948 resultados para Harwood Heights


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The main questions addressed in this work were whether and how adaptation to suppression of visual information occurs in a free-fall paradigm, and the extent to which vision availability influences the control of landing movements. The prelanding modulation of EMG timing and amplitude of four lower-limb muscles was investigated. Participants performed six consecutive drop-landings from four different heights in two experimental conditions: with and without vision. Experimental design precluded participants from estimating the height of the drop. Since cues provided by proprioceptive and vestibular information acquired during the first trials were processed, the nervous system rapidly adapted to the lack of visual information, and hence produced a motor output (i.e., prelanding EMG modulation) similar to that observed when performing the activity with vision available.


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In this work, we report the construction of potential energy surfaces for the (3)A '' and (3)A' states of the system O(P-3) + HBr. These surfaces are based on extensive ab initio calculations employing the MRCI+Q/CBS+SO level of theory. The complete basis set energies were estimated from extrapolation of MRCI+Q/aug-cc-VnZ(-PP) (n = Q, 5) results and corrections due to spin-orbit effects obtained at the CASSCF/aug-cc-pVTZ(-PP) level of theory. These energies, calculated over a region of the configuration space relevant to the study of the reaction O(P-3) + HBr -> OH + Br, were used to generate functions based on the many-body expansion. The three-body potentials were interpolated using the reproducing kernel Hilbert space method. The resulting surface for the (3)A '' electronic state contains van der Waals minima on the entrance and exit channels and a transition state 6.55 kcal/mol higher than the reactants. This barrier height was then scaled to reproduce the value of 5.01 kcal/mol, which was estimated from coupled cluster benchmark calculations performed to include high-order and core-valence correlation, as well as scalar relativistic effects. The (3)A' surface was also scaled, based on the fact that in the collinear saddle point geometry these two electronic states are degenerate. The vibrationally adiabatic barrier heights are 3.44 kcal/mol for the (3)A '' and 4.16 kcal/mol for the (3)A' state. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. [http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4705428]


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Gold nanoparticles (Au-NPs) were deposited on single layer graphene (SLG) and few layers graphene (FLG) by applying the gas aggregation technique, previously adapted to a 4-gun commercial magnetron sputtering system. The samples were supported on SiO2 (280 nm)/Si substrates, and the influence of the applied DC power and deposition times on the nanoparticle-graphene system was investigated by Confocal Raman Microscopy. Analysis of the G and 2D bands of the Raman spectra shows that the integrated intensity ratio (I-2D/I-G) was higher for SLG than for FLG. For the samples produced using a sputtering power of 30W, the intensity (peak height) of the G and 2D bands increased with the deposition time, whereas for those produced applying 60W the peak heights of the G and 2D bands decreased with the deposition time. This behaviour was ascribed to the formation of larger Au-NPs aggregates in the last case. A significant increase of the Full Width Half Maximum (FWHM) of the G band for SLG and FLG was also observed as a function of the DC power and deposition time. Surprisingly, the fine details of the Raman spectra revealed an unintentional doping of SLG and FLG accompanying the increase of size and aggregation of the Au-NPs. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The sediments resulting of natural or anthropic erosion are deposited on the soil surface and around the trunks of trees occurring in riparian forests. For assessment of the erosion, tree-rings of roots and stems were analyzed. Guarea guidonea trees from a riparian forest affected by the sedimentation of soil erosion from pastures and soybean fields in state of Goias were selected. Wood samples were extracted through a non-destructive method at three heights from trunks of trees located in three positions (top, middle and bottom) of a riparian slope. The evaluation revealed a deposition of a thick sediment layer up to 34 cm around the base of tree trunks during the past 24 years. The inter-correlations between the tree-rings widths present in wood samples at the base and at 50 and 100 cm from Guarea guidonea tree trunks presented low, medium and high values. These values resulted from the low tree-rings distinctiveness in the wood; the absence of some rings as well as the eccentricity of the pith. The analyses of dendrogeomorphology allowed the determination of the date of seed germination and tree growth and inference on the periods of sediment deposition in the trunk of the trees.


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Este trabalho resume os dados de florística e fitossociologia de 11, das 14 parcelas de 1 ha, alocadas ao longo do gradiente altitudinal da Serra do Mar, São Paulo, Brasil. As parcelas começam na cota 10 m (Floresta de Restinga da Praia da Fazenda, município de Ubatuba) e estão distribuídas até a cota 1100 m (Floresta Ombrófila Densa Montana da Trilha do rio Itamambuca, município de São Luis do Paraitinga) abrangendo os Núcleos Picinguaba e Santa Virgínia do Parque Estadual da Serra do Mar. Na Restinga o solo é Neossolo Quartzarênico francamente arenoso, enquanto que na encosta o solo é um Cambisolo Háplico Distrófico argilo-arenoso, sendo que todas as parcelas apresentaram solo ácido (pH 3 – 4) com alta diluição de nutrientes e alta saturação de alumínio. Na Restinga e no sopé da encosta o clima é Tropical/Subtropical Úmido (Af/Cfa), sem estação seca, com precipitação média anual superior a 2.200 mm e temperatura média anual de 22 °C. Subindo a encosta mantêm-se a média de precipitação, mas há um gradativo resfriamento, de forma que a 1.100 m o clima é Subtropical Úmido (Cfa/Cfb), sem estação seca, com temperatura média anual de 17 °C. Destaca-se ainda que, quase diariamente, a parte superior da encosta, geralmente acima de 400 m, é coberta por uma densa neblina. Nas 14 parcelas foram marcados, medidos e amostrados 21.733 indivíduos com DAP ≥ 4,8 cm, incluindo árvores, palmeiras e fetos arborescentes. O número médio de indivíduos amostrados nas 14 parcelas foi de 1.264 ind.ha–1 (± 218 EP de 95%). Dentro dos parâmetros considerados predominaram as árvores (71% FOD Montana a 90% na Restinga), seguidas de palmeiras (10% na Restinga a 25% na FOD Montana) e fetos arborescentes (0% na Restinga a 4% na FOD Montana). Neste aspecto destaca-se a FOD Terras Baixas Exploradas com apenas 1,8% de palmeiras e surpreendentes 10% de fetos arborescentes. O dossel é irregular, com altura variando de 7 a 9 m, raramente as árvores emergentes chegam a 18 m, e a irregularidade do dossel permite a entrada de luz suficiente para o desenvolvimento de centenas de espécies epífitas. Com exceção da FOD Montana, onde o número de mortos foi superior a 5% dos indivíduos amostrados, nas demais fitofisionomias este valor ficou abaixo de 2,5%. Nas 11 parcelas onde foi realizado o estudo florístico foram encontradas 562 espécies distribuídas em 195 gêneros e 68 famílias. Apenas sete espécies – Euterpe edulis Mart. (Arecaceae), Calyptranthes lucida Mart. ex DC. e Marlierea tomentosa Cambess (ambas Myrtaceae), Guapira opposita (Vell.) Reitz (Nyctaginaceae), Cupania oblongifolia Mart. (Sapindaceae) e as Urticaceae Cecropia glaziovii Snethl. e Coussapoa microcarpa (Schott) Rizzini – ocorreram da Floresta de Restinga à FOD Montana, enquanto outras 12 espécies só não ocorreram na Floresta de Restinga. As famílias com o maior número de espécies são Myrtaceae (133 spp), Fabaceae (47 spp), 125 Fitossociologia em parcelas permanentes de Mata Atlântica http://www.biotaneotropica.org.br/v12n1/pt/abstract?article+bn01812012012 http://www.biotaneotropica.org.br Biota Neotrop., vol. 12, no. 1 Introdução A Mata Atlântica sensu lato (Joly et al. 1999) é a segunda maior floresta tropical do continente americano (Tabarelli et al. 2005). A maior parte dos Sistemas de Classificação da vegetação brasileira reconhece que no Domínio Atlântico (sensu Ab’Saber 1977) esse bioma pode ser dividido em dois grandes grupos: a Floresta Ombrófila Densa, típica da região costeira e das escarpas serranas com alta pluviosidade (Mata Atlântica – MA – sensu stricto), e a Floresta Estacional Semidecidual, que ocorre no interior, onde a pluviosidade, além de menor, é sazonal. Na região costeira podem ocorrer também Manguezais (Schaeffer-Novelli 2000), ao longo da foz de rios de médio e grande porte, e as Restingas (Scarano 2009), crescendo sobre a planície costeira do quaternário. No topo das montanhas, geralmente acima de 1500 m, estão os Campos de Altitude (Ribeiro & Freitas 2010). Em 2002, a Fundação SOS Mata Atlântica em parceria com o INPE (Instituto..., 2002) realizaram um levantamento que indica que há apenas 7,6% da cobertura original da Mata Atlântica (s.l.). Mais recentemente Ribeiro et al. (2009) refinaram a estimativa incluindo fragmentos menores, que não haviam sido contabilizados, e concluíram que resta algo entre 11,4 e 16% da área original. Mesmo com esta fragmentação, o mosaico da Floresta Atlântica brasileira possui um dos maiores níveis de endemismos do mundo (Myers et al. 2000) e cerca da metade desses remanescentes de grande extensão estão protegidos na forma de Unidades de Conservação (Galindo & Câmara 2005). Entre os dois centros de endemismo reconhecidos para a MA (Fiaschi & Pirani 2009), o bloco das regiões sudeste/sul é o que conserva elementos da porção sul de Gondwana (Sanmartin & Ronquist 2004), tido como a formação florestal mais antiga do Brasil (Colombo & Joly 2010). Segundo Hirota (2003), parte dos remanescentes de MA está no estado de São Paulo, onde cerca de 80% de sua área era coberta por florestas (Victor 1977) genericamente enquadradas como Mata Atlântica “sensu lato” (Joly et al. 1999). Dados de Kronka et al. (2005) mostram que no estado restam apenas 12% de área de mata e menos do que 5% são efetivamente florestas nativas pouco antropizadas. Nos 500 anos de fragmentação e degradação das formações naturais, foram poupadas apenas as regiões serranas, principalmente a fachada da Serra do Mar, por serem impróprias para práticas agrícolas. Usando o sistema fisionômico-ecológico de classificação da vegetação brasileira adotado pelo IBGE (Veloso et al. 1991), a Floresta Ombrófila Densa, na área de domínio da Mata Atlântica, foi subdividida em quatro faciações ordenadas segundo a hierarquia topográfica, que refletem fisionomias de acordo com as variações das faixas altimétricas e latitudinais. No estado de São Paulo, na latitude entre 16 e 24 °S temos: 1) Floresta Ombrófila Densa das Terras Baixas - 5 a 50 m de altitude; 2) Floresta Ombrófila Densa Submontana – no sopé da Serra do Mar, com cotas de altitude variando entre 50 e 500 m; 3) Floresta Ombrófila Densa Montana – recobrindo a encosta da Serra do Mar propriamente dita, em altitudes que variam de 500 a 1.200 m; 4) Floresta Ombrófila Densa Altimontana – ocorrendo no topo da Serra do Mar, acima dos limites estabelecidos para a formação montana, onde a vegetação praticamente deixa de ser arbórea, pois predominam os campos de altitude. Nas últimas três décadas muita informação vem sendo acumulada sobre a composição florística e a estrutura do estrato arbóreo dos remanescentes florestais do estado, conforme mostram as revisões de Oliveira-Filho & Fontes (2000) e Scudeller et al. (2001). Em florestas tropicais este tipo de informação, assim como dados sobre a riqueza de espécies, reflete não só fatores evolutivos e biogeográficos, como também o histórico de perturbação, natural ou antrópica, das respectivas áreas (Gentry 1992, Hubbell & Foster 1986). A síntese dessas informações tem permitido a definição de unidades fitogeográficas com diferentes padrões de riqueza de espécies e apontam para uma diferenciação, entre as florestas paulistas, no sentido leste/oeste (Salis et al. 1995, Torres et al. 1997, Santos et al. 1998). Segundo Bakker et al. (1996) um método adequado para acompanhar e avaliar as mudanças na composição das espécies e dinâmica da floresta ao longo do tempo é por meio de parcelas permanentes (em inglês Permanent Sample Plots –PSPs). Essa metodologia tem sido amplamente utilizada em estudos de longa duração em florestas tropicais, pois permite avaliar a composição e a estrutura florestal e monitorar sua mudança no tempo (Dallmeier 1992, Condit 1995, Sheil 1995, Malhi et al. 2002, Lewis et al. 2004). Permite avaliar também as consequências para a floresta de problemas como o aquecimento global e a poluição atmosférica (Bakker et al. 1996). No Brasil os projetos/programas que utilizam a metodologia de Parcelas Permanentes tiveram origem, praticamente, com o Projeto Rubiaceae (49) e Lauraceae (49) ao longo de todo gradiente da FOD e Monimiaceae (21) especificamente nas parcelas da FOD Montana. Em termos de número de indivíduos as famílias mais importantes foram Arecaceae, Rubiaceae, Myrtaceae, Sapotaceae, Lauraceae e na FOD Montana, Monimiaceae. Somente na parcela F, onde ocorreu exploração de madeira entre 1960 e 1985, a abundância de palmeiras foi substituída pelas Cyatheaceae. O gradiente estudado apresenta um pico da diversidade e riqueza nas altitudes intermediárias (300 a 400 m) ao longo da encosta (índice de Shannon-Weiner - H’ - variando de 3,96 a 4,48 nats.indivíduo–1). Diversas explicações para este resultado são apresentadas neste trabalho, incluindo o fato dessas altitudes estarem nos limites das expansões e retrações das diferentes fitofisionomias da FOD Atlântica durante as flutuações climáticas do Pleistoceno. Os dados aqui apresentados demonstram a extraordinária riqueza de espécies arbóreas da Floresta Ombrófila Densa Atlântica dos Núcleos Picinguaba e Santa Virgínia do Parque Estadual da Serra do Mar, reforçando a importância de sua conservação ao longo de todo o gradiente altitudinal. A diversidade desta floresta justifica também o investimento de longo prazo, através de parcelas permanentes, para compreender sua dinâmica e funcionamento, bem como monitorar o impacto das mudanças climáticas nessa vegetação.


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Huanglongbing (HLB) is a severe citrus (Citrus spp.) disease associated with the bacteria genus Candidatus Liberibacter, detected in Brazil in 2004. Another bacterium was found in association with HLB symptoms and characterized as a phytoplasma belonging to the 16SrIX group. The objectives of this study were to identify potential leafhopper vectors of the HLB-associated phytoplasma and their host plants. Leafhoppers were sampled every other week for 12 mo with sticky yellow cards placed at two heights (0.3 and 1.5 m) in the citrus tree canopy and by using a sweep net in the ground vegetation of two sweet orange, Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck, groves infected by the HLB-phytoplasma in Sao Paulo state. Faunistic analyses indicated one Agalliinae (Agallia albidula Uhler) and three Deltocephalinae [Balclutha hebe (Kirkaldy), Planicephalus flavicosta (Stal), and Scaphytopius (Convelinus) marginelineatus (Stal)] species, as the most abundant and frequent leafhoppers (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae). Visual observations indicated an association of leafhopper species with some weeds and the influence of weed species composition on leafhopper abundance in low-lying vegetation. S. marginelineatus and P. flavicosta were more frequent on Sida rhombifolia L. and Althernantera tenella Colla, respectively, whereas A. albidula was observed more often on Conyza bonariensis (L.) Cronq. and B. hebe only occurred on grasses. DNA samples of field-collected S. marginelineatus were positive by polymerase chain reaction and sequencing tests for the presence of the HLB-phytoplasma group, indicating it as a potential vector. The association of leafhoppers with their hosts may be used in deciding which management strategies to adopt against weeds and diseases in citrus orchards.


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This article reports on the influence of the magnetization damping on dynamic hysteresis loops in single-domain particles with uniaxial anisotropy. The approach is based on the Neel-Brown theory and the hierarchy of differential recurrence relations, which follow from averaging over the realizations of the stochastic Landau-Lifshitz equation. A new method of solution is proposed, where the resulting system of differential equations is solved directly using optimized algorithms to explore its sparsity. All parameters involved in uniaxial systems are treated in detail, with particular attention given to the frequency dependence. It is shown that in the ferromagnetic resonance region, novel phenomena are observed for even moderately low values of the damping. The hysteresis loops assume remarkably unusual shapes, which are also followed by a pronounced reduction of their heights. Also demonstrated is that these features remain for randomly oriented ensembles and, moreover, are approximately independent of temperature and particle size. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. [doi:10.1063/1.3684629]


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O fluxo de materiais granulares é pouco discutido nos livros de física básica, apesar de que sistemas de grãos estão muito presentes na vida cotidiana. Este trabalho mostra o desenvolvimento de um sistema experimental relativamente simples para estudar a vazão de grãos de arroz e de açúcar. O aparelho é constituído por um silo cilíndrico com uma abertura circular no fundo e uma balança. A balança é conectada a um computador para monitorar a massa como função do tempo dos grãos que saem do silo. Foram realizadas medidas para diferentes diâmetros da abertura de saída do silo e diferentes alturas iniciais da coluna de grãos. Para fins didáticos, o mesmo sistema foi usado para medir a vazão de água. Os resultados claramente ilustram as diferenças entre os dois tipos de fluidos e podem ser facilmente reproduzidos em sala de aulas.


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Colostrum intake in newborn goat kids is essential for the acquisition of immunoglobulins (Ig) and influencing development of gastrointestinal mucosa. The present study investigated small intestine structure in the postnatal goat kid fed lyophilized bovine colostrum, an alternative source of antibodies to small ruminants, or goat colostrum using scanning electron microscopy technique. At 0,7 and 14 h of life 15 male newborns received 5% of body weight of lyophilized bovine colostrum (LBC) and 14 goat colostrum (GC), both with 55 mg/mL of IgG. Samples of duodenum, medium jejunum and ileum were collected at 18, 36 and 96 h of life. Three animals were sampled at birth without colostrum intake (0 h). The enteric tissues were analyzed for villi density (villi/cm(2)) and morphological characteristics. The villi density did not differ between treatment, sampling time and intestinal segments (P>0.05). The morphological characteristics were not different between LBC and GC in all segments. Duodenal villi were fingerlike, thick and short, and with different heights. Duodenal folds could also be verified. Frequent anastomoses in all sampling times were observed in this segment. In the jejunum, fingerlike villi, thin and thick, of different heights were observed in all sampling times as well as leaf-shaped villi. Vacuoles with colostrum were observed in the jejunum of goats sampled at 18 h of life. In ileum, fingerlike villi were observed in all sampling times. At 0 and 96 h of life, thick and low villi were verified while at 18 and 36 h the villi showed different heights and widths. At all sampling times, regularly cell extrusion processes were observed with grouped cells at the apex of the ileum villi and with isolated cells along the villi. In the first 4 days of goat kids' life the small intestine structure was unaffected by different sources of colostrum, goat or lyophilized bovine, and by the replacement of fetal enterocytes, which are able to absorb macromolecules, by adult-type ones. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This finite element analysis (FEA) compared stress distribution on different bony ridges rehabilitated with different lengths of morse taper implants, varying dimensions of metal-ceramic crowns to maintain the occlusal alignment. Three-dimensional FE models were designed representing a posterior left side segment of the mandible: group control, 3 implants of 11 mm length; group 1, implants of 13 mm, 11 mm and 5 mm length; group 2, 1 implant of 11 mm and 2 implants of 5 mm length; and group 3, 3 implants of 5 mm length. The abutments heights were 3.5 mm for 13- and 11-mm implants (regular), and 0.8 mm for 5-mm implants (short). Evaluation was performed on Ansys software, oblique loads of 365N for molars and 200N for premolars. There was 50% higher stress on cortical bone for the short implants than regular implants. There was 80% higher stress on trabecular bone for the short implants than regular implants. There was higher stress concentration on the bone region of the short implants neck. However, these implants were capable of dissipating the stress to the bones, given the applied loads, but achieving near the threshold between elastic and plastic deformation to the trabecular bone. Distal implants and/or with biggest occlusal table generated greatest stress regions on the surrounding bone. It was concluded that patients requiring short implants associated with increased proportions implant prostheses need careful evaluation and occlusal adjustment, as a possible overload in these short implants, and even in regular ones, can generate stress beyond the physiological threshold of the surrounding bone, compromising the whole system.


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This experiment was carried out to analyze the tillering dynamics of the species Panicum maximum cv. Mombaca subjected to three post-grazing heights: residue of 30 cm (30); residue of 50 cm (50); and residue of 50 cm during spring and summer, lowered to 40 cm in the first fall season grazing and to 30 cm in the following grazing cycle, resuming to 50 cm after the first grazing of the following spring season (50-30). Grazings were initiated whenever the swards intercepted 95% of the incident light. The post-grazing heights were allocated in the experimental units in a completely randomized block design with three replications. The density of basal tillers did not vary between the residual heights evaluated. Swards managed with variable residual height (50-30) presented higher rates of appearance and mortality of basal tillers during the summer of 2007, indicating high tiller renovation. Regardless of the post-grazing height evaluated, lower rates of appearance of basal tillers were found in the spring of 2006. The stability index of guinea grass cv. Mombaca was close to 1.0 throughout the experimental period. Swards managed with variable post-grazing present structural changes able to improve the regrowth vigor, which may be important to maximize the use of the forage species in the production system.


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This study was conducted in order to evaluate the morphogenetic and structural characteristics of guinea grass cv. Mombasa under three post-grazing heights (intense - 30 cm, lenient - 50 cm and variable - 50 in spring-summer and 30 cm in autumn-winter) when sward light interception reached 95% during regrowth. Post-grazing heights were allocated to experimental units (0.25 ha) in a completely randomized block design with three replications. Post-grazing heights affected only leaf elongation rate and the number of live leaves. Pastures managed with variable post-grazing height showed higher leaf elongation rate in the summer of 2007. This management strategy also resulted in a higher number of live leaves. During the spring of 2006, plants showed lower leaf elongation rate, leaf appearance rate and number of live leaves, and greater phyllochron and leaf lifespan. In contrast, during the summer of 2007, the leaf appearance rate, leaf elongation rate, number of live leaves, and final leaf length were greater while phyllochron, stem elongation rate, and leaf senescence rate were lower. The management of the guinea grass cv. Mombasa with intense or variable post-grazing height throughout the year seems to represent an interesting management target, in terms of leaf appearance rate and number of live leaves.


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Noonan syndrome (NS) and Noonan-like syndromes (NLS) are autosomal dominant disorders caused by heterozygous mutations in genes of the RAS/MAPK pathway. The aim of the study was to construct specific growth charts for patients with NS and NLS. Anthropometric measurements (mean of 4.3 measurements per patient) were obtained in a mixed cross-sectional and longitudinal mode from 127 NS and 10 NLS patients with mutations identified in PTPN11 (n?=?90), SOS1 (n?=?14), RAF1 (n?=?10), KRAS (n?=?8), BRAF (n?=?11), and SHOC2 (n?=?4) genes. Height, weight, and body mass index (BMI) references were constructed using the lambda, mu, sigma (LMS) method. Patients had birth weight and length within normal ranges for gestational age although a higher preterm frequency (16%) was observed. Mean final heights were 157.4?cm [-2.4 standard deviation score (SDS)] and 148.4?cm (-2.2?SDS) for adult males and females, respectively. BMI SDS was lower when compared to Brazilian standards (BMI SDS of -0.9 and -0.5 SDS for males and females, respectively). Patients harboring mutations in RAF1 and SHOC2 gene were shorter than other genotypes, whereas patients with SOS1 and BRAF mutations had more preserved postnatal growth. In addition, patients with RAF1 and BRAF had the highest BMI whereas patients with SHOC2 and KRAS mutations had the lowest BMI. The present study established the first height, weight, and BMI reference curves for NS and NLS patients, based only on patients with a proven molecular cause. These charts can be useful for the clinical follow-up of patients with NS and NLS. (c) 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Mini-implant insertion requires accurate surgical technique. This study shows an insertion technique using only tooth crown references; its scientific basis is evaluated radiographically. The sample consisted of 213 inter-radicular septa, evaluated in 53 bitewing radiographs. The proximal contour of adjacent tooth crowns was used to define septum width. The midpoint of the septum width was linked to the interdental contact point to determine septum midline. The distances from septum midline to "mesial and distal teeth were measured to evaluate the septum midline centralization degree in two different septum heights. The difference between mesial and distal distances represented the septum midline deviation degree. The mesial and distal distances were compared by t-tests, and the septum midline deviation was correlated with septum height using Pearson's correlation test. The mesial and distal distances were not statistically different in the midpoint of the septum height, but they were different at the apical septum height. There was a moderate correlation (r = 0.45) between septum midline deviation and septum height. The tooth crown references evaluated on interproximal radiographs determine a high centralization degree of the septum midline on which the insertion site could be defined. The greater centralization degree was observed at the coronal septum area.


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Context: There is great interindividual variability in the response to recombinant human (rh) GH therapy in patients with Turner syndrome (TS). Ascertaining genetic factors can improve the accuracy of growth response predictions. Objective: The objective of the study was to assess the individual and combined influence of GHR-exon 3 and -202 A/C IGFBP3 polymorphisms on the short-and long-term outcomes of rhGH therapy in patients with TS. Design and Patients: GHR-exon 3 and -202 A/C IGFBP3 genotyping (rs2854744) was correlated with height data of 112 patients with TS who remained prepubertal during the first year of rhGH therapy and 65 patients who reached adult height after 5 +/- 2.5 yr of rhGH treatment. Main Outcome Measures: First-year growth velocity and adult height were measured. Results: Patients carrying at least one GHR-d3 or -202 A-IGFBP3 allele presented higher mean first-year growth velocity and achieved taller adult heights than those homozygous for GHR-fl or -202 C-IGFBP3 alleles, respectively. The combined analysis of GHR-exon 3 and -202 A/C IGFBP3 genotypes showed a clear nonadditive epistatic influence on adult height of patients with TS treated with rhGH (GHR-exon 3 alone, R-2 = 0.27; -202 A/C IGFBP3, R-2 = 0.24; the combined genotypes, R-2 = 0.37 at multiple linear regression). Together with clinical factors, these genotypes accounted for 61% of the variability in adult height of patients with TS after rhGH therapy. Conclusion: Homozygosity for the GHR-exon3 full-length allele and/or the -202C-IGFBP3 allele are associated with less favorable short-and long-term growth outcomes after rhGH treatment in patients with TS. (J Clin Endocrinol Metab 97: E671-E677, 2012)