999 resultados para García Montero


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Celiac disease (CD) is a gluten-induced autoimmune enteropathy characterized by the presence of antibodies against gliadin (AGA) and anti-tissue transglutaminase (anti-tTG) antibodies. A disposable electrochemical dual immunosensor for the simultaneous detection of IgA and IgG type AGA and antitTG antibodies in real patient’s samples is presented. The proposed immunosensor is based on a dual screen-printed carbon electrode, with two working electrodes, nanostructured with a carbon–metal hybrid system that worked as the transducer surface. The immunosensing strategy consisted of the immobilization of gliadin and tTG (i.e. CD specific antigens) on the nanostructured electrode surface. The electrochemical detection of the human antibodies present in the assayed serum samples was carried out through the antigen–antibody interaction and recorded using alkaline phosphatase labelled anti-human antibodies and a mixture of 3-indoxyl phosphate with silver ions was used as the substrate. The analytical signal was based on the anodic redissolution of enzymatically generated silver by cyclic voltammetry. The results obtained were corroborated with commercial ELISA kits indicating that the developed sensor can be a good alternative to the traditional methods allowing a decentralization of the analyses towards a point-of-care strategy.


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O objectivo desta tese é a caracterização global de algumas famílias de compostos poliamínicos com grupos aromáticos fluorescentes. Estes têm potencial deaplicação como dispositivos moleculares, incluindo quimiossensores, interruptores moleculares,máquinas moleculares ou sistemas de processamento de informação moleculares. Estes compostos possuem poliaminas que podem actuar como unidades receptoras de várias espécies químicas, como protões, iões metálicos ou aniões, e os tornam solúveis em água. Contêm também grupos aromáticos fluorescentes (naftaleno, antraceno, pireno), que actuam como unidades sinalizadoras do estado do receptor. No Capítulo 1 são apresentados métodos de síntese e purificação de compostos poliamínicos, juntamente com descrições pormenorizadas das sínteses. Nos Capítulos 2 a 8 são caracterizados diversos compostos, quando livres em solução aquosa, e na presença de iões de metais de transição e de ATP. São usadas técnicas de espectrofotometria no UV-visível, espectrofluorimetria no estado estacionário e de contagem de fotão único correlacionada no tempo, complementadas com dados potenciométricos e de RMN fornecidos pelo grupo do Prof. Enrique García-España da Universidade de Valência, Espanha. No Capítulo 2 estudam-se compostos com grupos antraceno. Verifica-se supressão de emissão a pH básico, comum a todos os compostos poliamínicos, e caracterizam-se factores que influenciam nesse fenómeno. No Capítulo 3 analisam-se compostos de naftaleno. Verificam-se excímeros intramoleculares em compostos com dois grupos naftaleno. Para os formar ocorre um movimento fotoinduzido de flexão, pelo que esses compostos podem ser considerados máquinas moleculares. No Capítulo 4 estudam-se compostos com grupos pireno. Observam-se excímeros intramoleculares nos compostos com dois fluoróforos. No Capítulo 5 caracterizam-se compostos com dois grupos aromáticos diferentes(vários compostos com naftaleno e antraceno, um com pireno e antraceno e um com pireno e naftaleno). Verifica-se transferência de energia do grupo naftaleno para o antraceno (que parece evoluir de acordo com a teoria de Förster), de pireno para antraceno e de naftaleno para pireno. No Capítulo 6 examinam-se dois compostos de antraceno na presença de iões metálicos. Verifica-se aumento de emissão presença de Zn(II) e Cd(II), e supressão de emissão na presença de Cu(II) e Ni(II). Caracteriza-se o comportamento de um deles do ponto de vista de operações lógicas ao nível molecular. No Capítulo 7 caracteriza-se um composto de naftaleno na presença de vários iões metálicos. Verifica-se supressão de emissão com iões de metais de transição do 3ºperíodo com níveis na presença de Zn(II), Cd(II) e Al(III). Não se verifica efeito na presença de iões alcalinos, alcalino-terrosos, lantanídeos, Sn(II) e Pb(II). No Capítulo 8 estuda-se a interacção de compostos poliamínicos com ATP. Verifica-se em qualquer pH a ocorrência de empilhamento aromáticos do ATP e composto poliamínico, e ancoragem do grupo polifosfato do ATP com a poliamina. Verifica-se supressão de emissão do composto poliamínico a pH ácido, principalmente por transferência electrónica fotoinduzida do seu grupo aromático para o grupo adenina protonado do ATP. Num composto com antraceno e naftaleno, continua-se a verificar transferência de energia d incompletamente preenchidos, e com Hg(II), e aumento de emissãoπ-π entre os grupos


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A book about remote labs and engineering education begs to begin with the question, “Why do engineering programs include lab work?” Although this may seem like a given and not worth discussing, whenever we’re faced with innovative ideas, it’s important to “put everything on the table” in order to reassess its value to our program or goals. What is it about lab work that is of value to students? Are there elements of traditional labs that we could let go of? Are there elements that we don’t want to lose? These questions can help us to clarify how and why labs are integrated into an engineering education program.


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Informal Learning plays an important role in everyone's life and yet we often are unaware of it. The need to keep track of the knowledge acquired through informal learning is increasing as its sources become increasingly diverse. This paper presents a study on a tool developed to help keeping track of learners' informal learning, both within academic and professional contexts, This tool, developed within the European Commission funded TRAILER project, will further integrate the improvements suggested by users during the piloting phase. The two studied contexts were similar regarding the importance and perception of Informal Learning, but differed concerning tool usage. The overall idea of managing one's informal learning was well accepted and welcomed, which validated the emerging need for a tool with this purpose.


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According to recent studies, informal learning accounts for more than 75% of our continuous learning through life. However, the awareness of this learning, its benefits and its potential is still not very clear. In engineering contexts, informal learning could play an invaluable role helping students or employees to engage with peers and also with more experience colleagues, exchanging ideas and discussing problems. This work presents an initial set of results of the piloting phase of a project (TRAILER) where an innovative service based on Information & Communication Technologies was developed in order to aid the collection and visibility of informal learning. This set of results concerns engineering contexts (academic and business), from the learners' perspective. The major idea that emerged from these piloting trials was that it represented a good way of collecting, recording and sharing informal learning that otherwise could easily be forgotten. Several benefits were reported between the two communities such as being helpful in managing competences and human resources within an institution.


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Informal Learning is present in everyone's life but its awareness only recently has been reported. The need to keep track of the knowledge acquired this way is increasing as its sources diversity also increases. This work presents the pilots trials on the use of a tool developed to help keeping track of the learners’ informal learning, within a number of companies spread out in three countries. This tool developed through the European Commission funded project TRAILER, is still under development, which will allow integrating the set of improving suggestions obtained from users during the piloting phase. The overall idea of managing one’s informal learning was well accepted and welcomed, which validated the emerging need for a tool with this purpose.


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Informal learning is becoming more and more important: Nowadays people learn more this way, through the Internet, than in schools or normal trainings. But they don’t get any certificateswhich attest this fact. So they can't show the employer or teacher etc. that they have learned something. TRAILER project aim is to solve this problem by developing a special tool for managing of all competences and skills acquired through informal learning experiences. Both from the perspective of the user and the perspective of an institution or a company. We’ll present the IT tool to show how people can make their informal learning outcomes visible. TRAILER helps users to gather all information about process and outcomes of their informal learning. Users can share this with friends, colleagues or their employees, teachers and so on. They can create an interactive e-portfolio which can be attached to their CV, cover letter or Knowledge Management system etc. After the presentation of the tool we will discuss possible areas and fields to use this tool. Also we would like to discuss all possible use of the tool by the participants and another needs in this area. Moreover we want to discuss other problems in informal learning process, ways to solve the problems and discuss other ideas of different IT tools which could help in informal learning process. During the discussion we’ll use an interactive respond system which can be used on mobile devices: it makes possible for participants to share their opinions individually before knowing another persons' opinion.


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People do not learn only in formal educational institutions, but also throughout their lives, from their experiences, conversations, observations of others, exploration of the Internet, meetings and conferences, and chance encounters etc. However this informal and non-formal learning can easily remain largely invisible, making it hard for peers and employers to recognize or act upon it. The TRAILER project aims to make this learning visible so that it can benefit both the individual and the organization. The proposed demonstration will show a software solution that (i) helps the learners to capture, organize and classify a wide range of ’informal’ learning taking place in their lives, and (ii) assists the organization in recognizing this learning and use it to help managing human resources (benefiting both parts). This software tool has recently been used in two phases of pilot studies, which have run in four different European countries.


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The evolution of new technology and its increasing use, have for some years been making the existence of informal learning more and more transparent, especially among young and older adults in both Higher Education and workplace contexts. However, the nature of formal and non-formal, course-based, approaches to learning has made it hard to accommodate these informal processes satisfactorily, and although technology bring us near to the solution, it has not yet achieved. TRAILER project aims to address this problem by developing a tool for the management of competences and skills acquired through informal learning experiences, both from the perspective of the user and the institution or company. This paper describes the research and development main lines of this project.


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International Workshop on solutions that Enhance Informal LEarning Recognition – WEILER 2013


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Se examinó una vacuna diseñada para inmunizar al hombre, preparada con extracto de fenol insoluble, para determinar si protegía a cobayos contra el desafío con la cepa virulenta B. abortus 2308. Se incluyeron en el experimento las vacunas vivas atenuadas B. abortus cepa 19 y B. melitensis Rev. 1, para comparar los resultados. Se vacunaron 93 animales en cada grupo, que fueron subdivididos en subgrupos de 31 y se los desafió con 10(4), 10³ y 10² unidades formadoras de colonias de la cepa B. abortus 2308 virulenta. El análisis global de los resultados demostró una protección del 11.9% en animales vacunados con el extracto de fenol insoluble, 65% en los vacunados con B. abortus cepa 19 y 95% en el grupo que recibió vacuna B. melitensis Rev. 1.


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Erosion surfaces are the main geomorphological features of the Hesperian Massif. However, three other physiographic elements define the present state of the landscape. Such are big mountain blocks with polygonal borders building at great scale mountain chains, some more modest ridges following hercynian structural trends, and finally the strong incision of the fluvial net. On the other hand, paleoalterations and associated sediments are the only available ways for relief correlation and interpretation. It consists of a triple relationship giving good results when the regional stratigraphy is well known. Tectonic massifs, differential relief sand incisions are originated by geotectonic alpine disturbances during the Tertiary. The three events are consecutive in time with overlapping lapses which the prior and following element: differencial reliefs as a mesozoic heritage occur first, afterwards morphostructural blocks responding directly to the alpine deformation, and finally the fluvial incision as a delayed answer to the preceding morphostructural changes. The relationship relief sedimentation confirms widely this idea, since an association exists between a siderolitic Cretaceous-lower Paleogene and the differential reliefs, between arkoses from the upper Paleogene and the tectonic morphostructural blocks and between the Neogene Series Ocres and the terraces.


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Human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2) is a breast cancer biomarker that plays a major role in promoting breast cancer cell proliferation and malignant growth. The extracellular domain (ECD) of HER2 can be shed into the blood stream and its concentration is measurable in the serum fraction of blood. In this work an electrochemical immunosensor for the analysis of HER2 ECD in human serum samples was developed. To achieve this goal a screen-printed carbon electrode, modified with gold nanoparticles, was used as transducer surface. A sandwich immunoassay, using two monoclonal antibodies, was employed and the detection of the antibody–antigen interaction was performed through the analysis of an enzymatic reaction product by linear sweep voltammetry. Using the optimized experimental conditions the calibration curve (ip vs. log[HER2 ECD]) was established between 15 and 100 ng/mL and a limit of detection (LOD) of 4.4 ng/mL was achieved. These results indicate that the developed immunosensor could be a promising tool in breast cancer diagnostics, patient follow-up and monitoring of metastatic breast cancer since it allows quantification in a useful concentration range and has an LOD below the established cut-off value (15 ng/mL).


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We investigate the origin of ferromagnetism induced in thin-film (similar to 20 nm) Fe-V alloys by their irradiation with subpicosecond laser pulses. We find with Rutherford backscattering that the magnetic modifications follow a thermally stimulated process of diffusion decomposition, with formation of a-few-nm-thick Fe enriched layer inside the film. Surprisingly, similar transformations in the samples were also found after their long-time (similar to 10(3) s) thermal annealing. However, the laser action provides much higher diffusion coefficients (similar to 4 orders of magnitude) than those obtained under standard heat treatments. We get a hint that this ultrafast diffusion decomposition occurs in the metallic glassy state achievable in laser-quenched samples. This vitrification is thought to be a prerequisite for the laser-induced onset of ferromagnetism that we observe. 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.