896 resultados para Hamiltonian


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Coherent quantum-state manipulation of trapped ions using classical laser fields is a trademark of modern quantum technologies. In this work, we study aspects of work statistics and irreversibility in a single trapped ion due to sudden interaction with the impinging laser. This is clearly an out-of-equilibrium process where work is performed through illumination of an ion by the laser. Starting with the explicit evaluation of the first moments of the work distribution, we proceed to a careful analysis of irreversibility as quantified by the nonequilibrium lag. The treatment employed here is not restricted to the Lamb-Dicke limit, what allows us to investigate the interplay between nonlinearities and irreversibility. We show, for instance, that in the resolved carrier and sideband regimes, variation of the Lamb-Dicke parameter may cause a non-monotonic behavior of the irreversibility indicator. Counterintuitively, we find a working point where nonlinearity helps reversibility, making the sudden quench of the Hamiltonian closer to what would have been obtained quasistatically and isothermally.


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We calculate the first two moments and full probability distribution of the work performed on a system of bosonic particles in a two-mode Bose-Hubbard Hamiltonian when the self-interaction term is varied instantaneously or with a finite-time ramp. In the instantaneous case, we show how the irreversible work scales differently depending on whether the system is driven to the Josephson or Fock regime of the bosonic Josephson junction. In the finite-time case, we use optimal control techniques to substantially decrease the irreversible work to negligible values. Our analysis can be implemented in present-day experiments with ultracold atoms and we show how to relate the work statistics to that of the population imbalance of the two modes.


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Impactive contact between a vibrating string and a barrier is a strongly nonlinear phenomenon that presents several challenges in the design of numerical models for simulation and sound synthesis of musical string instruments. These are addressed here by applying Hamiltonian methods to incorporate distributed contact forces into a modal framework for discrete-time simulation of the dynamics of a stiff, damped string. The resulting algorithms have spectral accuracy, are unconditionally stable, and require solving a multivariate nonlinear equation that is guaranteed to have a unique solution. Exemplifying results are presented and discussed in terms of accuracy, convergence, and spurious high-frequency oscillations.


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Les algèbres de Temperley-Lieb originales, aussi dites régulières, apparaissent dans de nombreux modèles statistiques sur réseau en deux dimensions: les modèles d'Ising, de Potts, des dimères, celui de Fortuin-Kasteleyn, etc. L'espace d'Hilbert de l'hamiltonien quantique correspondant à chacun de ces modèles est un module pour cette algèbre et la théorie de ses représentations peut être utilisée afin de faciliter la décomposition de l'espace en blocs; la diagonalisation de l'hamiltonien s'en trouve alors grandement simplifiée. L'algèbre de Temperley-Lieb diluée joue un rôle similaire pour des modèles statistiques dilués, par exemple un modèle sur réseau où certains sites peuvent être vides; ses représentations peuvent alors être utilisées pour simplifier l'analyse du modèle comme pour le cas original. Or ceci requiert une connaissance des modules de cette algèbre et de leur structure; un premier article donne une liste complète des modules projectifs indécomposables de l'algèbre diluée et un second les utilise afin de construire une liste complète de tous les modules indécomposables des algèbres originale et diluée. La structure des modules est décrite en termes de facteurs de composition et par leurs groupes d'homomorphismes. Le produit de fusion sur l'algèbre de Temperley-Lieb originale permet de «multiplier» ensemble deux modules sur cette algèbre pour en obtenir un autre. Il a été montré que ce produit pouvait servir dans la diagonalisation d'hamiltoniens et, selon certaines conjectures, il pourrait également être utilisé pour étudier le comportement de modèles sur réseaux dans la limite continue. Un troisième article construit une généralisation du produit de fusion pour les algèbres diluées, puis présente une méthode pour le calculer. Le produit de fusion est alors calculé pour les classes de modules indécomposables les plus communes pour les deux familles, originale et diluée, ce qui vient ajouter à la liste incomplète des produits de fusion déjà calculés par d'autres chercheurs pour la famille originale. Finalement, il s'avère que les algèbres de Temperley-Lieb peuvent être associées à une catégorie monoïdale tressée, dont la structure est compatible avec le produit de fusion décrit ci-dessus. Le quatrième article calcule explicitement ce tressage, d'abord sur la catégorie des algèbres, puis sur la catégorie des modules sur ces algèbres. Il montre également comment ce tressage permet d'obtenir des solutions aux équations de Yang-Baxter, qui peuvent alors être utilisées afin de construire des modèles intégrables sur réseaux.


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The purpose of this paper is to use the framework of Lie algebroids to study optimal control problems for affine connection control systems (ACCSs) on Lie groups. In this context, the equations for critical trajectories of the problem are geometrically characterized as a Hamiltonian vector field.


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The main goal of this paper is to extend the generalized variational problem of Herglotz type to the more general context of the Euclidean sphere S^n. Motivated by classical results on Euclidean spaces, we derive the generalized Euler-Lagrange equation for the corresponding variational problem defined on the Riemannian manifold S^n. Moreover, the problem is formulated from an optimal control point of view and it is proved that the Euler-Lagrange equation can be obtained from the Hamiltonian equations. It is also highlighted the geodesic problem on spheres as a particular case of the generalized Herglotz problem.


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The spherical reduction of the rational Calogero model (of type A n−1 and after removing the center of mass) is considered as a maximally superintegrable quantum system, which describes a particle on the (n−2)-sphere subject to a very particular potential. We present a detailed analysis of the simplest non-separable case, n=4, whose potential is singular at the edges of a spherical tetrahexahedron. A complete set of independent conserved charges and of Hamiltonian intertwiners is constructed, and their algebra is elucidated. They arise from the ring of polynomials in Dunkl-deformed angular momenta, by classifying the subspaces invariant and antiinvariant under all Weyl reflections, respectively.


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We construct parent Hamiltonians involving only local 2-body interactions for a broad class of projected entangled pair states (PEPS). Making use of perturbation gadget techniques, we define a perturbative Hamiltonian acting on the virtual PEPS space with a finite order low energy effective Hamiltonian that is a gapped, frustration-free parent Hamiltonian for an encoded version of a desired PEPS. For topologically ordered PEPS, the ground space of the low energy effective Hamiltonian is shown to be in the same phase as the desired state to all orders of perturbation theory. An encoded parent Hamiltonian for the double semion string net ground state is explicitly constructed as a concrete example.


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Chains of interacting non-Abelian anyons with local interactions invariant under the action of the Drinfeld double of the dihedral group D-3 are constructed. Formulated as a spin chain the Hamiltonians are generated from commuting transfer matrices of an integrable vertex model for periodic and braided as well as open boundaries. A different anyonic model with the same local Hamiltonian is obtained within the fusion path formulation. This model is shown to be related to an integrable fusion interaction round the face model. Bulk and surface properties of the anyon chain are computed from the Bethe equations for the spin chain. The low-energy effective theories and operator content of the models (in both the spin chain and fusion path formulation) are identified from analytical and numerical studies of the finite-size spectra. For all boundary conditions considered the continuum theory is found to be a product of two conformal field theories. Depending on the coupling constants the factors can be a Z(4) parafermion or a M-(5,M-6) minimal model.


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In this dissertation I draw a connection between quantum adiabatic optimization, spectral graph theory, heat-diffusion, and sub-stochastic processes through the operators that govern these processes and their associated spectra. In particular, we study Hamiltonians which have recently become known as ``stoquastic'' or, equivalently, the generators of sub-stochastic processes. The operators corresponding to these Hamiltonians are of interest in all of the settings mentioned above. I predominantly explore the connection between the spectral gap of an operator, or the difference between the two lowest energies of that operator, and certain equilibrium behavior. In the context of adiabatic optimization, this corresponds to the likelihood of solving the optimization problem of interest. I will provide an instance of an optimization problem that is easy to solve classically, but leaves open the possibility to being difficult adiabatically. Aside from this concrete example, the work in this dissertation is predominantly mathematical and we focus on bounding the spectral gap. Our primary tool for doing this is spectral graph theory, which provides the most natural approach to this task by simply considering Dirichlet eigenvalues of subgraphs of host graphs. I will derive tight bounds for the gap of one-dimensional, hypercube, and general convex subgraphs. The techniques used will also adapt methods recently used by Andrews and Clutterbuck to prove the long-standing ``Fundamental Gap Conjecture''.


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Cassini states correspond to the equilibria of the spin axis of a body when its orbit is perturbed. They were initially described for planetary satellites, but the spin axes of black hole binaries also present this kind of equilibria. In previous works, Cassini states were reported as spin-orbit resonances, but actually the spin of black hole binaries is in circulation and there is no resonant motion. Here we provide a general description of the spin dynamics of black hole binary systems based on a Hamiltonian formalism. In absence of dissipation, the problem is integrable and it is easy to identify all possible trajectories for the spin for a given value of the total angular momentum. As the system collapses due to radiation reaction, the Cassini states are shifted to different positions, which modifies the dynamics around them. This is why the final spin distribution may differ from the initial one. Our method provides a simple way of predicting the distribution of the spin of black hole binaries at the end of the inspiral phase.


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Neste trabalho, generalizamos o Princípio da Mínima Ação proposto por Riewe para sistemas não conservativos, contendo forças dissipativas lineares dependentes de derivadas temporais de qualquer ordem. A Ação generalizada é construída a partir de funções Lagrangianas dependentes de derivadas de ordem inteira e fracionária. Diferente de outras formulações, o uso de derivadas fracionárias permite a construção de Lagrangianas físicas para sistemas não conservativos. Uma Lagrangiana é dita física se fornece relações fisicamente consistentes para o momentum e o Hamiltoniano do sistema. Neste Princípio da Mínima Ação generalizado, as equações de movimento são obtidas a partir da equação de Euler-Lagrange e, tomando-se o limite indo à zero para o intervalo de tempo definindo a Ação. Finalmente, como exemplo de aplicação, formulamos pela primeira vez uma Lagrangiana física para o problema da carga pontual acelerada.


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The goal of Vehicle Routing Problems (VRP) and their variations is to transport a set of orders with the minimum number of vehicles at least cost. Most approaches are designed to solve specific problem variations independently, whereas in real world applications, different constraints are handled concurrently. This research extends solutions obtained for the traveling salesman problem with time windows to a much wider class of route planning problems in logistics. The work describes a novel approach that:  supports a heterogeneous fleet of vehicles  dynamically reduces the number of vehicles  respects individual capacity restrictions  satisfies pickup and delivery constraints  takes Hamiltonian paths (rather than cycles) The proposed approach uses Monte-Carlo Tree Search and in particular Nested Rollout Policy Adaptation. For the evaluation of the work, real data from the industry was obtained and tested and the results are reported.


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Les algèbres de Temperley-Lieb originales, aussi dites régulières, apparaissent dans de nombreux modèles statistiques sur réseau en deux dimensions: les modèles d'Ising, de Potts, des dimères, celui de Fortuin-Kasteleyn, etc. L'espace d'Hilbert de l'hamiltonien quantique correspondant à chacun de ces modèles est un module pour cette algèbre et la théorie de ses représentations peut être utilisée afin de faciliter la décomposition de l'espace en blocs; la diagonalisation de l'hamiltonien s'en trouve alors grandement simplifiée. L'algèbre de Temperley-Lieb diluée joue un rôle similaire pour des modèles statistiques dilués, par exemple un modèle sur réseau où certains sites peuvent être vides; ses représentations peuvent alors être utilisées pour simplifier l'analyse du modèle comme pour le cas original. Or ceci requiert une connaissance des modules de cette algèbre et de leur structure; un premier article donne une liste complète des modules projectifs indécomposables de l'algèbre diluée et un second les utilise afin de construire une liste complète de tous les modules indécomposables des algèbres originale et diluée. La structure des modules est décrite en termes de facteurs de composition et par leurs groupes d'homomorphismes. Le produit de fusion sur l'algèbre de Temperley-Lieb originale permet de «multiplier» ensemble deux modules sur cette algèbre pour en obtenir un autre. Il a été montré que ce produit pouvait servir dans la diagonalisation d'hamiltoniens et, selon certaines conjectures, il pourrait également être utilisé pour étudier le comportement de modèles sur réseaux dans la limite continue. Un troisième article construit une généralisation du produit de fusion pour les algèbres diluées, puis présente une méthode pour le calculer. Le produit de fusion est alors calculé pour les classes de modules indécomposables les plus communes pour les deux familles, originale et diluée, ce qui vient ajouter à la liste incomplète des produits de fusion déjà calculés par d'autres chercheurs pour la famille originale. Finalement, il s'avère que les algèbres de Temperley-Lieb peuvent être associées à une catégorie monoïdale tressée, dont la structure est compatible avec le produit de fusion décrit ci-dessus. Le quatrième article calcule explicitement ce tressage, d'abord sur la catégorie des algèbres, puis sur la catégorie des modules sur ces algèbres. Il montre également comment ce tressage permet d'obtenir des solutions aux équations de Yang-Baxter, qui peuvent alors être utilisées afin de construire des modèles intégrables sur réseaux.


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Experiments with ultracold atoms in optical lattice have become a versatile testing ground to study diverse quantum many-body Hamiltonians. A single-band Bose-Hubbard (BH) Hamiltonian was first proposed to describe these systems in 1998 and its associated quantum phase-transition was subsequently observed in 2002. Over the years, there has been a rapid progress in experimental realizations of more complex lattice geometries, leading to more exotic BH Hamiltonians with contributions from excited bands, and modified tunneling and interaction energies. There has also been interesting theoretical insights and experimental studies on “un- conventional” Bose-Einstein condensates in optical lattices and predictions of rich orbital physics in higher bands. In this thesis, I present our results on several multi- band BH models and emergent quantum phenomena. In particular, I study optical lattices with two local minima per unit cell and show that the low energy states of a multi-band BH Hamiltonian with only pairwise interactions is equivalent to an effec- tive single-band Hamiltonian with strong three-body interactions. I also propose a second method to create three-body interactions in ultracold gases of bosonic atoms in a optical lattice. In this case, this is achieved by a careful cancellation of two contributions in the pair-wise interaction between the atoms, one proportional to the zero-energy scattering length and a second proportional to the effective range. I subsequently study the physics of Bose-Einstein condensation in the second band of a double-well 2D lattice and show that the collision aided decay rate of the con- densate to the ground band is smaller than the tunneling rate between neighboring unit cells. Finally, I propose a numerical method using the discrete variable repre- sentation for constructing real-valued Wannier functions localized in a unit cell for optical lattices. The developed numerical method is general and can be applied to a wide array of optical lattice geometries in one, two or three dimensions.