990 resultados para Francisco de Sales , Santo-Gravat
We consider one-seller assignment markets with multi-unit demands and prove that the associated game is buyers-submodular. Therefore the core is non-empty and it has a lattice structure which contains the allocation where every buyer receives his marginal contribution. We prove that in this kind of market, every pairwise-stable outcome is associated to a competitive equilibrium and viceversa. We study conditions under which the buyers-optimal and the seller-optimal core allocations are competitive equilibrium payoff vectors. Moreover, we characterize the markets for which the core coincidences with the set of competitive equilibria payoff vectors. When agents behave strategically, we introduce a procedure that implements the buyers-optimal core allocation as the unique subgame perfect Nash equilibrium outcome.
Parece mentira que una pieza teatral firmada por Calderón de la Barca haya tardado más de tres cientos años en aparecer impresa y que sea ahora,en el 2010, cuando lo haga por primera vez. ¿A qué se debe esta falta de interés por la obra?La respuestanos la ofrecen Felipe B. Pedza Jiménez y Rafael González Cañal en el capítulo que abre el estudio preliminar de su edicion tulado«Razones de una sin razón»
Many companies today struggle with problems they face around sales lead management. They are suffering from inconsistent quality of leads, they miss clear sales opportunities and even cannot handle well their internal marketing lists. Meanwhile customers are better and better equipped with means to easily initiate contact via internet, via call centers etc. Investing in lead generation activities that are built on a bad process is not a good idea. Better than asking how to get more leads, companies should ask how to get better quality leads and invest in improving lead management. This study looks sales lead management as a multi step process where a company generates leads in controlled environment, qualifies them and hands over to the sales cycle. As a final step, organization needs to analyze the incomes and successes of different lead sources. Most often in sales lead management a process improvement requires setting up additional controls to enable proper tracking of all leads. A sales lead management process model for the case company is built based on the findings. Implementing the new model involves changes and improvements in some key areas of current process. Starting from the very beginning, these include redefining a bit the lead definition and revising the criteria set for qualified lead. There are some improvements to be done in the system side to enable the proposed model. Lastly a setting for responsible roles is presented.
O objetivo deste estudo é relatar um caso raro de aneurisma da artéria hepática simulando lesão em cabeça de pâncreas. É importante a análise precisa por tomografia computadorizada e ressonância magnética, pois desempenham papel importante no planejamento terapêutico e influenciam também o prognóstico.
OBJETIVO: Apresentar as várias formas de displasia fibrosa craniofacial em um estudo revisional com 14 exames de tomografia computadorizada. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Foram selecionados 14 casos de displasia fibrosa craniofacial atendidos no Serviço de Cirurgia de Cabeça e Pescoço e Otorrinolaringologia e no Serviço de Diagnóstico por Imagem do Hospital Heliópolis, São Paulo, SP, entre 1991 e 2002. Foram avaliados, pelos autores, três dos achados tomográficos mais relevantes: o número de ossos acometidos, a apresentação radiológica predominante e a uni/bilateralidade da doença no crânio. RESULTADOS: Observou-se predomínio do padrão misto em relação à forma de apresentação da doença. Foram vistos, ainda, acometimento contíguo de dois ou mais ossos e equivalência entre casos de acometimento craniofacial unilateral e bilateral, possivelmente por conta dos pacientes serem, em sua maioria, portadores de displasia fibrosa do tipo monostótica. CONCLUSÃO: O conhecimento das características tomográficas da displasia fibrosa craniofacial é de grande importância para que seja feito planejamento cirúrgico adequado e seguimento pós-tratamento.
Relatamos um caso de actinomicose laríngea mimetizando neoplasia, com revisão da literatura a respeito dos aspectos clínicos, patológicos e de imagens. Utilizamos tomografia computadorizada, exame loco-regional, nasofibroscopia e estudo anatomopatológico. A importância do estudo se deve à raridade da enfermidade, localização atípica e particularmente ao diagnóstico diferencial com neoplasia de laringe. Não identificamos, na literatura, casos com avaliação por meio de tomografia computadorizada.
OBJETIVO: Estudar os achados radiológicos encontrados na seriografia digestiva alta no pós-operatório tardio de cirurgia de Fobi-Capella. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Estudo radiológico de 41 pacientes realizado seis a nove meses após a cirurgia de Fobi-Capella. RESULTADOS: As alterações encontradas foram hérnia hiatal (17%), refluxo gastroesofágico (19,5%) e deslizamento do anel (4,8%). Os achados menos freqüentes foram fístula enterocutânea (2,4%), estenose da anastomose gastrojejunal (2,4%), bezoar (2,4%) e não-visualização do anel em decorrência da sua retirada por intolerância (2,4%). As alterações anatômicas da cirurgia foram claramente demonstradas. CONCLUSÃO: O estudo foi capaz de demonstrar as alterações anatômicas e as complicações da cirurgia de Fobi-Capella.
The aim of this study is to find out how Metso Paper’s marketing could better support sales and how sales people are executing marketing during the sales processes. This study is done from sales people’s point of view. The study is limited to cover only company’s internal environment. This research was executed through literature review and qualitative theme interviews, where 20 of Metso Paper’s sales people were interviewed. The interviewees were asked to tell their opinions about marketing’s support, marketing materials, information and the relationship between sales and marketing. The results of this study show that the relationship between marketing and sales is rather good, but there is still a great need for improvements. It is hoped that marketing would take more part in the selling processes. In addition, more information about the launches and schedules were also hoped for. Marketing is told to be quite Finland centric and sales people are wishing for more adopted marketing materials and occasions. It came up during the interviews, that sales people are not so willing to give regular feedback to marketing and quite often they think that marketing’s role in Metso Paper is not important at all.
El treball analitza els punts de contacte entre 'Incerta glòria' i les principals obres de Dostoievski, amb l'objectiu de demostrar que el rus va exercir una influència sobre Joan Sales. Els elements tractats pertanyen sobretot a l'ordre temàtic i, secundàriament, a la construcció formal i dels personatges. Aquests elements són la narració de la vida espiritual dels personatges i l'escissió de la seva personalitat en bé i mal, les idees com a components centrals de les novel·les, la polifonia, l'alliberament pel sofriment i la presència de filosofia i religió en el gènere novel·lístic.
OBJETIVO: O objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar a influência da dependência energética de materiais termoluminescentes na determinação da dose na entrada da pele de pacientes submetidos a exames radiográficos (radiologia geral, mamografia e radiologia odontológica). MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Três diferentes materiais termoluminescentes foram utilizados: LiF:Mg,Ti, LiF:Mg,Cu,P e CaSO4:Dy. Estes materiais foram expostos a fontes padronizadas de radiação X e gama, e a feixes clínicos de raios X. RESULTADOS: As curvas de calibração e de dependência energética foram obtidas. Todos os materiais apresentaram resposta linear em função do kerma no ar. Com relação à dependência energética, as amostras de CaSO4:Dy e LiF:Mg,Ti mostraram maior variação da resposta termoluminescente em função da energia efetiva do feixe de radiação. CONCLUSÃO: Os materiais testados mostraram desempenho adequado para a detecção da radiação X em feixes padronizados e clínicos. Embora as amostras de CaSO4:Dy e LiF:Mg,Ti apresentem dependência energética significativa no intervalo de energia considerado, este materiais podem ser utilizados para medição da dose de entrada na pele se fatores de correção apropriados forem utilizados.
The rules on prescription in Part VIII, Chapter 18, of the Proposal for a Common European Sales Law (CESL) follow the provisions of the Principles of European Contract Law (PECL) and the Draft Common Frame of Reference (DCFR), which, in general, have deserved favourable comments. Yet, a number of rules contained in those texts have been omitted. It is necessary to ascertain whether the CESL rules only apply to provisions on rights and claims resulting from sales or related services contracts, or whether they are also applicable to any other contractual right or claim and also to rights or claims of non-contractual origin. One of the most problematic issues concerns general prescription periods: firstly, because there are two general periods, a short one and a long one, without any specification about the claims or rights covered by each one of them; secondly, because neither period is suitable in case of non-conformity. There are also some interpretation problems due to missing, ambiguous or defective definitions. The systematic approach demands clarification too.
Els estudis sobre la història del gravat coincideixen a designar l'obra de Manuel de Rueda 'Instrucción para gravar en cobre', publicada l'any 1791, com el primer manual calcogràfic escrit a Espanya. Es tracta, bàsicament, d'una traducció de les fonts bibliogràfiques franceses, entre les quals cal destacar la d'Abraham Bosse. En aquest article tenim la satisfacció de publicar un manuscrit espanyol, inèdit fins ara, que precedeix un segle l'obra de Manuel de Rueda. Es titula 'Método para gravar al agua fuerte y sobre marfil' i forma part dels fons de la Biblioteca Nacional de Madrid amb la referència ms. 9338.
The main objective of this master’s thesis was to quantitatively study the reliability of market and sales forecasts of a certain company by measuring bias, precision and accuracy of these forecasts by comparing forecasts against actual values. Secondly, the differences of bias, precision and accuracy between markets were explained by various macroeconomic variables and market characteristics. Accuracy and precision of the forecasts seems to vary significantly depending on the market that is being forecasted, the variable that is being forecasted, the estimation period, the length of the estimated period, the forecast horizon and the granularity of the data. High inflation, low income level and high year-on-year market volatility seems to be related with higher annual market forecast uncertainty and high year-on-year sales volatility with higher sales forecast uncertainty. When quarterly market size is forecasted, correlation between macroeconomic variables and forecast errors reduces. Uncertainty of the sales forecasts cannot be explained with macroeconomic variables. Longer forecasts are more uncertain, shorter estimated period leads to higher uncertainty, and usually more recent market forecasts are less uncertain. Sales forecasts seem to be more uncertain than market forecasts, because they incorporate both market size and market share risks. When lead time is more than one year, forecast risk seems to grow as a function of root forecast horizon. When lead time is less than year, sequential error terms are typically correlated, and therefore forecast errors are trending or mean-reverting. The bias of forecasts seems to change in cycles, and therefore the future forecasts cannot be systematically adjusted with it. The MASE cannot be used to measure whether the forecast can anticipate year-on-year volatility. Instead, we constructed a new relative accuracy measure to cope with this particular situation.
Sales configurators are essential tools for companies that offer complicated case specifically crafted products for customers. Most sophisticated of them are able to design an entire end product on the fly according to given constraints, calculate price for the offer and move the order into production. This thesis covers a sales configurator acquisition project in a large industrial company that offers cranes for its customers. The study spans the preliminary stages of a large-scale software purchase project starting from the specification of problem domain and ending up presenting the most viable software solution that fulfils the requirements for the new system. The project consists of mapping usage environment, use cases, and collecting requirements that are expected from the new system. The collected requirements involve fitting the new sales system into enterprise application infrastructure, mitigating the risks involved in the project and specifying new features to the application whilst preserving all of the admired features of the old sales system currently used in the company. The collected requirements were presented to a number of different sales software vendors who were asked to provide solution suggestions that would fulfil all the demands. All of the received solution proposals were exposed to an evaluation to determine the most feasible solutions, and the construction of evaluation criteria itself was a part of the study. The final outcome of this study is a short-list of the most feasible sales configurator solutions together with a description of how software purchase process in large enterprises work, and which aspects should be paid attention in large projects of similar kind.