968 resultados para Escritores e leitores


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Esta pesquisa aborda a relação entre o corpo e a estética, compreendida como padrão corporal, com o objetivo de analisar o corpo masculino na Revista Men‟s Health. A Revista em pauta é uma publicação mensal da Editora Abril, estando presente em mais de 43 países. A metodologia utilizada é a análise de conteúdo como proposta por Bardin (1979), visando identificar sentidos sobre o corpo masculino divulgado nessa mídia, especificamente na seção Fitness. O corpus de análise foi composto por 12 edições da revista, veiculadas de janeiro a dezembro do ano 2011. Elaboramos fichas de identificação para todas as matérias contidas no sumário da Seção Fitness e, em seguida, fizemos os perfis das matérias construindo cinco categorias temáticas: Aparência, Investimentos no corpo, Individualismo, Consumo, Bem-estar. A Men‟s Health, através de suas imagens e discursos, apresenta vários conselhos e recomendações que apontam caminhos e atitudes a serem seguidos, influenciando o homem a ser jovem, belo e saudável. A partir da análise realizada, pode-se afirmar que na Revista Men‟s Health a aparência encontra-se ligada a uma ideia de um corpo magro e musculoso. Para a obtenção do corpo propagado pela revista, são necessários vários investimentos e práticas de consumo. Nota-se ainda que o discurso do bem-estar e da felicidade utiliza a publicidade para incentivar os leitores a comprar as novidades lançadas pela sociedade de consumo


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In recent years, the radio frequency identification technology (RFID) has gained great interest both industrial communities as scientific communities. Its ability to locate and monitor objects, animals and persons with active or passive tags allows easy development, with good cost-benefice and still presents undeniable benefits in applications ranging from logistics to healthcare, robotics, security, among others. Within this aspect what else comes excelling are RFID tags and the antennas used in RFID readers. Most tags have antennas omnidirectional and are usually manufactured as dipoles modified printed. The primary purpose of a project of antenna for tag is to achieve the required input impedance to perform a good marriage impedance with the load impedance of the chip. Already the objective principal in project of antennas for readers is to achieve reduced sizes and structures with good data transmission capacity. This work brings the numerical characterization of antennas for RFID applications, being these divided into tags RFID and antennas for RFID readers. Three tags RFID and two antennas for RFID readers, found in literature, are analyzed. The analysis of these structures is made using the Method of Waves - WCIP. Initial results found in the literature are compared with those obtained through simulations in WCIP with objective to show that the Method of Waves is able to analyze such structures. To illustrate the results obtained in simulations is presented the behavior of electric and magnetic fields. It also performed a literature review on the characteristics and principles of RFID technology. Suggestions for continuity to this work are presented


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O termo melancolia, como foi mostrado em todo o decorrer do nosso trabalho, principalmente no histórico da melancolia, é um termo, por excelência, escorregadio. De várias facetas, a melancolia pode vir a designar desde patologia, passando por inspiração filosófica, para desaguar num modo de ver a vida, como bem nos coloca Denílson Lopes em seu livro Nós os mortos: melancolia e neo Barroco (1999). A Asa Esquerda do Anjo (LUFT, 2005) é uma obra que já nos acompanha há algum tempo, pois desde a graduação estudamo-la. Em torno da protagonista, chamada de Gisela pela mãe e Guísela pela avó, circula toda a trama desse romance moderno. Tentamos visualizá-la nos três capítulos da dissertação. No primeiro, focalizamos a obra sob o aspecto de uma possível estética da melancolia, tendo por base teórica Marie Claude Lambotte (2000). Depois, elaboramos algumas linhas sobre as perdas da protagonista que do enredo emergem. Por fim, demonstramos Gisela pelo aspecto de múltiplas faces. Sabendo que uma obra literária é infinita em seus significados, cremos que A Asa Esquerda do Anjo (2005) suscita outras nuances. Isto nos dá a certeza que não é um texto acabado, finalizado. Estas nuances poderão ser estudadas, pesquisadas em uma outra oportunidade por nós ou por outros leitores de Luft. A fim de estudar a melancolia em Gisela, fundamentamos nossa dissertação com os estudos de Freud (1980) a respeito do tema. Este faz uma análise comparando a melancolia ao luto, para poder chegar, assim, a um denominador comum, já que o termo é flexível em seus significados. Freud e alguns outros autores no campo, tais como, Bataille (1980); Benjamin (1984); Erickson (2003); Klein (1971); Kristeva (1989); Lino (2004); Peres (2003); Santos (2005), Scliar (2003), pois, nos auxiliaram em nossas pesquisas e direcionaram melhor o nosso olhar sobre a obra. Acreditamos ter alcançado nosso objetivo estudar a obra A Asa Esquerda do Anjo (LLUFT, 2005) pelo foco da melancolia e suas nuances. Gisela é um personagem inacabado. Em seu discurso ela deixa isto bem nítido. Assim também, não buscamos respostas prontas, com teor de acabamento. O fechar da história está nas mãos do leitor. Mas, à medida que reiniciamos nova leitura, percebemos algo novo, que pode ser extraído da obra, do personagem, da trama. É neste abrir/fechar que a própria Gisela sussurra: Vem, vem, vem.... Ao chamar a todos nós, chama também para um novo caminhar com ela, em suas perturbações subjetivas e sua ausência de respostas. Ao aceitarmos este convite, fica difícil retornarmos pelo mesmo caminho de antes. É necessário, então, junto com este ser de papel, rever nossos passos, para, enfim, redimensionarmos nossa escrita acerca de nós mesmos e (por que não dizer?) do mundo que nos circunda


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This study discusses chronicler Rubem Braga and his chronicles published in O Estado de São Paulo newspaper (supplement Caderno 2), from 1988 to 1990. The analysis of the 84 chronicles focuses on the study of poetic spaces, mainly based on Gaston Bachelard s book The Poetics of Space. Narrator s characteristics are also shown in the analyzed chronicles, as he resembles a traditional storyteller, even though participates in a genre that belongs to a modern vehicle: the newspaper. The storyteller-chronicler moves in time and space, reporting his experiences to the readers, and also travels inside of himself, discovering places which were kept in his memory


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Considérant que le Brésil est un pays considéré comme «non- lecteurs», nous avons essayé de trouver des solutions pour inverser cette situation d'exclusion sociale à travers des campagnes et des projets. Le slogan était le moyen de la propagande a proposé à cet effet. En étant un peu éclairante, il a été considéré qu'ils étaient peut-être inséré dans un contexte idéologique, en passant, qui faisait alors partie de l'objet d'études en question et, en conséquence, l'objectif était d'étudier comment, dans niveau discursif, les relations sociales de l'idéologie et du pouvoir dans ces dessins slogans verbaux et des campagnes publicitaires pour encourager la lecture. Nous avons utilisé comme instrument de collecte de données en 2007 slogans projets (sept) et l'intensification des campagnes de publicité dans les années 1995 à 2006, peu après la création de la descendance en 1992, où son fonctionnement a été analysé et discours idéologique, en cherchant à identifier les états effets de sens proposé. Nous avons utilisé pour soutenir la perspective de recherche d'analyse du discours de l'école française, affiliée à Pêcheux. Afin de sens les effets sens des tests a été fait une semi-ouverte aux enseignants qui traitent directement avec l'enseignement de la lecture de l'Institut de l'Enseignement Supérieur du Président-Kennedy, situé à Natal / RN. On été appliqués 100 questionnaires, parmi lesquels 60 d‟entre eux utilisés pour l‟analyse. La recherche a démontré par l'analyse, que la façon d'encourager les gens à lire se déplace à travers le modèle principal de la compréhension de la lecture à laquelle les slogans ont été utilisés, en les intégrant dans un discours dominant, qui ne contribue pas de manière significative à l'augmentation le nombre de lecteurs dans le pays. Grâce à l'analyse des slogans et la réception des sujets de recherche, nous nous rendons compte de la diversité et l'idéologie sont présents en elles, révélant tout le temps, la compréhension de la lecture comme une surface pratique, ne mettre en lumière certaines de ses fonctions Importantes au sein d‟um contexte éducatif plus large


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The construction of a mapping of the practices of reading and writing printed and digital texts, declared by graduating students from the Bachelor s degree in Science and Technology (BCT), has provided us the analysis of the course they are making in such a socio-historical moment characterized by the revolution of the post-paper. In this sense, the general objective of this research is to understand how that construction works under the point of view of those graduating students. For this, our reflection has been guided by the search of answers for some questions which have presented to us: what reading and writing conceptions BCT graduating students have; what reading and writing practices those collaborators develop; what collections they declare to have access to; what differences they declare to have between printed and digital reading and writing along the different social roles they develop; what the reader/writer identity relations of those collaborators are. To achieving the plausible answers, we have gathered a corpus composed by texts of three genres of the argument order: academic profiles (or self-portrait), opinion articles and argumentative letters. Besides, we have made semi-structured interviews and questionnaires in the online tool of the Google Docs. The methodology which supports this academic work is the qualitative research (SIGNORINI; CAVALCANTI, 1998)of ethnographic direction (THOMAS, 1993; ANDRÉ, 1995) in Applied Linguistics (CELANI, 2000; MOITA-LOPES, 2006) and the theoretical contribution comes from the bakhtinian perspective of language conception (BAKHTIN [1929] 1981); the socio-historical writing construction (LÉVY, 1996; CHARTIER, R., 1998, 2002, 2007; COSCARELLI, 2006; CHARTIER, A., 2007; ARAÚJO, 2007; COSCARELLI; RIBEIRO, 2007; XAVIER, 2009; MARCUSCHI; XAVIER, 2010); from the studies of the pedagogy of the writing (GIROUX, 1997); from the literacy studies understood as sociocultural practice, plural and situated (TFOUNI, 1988; KLEIMAN, 1995; TINOCO, 2003, 2008; OLIVEIRA; KLEIMAN, 2008), from the studies about identity in postmodernity (HALL, 2003; BAUMAN, 2005). The results of the analysis have pointed at a multiplicity of reading/writing practices of printed and digital texts developed by the BCT graduating students due to the coexistence of the modality printed and that one derived from the new mobile devices. In that multiplicity, the prevalent idea of the collaborators is that there is a continuum between printed texts and digital texts (not a dichotomy), since the option of reading/writing printed texts or digital ones is always linked to specific communication situations, which involve participants, objectives, strategies, values, (dis)advantages, besides (re)creation of discursive genres in function of the mobile devices to which those collaborators have access in the different spheres of activities that they participate. All of that has caused a deep intersection in the identity traces of college students readers/writers in the 21st century which cannot be ignored by academic formation


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Este estudio pretende dilucidar las motivaciones que llevan a los lectores del romance Grande Sertão: Veredas a la categorización de ciertas construcciones gramaticales que se encuentran en la obra como proverbiales. Para ello, recurren a la investigación de los procesos cognitivos implicados en la configuración del patrón discursivo proverbio, teniendo como soporte teórico a la Lingüística Cognitiva. En este empeño, nos ancoramos en las nociones de construcciones corporeizadas, simulación mental, frecuencia, patrón discursivo y en la expresión idiomática. Suponemos que los proverbios constituyen un patrón discursivo cristalizado a partir de la recurrencia de uso y, en virtud de eso, indagamos: ¿Qué mecanismos cognitivos son activados por los lectores en el proceso de categorización de las expresiones dichas proverbiales? Motivados por la situación problema presentada, formulamos algunos experimentos con la intención de aclarar las cuestiones investigadas y concluimos que los lectores recurren a constituciones construccionales subyacentes a los proverbios conocidos a través de las interacciones realizadas en su entorno sociocultural, para dar cuenta de la semántica de construcciones inéditas. En ese proceso, los esquemas y frames se activan a través de simulaciones mentales instanciadas por experiencias corporales y culturales, decisivas para la concretización de los procesos de las construcciones proverbiales


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This work brings some reading about a few Norte-rio-grandenses writers collaborations published in literary papers which circulated during the third decade of the twentieth century in Brazil, in a way of enlarging the understanding of how the cultural debate was carried out in the years of the definition of the Brazilian Modernism, based on the relationships between literature and culture. Under the genres of prose and poetry, the selected textual collaborations for analysis have brought the traces of a small group of articulated authors in the Brazilian cultural scenery from the 1920 s, concerning the issues of the modern (linked to the modernist renovation) and the regional (under the aspects of the tradition). The set of the analyzed collaborations is representative of a modern-regional cultural practice marked by a tendency either local or cosmopolitan, thus, sharing a large dimension of the formation of the modern literary tradition, marked by different kinds of practices which give form to the project of a collective national awareness. The characterization of the existence of an intellectual field with big links, however with its own characteristics and a certain autonomy, which also gets integrated to the cultural debate of the so-called modernist years through the literary vehicles, gives to these intellectual people a co-participation in the renewing movement in the formation context of the brazilian cultural modernity of the early twentieth century


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The present work makes some comments on the scattered productions of Gilberto Freyre and Luís da Câmara Cascudo, in the period which includes the early years of their intellectual performance, the second decade of the twentieth century. The corpus of the research is delimited on the texts published by Gilberto Freyre, from 1918 to 1926, which were gathered in the book Tempo de aprendiz (1979), and from the ones published by Câmara Cascudo in Natal local newpapers, such as A Imprensa and A República, in 1924, 1927, 1928 and 1929. Concerning Câmara Cascudo s texts, the delimitations of these years is due to they had a relevant importance for the literary and cultural history of Rio Grande do Norte. The included discussions in these writers texts mainly happen around the modernist and regionalist ideas that happened restrictively in the Northeast region of Brazil, and are based on the relationships between literature and culture. Thus, the set of collaborations of both writers is useful as a sample of the intellectual thinking of the mentioned region. Besides, it is representative in the way the cultural debate got along in the country, which in turn, demanded the inclusion of the local realities in order to follow the renewing process of the worldwide thinking, and as matter of fact, arrange a new process in the Brazilian literary tradition. In this way, the study goals to set the positions taken by the two writers faced to the new challenges that the Brazilian reality of that moment was imposed on. The theoretical basis of this work is focused on the accumulated studies about the Brazilians modernism, regionalism and literature, pointing out the Candido s texts, (2006, 2004, 2002, 1995, 1993 and 1989), Schwarz s (1999, 1997a and 1997b), Perrone- Moysés s (2007), Pallares-Burque s (2005), Azevedo s(1996), D Andrea s (1992), Araújo s (2006, 1998, 1997 and 1995), among other authors. Therefore, It is relevant the participation of both writers in that moment which highlights the renewing of the national thinking and the formation of the Brazilian cultural modernity, even the positions taken by them reveal, at times, different views concerning literature and tradition without being disagreeing, however


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In this work, we analyzed reading memories of mother language teachers in continuing education context. Our objective was to understand how each individual has built his/her reader image. Our theoretical approach to the construction of selfimage was based on the concept of discursive ethos, understanding it with Charaudeau (2006) as something constructed in the intersection of glances (of the self and the other). To understand how each teacher has built his/her reader image in that intertwining of glances (of the self and the other) we are on the contributions of Bakhtin (2003, 2010b) on exotopic glance or distant/external glance. Therefore, in the analysis, we tried to capture the exotopic glance of the teachers about themselves in the various stages of their reader formation and from our exotopic look of researcher; we gave provisional finish of the reader image that teachers built of themselves. For the analysis, we adopted other theoretical assumptions: about genres, theme, composition and style, statement and social voices we based on Bakhtin (1997, 2003, 2010a, 2010b); on the notion of the discursive ethos we anchored in studies conducted by Maingueneau (2008a, 2008b); about reading, we adopted the theoretical references of Rojo (2005, 2008, 2009a, 2009b, 2009c, 2009d), Garcez (2002), Freire (2008) and Silva Neto (2007). For the discursive genre reading memories makes reference to the theme memory as well as is related to the context of teacher training, the study was supported in Aragão (1992) and Nóvoa`s (2007) theory. Situated in the area of Applied Linguistics, the research aligns with qualitative-interpretative approach of socio-historical basis. Finally, from the analysis of the corpus, data that emerged from the findings, we conclude by stating that readers have created images of themselves as active readers, readers interested in both readings, the ones respected and the ones unappreciated by the official culture


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From the many weavers known, the Queen of Ithaca is certainly among the most famous.Over the years,many writers have dedicated themselves to retell the myth of Penelope in their works by their own way. According to Ute Heidmann, the modern writers recurrence to the Greek myths in order to produce their texts is a renewing discursive practice, which gives new writing and relevance to the myth. (2003, p.47). This work deals with a differential and discursive comparative analysis on the myth of Penelope linking it with two short stories from Brazilian authors: Penélope by João do Rio (1919) and Penélope by Dalton Trevisan (1959). In order to do it, we are supported by: the works of Heidmann (2003, 2006, 2008) and Maingueneau (2006). We also concentrate ourselves on the temporal trace presented in both Penelope s myth and in its modern rewriting so that we can identify how each configuration of the classical myth develops into one of the most celebrated acts of this myth: the waiting. In order to so, we seek support on the studies by Paul Ricoeur (2006), Hans Meyerhoff (1976) and Benedito Nunes (1988)


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This master s thesis aims at investigating the way in which diasporic subjects in the novel How the García Girls Lost their Accents (1992) cope with the clash of two cultures the Caribbean one, from the Dominican Republic, and the North-American one, from the U.S., as well as the implications of such negotiations in the lives of immigrants, once it apparently depicts the plight of those who are torn between mother-lands and mother-tongues (IYER, 1993, 46). At the same time, the implications of such negotiations in the lives of immigrants are relevant issues in the writing of Julia Alvarez. For this, there is the analysis of the uses of family memories as one of the main strategies immigrant writers possess to recall their identities. Moreover, this thesis will also consider the language issue for the construction of the immigrant identity insofar as bilingualism is a key factor in the negotiation the García girls must effect between their Caribbean and their American halves in order to understand where they stand in the contemporary world. In order to build a theoretical framework that supports this master s thesis, we list the works of Homi K. Bhabha (1990, 1996, 2003, 2005), Stuart Hall (2001, 2003), Julia Kristeva (1994), Salman Rushdie (1990, 1994), Sonia Torres (2001, 2003) among other contributions that were crucial to the completion of this academic research


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Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte


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The fictional work of the author Rubem Fonseca, since its debut in 1963, with the book of tales entitled Os Prisioneiros, it has been evoking a continuing interest in their readers and in the specialized criticism. The doctoral thesis entitled Por dentro da cidade solidão e marginalidade em Rubem Fonseca turns itself to his tale, it is considered by many as the most pungent of the author s literature. It is chosen a corpus of varied tales of the author, and still having as foundation the ideas from scholars of literary narratives, among them Antonio Candido (1980; 1987; 2006), Alfredo Bosi (1999; 2006) and still Walter Benjamin, (2000a; 2000b), the thesis discusses the contemporary Brazilian literature, more specifically the fonsequiana fiction, which exposes in an intense way the modern human condition in big cities: our dramas, inconstancies, desires and loneliness.


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La tese avvicina le Memorie dal carcere, di Graciliano Ramos e i Quaderni dal carcere di Antonio Gramsci, in una prospettiva in cui essi erano uniti per lo stesso ideale politico della prima metá del XX secolo e rappresentavano la resistenza intellettuale di fronte alla repressione. Entrambi furono vittime dell autoritarismo dei poteri fascisti e registrarono il periodo di prigione in differenti forme memorialistiche. Questi scrittori sono uniti anche per il contesto nazionale molto simile per la differenza economica tra le regioni. Condividono, inoltre, anche il concetto di arte e la certezza che l alienzazione dell intelligenza può essere superata solamente attraverso la ricostruzione delle basi nazionali per mezzo della conoscenza, dell educazione e della cultura. Si vuole mostrare come i concetti di Gramsci sono presenti non solo nella convinzione politica di Graciliano, ma in tutto il suo stile letterario memorialístico. Il lavoro, ancora, paragona le Memorie del carcere con due testi memorialistici di prigione in Italia, che sono Le mie prigioni, di Silvio Pellico, e Se questo è un uomo, di Primo Levi, per dimostrare che la proposta della letteratura gramsciana è molto più vicina allo scrittore brasiliano che ai due suoi conazionali.