and the deepwater basins formed. Petroleum systems of deepwater setting have been imaged from seismic data and drill wells. Two kinds of source rocks including Paleogene lacustrine black shale and Oligocene-Early Miocene mudstone were developed in the deepwater basin of the South China Sea. The deepwater reservoirs are characterized by the deep sea channel rill, mass flow complexes and drowned reef carbonate platform. Profitable capping rocks on the top are mudstones with huge thickness in the post-rifting stage. Meanwhile, the faults developed during the rifting stage provide a migration path favourable for the formation of reservoirs. The analysis of seismic and drilling data suggests that the joint structural and stratigraphic traps could form giant hydrocarbon fields and hydrocarbon reservoirs including syn-rifting graben subaqueous delta, deepwater submarine fan sandstone and reef carbonate reservoirs.


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黑碳和多环芳烃都是燃烧产生的污染物,并广泛存在于土壤及海洋特别是近海沉积物中。由于黑碳和多环芳烃对环境及生态系统具有不同的影响途径和危害,多年来一直受到环境研究者的极大重视。本文对我国近海几个海区(渤海湾、北黄海、胶州湾、南海珠江口及其邻近海区)沉积物中黑碳和多环芳烃的含量、分布及来源进行了研究,并首次对各海区表层沉积物中黑碳和多环芳烃的相关性进行了分析。 数据显示,中国近海各海区(渤海湾、北黄海、胶州湾、南海珠江口及其邻近海区)表层沉积物中黑碳的浓度范围为0.1 - 2.45 mg/gdw,占总有机碳浓度的1 - 41%,具有较大的空间差异。渤海湾表层沉积物中黑碳浓度最高(平均为2.18 mg/gdw),占沉积物中总有机碳浓度的27 - 41%。相比之下,北黄海、胶州湾和南海珠江口及其邻近海区表层沉积物中黑碳浓度较低,分别占沉积物中总有机碳浓度的6%、8%和5%。黑碳的分布主要受其来源的影响,陆地来源和河流输入是中国近岸海区表层沉积物中黑碳的重要来源。该研究显示黑碳在沉积物中的埋藏可能代表我国近海各海区碳循环中的一个重要碳汇。 中国近海各海区(渤海湾、北黄海、南海珠江口及其邻近海区)表层沉积物中多环芳烃的浓度范围为47.5 – 3673.5 ng/g(均为干重),亦具有很大的空间差异。渤海湾中多环芳烃的浓度最高(82.9 – 3673.5 ng/g),反映了该地区受人类污染严重的特征。在三个海区表层沉积物中,单组分多环芳烃的分布也具有明显不同的特征,渤海湾主要以5、6环的多环芳烃为主,而北黄海和南海珠江口及其邻近海区3、4环多环芳烃的浓度较高。基于多环芳烃的单组分分布特征和一些特殊指数,可以得到渤海湾表层沉积物中的多环芳烃以木材、煤的不完全燃烧来源为主,而北黄海海区和南海珠江口及其邻近海区的多环芳烃显示出木材、煤的燃烧和石油燃烧的混合来源。 中国近海表层沉积物中黑碳浓度与多环芳烃的浓度并不存在很好的相关性,这说明中国近海表层沉积物中的黑碳和多环芳烃具有不同的来源,且在沉积物中的埋藏受控于不同的地球化学作用。


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The latest two extreme scenarios of last glacial maximum and Holocene climatic optimum marked extreme situations in China. This paper aims to reconstruct the fossil extensions and paleoclimate of deserts in eastern China during this typical period. Aeolian sequence responds the climate change by virtue of alternation of aeolian sand layer and sandy soil layer, which correspond aridity and humidity, respectively. There is a set of contrastive deposits made up of loose sand layer and overlying dark sandy soil below land surface. This developed soil and underlying deep aeolian sand respond to H.O. and late last glacial, i.e. LGM. The typical bottom sand layers of about 50 profiles of Hulun Buir Desert, Horqin Desert and Otindag Desert were dated using OSL to confirm that they did deposid in LGM. Based on the locations of these LGM sand, distrution of gobi-desert-loess and landform control, the distribution in LGM of the three deserts were reconstructed. For the block of eastern mountain, the extreme eastern boundary of Hulun Buir Desert and Otindag Desert are not just functioned by climate background. The east of Horqin Desert is plain, hence eastern boundary of this desert is maily controlled by climate. It is considered that quite a lot of aeolian sand of LGM origined from fluvial deposit by observing regional distribution of river and SEM of sand grains. The environment alternation of of LGM-H.O. is featured by extensive expanse of active dune in LGM and grassland in H.O. Combined grain-size, susceptibility, TOC, colour and SEM measurement, the OSL chronology of relatively continued profiles since LGM of the three deserts are divided into four periods: eolian sand (15-10ka)- sandy soil (10-5ka)- alternation of black sand and yellow sand- reworking of LGM sand as destroy of soil.


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Thomas, R., Urquhart, C., Crossan, S. & Hines, B. (2008). MUES (Mid Wales - Users - Ethnic Services) Ethnic services provision 2007-08. Report for Libraries for Life: Delivering the entitlement agenda for library users in Wales 2007-09. Aberystwyth: Department of Information Studies, Aberystwyth University. Related policy guidance published separately Sponsorship: CyMAL


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This article considers how Roy Williams's 2003 play, which dramatises a black-on-black killing and the flawed police investigation which follows, represents contemporary British society, particularly in relation to the vexed question of multiculturalism. Some have described "Fallout" as limited and bleak, reinforcing stereotypes of black experience and identity. By contrast, this article demonstrates that the play, through its analysis of both a conflicted police service and the societal divisions that push black youths towards criminality, draws attention to the underlying systemic causes of inner city violence and makes a constructive and valuable contribution to ongoing public debate. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]


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Anthropogenic eutrophication affects the Mediterranean, Black, North and Baltic Seas to various extents. Responses to nutrient loading and methods of monitoring relevant indicators vary regionally, hindering interpretation of ecosystem state changes and preventing a straightforward pan-European assessment of eutrophication symptoms. Here we summarize responses to nutrient enrichment in Europe's seas, comparing existing time-series of selected pelagic (phytoplankton biomass and community composition, turbidity, N:P ratio) and benthic (macro flora and faunal communities, bottom oxygen condition) indicators based on their effectiveness in assessing eutrophication effects. Our results suggest that the Black Sea and Northern Adriatic appear to be recovering from eutrophication due to economic reorganization in the Black Sea catchment and nutrient abatement measures in the case of the Northern Adriatic. The Baltic is most strongly impacted by eutrophication due to its limited exchange and the prevalence of nutrient recycling. Eutrophication in the North Sea is primarily a coastal problem, but may be exacerbated by climatic changes. Indicator interpretation is strongly dependent on sea-specific knowledge of ecosystem characteristics, and no single indicator can be employed to adequately compare eutrophication state between European seas. Communicating eutrophication-related information to policy-makers could be facilitated through the use of consistent indicator selection and monitoring methodologies across European seas. This work is discussed in the context of the European Commission's recently published Marine Strategy Directive.


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Environmentally induced change appears to be impacting the recruitment of North Sea herring (Clupea harengus). Despite simultaneously having a large adult population, historically low exploitation, and Marine Stewardship Council accreditation (implying sustainability), there have been an unprecedented 6 sequential years of poor juvenile production (recruitment). Analysis suggests that the poor recruitment arises during the larval overwintering phase, with recent survival rates greatly reduced. Contemporary warming of the North Sea has caused significant changes in the plankton community, and a recently identified regime shift around 2000 shows close temporal agreement with the reduced larval survival. It is, therefore, possible that we are observing the first consequences of this planktonic change for higher trophic levels. There is no indication of a recovery in recruitment in the short term. Fishing mortality is currently outside the agreed management plan, and forecasts show a high risk of the stock moving outside safe biological limits soon, potentially precipitating another collapse of the stock. However, bringing the realized fishing mortality back in line with the management plan would likely alleviate the problem. This illustrates again that recruitment is influenced by more than just spawning-stock biomass, and that changes in other factors can be of equal, or even greater, importance. In such dynamically changing environments, recent management success does not necessarily guarantee future sustainability.