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The most interesting questions that arise in patent law are the ones that test the boundaries of patentable subject matter. One of those questions has been put forward recently in the United States in an argument in favour of patenting the plots of fictional stories. United States attorney Andrew F Knight has claimed that storylines are patentable subject matter and should be recognised as such. What he claims is patentable is not the copyrightable expression of a written story or even a written outline of a plot but the underlying plot of a story itself. The commercial application of ‘storyline patents’, as he describes them, is said to be their exclusive use in books and movies. This article analyses the claims made and argues that storylines are not patentable subject matter under Australian law. It also contends that policy considerations, as well as the very nature of creative works, weigh against recognition of ‘storyline patents’.


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Certain ways of knowing the prostitute and the client predominate. He is understood through the discourse of sexology, she is understood through the discourses of psychology, psychoanalysis, economics and feminism. However, while the prostitute and the client appear to be known through unrelated and diverse discourses, such ways of knowing are organised through the dualisms of sex and gender, victim and agent, mind and body. Moreover, these ways of knowing are directly related to popular discourse, policy and legislation on the topic. This paper examines the relationship between ways of knowing the prostitute and the client, and political action in Australia. it argues that inadequate theoretical conceptualisations are often at the heart of poorly conceived praxis - in this case Australian policy and legislation. This paper will demonstrate that re-thinking the theory can lead to new ways of acting.


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The aim of this work was to investigate ultrafine particles (< 0.1 μm) in primary school classrooms, in relation to the classrooms activities. The investigations were conducted in three classrooms during two measuring campaigns, which together encompassed a period of 60 days. Initial investigations showed that under the normal operating conditions of the school there were many occasions in all three classrooms where indoor particle concentrations increased significantly compared to outdoor levels. By far the highest increases in the classroom resulted from art activities (painting, gluing and drawing), at times reaching over 1.4 x 105 particle cm-3. The indoor particle concentrations exceeded outdoor concentrations by approximately one order of magnitude, with a count median diameter ranging from 20-50 nm. Significant increases also occurred during cleaning activities, when detergents were used. GC-MS analysis conducted on 4 samples randomly selected from about 30 different paints and glues, as well as the detergent used in the school, showed that d-limonene was one of the main organic compounds of the detergent, however, it was not detected in the samples of the paints and the glue. Controlled experiments showed that this monoterpene, emitted from the detergent, reacted with O3 (at outdoor ambient concentrations ranging from 0.06-0.08ppm) and formed secondary organic aerosols. Further investigations to identify other liquids which may be potential sources of the precursors of secondary organic aerosols, were outside the scope of this project, however, it is expected that the problem identified by this study could be more widely spread, since most primary schools use liquid materials for art classes, and all schools use detergents for cleaning. Further studies are therefore recommended to better understand this phenomenon and also to minimize school children exposure to ultrafine particles from these indoor sources.


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Silylated layered double hydroxides (LDHs) were synthesized through a surfactant-free method involving an in situ condensation of silane with the surface hydroxyl group of LDHs during its reconstruction in carbonate solution. X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns showed the silylation reaction occurred on the external surfaces of LDHs layers. The successful silylation was evidenced by 29Si cross-polarization magic-angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance (29Si CP/MAS NMR) spectroscopy, attenuated total reflection Fourier transform infrared (ATR FTIR) spectroscopy, and infrared emission spectroscopy (IES). The ribbon shaped crystallites with a “rodlike” aggregation were observed through transmission electron microscopy (TEM) images. The aggregation was explained by the T2 and T3 types of linkage between adjacent silane molecules as indicated in the 29Si NMR spectrum. In addition, the silylated products show high thermal stability by maintained Si related bands even when the temperature was increased to 1000 °C as observed in IES spectra.


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Since the industrial revolution, our world has experienced rapid and unplanned industrialization and urbanization. As a result, we have had to cope with serious environmental challenges. In this context, an explanation of how smart urban ecosystems can emerge, gains a crucial importance. Capacity building and community involvement have always been key issues in achieving sustainable development and enhancing urban ecosystems. By considering these, this paper looks at new approaches to increase public awareness of environmental decision making. This paper will discuss the role of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), particularly Webbased Geographic Information Systems (Web-based GIS) as spatial decision support systems to aid public participatory environmental decision making. The paper also explores the potential and constraints of these webbased tools for collaborative decision making.


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We argue that web service discovery technology should help the user navigate a complex problem space by providing suggestions for services which they may not be able to formulate themselves as (s)he lacks the epistemic resources to do so. Free text documents in service environments provide an untapped source of information for augmenting the epistemic state of the user and hence their ability to search effectively for services. A quantitative approach to semantic knowledge representation is adopted in the form of semantic space models computed from these free text documents. Knowledge of the user’s agenda is promoted by associational inferences computed from the semantic space. The inferences are suggestive and aim to promote human abductive reasoning to guide the user from fuzzy search goals into a better understanding of the problem space surrounding the given agenda. Experimental results are discussed based on a complex and realistic planning activity.


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In response to a range of contextual drivers, the worldwide adoption of ERP Systems in Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) has increased substantially over the past decade. Though this demand continues to grow, with HEIs now a main target market for ERP vendors, little has been published on the topic. This paper reports a sub-study of a larger research effort that aims to contribute to understanding the phenomenon of ERP adoption and evaluation in HEIs in the Australasian region. It presents a descriptive case study conducted at Queensland University of Technology (QUT) in Australia, with emphasis on challenges with ERP adoption. The case study provides rich contextual details about ERP system selection, customisation, integration and evaluation, and insights into the role of consultants in the HE sector. Through this analysis, the paper (a) provides evidence of the dearth of ERP literature pertaining to the HE sector; (b) yields insights into differentiating factors in the HE sector that warrants specific research attention, and (c) offers evidence of how key ERP decisions such as systems selection, customisation, integration, evaluation, and consultant engagement are influenced by the specificities of the HE sector.


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Art continues to bemuse and confuse many people today. Yet, its critical analyses are saturated with daunting analyses of contemporary art's exhaustion, its predictability or its absorption into global commercial culture. In this book, the author seeks to clarify this apprehensive perception of art. He argues it is a consequence not only of confounding art-works, but also of the paradoxical impetus of a culture of modernity. By positively reassessing the perplexing or apprehensive features of cultural modernity as well as of aesthetic inquiry, this book redefines the ambitions of art in the wake of this legacy. In the process, it challenges many familiar approaches to art inquiry in order to offer a new understanding of the aesthetic, social and cultural aspirations of art in our time.


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Malcolm Shepherd Knowles was a key writer and theorist in the field of adult education in the United States. He died in 1997 and left a large legacy of books and journal articles. This thesis traced the development of his thinking over the 46-year period from 1950 to 1995. It examined the 25 works authored, co-authored, edited, reissued and revised by him during that period. The writings were scrutinised using a literature research methodology to expose the theoretical content, and a history of thought lens to identify and account for the development of major ideas. The methodology enabled a gradual unfolding of the history. A broadly-consistent and sequential pattern of thought focusing on the notion of andragogy emerged. The study revealed that after the initial phases of exploratory thinking, Knowles developed a practical-theoretical framework he believed could function as a comprehensive theory of adult learning. As his thinking progressed, his theory developed into a unified framework for human resource development and, later, into a model for the development of self-directed lifelong learners. The study traced the development of Knowles’ thinking through the phases of thought, identified the writings that belonged within each phase and produced a series of diagrammatic representations showing the evolution of his conceptual framework. The production of a history of the development of Knowles’ thought is the major outcome of the study. In addition to plotting the narrative sequence of thought-events, the history helps to explicate the factors and conditions that influenced Knowles’ thinking and to show the interrelationships between ideas. The study should help practitioners in their use and appreciation of Knowles’ works.


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This volume is the second in a series that addresses change and development in the delivery of vocational and education programs in Queensland. A similar volume was published in 2007. Considerable change was foreshadowed for TAFE Queensland by the release of The Queensland Skill Plan (QSP) in 2006. This volume addresses implementation issues for the Actions identified in the QSP. The chapters focus on a breadth of issues that relate to the changing landscape for teaching and learning in TAFE Institutes. The incorporation of Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) and e-learning approaches into the delivery of training packages remain key foci for change, as was evident in the first volume of this series. The chapters also consider issues for some client groups in VET, as well as approaches to professional development to build the capabilities of staff for new teaching and learning environments. The chapter by Sandra Lawrence examines the professional development issues for staff across TAFE institutes in the implementation of the Learning Management System. Suzanne Walsh discusses the issues of new “learning spaces” and “Mode 2 learning in the re-development at Southbank Institute. The chapter by Angela Simpson focuses on VET in schools and school-to-work transition programs. Josie Drew, in her chapter, takes up the issues of embedding employability skills into the delivery of training packages through flexible delivery. The chapter by Colleen Hodgins focuses on the organisational challenges for Lead Institutes in relation to the professional development for TAFE educators in light of policy changes. Bradley Jones discusses the changing roles of libraries in VET contexts and their importance. He examines the adequacy of the VOCED database and reflects on the current nature, role, and practices of VET libraries. Finally, Piero Dametto discusses the pragmatics for TAFE educators in understanding the use of digital objects and learning objects within the LMS and LCMS systems that were presaged in the QSP. These papers were completed by the authors as a part of their postgraduate studies at QUT. The views reported are those of the authors and should not be attributed to the Queensland Department of Education, Training and the Arts. Donna Berthelsen Faculty of Education Queensland University of Technology


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Bob Baxt, the third Chairman of the Trade Practices Commission, served for a single three year term from 1988 to 1991. He followed Bob McComas, who had deliberately adopted a non-litigious approach to preserving the competitive process, believing that he understood business as an insider and that much of what it did was not anti-competitive, when correctly viewed. Baxt was far more pro-active in his approach, and more closely aligned with that of the first Chairman, Ron Bannerman. Baxt sought to push the frontiers of investigation and precedent, and perhaps, more significantly, sought to influence his Ministers, the government, public servants and public opinion about the need to expand the coverage of the Trade Practices Act, increase penalties and properly resource the Commission so that it could perform its assigned roles. This article examines Baxt’s early and on-going role in teaching Australian students and professionals through his interdisciplinary Trade Practices Workshops, the political context of Baxt’s tenure, including his relations with the Attorney-General ,Michael Duffy, and his skilful handling of the Queensland Wire case.


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Harry Reade (1927-1998) was an Australian waterside worker-artist who became involved with animation production through the Waterside Workers’ Federation Film Unit, in Sydney. During the early years of the Cuban Revolution, Reade contributed to Cuba’s social and cultural reform process by influencing the development of the educational sector of Cuban animation. This article examines the forces that shaped Reade and the ways in which he contributed to the use of animation as an agent of social change.


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In 1999 I convened Industrial Relations, the annual ADSA Conference hosted by QUT in Brisbane. This event was promoted as ‘a conference exploring the links between theatre scholarship and professional theatre practice’. As well as academics, there was to be substantial representation by ‘industry professionals’, although interest from the latter category turned out to be modest. One day of the conference was designated a special ‘Links with Industry’ day, during which the Association launched its now defunct ADSAIL (ADSA Industry Links) initiative. Keynote speaker Wesley Enoch commented on ‘the very strong resistance in “the industry” to acknowledging any role of academics’. ‘What is the practical role of having them?’ he asked the ‘them’ gathered before him. In a letter declining our invitation to speak (he later changed his mind), David Williamson remarked that he always felt ‘uneasy at such conferences’: My view of my work is that I’ve successfully filled theatres for 30 years now, something dramatists are supposed to do. I suppose there’s part of me that hopes this will be celebrated. It often is, but rarely in academic drama departments …. Perhaps in fifty years time someone in academe will realise that I wasn’t just reinforcing the attitudes of the Anglo Celtic ruling class. Several years on it seems timely to revisit Industrial Relations; to look again at the extent to which problems of intercultural communication between industry and academy are being addressed. And what are the implications of this for the ADSA History project, which seeks to investigate ADSA’s contribution to the development of theatre / performance studies in Australasia? What are the ‘external’ impacts of ADSA’s ongoing conference enterprise, and how might these be measured? Reflections from delegates on these and other questions will be warmly encouraged.