947 resultados para Direct integration method


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In the case of quantum wells, the indium segregation leads to complex potential profiles that are hardly considered in the majority of the theoretical models. The authors demonstrated that the split-operator method is useful tool for obtaining the electronic properties in these cases. Particularly, they studied the influence of the indium surface segregation in optical properties of InGaAs/GaAs quantum wells. Photoluminescence measurements were carried out for a set of InGaAs/GaAs quantum wells and compared to the results obtained theoretically via split-operator method, showing a good agreement.


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This Letter reports the first direct observation of muon antineutrino disappearance. The MINOS experiment has taken data with an accelerator beam optimized for (nu) over bar (mu) production, accumulating an exposure of 1.71 x 10(20) protons on target. In the Far Detector, 97 charged current (nu) over bar (mu) events are observed. The no-oscillation hypothesis predicts 156 events and is excluded at 6.3 sigma. The best fit to oscillation yields vertical bar Delta(m) over bar (2)vertical bar = [3.36(-0.40)(+0.46)(stat) +/- 0.06(sys)] x 10(-3) eV(2), sin(2)(2 (theta) over bar) = 0.86(-0.12)(+0.11)(stat) +/- 0.01(syst). The MINOS nu(mu) and (nu) over bar (mu) measurements are consistent at the 2.0% confidence level, assuming identical underlying oscillation parameters.


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We present precise tests of CP and CPT symmetry based on the full data set of K -> pi pi decays collected by the KTeV experiment at Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory during 1996, 1997, and 1999. This data set contains 16 x 10(6) K -> pi(0)pi(0) and 69 x 10(6) K -> pi(+)pi(-) decays. We measure the direct CP violation parameter Re(epsilon'/epsilon) = (19.2 +/- 2.1) x 10(-4). We find the K(L) -> K(S) mass difference Delta m = (5270 +/- 12) x 10(6) (h) over tilde s(-1) and the K(S) lifetime tau(S) = (89.62 +/- 0.05) x 10(-12) s. We also measure several parameters that test CPT invariance. We find the difference between the phase of the indirect CP violation parameter epsilon and the superweak phase: phi(epsilon) - phi(SW) =(0.40 +/- 0.56)degrees. We measure the difference of the relative phases between the CP violating and CP conserving decay amplitudes for K -> pi(+)pi(-) (phi(+-)) and for K -> pi(0)pi(0) (phi(00)): Delta phi = (0.30 +/- 0.35)degrees. From these phase measurements, we place a limit on the mass difference between K(0) and (K) over bar (0): Delta M < 4.8 x 10(-19) GeV/c(2) at 95% C.L. These results are consistent with those of other experiments, our own earlier measurements, and CPT symmetry.


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We use the boundary effective theory approach to thermal field theory in order to calculate the pressure of a system of massless scalar fields with quartic interaction. The method naturally separates the infrared physics, and is essentially nonperturbative. To lowest order, the main ingredient is the solution of the free Euler-Lagrange equation with nontrivial (time) boundary conditions. We derive a resummed pressure, which is in good agreement with recent calculations found in the literature, following a very direct and compact procedure.


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Correlations of charged hadrons of 1< p(T) < 10 Gev/c with high pT direct photons and pi(0) mesons in the range 5< p(T) < 15 Gev/c are used to study jet fragmentation in the gamma + jet and dijet channels, respectively. The magnitude of the partonic transverse momentum, k(T), is obtained by comparing to a model incorporating a Gaussian kT smearing. The sensitivity of the associated charged hadron spectra to the underlying fragmentation function is tested and the data are compared to calculations using recent global fit results. The shape of the direct photon-associated hadron spectrum as well as its charge asymmetry are found to be consistent with a sample dominated by quark-gluon Compton scattering. No significant evidence of fragmentation photon correlated production is observed within experimental uncertainties.


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The production of e(+)e(-) pairs for m(e+e-) < 0.3 GeV/c(2) and 1< p(T) < 5 GeV/c is measured in p + p and Au + Au collisions at root s(NN) = 200 GeV. An enhanced yield above hadronic sources is observed. Treating the excess as photon internal conversions, the invariant yield of direct photons is deduced. In central Au + Au collisions, the excess of the direct photon yield over p + p is exponential in transverse momentum, with an inverse slope T = 221 +/- 19(stat) +/- 19(syst) MeV. Hydrodynamical models with initial temperatures ranging from T(init) similar to 300-600 MeV at times of similar to 0.6-0.15 fm/c after the collision are in qualitative agreement with the data. Lattice QCD predicts a phase transition to quark gluon plasma at similar to 170 MeV.


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PHENIX has measured the e(+)e(-) pair continuum in root s(NN) = 200 GeV Au+Au and p+p collisions over a wide range of mass and transverse momenta. The e(+)e(-) yield is compared to the expectations from hadronic sources, based on PHENIX measurements. In the intermediate-mass region, between the masses of the phi and the J/psi meson, the yield is consistent with expectations from correlated c (c) over bar production, although other mechanisms are not ruled out. In the low-mass region, below the phi, the p+p inclusive mass spectrum is well described by known contributions from light meson decays. In contrast, the Au+Au minimum bias inclusive mass spectrum in this region shows an enhancement by a factor of 4.7 +/- 0.4(stat) +/- 1.5(syst) +/- 0.9(model). At low mass (m(ee) < 0.3 GeV/c(2)) and high p(T) (1 < p(T) < 5 GeV/c) an enhanced e(+)e(-) pair yield is observed that is consistent with production of virtual direct photons. This excess is used to infer the yield of real direct photons. In central Au+Au collisions, the excess of the direct photon yield over the p+p is exponential in p(T), with inverse slope T = 221 +/- 19(stat) +/- 19(syst) MeV. Hydrodynamical models with initial temperatures ranging from T(init) similar or equal to 300-600 MeV at times of 0.6-0.15 fm/c after the collision are in qualitative agreement with the direct photon data in Au+Au. For low p(T) < 1 GeV/c the low-mass region shows a further significant enhancement that increases with centrality and has an inverse slope of T similar or equal to 100 MeV. Theoretical models underpredict the low-mass, low-p(T) enhancement.


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This is a more detailed version of our recent paper where we proposed, from first principles, a direct method for evaluating the exact fermion propagator in the presence of a general background field at finite temperature. This can, in turn, be used to determine the finite temperature effective action for the system. As applications, we discuss the complete one loop finite temperature effective actions for 0+1 dimensional QED as well as for the Schwinger model in detail. These effective actions, which are derived in the real time (closed time path) formalism, generate systematically all the Feynman amplitudes calculated in thermal perturbation theory and also show that the retarded (advanced) amplitudes vanish in these theories. Various other aspects of the problem are also discussed in detail.


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We use the density functional theory/local-density approximation (DFT/LDA)-1/2 method [L. G. Ferreira , Phys. Rev. B 78, 125116 (2008)], which attempts to fix the electron self-energy deficiency of DFT/LDA by half-ionizing the whole Bloch band of the crystal, to calculate the band offsets of two Si/SiO(2) interface models. Our results are similar to those obtained with a ""state-of-the-art"" GW approach [R. Shaltaf , Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 186401 (2008)], with the advantage of being as computationally inexpensive as the usual DFT/LDA. Our band gap and band offset predictions are in excellent agreement with experiments.


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In this work, we demonstrate field-induced Bose-Einstein condensation (BEC) in the organic compound NiCl(2)-4SC(NH(2))(2) using ac susceptibility measurements down to 1 mK. The Ni S=1 spins exhibit 3D XY antiferromagnetism between a lower critical field H(c1)similar to 2 T and a upper critical field H(c2)similar to 12 T. The results show a power-law temperature dependence of the phase transition line H(c1)(T)-H(c1)(0)=aT(alpha) with alpha=1.47 +/- 0.10 and H(c1)(0)=2.053 T, consistent with the 3D BEC universality class. Near H(c2), a kink was found in the phase boundary at approximately 150 mK.


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We demonstrate that the short-range spin correlator < S(i)center dot S(j)>, a fundamental measure of the interaction between adjacent spins, can be directly measured in certain insulating magnets. We present magnetostriction data for the insulating organic compound NiCl(2)-4SC(NH(2))(2), and show that the magnetostriction as a function of field is proportional to the dominant short-range spin correlator. Furthermore, the constant of proportionality between the magnetostriction and the spin correlator gives information about the spin-lattice interaction. Combining these results with the measured Young's modulus, we are able to extract dJ/dz, the dependence of the superexchange constant J on the Ni interionic distance z.


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Charged-particle spectra associated with direct photon (gamma(dir)) and pi(0) are measured in p + p and Au + Au collisions at center-of-mass energy root(S)(NN) = 200 GeV with the STAR detector at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider. A shower-shape analysis is used to partially discriminate between gamma(dir) and pi(0). Assuming no associated charged particles in the gamma(dir) direction ( near side) and small contribution from fragmentation photons (gamma(frag)), the associated charged-particle yields opposite to gamma(dir) (away side) are extracted. In central Au + Au collisions, the charged-particle yields at midrapidity (vertical bar eta vertical bar < 1) and high transverse momentum (3 < (assoc)(PT) < 16 GeV/c) associated with gamma(dir) and pi(0) (vertical bar eta vertical bar < 0.9, 8 < (trig)(PT) < 16 GeV/c) are suppressed by a factor of 3-5 compared with p + p collisions. The observed suppression of the associated charged particles is similar for gamma(dir) and pi(0) and independent of the gamma(dir) energy within uncertainties. These measurements indicate that, in the kinematic range covered and within our current experimental uncertainties, the parton energy loss shows no sensitivity to the parton initial energy, path length, or color charge.


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We report a measurement of high-p(T) inclusive pi(0), eta, and direct photon production in p + p and d + Au collisions at root s(NN) = 200 GeV at midrapidity (0 < eta < 1). Photons from the decay pi(0) -> gamma gamma were detected in the barrel electromagnetic calorimeter of the STAR experiment at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider. The eta -> gamma gamma decay was also observed and constituted the first eta measurement by STAR. The first direct photon cross-section measurement by STAR is also presented; the signal was extracted statistically by subtracting the pi(0), eta, and omega(782) decay background from the inclusive photon distribution observed in the calorimeter. The analysis is described in detail, and the results are found to be in good agreement with earlier measurements and with next-to-leading-order perturbative QCD calculations.


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The masses of neutron-deficient nuclides near the N=Z line with A=64-80 have been determined using a direct time-of-flight technique which employed a cyclotron as a high-resolution spectrometer. The measured atomic masses for (68)Se and (80)Y were 67.9421(3) u and 79.9344(2) u, respectively. The new values agree with the 2003 Atomic Mass Evaluation. The result for (68)Se confirms that this nucleus is a waiting point of the rp-process, and that for (80)Y resolves the conflict between earlier measurements. Using the present results and the 2003 Atomic Mass Evaluation compilation, the empirical interaction between the last proton and the last neutron in N=Z nuclei has been revisited and extended.


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We investigate the quantum integrability of the Landau-Lifshitz (LL) model and solve the long-standing problem of finding the local quantum Hamiltonian for the arbitrary n-particle sector. The particular difficulty of the LL model quantization, which arises due to the ill-defined operator product, is dealt with by simultaneously regularizing the operator product and constructing the self-adjoint extensions of a very particular structure. The diagonalizibility difficulties of the Hamiltonian of the LL model, due to the highly singular nature of the quantum-mechanical Hamiltonian, are also resolved in our method for the arbitrary n-particle sector. We explicitly demonstrate the consistency of our construction with the quantum inverse scattering method due to Sklyanin [Lett. Math. Phys. 15, 357 (1988)] and give a prescription to systematically construct the general solution, which explains and generalizes the puzzling results of Sklyanin for the particular two-particle sector case. Moreover, we demonstrate the S-matrix factorization and show that it is a consequence of the discontinuity conditions on the functions involved in the construction of the self-adjoint extensions.