949 resultados para FTIR-spectrometry


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In some cases external morphology is not sufficient to discern between populations of a species, as occurs in the dung beetle Canthon humectus hidalgoensis Bates; and much less to determine phenotypic distances between them. FTIR-ATR spectroscopy show several advantages over other identification techniques (e.g. morphological, genetic, and cuticular hydrocarbons analysis) due to the non-invasive manner of the sample preparation, the relative speed of sample analysis and the low-cost of this technology. The infrared spectrum obtained is recognized to give a unique ‘fingerprint’ because vibrational spectra are specific and unique to the molecular nature of the sample. In our study, results showed that proteins, amino acids and aromatic ethers of insect exocuticle have promising discriminative power to discern between different populations of C. h. hidalgoensis. Furthermore, the correlation between geographic distances between populations and the chemical distances obtained by proteins + amino acids + aromatic ethers was statistically significant, showing that the spectral and spatial information available of the taxa together with appropriated chemometric methods may help to a better understanding of the identity, structure, dynamics and diversity of insect populations.


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A method for quantitative mineralogical analysis by ATR-FTIR has been developed. The method relies on the use of the main band of calcite as a reference for the normalization of the IR spectrum of a mineral sample. In this way, the molar absorptivity coefficient in the Lambert–Beer law and the components of a mixture in mole percentage can be calculated. The GAMS equation modeling environment and the NLP solver CONOPT (©ARKI Consulting and Development) were used to correlate the experimental data in the samples considered. Mixtures of different minerals and gypsum were used in order to measure the minimum band intensity that must be considered for calculations and the detection limit. Accordingly, bands of intensity lower than 0.01 were discarded. The detection limit for gypsum was about 7% (mol/total mole). Good agreement was obtained when this FTIR method was applied to ceramic tiles previously analyzed by X-ray diffraction (XRD) or mineral mixtures prepared in the lab.


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A novel and environment friendly analytical method is reported for total chromium determination and chromium speciation in water samples, whereby tungsten coil atomic emission spectrometry (WCAES) is combined with in situ ionic liquid formation dispersive liquid–liquid microextraction (in situ IL-DLLME). A two stage multivariate optimization approach has been developed employing a Plackett–Burman design for screening and selection of the significant factor involved in the in situ IL-DLLME procedure, which was later optimized by means of a circumscribed central composite design. The optimum conditions were complexant concentration: 0.5% (or 0.1%); complexant type: DDTC; IL anion: View the MathML sourcePF6−; [Hmim][Cl] IL amount: 60 mg; ionic strength: 0% NaCl; pH: 5 (or 2); centrifugation time: 10 min; and centrifugation speed: 1000 rpm. Under the optimized experimental conditions the method was evaluated and proper linearity was obtained with a correlation coefficient of 0.991 (5 calibration standards). Limits of detection and quantification for both chromium species were 3 and 10 µg L−1, respectively. This is a 233-fold improvement when compared with chromium determination by WCAES without using preconcentration. The repeatability of the proposed method was evaluated at two different spiking levels (10 and 50 µg L−1) obtaining coefficients of variation of 11.4% and 3.6% (n=3), respectively. A certified reference material (SRM-1643e NIST) was analyzed in order to determine the accuracy of the method for total chromium determination and 112.3% and 2.5 µg L−1 were the recovery (trueness) and standard deviation values, respectively. Tap, bottled mineral and natural mineral water samples were analyzed at 60 µg L−1 spiking level of total Cr content at two Cr(VI)/Cr(III) ratios, and relative recovery values ranged between 88% and 112% showing that the matrix has a negligible effect. To our knowledge, this is the first time that combines in situ IL-DLLME and WCAES.


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In the current study, the relationship between current and biomass and bio-adhesion mechanism of electrogenic biofilm on electrode were investigated using EQCM and ATR-SEIRAS linking electrochemistry. The results indicated that cellular biomass of biofilm on QCM-crystal surface showed maximum value of 6.0 μg/cm2 in initial batch and 11.5 μg/cm2 in the second batch on mature biofilm, producing a similar maximum current density of 110 μA/μg. Especially, the optimum cell biomass linking high electricity production ratio (110 μA/μg) occurred before maximum biomass coming, implying that over-growth mature biofilm is not an optimum state for enhancing power output of MFCs. On the other hand, the spectra using ATR-SEIRAS technique linking electrochemistry obviously exhibited water structure adsorption change at early biofilm formation and meanwhile the water adsorption accompanied the adsorbed bacteria and the bound cells population on the electrode increased with time. Meanwhile, the direct contact of bacteria and electrode via outer-membrane protein can be confirmed via a series spectra shift at amide I and amide II modes and water movement from negative bands displacing by adsorbed bacteria. Our study provided supplementary information about the interaction between the microbes and electrode beyond traditional electrochemistry.


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Results of a systematic study concerning non-spectral interferences from sulfuric acid containing matrices on a large number of elements in inductively coupled plasma–mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) are presented in this work. The signals obtained with sulfuric acid solutions of different concentrations (up to 5% w w− 1) have been compared with the corresponding signals for a 1% w w− 1− nitric acid solution at different experimental conditions (i.e., sample uptake rates, nebulizer gas flows and r.f. powers). The signals observed for 128Te+, 78Se+ and 75As+ were significantly higher when using sulfuric acid matrices (up to 2.2-fold for 128Te+ and 78Se+ and 1.8-fold for 75As+ in the presence of 5 w w-1 sulfuric acid) for the whole range of experimental conditions tested. This is in agreement with previously reported observations. The signal for 31P+ is also higher (1.1-fold) in the presence of sulfuric acid. The signal enhancements for 128Te+, 78Se+, 75As+ and 31P+ are explained in relation to an increase in the analyte ion population as a result of charge transfer reactions involving S+ species in the plasma. Theoretical data suggest that Os, Sb, Pt, Ir, Zn and Hg could also be involved in sulfur-based charge transfer reactions, but no experimental evidence has been found. The presence of sulfuric acid gives rise to lower ion signals (about 10–20% lower) for the other nuclides tested, thus indicating the negative matrix effect caused by changes in the amount of analyte loading of the plasma. The elemental composition of a certified low-density polyethylene sample (ERM-EC681K) was determined by ICP-MS after two different sample digestion procedures, one of them including sulfuric acid. Element concentrations were in agreement with the certified values, irrespective of the acids used for the digestion. These results demonstrate that the use of matrix-matched standards allows the accurate determination of the tested elements in a sulfuric acid matrix.


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A systematic investigation of the thermal decomposition of viscoelastic memory foam (VMF) was performed using thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) to obtain the kinetic parameters, and thermogravimetric analysis coupled to Fourier Transformed Infrared Spectrometry (TGA-FTIR) and thermogravimetric analysis coupled to Mass Spectrometry (TGA-MS) to obtain detailed information of evolved products on pyrolysis and oxidative degradations. Two consecutive nth-order reactions were employed to correlate the experimental data from dynamic and isothermal runs performed at three different heating rates (5, 10 and 20 K/min) under an inert atmosphere. On the other hand, for the kinetic study of the oxidative decomposition, the data from combustion (synthetic air) and poor oxygen combustion (N2:O2 = 9:1) runs, at three heating rates and under dynamic and isothermal conditions, were correlated simultaneously. A kinetic model consisting of three consecutive reactions presented a really good correlation in all runs. TGA-FTIR analysis showed that the main gases released during the pyrolysis of VMF were determined as ether and aliphatic hydrocarbons, whereas in combustion apart from the previous gases, aldehydes, amines and CO2 have also been detected as the main gases. These results were confirmed by the TGA-MS.


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No presente estudo pretendeu-se compreender o efeito da variação do número de pontos da suavização espectral (ou filtro digital) no desenvolvimento de modelos de calibração por FTIR-ATR utilizando técnicas PLS-R para determinações rápidas do teor em metanol e do teor alcoólico em aguardentes. De acordo com o descrito em ANJOS et al. (2016) as zonas espectrais identificadas foram 1607-977 cm-1 e 3057-2864 + 1292-663 cm-1 respetivamente para o teor em metanol e teor alcoólico, com coeficientes de determinação superiores a 96,3 %. O valor de RPD apresenta qualidade suficiente para utilização em laboratório de controlo de qualidade. Foi avaliada a robustez dos modelos para 5, 9, 13, 17, 21 e 25 pontos de suavização para o pré-processamento usando a Primeira Derivada (1stDer), aplicando o algoritmo de Savitzky-Golay.


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Cadwaladerite (Al(OH)2Cl∙4H2O) collected from Cerro Pintados, Chile described by Gordon in 1941 is designated as “doubtful” by the IMA. Material collected from the same locality in 2015 resembling the description of cadwaladerite gave a powder XRD pattern similar to lesukite (Al2(OH)5Cl∙2H2O). However, Gordon provided no X-ray data for his material from Cerro Pintados. In order to determine whether cadwaladerite and lesukite are the same mineral species, measurements were made on a suite of samples from various localities. A portion of the material collected by Gordon in 1941 was also obtained from the Mineralogical Museum of Harvard University. Type material of lesukite from a fumarolic environment at the Tolbachik Fissure in Kamchatka, Russia was obtained as well as lesukite from the Maria Mine, Chile (Arica Province) and a previously undescribed locality for lesukite (Barranaca del Sulfato, Mejillones Peninsula, Antofagasta Province). All samples are yellow to yellow-orange in colour and all exhibit small cubic crystals (up to 50µm), even Gordon’s cadwaladerite which was thought to be amorphous. The Chilean samples are all associated with halite and sometimes with anhydrite. These five samples were studied by SEM, FTIR, powder XRD, and Raman spectroscopy. A ratio of Al:Cl less than or equal to 1.3:1 was observed for all the samples, including measurements made on lesukite from the Russian locality Vergasova et al. studied in 1997, and determined to have a 2:1 ratio. SEM-EDS analyses also show all samples to have minor iron substitution, as well as copper substitution in two samples. FTIR spectra are very similar for all samples. Raman spectroscopy done on both samples collected in Cerro Pintados and the Russian lesukite gave similar spectra. Powder XRD analyses on all samples showed spectra identified to be lesukite, including Gordon’s cadwaladerite. Crystal cell parameters calculated from powder XRD ranged from 19.778Å to 19.878Å. Results using modern instrumental techniques confirm Gordon’s cadwaladerite, collected in 1939 and described in 1941, and lesukite are the same mineral species.


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Dynorphins are important neuropeptides with a central role in nociception and pain alleviation. Many mechanisms regulate endogenous dynorphin concentrations, including proteolysis. Proprotein convertases (PCs) are widely expressed in the central nervous system and specifically cleave at C-terminal of either a pair of basic amino acids, or a single basic residue. The proteolysis control of endogenous Big Dynorphin (BDyn) and Dynorphin A (Dyn A) levels has a profound impact on pain perception and the role of PCs remain unclear. The objective of this study was to decipher the role of PC1 and PC2 in the proteolysis control of BDyn and Dyn A levels using cellular fractions of spinal cords from wild type (WT), PC1-/+ and PC2-/+ animals and mass spectrometry. Our results clearly demonstrate that both PC1 and PC2 are involved in the proteolysis regulation of BDyn and Dyn A with a more important role for PC1. C-terminal processing of BDyn generates specific peptide fragments Dynorphin 1-19, Dynorphin 1-13, Dynorphin 1-11 and Dynorphin 1-7 and C-terminal processing of Dyn A generates Dynorphin 1-13, Dynorphin 1-11 and Dynorphin 1-7, all these peptide fragments are associated with PC1 or PC2 processing. Moreover, proteolysis of BDyn leads to the formation of Dyn A and Leu-Enk, two important opioid peptides. The rate of formation of both is significantly reduced in cellular fractions of spinal cord mutant mice. As a consequence, even partial inhibition of PC1 or PC2 may impair the endogenous opioid system.


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Dynorphins are important neuropeptides with a central role in nociception and pain alleviation. Many mechanisms regulate endogenous dynorphin concentrations, including proteolysis. Proprotein convertases (PCs) are widely expressed in the central nervous system and specifically cleave at C-terminal of either a pair of basic amino acids, or a single basic residue. The proteolysis control of endogenous Big Dynorphin (BDyn) and Dynorphin A (Dyn A) levels has a profound impact on pain perception and the role of PCs remain unclear. The objective of this study was to decipher the role of PC1 and PC2 in the proteolysis control of BDyn and Dyn A levels using cellular fractions of spinal cords from wild type (WT), PC1-/+ and PC2-/+ animals and mass spectrometry. Our results clearly demonstrate that both PC1 and PC2 are involved in the proteolysis regulation of BDyn and Dyn A with a more important role for PC1. C-terminal processing of BDyn generates specific peptide fragments Dynorphin 1-19, Dynorphin 1-13, Dynorphin 1-11 and Dynorphin 1-7 and C-terminal processing of Dyn A generates Dynorphin 1-13, Dynorphin 1-11 and Dynorphin 1-7, all these peptide fragments are associated with PC1 or PC2 processing. Moreover, proteolysis of BDyn leads to the formation of Dyn A and Leu-Enk, two important opioid peptides. The rate of formation of both is significantly reduced in cellular fractions of spinal cord mutant mice. As a consequence, even partial inhibition of PC1 or PC2 may impair the endogenous opioid system.