958 resultados para Guava Paluma cv.


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The study based on time series marine fish production data during the period of 1983-1984 to 2007-2008 in Bangladesh. For this growth analysis six deterministic time series models are considered. The estimated best fitting models are the cubic, quadratic and quadratic model is appropriate for industrial marine fish production, artisanal marine fish production and total marine fish production in Bangladesh respectively. The study attempts to provide forecasts of marine fish production in Bangladesh for the year of 2008-09 to 2012-13. The magnitude of instability in marine fish production was attempted by computing the coefficient of variation (CV) and the percentage deviation from three years moving average values. The study revealed that the total marine fish production was observed to be relatively stable (CV being 31.85%) compared to the artisanal marine fish production (CV being 32.04%) and industrial marine fish (CV being 47.20%). For the three components of marine fish production the growth rates were different over different time points. The variation of the growth rates in industrial marine fish production was -21.6% to 13.12%, in artisanal marine fish production was 2.39% to 5.29% and in total marine fish production was 11.23% to 24.85% during the study period.


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The Great lizardfish is one of the commercial demersal fishes in the Persian Gulf and Oman Sea. In this study the food preference index (FPI), Fullness index (FI) and stomach contents of Saurida tumbil were evaluated to assess the quantity and kind of food which this species consumes in the study area. The samples were collected monthly from commercial bottom trawl fisheries in main fishing grounds of eastern Strait of Hormuz. A total of 346 specimens were collected during years 2009-2010 of which 269 specimens were female and 77 specimens were male. The minimum and maximum total length were 161 and 590 mm, respectively with the highest frequency in length group of 350-370mm. Results showed that 20.9% of stomachs were full, 18.9% were semi-full and 60.2% were empty. The main stomach contents (FPI=80.2%) were fishes and minor stomach contents (FPI=25.7%) were crustacean (Specially crab and shrimp) and cephalopods were found as random food. The minimum and maximum FIs were 2.5 and 42.5 in December and September respectively; and the overall CV was 60.2. The results indicate that this fish is a relatively frugal species which consumes fishes as main food and there is no difference in feeding of male and female.


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The biological characteristics and population dynamisms of Sphyraena putnamae, were studied in the northern Persian Gulf and Oman Sea restricted to Hormuzgan province waters within 13 months period, from November 2006 up to November 2007. Biometrical and anatomical measurements were carried out, and biological surveys were conducted on 486 specimens. On the other hand, the growth and mortality parameters were estimated by using 3096 samples. These samples were collected from 3 landings, namely Bandar Abbas, Bandar Lengeh and Bandar Jask. The measurements of the minimum and maximum Fork lengths and weights were 11.7 to 8.03 cm and 135.0 to 4140.0 g, respectively. The results indicated that this species, having the Relative Length of Gut, RLG=0.34±0.002, is strongly carnivorous (often fish-eater), proven by the fact that more than 98% of its stomach contents were fish pieces. Examining the changes in the index of stomach emptiness by the percentage of CV = 0.47% indicates that this fish is Moderate feeder. The level of feeding increased in March, before spawning and decreased in June and September, simultaneously with the spawning season. There are 2 peaks of reproduction or spawning seasons during the months of April-May and September, of which the prior is assumed as the main spawning. The sex ratio (M:F) was calculated 0.5:1.0(X2 =2.11), which did not show a significant difference with expected level of 1:1 (P>0.05). The average absolute and relative reproduction rates of Sphyraena putnamae is respectively as follows: 1866827.1±255448.9 and 1097.7±94.3. The highest and the lowest diameter of matured egg are from 200 to 750 μ, and its average diameter is 402.10 ± 0.190 μ. A parameter for Saw-tooth barracuda length measurement, Lm50, based on the Fork-length, was calculated as 54.01 cm. In other words, as far as the fisheries management is concerned, the fish whose lengths are less than 54.01 cm should not be caught. The calculated level of (R2) (correlations of total length & weight), indicated strong correlations between length and weight of this fish, and the obtained formula included W =0.007100 FL 2.9295 and reinforced this assumption. The “K” Index for this fish in 3 above mentioned landings (Jask, Bandar-Abbas and Bandar-Length) were 1.24, 0.37 and 0.46 per year, respectively and the FL index for the same landings were estimated as 129, 110 and 134 cm, respectively. The growth coefficient (MONRO) for the above mentioned regions were calculated as 3.601, 3.647 and 3.917, respectively; and in the surveyed regions there were no significant differences in populations. The Total mortality coefficient (Z) was calculated 0.76, 1.12 and 1.07 per year, the Natural mortality coefficient was 0.46, 0.63 and 0.70, and the Fishing mortality coefficient (rate) (F) was found to be 0.30, 0.49 and 0.37 per year. The value of the exploitation rate (E) is equal to 0.39 per year, indicating that this species is an under-exploited resource, and there is no excessive fishing pressure on the fish supply of this species in the afore-said regions. The highest level of exploitation was found for ‘Bandar Abbas’ fishing region and the lowest level of exploitation is in ‘Bandar Lengeh’ waters.


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This survay has been done from Januray 2000 till May 2002 in Khouzestan costal waters. Four species of grouper were identified from which orange spotted grouper (Epinephelus coioides) was the dominant species. For studing environmental parameters and reproductive biology, age, growth parameters and mortality rate samples were collected by fishing ship. Samples were taken montly in 4 days by fishing traps and trawls. In addition, some samples were obtained from Khozestan fish landing centres. Environmental factors such as PH, 02, salinity, water temperature and depth of traping areas, were measured. To identify species, morphometric characteries of 452 individal fishes were measured. Stomach contents of 394 fish were has survaid, from which stomach of 226 fish, and 168 fish had empty stomachs. Percentage of empty stomachs (cv) in males was more than females. Food items found in 73 percent of stomach were crab (11%), shrimps (8.8%) , squids (3.9%), gastropods (17%) and bivalves (0.4%). Feeding intensity in year classes did not obay logic trends The importance relatively indicator (I.R.I) were 81, 9.9, 4, 1.5 and 0.3 percent for fish, crab, shrimp, squid, gastropod and bivalve respectively. For age determination, sagita otoliths of 450 fish were taken and countable sections were obtained from 425 specimens. Relative frequency distribution of opaque and transparent rings showed that each opaque growth ring generates once a year from November to September. It seemed that generation of opaque rings is affected by temperature and photoperiod changes. Correlation between length and age was calculated using Von Bertalanffy's least square method. Following equasion was obtaind: L(t) : 122.27 (1 e 0.146 (t+0.482)) Growth parameters were determined through by Ford Walford equasion and Response Surface and Shepherd subcommands in Elefan program and L00 and K amounts were have determined. Correlation between length and age of 635 fish was determined by gender . Length and age correlation was calculated by exponential model and between total length and standard length by straghit line model. Correlation between age and weight of sagita was calculated by total length and age. The most Correlation was between sagita weight and fish age (r=0.876). Total mortality rate (z) was estimated by Length Converthed Method , Jones and Vanzaling and Powel Wetherall. Total mortality rate was z=0.39. Natural mortality rate, using Pauly method was calculated M=0.32. Fishing mortality (F) was 0.08. Gonads of 425 fishes were surveid within 18 month, from which 363 were female, 46 were male and 16 were sex reversing individuals .Total length of females varied from 26 to 95.5 centimeters while males length varied from 56.5 to 107 centimeters. Sex reversing individuals had a length of 47.5 centimeters, when two years old and 62.5 centimeters at age of 3 years. From the mentioned 425 fish, 401 individuals were matured, containing 339 females and 62 males, 5.47 females against each male. Montly changes of Gonadosomatic Index (GSI) by total body weight and standard length and total body length showed that this index increases from march to May and maximum increase was in May . This experiment was adapted in spawning season. Potential, relative, and absoulate fecundity was estimated by counting eggs in three samples. Total amount of traped fish using special traps was 16182.18 kg from which Epinephelus coioides provided catching 15353.43 kg of it (91.27 %) and By catch was 141.18 kg (8.24 %). Total average CPUE for whole catch was 123.33 kg/day/vessel. Total amount of catch was estimated 232.04 tons, considering CPUE of total catch and total Khuzestan trap ships effort.


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 目的:建立一种简易的HIV21 感染者和艾滋病人血浆病毒载量测定的方法。方法:构建含保守的引物SK145P SK431 扩增靶序列的重组质粒pSPgag737 ,重组质粒体外转录产物经系列稀释得到HIV21 定量测定的外参照,在同样条件下以 引物SK145PSK431 对外参照和待测样品进行RT2PCR 扩增,用电泳图谱分析系统分析经EB 染色的扩增产物电泳图谱,作出外 参照的初始加入拷贝数与光强度的标准曲线,获得相应的回归方程,进而计算出待测样品的HIV21 病毒载量。结果:重组质粒 pSPaga737 经酶切和PCR 鉴定,确认含有引物SK145PSK431 的扩增靶序列,用重组质粒体外转录,得到了1~105 copies 的10 倍系 列稀释的外参照,外参照标准曲线有较好的线性关系( r = 0196) 。该方法的测定范围为5 ×102~5 ×107 拷贝Pml 血浆。对10 个样品进行3 次重复测定,平均变异系数较小( CV = 20 %) 。结论:所建立的HTV21 病毒载量定量测定方法,操作简单,价格 便宜,特异性好,同时有较好的可重复性。


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In this paper, we demonstrate an approach for the local synthesis of ZnO nanowires (ZnO NWs) and the potential for such structures to be incorporated into device applications. Three network ZnO NW devices are fabricated on a chip by using a bottom-up synthesis approach. Microheaters (defined by standard semiconductor processing) are used to synthesize the ZnO NWs under a zinc nitrate (Zn(NO3)2·6H2O) and hexamethylenetetramine (HMTA, (CH2)6·N4) solution. By controlling synthesis parameters, varying densities of networked ZnO NWs are locally synthesized on the chip. The fabricated networked ZnO NW devices are then characterized using UV excitation and cyclic voltammetry (CV) experiments to measure their photoresponse and electrochemical properties. The experimental results show that the techniques and material systems presented here have the potential to address interesting device applications using fabrication methods that are fully compatible with standard semiconductor processing. © 2013 IEEE.


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The human cervix is an important mechanical barrier in pregnancy which must withstand the compressive and tensile forces generated from the growing fetus. Premature cervical shortening resulting from premature cervical remodeling and alterations of cervical material properties are known to increase a woman׳s risk of preterm birth (PTB). To understand the mechanical role of the cervix during pregnancy and to potentially develop indentation techniques for in vivo diagnostics to identify women who are at risk for premature cervical remodeling and thus preterm birth, we developed a spherical indentation technique to measure the time-dependent material properties of human cervical tissue taken from patients undergoing hysterectomy. In this study we present an inverse finite element analysis (IFEA) that optimizes material parameters of a viscoelastic material model to fit the stress-relaxation response of excised tissue slices to spherical indentation. Here we detail our IFEA methodology, report compressive viscoelastic material parameters for cervical tissue slices from nonpregnant (NP) and pregnant (PG) hysterectomy patients, and report slice-by-slice data for whole cervical tissue specimens. The material parameters reported here for human cervical tissue can be used to model the compressive time-dependent behavior of the tissue within a small strain regime of 25%.


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The freshwater testate amoeba Difflugia biwae Kawamura, 1918, isolated from Mulan Lake, Hubei Province, China is investigated using light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. The morphology, biometry and distribution of this little known species are supplied. After careful comparison with three other similar species, including D. delicatula Gauthier-Livre et Thomas, D. elegans Penard and D. oblonga caudata Stepanek, we believe that the characteristics of smooth fusiform shell, conspicuous great collar flare (always larger than body-width) around the aperture, constriction behind the aperture and a somewhat curved aboral horn set D. biwae apart from all other Difflugia species. This species shows a great diversity in total length, collar height and aboral horn length which have high variability (CV between 11.76 and 24.52). However, body width, collar diameter, neck width, body length and aperture diameter are fairly constant with low variability (CV between 5.34 and 8.79) which shows a remarkable uniformity of D. biwae. Also, the size frequency distributions of both body width and body length yield bell-shaped (normally distributed) curves and indicate that D. biwae is a size-monomorphic species, characterized by a main-size class and a small size range. D. biwae is probably endemic to East Asia (China and Japan) because it has such a large size (165-306 mu m) that it would have been easily found in Europe and North America, if it were there. Consequently, D. biwae must have a restricted geographical distribution, disproving the old hypothesis that microscopic organisms are cosmopolitan.


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The seasonal dynamics in the nutrient concentrations, chlorophyll-a amount (Chl-a), total algal volume (CV), Chl-a/CV ratio, seston structure were studied at two sampling stations in a shallow, highly eutrophicated subtropic lake (the Guozheng Hu area of the East Lake) on the plain of the middle basin of the Chang Jiang (the Yangtze River) of China. The lake ecosystem of the Guozheng Hu area is dominated by two planktivorous fishes (silver carp and bighead carp), phytoplankton and zooplankton. Macrophytes are extremely scarce in this area. Concentrations of the total dissolved nitrogen and phosphorus in the Guozheng Hu area in 1990 were very high. Fish yield, of which, more than 90 % was composed of silver carp and bighead carp in the Guozheng Hu area was very high (ca. 1140 kg/ha or 45.6 g/m3 in 1990). Grazing pressure by the fishes on the plankton community is considered to be rather strong. The annual average biomass of zooplankton was ca. 1/3 - 1/2 that of phytoplankton. On the average, dry matter in the living plankton only constituted ca. 3-7 % of the total dry seston, and plankton carbon only constituted ca. 5 - 10 % of the seston carbon. The present results indicate that, in the Guozheng Hu area of the East Lake, of the organic part of the seston, detritus is quantitatively an important constituent, while living plankton is only a very small component.


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An AlGaN/GaN HBT structure was grown by low-pressure metalorganic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) on sapphire substrate. From the high-resolution x-ray diffraction and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) measurements, it was indicated that the structure is of good quality and the AlGaN/GaN interfaces are abrupt and smooth. In order to obtain the values of Si doping and electronic concentrations in the AlGaN emitter and GaN emitter cap layers, Secondary Ion Mass Spectroscopy (SIMS) and electrochemical CV measurements were carried out. The results showed that though the flow rate of silane (SiH4) in growing the AlGaN emitter was about a quarter of that in growing GaN emitter cap and subcollector layer, the Si sputtering yield in GaN cap layer was much smaller than that in the AlGaN emitter layer. The electronic concentration in GaN was about half of that in the AlGaN emitter layer. It is proposed that the Si, Al co-doping in growing the AlGaN emitter layer greatly enhances the Si dopant efficiency in the AlGaN alloy. (c) 2006 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co KGaA, Weinheim.


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降雨侵蚀力是反映流域降雨侵蚀能力的综合指标之一。根据辽河流域10个气象站的日降雨量资料,利用日降雨侵蚀力模型估算辽河流域的降雨侵蚀力。结果表明:辽河流域降雨侵蚀力的空间变异与降雨量的空间分布趋势基本一致,由东南向西北递减,变化于1 000~3 800 MJ.mm/(hm2.h.a)之间;降雨侵蚀力年内集中度高,6—8月3个月约占全年的80%;降雨侵蚀力年际变化大,年际变率Cv0.367~0.649之间,采用时序系列的Mann-Kendall检验表明,降雨侵蚀力并无显著变化趋势;特别是在流域水土流失严重的西辽河地区,年降雨侵蚀力较小,但年内集中程度大,年际变化更突出。


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控制电位电解型即电流型气体传感器由于具有检测气体种类多、浓度范围宽、体积小、价格低、测量精度高、可用于现场直接检测等优点,在环境监测与安全生产等领域中得到了广泛应用。本文论述了纳米级铂、碳纳米管负载铂及铂铁催化剂的合成方法,并对其进行了物理化学表征和电化学研究,主要结果如下: 采用柠檬酸钠还原的方法,合成了纳米级铂催化剂。TEM和XRD测试表明,该球形多晶铂的粒径为2-5nm。用此种铂催化剂制备了离子交换膜电极复合体,并组装了全固态电流型氧传感器;在对低浓度氧气进行测试时,具有高的灵敏度、较短的响应时间、较低的底电流和噪声,且响应信号与氧气的浓度呈良好的线性关系。 1.利用空气氧化和硝酸相结合对多壁碳纳米管进行了纯化,并利用1:1的H2SO4-HNO3混酸使其表面羧基化,TEM和CV试表明多壁碳纳米管达到了纯化和表面官能团化的目的。 2.利用喷雾冷却法制备了多壁碳纳米管负载的铂及铂铁合金纳米级催化剂复合体,并利用TEM、EDS、XRD、ICP等进行了表征;在循环伏安扫描中,铂铁合金催化剂呈现较高的比表面积。将多壁碳纳米管负载的铂及铂铁合金纳米级催化剂应用于C1有机小分子的电化学氧化研究中发现,铂铁合金催化剂具有较高的催化活性.


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本论文利用扫描隧道显微镜(STM)在Au(111)电极上结合电化学方法在分子水平上观察分子的吸附组装和结构调控等。主要内容如下: (1) 用现场电化学扫描隧道显微镜(ECSTM)在Au(111)电极上研究了巯基己醇(MHO)取代六苯并苯的详细过程。取代速度强烈依赖于MHO的浓度。浓度较低时,反应速度较慢,我们可以用现场ECSTM跟踪观察详细的取代过程。取代首先发生在靠近重构线肘部的位置,出现单分子或多个六苯并苯分子的取代而形成的pits。随着取代过程的进行,这些小的pits生长或合并成较大的pits;pits周围的六苯并苯分子逐渐被MHO取代,最终在限定的区域内形成有序的domain。观察局部区域的取代过程,我们发现沿着重构线的方向扩展速度最快。快速取代之后,MHO在Au(111)电极表面形成( )R30°晶格结构,而慢速取代之后,MHO在表面形成c(4×2)超结构。与MHO在干净的Au(111)电极上的吸附相比,在六苯并苯修饰的Au(111)电极上即使在很低的浓度下也没有观察到平躺的物理吸附相,而是直接形成化学吸附相。这可能是由于六苯并苯的存在,MHO的碳氢链不能直接与Au原子接触。通过数据分析,我们发现取代速率曲线呈倒S形状。 (2) 我们用循环伏安法(CV)和ECSTM研究了腺嘌呤(Adenine,A),胸腺嘧啶(Thymine,T)和鸟嘌呤(Guanine,G)单组分及混合组分(A+T)的电化学二维相变。施加在Au(111)电极上的电位不同,A会呈现不同的吸附状态,包括物理吸附相和化学吸附相。在物理吸附的电势范围,高分辨ECSTM图像显示,同一个电势下共存着多样性的A的吸附结构。当基底电势变得更正时,一种更倾斜的吸附状态也就是A的化学吸附相会形成。在较负电位下,A和T能通过分子之间氢键作用在Au(111)电极上形成一种新的网络结构,而G能形成多层吸附。 (3) 利用STM研究了不同方法移除硫醇自组装膜之后金电极表面的再生情况。分别使用了化学法和电化学还原脱附法。化学法比较简单,使用的试剂有王水,piranha和NaBH4。王水对金电极表面有强腐蚀作用;piranha和NaBH4对金表面的作用较小,但是NaBH4处理之后的金表面上会有较多的亮岛出现。在移除自组装膜之后的电极上直接组装六苯并苯,我们观察到用piranha和NaBH4处理之后的金电极表面上六苯并苯自组装膜缺陷较多,有序domain也比较小。电化学法脱附可以得到比较干净的金表面,直接组装的六苯并苯自组装膜有序性好,缺陷少。而且,电化学脱附法通过控制电位可以实现硫醇自组装膜和六苯并苯自组装膜的相互转换。


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1.利用电化学和现场紫外-可见-近红外光谱电化学的方法,系统研究了一系列过渡金属取代杂多化合物ZnW_(11)M(M = Cr,Mn,Fe,Co,Ni,Cu,Zn)的电化学行为。所有的这些化合物都在相近的电位处表现出四对连续的基于W中心的氧化还原反应。研究表明,ZnW_(11)M中基于W中心的氧化还原反应可能反映了它那个未知的缺位阴离子ZnW_(11)的氧化还原反应。此外,电活性过渡会属取代杂多化合物ZnW_(11)M(M = Cu,Fe,Mn)还表现了过渡金属M的氧化还原反应。例如:ZnW_(11)Cu~(11)表现出Cu的沉积和溶出,ZnW_(11)Fe~(III)在正电位处有一特殊的源于Fe的氧化还原反应,ZnW_(11)Mn则发生一个氧化反应和两个还原反应。根据实验结果我们提出了一些基本的反应机理。选取HNO_2为底物考察了这一系列过渡金属取代杂多化合物的电催化性能。通过比较电催化还原电流的大小,我们可以定性地排出这一系列过渡金属取代杂多化合物对HNO_2还原反应的电催化性能的顺序(由高到低):ZnW_(11)Cu > ZnW_(11)Co > ZnW_(11)Cr和ZnW_(11)Fe > ZnW_(11)Zn、ZnW_(11)Mn和ZnW_(11)Ni。这一系列过渡金属取代杂多化合物的电催化性能的差别,可能主要是来自于它们分子结构中所取代的过渡金属元素的影响。实验证明ZnW_(11)M对HNO_2还原反应的电催化过程中产生NO气体。2.采用末端带有电荷的烷基硫醇首先自组装在金电极表面形成前体膜,在此前体膜上成功地沉积出杂多阴离子和一种阳离子聚合物的多层膜。利用多种技术对这种多层膜进行了表征,包括紫外可见光谱法、X射线光电子能谱法、反射-吸收红外光谱法、电化学石英晶体微天平法等。而且我们把这种修饰方法推广应用于不同结构类型、不同组成的杂多阴离子和同多阴离子中去,制备了它们的多层膜。利用原位EQCM技术研究了杂多酸分子的吸附动力学行为及电化学反应过程中的离子传输特性。实验结果表明,在修饰膜的电化学反应过程中,HSO_4~-离子的迁移在膜的电荷补偿中是必不可少的。修正并发展了依据原位EQCM技术考察迁移物种特性的方法,并基于此详细分析了HPA分子在各种修饰条件下电化学反应中正常及反常的频率响应及离子迁移行为。3.首次开发出来一种新颖的多层膜成膜方法-电化学生长法,并应用于制备含杂多化合物的多层膜中。通过多种技术表征,证明了电化学生长法比文献中通用的浸泡法更优越,可以在含有支持电解质的溶液里成膜而没有其它离子竞争吸附的缺点,制备出的自组装多层膜生长更均匀、超薄且功能良好。电化学生长法可望在制备其它种类的多层膜中会有广泛的应用。同时,我们也比较了这两种多层膜对于底物BrO_3~-和HNO_2还原反应的电催化作用。特别地,我们详细考察了多层膜厚度和最外层种类对电催化反应的影响。我们发现电催化性能随着多层膜层数(厚度)的增加而增长,这意味着我们可以通过调节多层膜的层数来达到最有效的催化性能,这一点是多层膜修饰电极优越于其它类型修饰电极最突出的优点之一。此外,我们还发现QPVP-Os最外层对催化反应有着一定的阻碍作用。这些影响作用可以从多层膜中电催化剂沉积量的多少和QPVP-Os最外层的屏蔽作用得以解释。4.尽管SiW_(l2)O_(40)~(4-)不能直接吸附在裸金电极的表面形成单层膜,我们成功地在预先自组装有半胱氨的金电极上制备出来了SiW_(12)O_(40)~(4-)单层膜。但是,这种SiW_(12)O_(40)~(4-)单层膜化学修饰电极的稳定性较差。基于同阳离子聚合物QPVP-Os的静电相互作用,我们成功地制备了均匀的SiW_(l2)O_(40)~(4-)多层膜。SiW_(l2)O_(40)~(4-)多层膜CMEs对BrO_3~-,H_2O_2和HNO_2的还原表现出显著的催化效应。对HNO,还原的催化效应随着层数由l到3的增加而增强,而这种催化效应的增强却随着层数由3到7而趋于平缓。由于多层膜结构是建立在同QPVP-Os的强烈的静电作用上的,因此SiW_(12)O_(40)~(4-)多层膜CMEs比单层膜CMEs有更好的稳定性。我们主要利用电化学方法(循环伏安法,CV、紫外可见光谱法(UV-vis)、X-射线光电子能谱法(XPS)、X-射线反射法(XR)和电化学交流阻抗法(EIS),对这种杂多阴离子自组装多层膜的成膜过程、多层膜结构和组成进行了进一步地表征。5.通过氨阳离子自由基修饰方法,把4-氨基苯甲酸修饰到玻碳电极表面。研究了该单层膜对多种电活性分子的影响,膜的阻滞行为主要是由于静电相互作用所导致的。利用循环伏安和电化学交流阻抗法考察了4-氨基苯甲酸修饰电极对不同酸度条件下铁氰化钾的电子传递情况,并测得了它的表面pKa值大约为3.1。以修饰在玻碳电极表面的4-氨基苯甲酸单层膜为前体膜,成功地静电沉积了阳离 子聚合物QPVP-Os和多种杂多化合物组成的多层膜。采用循环伏安法详细研究了这种杂多化合物单层膜和多层膜的电化学行为,并且考察了这种复合膜对三种底物BrO_3~-,HNO_2及H_2O_2的还原反应的电催化性能。6.类似地,在4-氨基苯甲酸修饰的玻碳电极表面上,我们也成功地制备了SiW_(12)的多层膜。循环伏安、X-射线光电子能谱和X-射线反射的实验结果证明多层膜的生长非常均匀而且稳定。X-射线反射实验测定了多层膜中每个SiW_(12)/QPVP-Os双层的平均厚度为30.3A。这种复合膜对Br0_3~-,HNO_2和H_2O_2还原有明显的催化活性,并且在较大的浓度范围内催化电流与浓度具有良好的线性关系。更有意义的是,随着SiW_(12)多层膜层数的增加(固定在多层膜中催化剂量的增加),多层膜的催化能力具较大程度地提高。因此,我们可以通过合理地控制多层膜的厚度来改善其催化活性及分析测定的灵敏度,从而达到最佳的催化效能和优化出最适宜的实验条件。由于电极的稳定性较好,期望可以实际用于Br0_3~-,HNO_2和H_20_2的检测。7.采用电化学生长方法在4-氨基硫酚自组装膜修饰的金电极上,制备了包含杂多阴离子(SiMo_(11)VO_(40)~(5-)和Pr(SiMo_7W_4)O_(40)~(5-))和阳离子聚合物PDDA的多层膜修饰电极。用循环伏安法研究了多层膜修饰电极的电化学行为。在多层膜生长过程中,我们发现Mo的第三个氧化还原峰随多层膜层数的增加显著增长,而前两个氧化还原峰增长缓慢甚至不增长,这可能是由于PDDA对Mo的前两个还原峰有一定的阻碍作用所导致的。多层膜修饰电极的峰电位随pH的增加而线性负移,表明有氢离子参与到杂多阴离子的氧化还原反应中。多层膜修饰电极对BrO_3~-和HNO_2的还原反应有良好的电催化作用,Mo的第三个还原峰峰电流与BrO_3~-的浓度都有良好的线性关系,并且催化电流随着多层膜层数的增加而增长。8.我们考察了首先通过静电沉积技术(离子键组装)成膜,然后经过后续光化学反应来制备一类含聚苯胺的基于共价键结合的多层膜。通过紫外光的辐照,膜的交联结构可由离子键型转变为共价键型。溶剂刻蚀的结果表明此种共价键合多层膜有更好的稳定性。电化学实验表明,以此种方式组装在多层膜中的聚苯胺仍保留了其电化学性质。