919 resultados para GARDENS
Included also are reports of the Metropolitan School of Art at Somerset House; Metropolitan Female School; Museum of Ornamental Art; Library of Art; Royal Dublin Society; Derby School of art; London Navigation School; Central School of Art; Geological Survey and Museum of Practical Geology; Registrar of Designs; Museum of Irish Industry; Royal Zoological Society of Ireland; Normal Lace School, Dublin; Industrial Museum of Scotland; National Art Training School, South Kensington; Mining Record Office; Royal Hibernian Academy of Arts; South Kensington Museum; Edinburgh Museum of Science and Art; Royal College of Chemistry; Science and Art Museum, Dublin; National Library of Ireland; Royal School of Mines; Royal College of Science, London; Royal College of Science for Ireland; Council of the Royal Hibernian Academy of Arts; Board of Visitors of the Science and Art Museum, and Royal Botanic Gardens, Dublin.
"Two hundred and fifty copies of this specially illustrated large paper edition ... have been printed."
Dreamthorp.-On the writing of essays.-Of death and the fear of dying.-William Dunbar.-A lark's flight. -Christmas.-Men of letters.-On the importance of a man to himself.-A shel in my bookcase.-Geoffrey Chaucer. -Books and gardens.-On vagabonds.
Mode of access: Internet.
"In cooperation with National Botanic Gardens Lucknow, India."
"List of subscribers" ([15] p.) inserted between p. [iv] and v.
"August 2000."
Includes index.
Editor: 1833-1854, Joseph Harrison.
Added t. p. in English.
Mode of access: Internet.
No more published?
Pt. 4 (species 292-524, plates 412-600) was edited by J. D. Hooker from descriptions and drawings left by the author; unpublished drawings numbered 601-684, for species 417-485, were deposited in the herbarium of the Royal Gardens, Kew; species 486-524 had no drawings prepared for them.
Desde la perspectiva de la genética textual, en este trabajo observamos las representacionesdel personaje de Peter Pan en los textos de J. M. Barrie dedicados a este con respecto a sussemejanzas con el dios griego Pan, para ver de qué manera dialogan con los diferentes sentidosque el dios fue connotando a través de siglos. Analizamos la fotonovela The Boys Castawaysof Black Lake Island (1901); The Little White Bird (1902), novela en la que aparece en seiscapítulos; las "Fairy Notes" (1903) en borrador y el libreto inédito llamado Anon: a play de la obra teatral Peter Pan or The Boy Who Would Not Grow Up (estrenada en 1904); la novela Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens (1906), que consiste en esos seis capítulos de The LittleWhite Bird; la novela Peter and Wendy (1911), adaptación de la obra de teatro; un guion cinematográfico,Scenario for a Proposed Film of Peter Pan (c. 1918), que no se filmó; y ellibreto de la obra, finalmente publicado, con bastantes cambios, en 1928
Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-06