929 resultados para GUIDELINE


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Hereditary syndromes are responsible for 10 % of gynaecologic cancers, among which hereditary breastovarian cancer and hereditary non-polyposis colon cancer syndromes, known as HBOC and Lynch syndromes respectively, present the highest relative risk. The latter predisposes to endometrial cancer and both contribute to ovarian cancer. Cowden syndrome-related endometrial cancer and the increased risk of ovarian, uterine and cervical cancers associated with Peutz-Jeghers syndrome, are also demonstrated, while Li-Fraumeni syndrome patients are prone to develop ovarian and endometrial cancers. Despite these syndromes’ susceptibility to gynaecologic cancers being consensual, it is still not clear whether these tumours have any epidemiologic, clinical, pathologic or imaging specific features that could allow any of the intervening physicians to raise suspicion of a hereditary syndrome in patients without known genetic risk. Moreover, controversy exists regarding both screening and surveillance schemes. Our literature review provides an updated perspective on the evidence-based specific features of tumours related to each of these syndromes as well as on the most accepted screening and surveillance guidelines. In addition, some illustrative cases are presented.


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Objective: To investigate the knowledge and use of asthma control measurement (ACM) tools in the management of asthma among doctors working in family and internal medicine practice in Nigeria. Method: A questionnaire based on the global initiative on asthma (GINA) guideline was self-administered by 194 doctors. It contains 12 test items on knowledge of ACM tools and its application. The knowledge score was obtained by adding the correct answers and classified as good if the score ≥ 9, satisfactory if score was 6-8 and poor if < 6. Results: The overall doctors knowledge score of ACM tools was 4.49±2.14 (maximum of 12). Pulmonologists recorded the highest knowledge score of 10.75±1.85. The majority (69.6%) had poor knowledge score of ACM tools. Fifty (25.8%) assessed their patients’ level of asthma control and 34(17.5%) at every visit. Thirty-nine (20.1%) used ACM tools in their consultation, 29 (15.0%) of them used GINA defined control while 10 (5.2 %) used asthma control test (ACT). The use of the tools was associated with pulmonologists, having attended CME within six months and graduated within five years prior to the survey. Conclusion: The results highlight the poor knowledge and use of ACM tools and the need to address the knowledge gap.


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Background: Improper handling has been identified as one of the major reasons for the decline in vaccine potency at the time of administration. Loss of potency becomes evident when immunised individuals contract the diseases the vaccines were meant to prevent. Objective: Assessing the factors associated with vaccine handling and storage practices. Methods: This was a cross-sectional study. Three-stage sampling was used to recruit 380 vaccine handlers from 273 health facilities from 11 Local Government areas in Ibadan. Data was analysed using SPSS version 16 Results: Seventy-three percent were aware of vaccine handling and storage guidelines with 68.4% having ever read such guidelines. Only 15.3% read a guideline less than 1 month prior to the study. About 65.0% had received training on vaccine management. Incorrect handling practices reported included storing injections with vaccines (13.7%) and maintaining vaccine temperature using ice blocks (7.6%). About 43.0% had good knowledge of vaccine management, while 66.1% had good vaccine management practices. Respondents who had good knowledge of vaccine handling and storage [OR=10.0, 95%CI (5.28 – 18.94), p < 0.001] and had received formal training on vaccine management [OR=5.3, 95%CI (2.50 – 11.14), p< 0.001] were more likely to have good vaccine handling and storage practices. Conclusion: Regular training is recommended to enhance vaccine handling and storage practices.


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La amigdalitis es una de las infecciones más comunes generalmente acusada por el estreptococo bata hemofílico del grupo A y con menor frecuencia debido a infecciones víricas. La amigdalitis recidivante es desde hace muchos años, la indicación más frecuente para practicar amigdalotomía aunque esta intervención tiene escasa complicaciones, su utilidad en la prevención de las recidivas no ha sido demostrada prospectivamente hasta estudios actuales en el que se compara la eficacia del tratamiento quirúrgico con una pauta antibiótica clásica la penicilina. Varios son los estudios en cuales se ha puesto en evidencia la incapacidad de la penicilina para acabar con el estado de portador del estreptococo beta hemolítico del grupo A. Entre las posibles explicaciones de esta aparente pérdida de eficacia de la penicilina, la más aceptada supone que la administración repetida del antibiótico selecciona flora productora de beta lactamasa. Los objetivos del tratamiento de la amigdalitis recidivante incluyen tanto la resolución de los signos clínicos y los síntomas de infección y la erradicación del agente causal de la cavidad oro faríngeo, por otro lado será importante evitar las complicaciones supurativas y no suporativas. La penicilina G es el agente antimicrobiano más efectivo para el tratamiento de la amigdalitis y debe emplearse almenos que el paciente sea alérgico lo que evita en lo posterior complicaciones


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This paper presents a case study from the Society for the Defense of Sexual and Migrate Rivers Amazônia - Sodireitos, whose central problem is to understand how it the works the social entrepreneur of the NGO Sodireitos in defense of sexual rights and migrate rivers in Amazônia. The central objective is to analyze the practices Social Entrepreneurship at the NGO Sodireitos on sexual rights and migrate rivers. The method adopted examined the entire creation process at the NGO the present day. Primary and secondary dates were used allowing the viewing of the dynamic intervention Social Sodireitos practiced by the fields of human rights and migrate rivers. Categories of analyses were given, and possible perceive in works of the strong Sodireitos flags that converge to social entrepreneurship as a guideline in the search for a model of human development, social and mainstay vel.


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[EU]Testu bat koherente egiten duten arrazoiak ulertzea oso baliagarria da testuaren beraren ulermenerako, koherentzia eta koherentzia-erlazioak testu bat edo gehiago koherente diren ondorioztatzen laguntzen baitigu. Lan honetan gai bera duten testu ezberdinen arteko koherentziazko 3 Cross Document Structure Theory edo CST (Radev, 2000) erlazio aztertu eta sailkatu dira. Hori egin ahal izateko, euskaraz idatziriko gai berari buruzko testuak segmentatzeko eta beraien arteko erlazioak etiketatzeko gidalerroak proposatzen dira. 10 testuz osaturiko corpusa etiketatu da; horietako 3 cluster bi etiketatzailek aztertu dute. Etiketatzaileen arteko adostasunaren berri ematen dugu. Koherentzia-erlazioak garatzea oso garrantzitsua da Hizkuntzaren Prozesamenduko hainbat sistementzat, hala nola, informazioa erauzteko sistementzat, itzulpen automatikoarentzat, galde-erantzun sistementzat eta laburpen automatikoarentzat. Etorkizunean CSTko erlazio guztiak corpus esanguratsuan aztertuko balira, testuen arteko koherentzia- erlazioak euskarazko testuen prozesaketa automatikoa bideratzeko lehenengo pausua litzateke hemen egindakoa.


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Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Psicologia, Departamento de Psicologia Social e do Trabalho, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Psicologia Social, do Trabalho e das Organizações, 2016.


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A indústria turística tem-se focado na diversificação, de forma contínua, tornando-se um dos motores fundamentais para o progresso dos setores económicos de um país. Para tal, o desenvolvimento de um Produto Turístico de sucesso que visa oferecer ao público-alvo uma experiência memorável para satisfazer o seu desejo é essencial para que este consumidor venha a visitar um determinado destino. A nova era digital transformou a estratégia de marketing das empresas e esta nova conjuntura tem vindo a contribuir para o crescimento exponencial e para o desenvolvimento das técnicas e ferramentas que permitem promover a comunicação entre a empresa/marca e o consumidor, aspeto em que o marketing digital tem desempenhado um papel importante. Em tempos de valorização da experiência turística, o setor turístico de Cabo Verde pouco tem explorado e não tem tirado grande partido do marketing digital para dar a conhecer as potencialidades e as maravilhas do destino enquanto produto turístico, que ainda tem muito por descobrir por parte dos consumidores nacionais e internacionais. Como objetivos deste plano de comunicação Visit Cabo Verde pretende-se aumentar a notoriedade da marca Cabo Verde e captar novos turistas através da promoção de 4 ilhas: Santiago, São Vicente, Santo Antão e Boavista dividindo-as em 3 (três) subprodutos - cultura, natureza e praia. Com a realização deste projeto prevê-se que Cabo Verde atinja o público-alvo definido através da conceção das campanhas relevantes para os potenciais turistas e aumentar o fluxo dos turistas no arquipélago. As limitações deste plano de comunicação incidem sobre a variável produto que não é controlável, procurando este plano uma linha de orientação para a variável comunicação.


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As one of the newest members in Articial Immune Systems (AIS), the Dendritic Cell Algorithm (DCA) has been applied to a range of problems. These applications mainly belong to the eld of anomaly detection. However, real-time detection, a new challenge to anomaly detection, requires improvement on the real-time capability of the DCA. To assess such capability, formal methods in the research of real-time systems can be employed. The ndings of the assessment can provide guideline for the future development of the algorithm. Therefore, in this paper we use an interval logic based method, named the Duration Calcu- lus (DC), to specify a simplied single-cell model of the DCA. Based on the DC specications with further induction, we nd that each individual cell in the DCA can perform its function as a detector in real-time. Since the DCA can be seen as many such cells operating in parallel, it is potentially capable of performing real-time detection. However, the analysis process of the standard DCA constricts its real-time capability. As a result, we conclude that the analysis process of the standard DCA should be replaced by a real-time analysis component, which can perform periodic analysis for the purpose of real-time detection.


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In April 2017, CMEMS plans to launch the WAVES NRT products. This document is focused in the automatic RTQC of the collected wave data. The validation procedure includes the delayed mode quality control of the data and will be specified in another guideline. To perform any kind of quality control to wave data, first it’s necessary to know the nature of the measurements and the analysis performed to those measurements to obtain the wave parameters. For that reason next chapter is dedicated to show the usual wave analysis and the different parameters and estimators obtained.


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La aprobación del Reglamento del paisaje de la Comunidad Valenciana (D. 120/2006, de 11 de agosto de la Generalitat Valenciana) introdujo los estudios del paisaje en la planificación territorial. La base de los estudios del paisaje se asienta en la participación ciudadana, por lo que este hecho ha supuesto un nuevo planteamiento para abordar la planificación territorial a diversas escalas. En esta comunicación, el principal objetivo es mostrar las posibilidades y limitaciones de la gestión territorial participativa emanadas del Reglamento del Paisaje de la Comunidad Valenciana.


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Mestrado em Marketing


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Introducción: en la actualidad, los casos clínicos suponen una importante herramienta docente con aplicaciones prácticas y contribuyen a la expansión del conocimiento de los profesionales de la salud. Objetivos: revisar la metodología de elaboración de casos clínicos, mostrando las similitudes y diferencias en los criterios de formato y contenido que son solicitados para que los reportes de casos sean publicados. Metodología: revisión bibliográfica en PubMed y Scielo entre 2005-2015, y rastreo manual de aquellas referencias más relevantes de los artículos seleccionados. Criterios de inclusión: artículos originales/revisiones bibliográficas en inglés/español/portugués publicados en cualquier país y que incluyan guías o recomendaciones sobre la redacción de casos clínicos. Resultados: se encontraron 131 artículos, de ellos, 20 cumplieron los criterios de inclusión, añadiendo cinco artículos por rastreo manual. Las variables descritas fueron: objetivo, recomendaciones y conclusiones, presentadas en tres tablas: 1. Publicaciones referentes internacionales; 2. Revistas internacionales y 3. Revistas latinoamericanas. Discusión: existen referentes internacionales que proporcionan directrices muy concretas cuando se precisa escribir y publicar un caso clínico. Tanto los referentes internacionales como las recomendaciones analizadas son coincidentes en su utilidad, aunque no existe una estandarización en su metodología. Son muy pocas las directrices que mencionan incluir el tratamiento dietético, el seguimiento y la evolución del mismo durante la situación clínica. Conclusiones: se recomienda a los autores interesados en describir un caso clínico cuyo tratamiento sea principalmente nutricional, seguir una guía ajustada a la situación clínica a presentar, siendo la guía CARE una buena opción.


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The functional response between ingestion rate and food concentration was determined for each larval stage of Macrobrachium rosenbergii. Artemia franciscana nauplii were supplied at 2,4, 6, 8, 10 and 12 per milliliter. The nauplii were counted by sight using a Pasteur pipette and transferred to Petri dishes containing 40 ml of brackish water (12 parts per thousand) lying on the top of black plastic. One larva at each stage was individually placed into each Petri dish containing different food density. After 24 h, each larva was removed from the Petri dish and the leftover nauplii were counted. The amount consumed was determined by the difference between the initial and final number of nauplii. Ingestion rate (I) increased as food density (P) increased and was defined by the model I=I-m(1-e(-kP)). The results suggest four levels of ingestion during larval development. The first level includes stages II, III and IV, with average maximum consumption of about 40 nauplii/day; the second level includes stages V and VI, with consumption of approximately 55 nauplii/day; the third level includes stages VII and VIII, with consumption of 80-100 nauplii/day. The fourth level includes stages IX, X and XI, in which the high values for maximum ingestion (Im) exceed the load capacity of the medium. The low values for constant k (that may correspond to the adaptability of the food to prey characteristics, such as, size, mobility, etc.) obtained for stages IX, X and XI indicated that Artemia is not an adequate prey and there is necessity of a supplementary diet. The best relationship between predator and prey seemed to occur during stage IV Results obtained in the present work may subsidize future researches and serve as a guideline for practical considerations of feeding rates. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.