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Ossification of the posterior longitudinal ligament (OPLL) is a significantly critical pathology that can eventually cause serious myelopathy. Ossification commences in the vertebral posterior longitudinal ligaments, and intensifies and spreads with the progression of the disease, resulting in osseous projections and compression of the spinal cord. However, the paucity of histological studies the underlying mechanisms of calcification and ossification processes remain obscure. The pathological process could be simulated in the ossifying process of the ligament in mutant spinal hyperostotic mouse (twy/twy). The aim of this study is to observe that enlargement of the nucleus pulposus followed by herniation, disruption and regenerative proliferation of annulus fibrosus cartilaginous tissues participated in the initiation of ossification of the posterior longitudinal ligament of twy/twy mice.
PURPOSE. It is well documented that myopia is associated with an increase in axial length or, more specifically, in vitreous chamber depth. Whether the transverse dimensions of the eye also increase in myopia is relevant to further understanding of its development. METHODS. The posterior retinal surface was localized in two-dimensional space in both eyes of young adult white and Taiwanese-Chinese iso- and anisomyopes (N = 56), from measured keratometry, A-scan ultrasonography, and central and peripheral refraction (±35°) data, with the aid of a computer modeling program designed for this purpose. Anisomyopes had 2 D or more interocular difference in their refractive errors, with mean values in their more myopic eyes of -5.57 D and in their less myopic eyes of -3.25 D, similar to the means of the two isomyopic groups. The derived retinal contours for the more and less myopic eyes were compared by way of investigating ocular shape changes that accompany myopia, in the posterior region of the vitreous chamber. The presence and size of optic disc crescents were also investigated as an index of retinal stretching in myopia. RESULTS. Relative to the less myopic eyes of anisometropic subjects, the more myopic eyes were more elongated and also distorted into a more prolate shape in both the white and Chinese groups. However, the Chinese eyes showed a greater and more uniform relative expansion of the posterior retinal surface in their more myopic eyes, and this was associated with larger optic disc crescents. The changes in the eyes of whites displayed a nasal-temporal axial asymmetry, reflecting greater enlargement of the nasal retinal sector. CONCLUSIONS. Myopia is associated with increased axial length and a prolate shape. This prolate shape is consistent with the proposed idea that axial and transverse dimensions of the eye are regulated differently. The observations that ocular shape changes are larger but more symmetrical in Chinese eyes than in eyes of whites warrant further investigation.
EU enlargement - to countries in Central and Eastern Europe in 2004, the inclusion of Bulgaria and Romania in 2007, and increasing debates on Turkey’s membership - has dramatically transformed the European Union into a multi-religious space. Religious communities are not only shaping identities but are also influential factors in political discourse. This edited volume examines the activities of religious actors in the context of supranational European institutions and the ways in which they have responded to the idea of Europe at local and international levels. By bringing together scholars working in political science, history, law and sociology, this volume analyses key religious factors in contemporary EU architecture, such as the transformation of religious identities, the role of political and religious leaders, EU legislation on religion, and, the activities of religious lobbies.
This thesis describes the development of a complete data visualisation system for large tabular databases, such as those commonly found in a business environment. A state-of-the-art 'cyberspace cell' data visualisation technique was investigated and a powerful visualisation system using it was implemented. Although allowing databases to be explored and conclusions drawn, it had several drawbacks, the majority of which were due to the three-dimensional nature of the visualisation. A novel two-dimensional generic visualisation system, known as MADEN, was then developed and implemented, based upon a 2-D matrix of 'density plots'. MADEN allows an entire high-dimensional database to be visualised in one window, while permitting close analysis in 'enlargement' windows. Selections of records can be made and examined, and dependencies between fields can be investigated in detail. MADEN was used as a tool for investigating and assessing many data processing algorithms, firstly data-reducing (clustering) methods, then dimensionality-reducing techniques. These included a new 'directed' form of principal components analysis, several novel applications of artificial neural networks, and discriminant analysis techniques which illustrated how groups within a database can be separated. To illustrate the power of the system, MADEN was used to explore customer databases from two financial institutions, resulting in a number of discoveries which would be of interest to a marketing manager. Finally, the database of results from the 1992 UK Research Assessment Exercise was analysed. Using MADEN allowed both universities and disciplines to be graphically compared, and supplied some startling revelations, including empirical evidence of the 'Oxbridge factor'.
The relationship between the religious and political fields in the Orthodox Church is defined by the concept of symphonia which dates back to the Byzantine Empire. The concept suggests that the religious and political authorities should work together in a symphonic agreement towards achieving the material and spiritual welfare of the faithful. This article argues that an investigation of the theory of sign and symbol offers a better understanding of symphonia and, in particular, of its relationship with the nation-building process. From this perspective, by corroborating the data provided by the European Values Survey from 1990 to 2000 with this theory, this article demonstrates that the enlargement of the European Union represents the most significant challenge to symphonia, shifting its national focus to a supranational level. © 2011 Taylor & Francis.
This thesis sets out to understand the act of migrating in a period of growing movement of people. It captures the subjective experience of individual migrants, as narrated in the migration stories of 32 “new” Polish migrants in the West Midlands region of England. Since the enlargement of the European Union in 2004, over half a million Poles have arrived and registered to work in the UK, constituting one of the largest migration movements in contemporary Britain and Europe. This influx of predominantly young migrants opened up public and academic debates regarding the social relations between the Polish migrants and the host society, their duration of stay, and the impact on the economy and social services. While a substantial amount of research has now been undertaken on this migration, this thesis highlights some of the significant features of migration to Britain and Europe today, namely its dynamic, fluid, complex and varied character. Through four themes of lived experience of migration, migration and mobility, gender, and return migration, this thesis uncovers and explores the phenomenon of post-2004 EU migration from the perspective of migrants themselves. Migrant stories in this thesis are linked with experiences and meanings of migration, but also migrants’ emotions, perceptions, views and opinions. By exploring individual journeys of migration and deliberating over the determinants and consequences of migration, this thesis asks how the processes of migration and mobility come into play in the everyday lives of migrant people, and how this impacts on questions of identity, home, belonging, gender, as well as return.
The 5th framework programme research project ACCESSLAB researches the capability of candidate countries’ regions to deal with asymmetric shocks. Its goal is to provide analysts and policy makers with research results relevant to the process of enlargement. The project takes a broad and comparative view of labour market adjustments to address these issues. It examines the topic from both a macroeconomic and microeconomic viewpoint. It considers different adjustment mechanisms in depth and compares results with the European Union. It draws on a) the experiences in transition countries in the last decade, b) the experience of German integration and c) the experiences of border regions to gain insights on the likely regional labour market effects of accession of the candidate countries.
The treatment of choroidal neovascularisation (CNV) secondary to pathological myopia has presented a number of problems to ophthalmologists over the years, but the advent of photodynamic therapy (PDT) with verteporfin has changed how we manage these patients. Until PDT became available, the use of laser photocoagulation for extra and juxtafoveal lesions had been shown to be effective in the short term in preventing loss of vision, although the risk of regrowth of CNV and undertreatment were well recognised. However, even in apparent successful cases of photocoagulation, laser scar enlargement and creepage into the fovea in the mid-to-long term often occurred with resulting loss of central vision.1 Other options for treatment were very limited with little evidence that other modalities such as transpupillary thermotherapy or submacular surgery and macular transplantation surgery would be successful in highly myopic eyes. The evidence for the role of PDT and verteporfin CNV secondary to pathological myopia comes from the verteporfin in photodynamic therapy (VIP) study that has shown how effective this treatment is in eyes with subfoveal CNV.2, 3 Now in this publication, Lam et al4 from Hong Kong have shown that PDT is also effective in juxtafoveal CNV, with high myopia. They performed a small prospective study of 11 patients of mean age 44.8 years, with 12 months of follow-up. They found that there was a mean improvement of 1.8 lines of LogMAR best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA) at 12 months, with a mean number of 2.3 PDT treatments. The most rapid improvement occurred within the first 3 months of treatment and by 12 months none of the patients had suffered a deterioration in BCVA from baseline. There were no cases of adverse effects from the infusion or laser treatment. For ophthalmologists dealing with patients with CNV secondary to causes other than AMD, this is further evidence of the effectiveness of PDT with verteporfin in maintaining vision. These patients are likely to be younger than those with AMD and are likely to be in active employment and supporting families, and clearly the preservation of best vision possible is imperative in this group. It is therefore encouraging for ophthalmologists in the United Kingdom that the verteporfin in PDT Cohort Study (VPDT Study) includes the ability to treat patients with subfoveal CNV secondary to high myopia if they fulfill National Institute of Clinical Excellence guidelines, and will allow representations to be made on an individual basis for treatment of juxtafoveal lesions.5 For those ophthalmologists used to juggling increased patient expectations with scarce NHS resources, this is promising news and will allow us to offer a better standard of care to our patients.
Reluctant donors? The Europeanization of international development policies in the New Member States
The European Union (EU) played an instrumental role in re-starting the international development policies in central and eastern European Member States, but questions remain about how far this policy area has been Europeanized since accession. Focusing on the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia, this article investigates why the new donors have been reluctant to adopt the EU's development acquis more fully. The article traces the socialization processes offered by the EU's development policy rule-making and subsequent national rule implementation. The conclusions reveal three reasons why socialization has been weak: perceptions among the new Member States on the procedural legitimacy of the development acquis; low domestic resonance with the development acquis; and inconsistencies in the activities of norm entrepreneurs. The article contributes to our understanding of development policy in the EU – particularly how decision-making takes place within the Council and its working groups post-enlargement.
MINERVA is a project funded by the European Commission IST Programme within the 5th Framework Programme. It created a network of EU Ministries and other agencies in charge of cultural policies and programmes, which is open to enlargement to new countries and new sectors of the civil society. The network discusses, correlates and harmonises the activities carried out in the field of digitisation of cultural and scientific heritage, aiming at creating a common European platform made up of agreed recommendations, guidelines, standards. The network acts also to foster collaboration between European Commission and Member States, to ensure awareness of European policies at national level, to exchange good practice, to coordinate national programmes in order to embed in national digitisation activities the technical results achieved by the network. Some main outcomes of the activities are presented.
Georgi Dimkov - Looking at the performance of a violonist we perceive that the four strings of the instrument produces tones different pitches. It is clear that the artist presses the strings on special places and that changes the pitch. These places are determined practically by the musicians. Is it possible to determine these places theoretically, from some abstract point of view? After the legend the first successive investigations in this field were done by Pythagoras. The development of the ideas for improvement and enlargement of the results of Pythagoras is the mane topic of the present paper.
This thesis examines the influence of non-state actors on Polish-German relations by considering foreign policy-making towards Poland in Germany and vice versa. The approach chosen for this thesis is interdisciplinary and takes into consideration literature from domestic politics (Area Studies), Foreign Policy Analysis and International Relations (IR). The thesis argues that IR, by purely looking into the quality of inter-state relations, too often treats these relations as a result of policies emanating from the relevant governments, without considering the policies’ background. Therefore, the thesis argues that it is necessary to engage with the domestic factors which might explain where foreign policies come from. It points out that non-state actors influence governments’ choices by supplying resources, and by cooperating or competing with the government on an issue at stake. In order to determine the degree of influence that non-state actors can have on foreign policymaking two variables are examined: the institutionalisation of the state relations in question; and the domestic structures of the relevant states. Specifically, the thesis examines the institutionalisation of Polish-German relations, and examines Germany’s and Poland’s domestic structures and their effect on the two states’ foreign policy-making in general. Thereafter, the thesis uses case studies in order to unravel the influence of non-state actors on specific foreign policies. Three case studies are examined in detail: (i) Poland’s EU accession negotiations with regard to the free movement of capital chapter of the acquis communautaire; (ii) Germany’s EU 2004 Eastern Enlargement negotiations with regard to the free movement of workers chapter of the acquis communautaire; and (iii) Germany’s decision to establsh a permanent exhibition in Berlin that will depict the expulsions of millions of Germans from the East following WWII.
An efficient route to stabilize alumina mesophases derived from evaporation-induced self-assembly is reported after investigating various aspects in-depth: influence of the solvent (EtOH, s-BuOH, and t-BuOH) on the textural and structural properties of the mesophases based on aluminum tri-sec-butoxide (ATSB), synthesis reproducibility, role of nonvolatile acids, and the crystallization and thermal stability of the crystalline counterparts. Mesophase specific surface area and pore uniformity depend notably on the solvent; s-BuOH yields the highest surface area and pore uniformity. The optimal mesophase synthesis is reproducible with standard deviations in the textural parameters below 5%. The most pore-uniform mesophases from the three solvents were thermally activated at 1023 K to crystallize them into γ-alumina. The s-BuOH mesophase is remarkably thermally stable, retaining the mesoscopic wormhole order with 300 m2/g (0.45 cm3/g) and an increased acidic site density. These features are not obtained with EtOH or t-BuOH, where agglomerated γ-Al2O3 crystallites are formed with lower surface areas and broader pore size distributions. This was rationalized by the increase of the hydrolysis rate using EtOH and t-BuOH. t-BuOH dehydrates under the synthesis conditions or reacts with HCl, situations that increase the water concentration and rate of hydrolysis. It was found that EtOH exchanges rapidly, producing a highly reactive Al-ethoxide, thus enhancing the hydrolysis rate as well. Particle heterogeneity with random packing of fibrous and wormhole morphologies, attributed to the high hydrolysis rate, was observed for mesophases derived from both solvents. Such a low particle coordination favors coarsening with enlargement of the pore size distribution upon thermal treatment, explaining the lower thermal stability. Controlled hydrolysis and formation of low-polymerized Al species in s-BuOH are possibly responsible for the adequate assembly onto the surfactant. This was verified by the formation of a regular distribution of relatively size-uniform nanoparticles in the mesophase; high particle coordination prevents coarsening, favors densification, and maintains a relatively uniform pore size distribution upon thermal treatment. The acid removal in the evaporation is another key factor to promote network condensation in this route. © 2013 American Chemical Society.
This paper assesses the impact of the 2008-09 global financial and economic crisis on the medium-term growth prospects of the countries of central and eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia, which began an economic transition about two decades ago. We use crosscountry growth regressions, putting special emphasis on a proper consideration of the crisis and robustness. We find that the crisis has had a major impact on the within-sample fit of the models used and that the positive impact of EU enlargement on growth is smaller than previous research has shown. The crisis has also altered the future growth prospects of the countries studied, even in the optimistic but unrealistic case of a return to pre-crisis capital inflows and credit booms.
The global economic and financial crisis has raised further concerns about the euro-entry criteria, in addition to other factors, such as the effective tightening of the criteria due to the enlargement of the EU from 12 to 27 members, the highly unfavourable property of business cycle dependence, the internal inconsistency of the criteria due to the structural price level convergence of Central and Eastern European countries, and the continuous violation of the criteria by euro-area members. The interest rate criterion became a highly volatile measure. Many US metropolitan areas would fail to qualify to be members of the US monetary union by applying the currently used inflation criterion to the US. It is time to reform the criteria and to strengthen their economic rationale within the legal framework of the EU treaty. A good solution would be to relate all criteria to the average of the euro area and simultaneously to extend the compliance period from the currently considered one year to a longer period.