1000 resultados para Gasoduto - impacto ambiental
Supermarket plastic bags are produced by high density polyethylene (HDPE) and low density polyethylene (LDPE) resins. In Brazil, are produced annually around 150 plastic bags per capita. Disposed in landfills, the supermarket plastic bags prevent the passage of water by slowing the breakdown of biodegradable materials and hindering compaction of waste, according to their low degradability. This work investigated the biodegradation of PE bags containing additive oxo-biodegradable and bags without additives: buried in soil columns, exposed in a controlled environment and exposed to air. The analysis methods used to assess the changes brought in the bags with respect to microbial action and exposure time were weight loss, thickness measurement, infrared (FTIR), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and contact angle. The results showed that the use of prodegradant agents such as oxobiodegradable additives in polyethylene bags, buried in soil for 270 days, was not efficient to accelerate the biodegradation by microorganisms. It seems that these additives have been more efficient to degrade the colored pigmentation of printed bags, under the influence of light and heat.
Este trabalho objetivou analisar a qualidade da água de três córregos tributários do rio Bauru, levando em conta a poluição causada por produtos orgânicos e industriais que vinham sendo descartados nos mesmos e as eventuais melhorias conseqüentes das medidas paliativas assumidas pelo DAE-Bauru, mediante a instalação de interceptores-coletores de águas residuárias ao longo Daqueles corpos de água, até que a Estação de Tratamento de Esgotos do município seja construída e se dê início ao seu funcionamento. O monitoramento destes corpos de água durante o período de estiagem e de cheias proposto nesta pesquisa, incluiu investigações sobre as variáveis químicas e físicas de amostras das águas, obtidas mensalmente em 7 pontos de coleta, localizados a montante e a jusante dos pontos de instalação dos emissários, ao longo dos córregos. As amostras de água foram posteriormente analisadas para fossem obtidas informações sobre a eficácia da instalação dos interceptores com relação ao processo de recuperação da saúde dos corpos aquáticos em questão. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que, de um modo geral, as águas de todos os sistemas estudados ainda sofrem impactos, até porque ainda há aquelas que recebem o esgoto descartado “in natura”. No entanto, como ja era esperado, nos pontos de coleta localizados em segmentos dos córregos nos quais os emissários já foram instalados, o impacto ambiental é menor. Mediante a comparação dos resultados obtidos das análises das características físicas e químicas das águas dos sistemas estudados realizadas durante esta investigação com aqueles obtidos nos mesmos corpos de água, em 2007, pudemos observar melhorias da água em alguns dos pontos de coleta
Aquatic ecosystems are suffering many impacts caused by human activities resulting from the activities occurring around them. With technological progress observed in recent years, this environment has received large amounts of chemicals from industries, agriculture and urban area that affect the aquatic biota. Among these sources of contamination, the oil industry has contributed to the pollution of aquatic environments with both effluents as produced water well as oil spills and their derivatives having toxicity to various organisms. With all the environmental issues has increased concern about water quality and has been used ecotoxicological tests with aquatic organisms to ecosystems to assess the toxicity of chemicals present in the water. In this context the microcrustacea Daphnia similis stands out as a freshwater organism very representative of the aquatic fauna of rivers and high sensitivity to environmental impacts. Thus, the present study aimed to evaluate the lethal toxicity of crude oil and produced water on this microcrustacea. The results showed that the microcrustacea presented high sensitivity to contaminants primarily crude oil. There was also the influence of environmental variables pH and temperature on the survival of organisms
The use of trails in protected areas allows a closer relationship with the elements of nature and the realization of dynamic activities of environmental education. Through these, individuals, school groups or other affinity groups can uncover the environment, to know him better and act with greater consistency in its conservation. The idea of settleling an interpretative trail in the Parque Natural Municipal Petronilla Markowicz (PNMPM), located 05 km from the center of Bragança Paulista (SP), comes up with the need for planning to use the tracks of the Unit for Environmental Education. It is therefore in the context of interpreting the environments of tracks with minimal environmental impact that this study sought to survey all the tracks PNMPM for future deployment of an interpretative trail seeking the quality of environmental experience and easy use by visitors.
The objective of this work is to accomplish studies of mathematical modeling and computational simulation of oil spills in water bodies. For this reason, a case study in the region of the Port of Santos was developed using the softwares SisBAHIA and ADIOS2 for the simulation of different hypothetical scenarios of oil spilling on the surface of water, aiming to obtain information that contribute to the reduction of the possible environmental impacts that can be caused by such accidents. The results generated in the different simulations had shown that the obtained data can be extremely useful to subsidize the elaboration of mitigation plans, the mapping of risk areas or even the proposal of emergencial strategies in cases of real accidents, configuring the modeling and the simulation as important and modern tools for the environmental planning and management.
The porcine activity is characterized by its great pollution capacity, generally produce loads of waste that usually are released in superficial water or soil without concern for the consequences to the environment. With this in mind, this study aimed to adjust the porcine production to the protection of water resources, in particular, Ribeirão dos Pinheirinhos in the town of Torrinha (SP), through inventory and diagnosis of the environmental impacts already present and environmental hazards linked to the activity in question. To achieve the proposed objectives, the productions of porcine on the studied area were raised and georeferenced, viewed and analyzed according to the technical and scientific literature. The production visited showed to be at odds with the protection of water resources due to lack of technical criteria in the development of treatment systems and waste handling, indiscriminate use of effluent and waste in the fertilization of crops and the lack of knowledge of producers on the influence of porcine waste into the environment. Based on these results, were set guidelines for action in the environmental awareness of farmers, to stimulate voluntary and conscious initiatives of environmental conservation in the direction of settlement of the activity.
This work focuses on the analysis of extreme precipitation episode in the city of Rio Claro, held on 24 and 25 February 2010, which caused severe impacts to society, and a victim of drowning due to flooding due to flood in urban stream. Although the temporal concentration of summer rainfall is characteristic of tropical climatic regimes, each year there are issues of social and environmental impacts deflagrated by precipitation events in the city. These findings reinforce the importance of analyzing atmospheric conditions correlated to change in space usage
The mining of sand, currently, is essential for urban growth, by providing input for the building industry. The consequences of this mining activity to environmental triggers may be severe and irreversible. Among the major impacts caused by sand mining the riparian vegetation removal is detached. The riparian vegetation is essential for balance and maintaining the local ecosystem. For all that had been shown, is possible to verify the importance of environmental studies in areas wich there are mining. This study aimed specially to assess environmental impacts triggered by a mining, located near the headwaters of the stream Mandu, situated in Ajapi, District of Rio Claro-SP. For this purpose, we used remote sensing techniques and GIS to produce thematic maps of slope, pedology, geology, land use and occupation of the soil, and riparian vegetation, using the capabilities of GIS / ArcGIS. The slope map was based on data from the Cartographic IGC 1979, scale 1:10,000. For the production of pedological and geological maps were used Semi-Detailed soil survey of the state of São Paulo, 1981 (1:100,000) and the Geological Map of Zaine (1994), scale 1:50,000, respectively. Since the maps of Use and Land Occupation and Riparian Forest were obtained by visual interpretation of the image of CBERS 2010 following the merger between the HRC and CCD images. From these mappings, and through multi-criteria analysis, map of susceptibility to erosion was made, which supported the environmental assessment of the studied area, indicating susceptible and unsuitable areas for the deployment of economic activities and urban sprawl. This study serves as a model can be replicated in other watersheds, assisting in the proper use planning and land use, aiming at the rational use of natural resources
El objectivo del trabajo fue analisar los impactos ambientales y sociales de las politicas publicas y de la especulación imobiliária sobre las áreas remanescientes de la vegetación nativa en la Granja Carolina. Con base en la definición del Património Cultural y Património Natural, fue abordado el proceso de formación desa región oeste de la metrópole, especificamente en lo entorno de la Granja Carolina situada entre los municipios de Cotia y Itapevi. La identificación deses problemas y la realización de un estudio sobre el modelo de la ocupación y el uso de lo solo urbano permitiu identificar su grau de vulnerabilidad a los impactos traydos por la expansión urbana. Para lo entendimiento de tais cuestiones analisamos lo proyecto y lo EIA/RIMA de um empreendimiento imobiliario que si pretendia instalar em la área de estúdio. Entendese también que el planejamiento territorial debe conter el debate sobre la protección del Património Cultural y Natural, cuestiones también pertinentes em el campo de la Geografía
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The weight of a vehicle has always been considered an extreme important factor, because it interferes in the performance, steering, consume, environmental impact, wear of components, among the others. Because of the new demand, consume reduction aim and gases emission increased the necessity to manufacture lighter vehicles, guaranteeing the complying with the gas emission international law. Besides the legal demand, the low weight will certainly be essential for the competitiveness for the next generation of vehicles. It is with this thinking the composite materials have been introduced in the automobilist industry, because those materials show an excellent relation of strength/weight, providing a reduction of consume and the increase of load capacity. Those factors justify the increase of interest of industry and the necessity of optimization of those materials and of their process. For this research, the field of application will be the Baja SAE Project, a project that is fully developed by engineering students, where they build a prototype single seat, off-road category, for use on hilly slopes with obstacle. This research aims to study two key components of the prototype are made of composite materials, analyzing all the processing. In addition, there is the analysis of the viability of this production parts to a Baja SAE vehicle, in order to increase their performance and reduce their weight without reducing the safety and robustness of the prototype. It was possible to achieve weight reduction of the steering subsystem with manufacturing the flywheel hybrid composite (carbon/glass) and the replacement of SAE 1010 steel by hybrid composite (carbon/aramid) in CVT box. The importance of this study is to obtain a good project for the vehicle of technical and scientific manner, contributing to the know-how to the team and providing a basis for optimization for upcoming projects
Brazil has one of the largest cattle herds in the world, so the cattle slaughter is one of the most important economic activities in the Brazilian market. But this activity requires a high demand of water, resulting in serious problems about the correct disposal of wastewater generated in the process. This effluent has a high pollution load, becoming its receiving bodies (streams and rivers) unfit for various activities such as public water supply, recreation, fisheries. To minimize the environmental impacts of its industrial wastewater and fallow the local environmental legislation, refrigerators must make the treatment of these effluents. This study aimed to verify the efficiency of a enzymatic reactor, when occur hydrolysis of lipids present in the effluent industrial of an cattle slaughter industry. The treatment system used was composed of two separate reactors: one being the anaerobic fluidized bed reactor (AFBR), inoculated with immobilized enzymes on the matrix support, and the other by sequential batch reactor (SBR) inoculated with activated sludge. Whereas, the reactors have been developed and installed at the Wastewater Treatment Laboratory, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, UNESP, campus Presidente Prudente. The procedure operating occurred differently for each reactor: preparation and inoculation of enzyme granules, filling the reactor, hydrolysis, and AFBR emptying, filling, aerobic reaction, sedimentation, and emptying the SBR. We performed three experimental stages, with the first and second stage of the work were done reactor analyzes separately, and the third step of the analysis were made with the interconnected reactors... (Complete abstract electronic access below)
In the last years, environmental issues are being gradually addressed because of awareness regarding the limitation of natural resources for the maintenance of life on Earth, and the role played by the media in reporting on various issues that are related to the theme. In the industrial sector, this topic becomes ever more present in its planning. With the increase of production activities, the generation of waste causes many complications, both in industry and in the environment. For this reason laws and rules were created so that such problems are minimized, thus causing less impact on the environment. In this work was a study of the possible environmental impacts in a soybean crushing industry, situated in the city of Osvaldo Cruz, São Paulo state, detailing the sources and impacts of waste generation, and associate them relevant laws. From this, measures were proposed measures of adequacy involving compliance with commitments to environmental agencies, relevant requests of buyers and / or suppliers and improving environmental performance
O presente estudo tem por finalidade identificar os impactos ambientais decorrentes do processo de urbanização nas áreas das cabeceiras de drenagem do Córrego da Onça. O córrego em questão é um dos principais afluentes do Ribeirão Mandaguari e drena uma grande área do município de Presidente Prudente. A identificação dos impactos ambientais decorrentes da ocupação das áreas das cabeceiras de drenagem do Córrego da Onça foi baseada na análise da paisagem. Esta foi realizada a partir da inter-relação entre os aspectos históricos, urbanos e geomorfológicos. Para tanto, foi realizado um levantamento bibliográfico do processo de urbanização da cidade, através do qual se pôde compreender a forma como se deu a ocupação dessas áreas. Foram analisadas as características da paisagem local bem como as formas de uso e ocupação atuais do solo através de coleta de dados e informações em trabalhos acadêmicos, publicações, mapas e trabalhos de campo. No final do trabalho identificaram-se impactos ambientais decorrentes das formas de uso e ocupação do solo bem como da forma como se deu a implantação dos loteamentos
O presente trabalho consiste em demonstrar valores referentes ao conforto ambiental de dois modelos construtivos, sendo o primeiro um edifício já executado e o outro em fase de implantação, ambos no Campus Experimental de Itapeva, aplicando alguns conceitos em habitação mais sustentáveis de madeira na região de Itapeva, estado de São Paulo, Brasil. A edificação construída sedia duas salas de aula a partir da tipologia construtiva wood frame, constituída basicamente de paredes autoportantes compostas de ossatura de madeira tratada de pinus.sp, chapas estruturais em OSB, manta de isolamento térmico/acústico e fechamento interno e externo, respectivamente em gesso e sidding (lambris de madeira). A habitação em fase de início de implantação foi idealizada a partir da tipologia construtiva log-home, e atenderá a necessidade de espaço físico para abrigar o Centro Acadêmico e a empresa-júnior “PROMAD”, ambos do curso de Engenharia Industrial Madeireira do Campus Experimental da UNESP/Itapeva. Esta construção foi elaborada a partir de técnicas de baixo impacto ambiental, levando em consideração os resultados de análise térmica obtidos na edificação anterior. Em ambos modelos construtivos foram empregados recursos renováveis abundantes na região, como a madeira de reflorestamento de Pinus e de Eucalipto. Foi acrescentado ainda ao segundo modelo a utilização de resíduos industriais lignocelulósicos, como rolete de laminação e outros materiais locais disponíveis. A metodologia básica empregada para a obtenção de dados sobre o conforto térmico em relação as edificações foi, para o primeiro caso, a coleta de dados de temperatura e umidade utilizando um termo-higrômetro, a sistematização e análise de dados reais obtidos no interior da edificação. No segundo caso, o dimensionamento do conforto térmico... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)