939 resultados para Daytime running lamps.
Much has been written about the Semantic Web, on the theory, its possible applications, how to implement it, how to make it effective and commercially attractive ... However, this work aims to be more specific. It is attempted to address a detailed analysis of the technologies that use concepts and tools of the Semantic Web, verifying their actual usefulness, quantifying as far as possible the impact and trying to extrapolate data about its future.It will be an analysis of what the Semantic Web is, how it is defined, which languages are the most appropriate for their development, the commercial applications that can be developed with Semantic Web technology, the applications that are currently running with this technology what kind of deployment of the Semantic Web currently exists, the real use of the Semantic Web technology...
Traditionally, Live High-Train High (LHTH) interventions were adopted when athletes trained and lived at altitude to try maximising the benefits offered by hypoxic exposure and improving sea level performance. Nevertheless, scientific research has proposed that the possible benefits of hypoxia would be offset by the inability to maintain high training intensity at altitude. However, elite athletes have been rarely recruited as an experimental sample, and training intensity has almost never been monitored during altitude research. This case study is an attempt to provide a practical example of successful LHTH interventions in two Olympic gold medal athletes. Training diaries were collected and total training volumes, volumes at different intensities, and sea level performance recorded before, during and after a 3-week LHTH camp. Both athletes successfully completed the LHTH camp (2090 m) maintaining similar absolute training intensity and training volume at high-intensity (> 91% of race pace) compared to sea level. After the LHTH intervention both athletes obtained enhancements in performance and they won an Olympic gold medal. In our opinion, LHTH interventions can be used as a simple, yet effective, method to maintain absolute, and improve relative training intensity in elite endurance athletes. Key PointsElite endurance athletes, with extensive altitude training experience, can maintain similar absolute intensity during LHTH compared to sea level.LHTH may be considered as an effective method to increase relative training intensity while maintaining the same running/walking pace, with possible beneficial effects on sea level performance.Training intensity could be the key factor for successful high-level LHTH camp.
This study examined gross motor performance of 101 typically developing children between 3 and 5 years of age (48 boys, 53 girls, M age = 3.9 yr., SD = 0.5). All children performed 7 different gross motor tasks which were rated on a 5-point scale. Age and sex were assessed by an ordinal-logistic model, and odds ratios were calculated for each task using age and sex as covariates. For standing on one leg, walking on a beam, hopping on one leg, running, and taking stairs, statistically significant age differences were found, while for rising and jumping down, none were apparent. Mean motor performance did not differ between boys and girls on the tasks. The older the children were, the better they performed on the tasks.
Remote control systems are a very useful element to control and monitor devices quickly and easily. This paper proposes a new architecture for remote control of Android mobile devices, analyzing the different alternatives and seeking the optimal solution in each case. Although the area of remote control, in case of mobile devices, has been little explored, it may provide important advantages for testing software and hardware developments in several real devices. It can also allow an efficient management of various devices of different types, perform forensic security tasks, etc ... The main idea behind the proposed architecture was the design of a system to be used as a platform which provides the services needed to perform remote control of mobile devices. As a result of this research, a proof of concept was implemented. An Android application running a group of server programs on the device, connected to the network or USB interface, depending on availability. This servers can be controlled through a small client written in Java and runnable both on desktop and web systems.
This article aims to present the current knowledge on physiological requirements in Olympic distance and Ironman triathlon. Showing the data available from a "traditional point of view" (aerobic power, anaerobic threshold, heart rate, running economy) and from a "contemporary" point of view (V̇O2 kinetics), it emphasises where we are currently and the areas that remain unknown.
Aquest treball presenta una anàlisi d’aspectes sempre problemàtics en traducció, i encara més en doblatge, mitjançant exemples extrets de traduccions reals del primer i segon capítols de la sèrie catalana Polseres Vermelles. Aquests aspectes són: el llenguatge col•loquial, l’humor, la intertextualitat, els referents culturals i l’expressió d’estats d’ànim.
Background Chronic alcohol ingestion may cause severe biochemical and pathophysiological derangements to skeletal muscle. Unfortunately, these alcohol-induced events may also prime skeletal muscle for worsened, delayed, or possibly incomplete repair following acute injury. As alcoholics may be at increased risk for skeletal muscle injury, our goals were to identify the effects of chronic alcohol ingestion on components of skeletal muscle regeneration. To accomplish this, age- and gender-matched C57Bl/6 mice were provided normal drinking water or water that contained 20% alcohol (v/v) for 1820 wk. Subgroups of mice were injected with a 1.2% barium chloride (BaCl2) solution into the tibialis anterior (TA) muscle to initiate degeneration and regeneration processes. Body weights and voluntary wheel running distances were recorded during the course of recovery. Muscles were harvested at 2, 7 or 14 days post-injection and assessed for markers of inflammation and oxidant stress, fiber cross-sectional areas, levels of growth and fibrotic factors, and fibrosis. Results Body weights of injured, alcohol-fed mice were reduced during the first week of recovery. These mice also ran significantly shorter distances over the two weeks following injury compared to uninjured, alcoholics. Injured TA muscles from alcohol-fed mice had increased TNFα and IL6 gene levels compared to controls 2 days after injury. Total protein oxidant stress and alterations to glutathione homeostasis were also evident at 7 and 14 days after injury. Ciliary neurotrophic factor (CNTF) induction was delayed in injured muscles from alcohol-fed mice which may explain, in part, why fiber cross-sectional area failed to normalize 14 days following injury. Gene levels of TGFβ1 were induced early following injury before normalizing in muscle from alcohol-fed mice compared to controls. However, TGFβ1 protein content was consistently elevated in injured muscle regardless of diet. Fibrosis was increased in injured, muscle from alcohol-fed mice at 7 and 14 days of recovery compared to injured controls. Conclusions Chronic alcohol ingestion appears to delay the normal regenerative response following significant skeletal muscle injury. This is evidenced by reduced cross-sectional areas of regenerated fibers, increased fibrosis, and altered temporal expression of well-described growth and fibrotic factors.
Phase 2 of the Saylor Creek Improvement Project is focused on channel restoration. The existing stream channel is generally incised, running through areas primarily covered with heavy trees, brush and weeds. The ravine ranges from 6 to 20 feet deep through the corridor with very steep slopes in several areas. In two areas storm outlets are undercut or suspended above the channel. Tall undercut, eroded banks exist along several of the outside bends. Sediment deposition on the inside bends limits the cross-section of the channel, increasing flow velocity and forcing this faster flow toward the eroded outside bank. A wide array of practices will need to be implemented to address channel erosion. Improvements will be specifically tailored to address problems observed at each bend. The result will be a channel with a more natural appearance, and reduced use of hard armor and revetment. Some sections will require minimal grading with removal of underbrush for improved maintenance access and more sun exposure, better allowing deep rooted plants and flowers to establish to provide further erosion protection. Straight sections with steep banks will require grading to pull back slopes, increasing the creek's capacity to convey storm flows at slower velocities. Sections with sharp bends will require slope pull back and armor protection. A constructed wetland will collect and treat runoff from a small sub-watershed, before being discharged into the main tributary.
24S- and 27-hydroxycholesterol are obligatory intermediates of cholesterol catabolism and play an important role in the maintenance of whole-body cholesterol homeostasis. Using an HPLC-MS method for oxysterol quantification, the distribution of esterified and unesterified oxysterols in lipoprotein subfractions as well as the influence of daytime, food intake and menstrual cycle on oxysterol concentrations were investigated in healthy volunteers. Moreover, reference intervals for 24S- and 27-hydroxycholesterol in plasma as well as the corresponding levels for 27-hydroxycholesterol in the HDL subfraction were established in 100 healthy volunteers. Both circulating oxysterols are mainly transported in association with HDL and LDL--primarily in the esterified form. No significant diurnal changes and no variations during menstrual cycle of either absolute or cholesterol-related plasma levels were detected. In contrast to 24S-hydroxycholesterol in plasma and 27-hydroxycholesterol in the HDL subfraction, the 95% reference intervals of 27-hydroxycholesterol both in plasma and the non-HDL subfraction were higher in males than in females. The concentrations of 27-hydroxycholesterol in plasma and the non-HDL subfraction showed strong positive correlations with the concentrations of cholesterol, non-HDL cholesterol and triglycerides. Our data on the lipoprotein distribution of oxysterols as well as on their intra- and inter-individual variation set the stage for future clinical studies.
New reconstructions of the Western Alps from late Early Jurassic till early Tertiary are proposed. These reconstructions use deep lithospheric data gathered through recent seismic surveys and tomographic studies carried out in the Alps. The present day position, under the Po plain, of the southern limit of the European plate (fig. 1), allows to define the former geometry of the Brianconnais peninsula. The Brianconnais domain is regarded as an exotic terrane formerly belonging to the European margin until Late Jurassic, then transported eastward during the drift of Iberia (fig. 5). Therefore, on a present day Western Alps cross section, a duplication of the European continental margin can be recognized (fig. 10). Stratigraphic and sedimentological data along a zone linking the Pyrenean fracture zone to the Brianconnais, can be related to a rifting event starting in Oxfordian time. This event is responsible for the Late Jurassic till mid-Cretaceous drift of Iberia opening, first the northern Atlantic, then the Gulf of Biscay. Simultaneously, the drift of the Brianconnais will open the Valais ocean and close the Piemontese ocean. The resulting oblique collision zone between the Brianconnais and the Apulian margin generates HP/LT metamorphism starting in Early Cretaceous. The eastward drift of the Brianconnais peninsula will eventually bring it in front of a more northerly segment of the former European margin. The thrusting of the Brianconnais unto that margin takes place in early Tertiary (fig. 9), following the subduction of the Valais ocean. The present nappe pile results not only from continent/continent frontal collision, but also from important lateral displacement of terranes, the most important one being the Brianconnais. The dilemma of `'en echelon'' oceanic domains in the Alps is an outcome of these translations. A solution is found when considering the opening of a Cretaceous Valais ocean across the European margin, running out eastward into the Piemontese ocean, where the drift is taken up along a former transform fault and compensated by subduction under the Apulian margin (fig. 8). In the Western Alps we are then dealing with two oceans, the Piemontese and the Valaisan and a duplicated European margin. In the Eastern Alps the single Piemontese ocean is cut by newly created oceanic crust. All these elements will be incorporated into the Penninic structural domain which does not represent a former unique paleogeographic area, it is a composite accretionary domain squeezed between Europe and Apulia.
Part 6 of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) describes several types of channelizing devices that can be used to warn road users and guide them through work zones; these devices include cones, tubular markers, vertical panels, drums, barricades, and temporary raised islands. On higher speed/volume roadways, drums and/or vertical panels have been popular choices in many states, due to their formidable appearance and the enhanced visibility they provide when compared to standard cones. However, due to their larger size, drums also require more effort and storage space to transport, deploy and retrieve. Recent editions of the MUTCD have introduced new devices for channelizing; specifically of interest for this study is a taller (>36 inches) but thinner cone. While this new device does not offer a comparable target value to that of drums, the new devices are significantly larger than standard cones and they offer improved stability as well. In addition, these devices are more easily deployed and stored than drums and they cost less. Further, for applications previously using both drums and tall cones, the use of tall cones only provides the ability for delivery and setup by a single vehicle. An investigation of the effectiveness of the new channelizing devices provides a reference for states to use in selecting appropriate traffic control for high speed, high volume applications, especially for short term or limited duration exposures. This study includes a synthesis of common practices by state DOTs, as well as daytime and nighttime field observations of driver reactions using video detection equipment. The results of this study are promising for the day and night performance of the new tall cones, comparing favorably to the performance of drums when used for channelizing in tapers. The evaluation showed no statistical difference in merge distance and location, shy distance, or operating speed in either daytime or nighttime conditions. The study should provide a valuable resource for state DOTs to utilize in selecting the most effective channelizing device for use on high speed/high volume roadways where timely merging by drivers is critical to safety and mobility.
We investigated the changes in both performance and selected physiological parameters following a Live High-Train Low (LHTL) altitude camp in either normobaric hypoxia (NH) or hypobaric hypoxia (HH) replicating current "real" practices of endurance athletes. Well-trained triathletes were split into two groups (NH, n = 14 and HH, n = 13) and completed an 18-d LHTL camp during which they trained at 1100-1200 m and resided at an altitude of 2250 m (PiO2 = 121.7±1.2 vs. 121.4±0.9 mmHg) under either NH (hypoxic chamber; FiO2 15.8±0.8%) or HH (real altitude; barometric pressure 580±23 mmHg) conditions. Oxygen saturations (SpO2) were recorded continuously daily overnight. PiO2 and training loads were matched daily. Before (Pre-) and 1 day after (Post-) LHTL, blood samples, VO2max, and total haemoglobin mass (Hbmass) were measured. A 3-km running test was performed near sea level twice before, and 1, 7, and 21 days following LHTL. During LHTL, hypoxic exposure was lower for the NH group than for the HH group (220 vs. 300 h; P<0.001). Night SpO2 was higher (92.1±0.3 vs. 90.9±0.3%, P<0.001), and breathing frequency was lower in the NH group compared with the HH group (13.9±2.1 vs. 15.5±1.5 breath.min-1, P<0.05). Immediately following LHTL, similar increases in VO2max (6.1±6.8 vs. 5.2±4.8%) and Hbmass (2.6±1.9 vs. 3.4±2.1%) were observed in NH and HH groups, respectively, while 3-km performance was not improved. However, 21 days following the LHTL intervention, 3-km run time was significantly faster in the HH (3.3±3.6%; P<0.05) versus the NH (1.2±2.9%; ns) group. In conclusion, the greater degree of race performance enhancement by day 21 after an 18-d LHTL camp in the HH group was likely induced by a larger hypoxic dose. However, one cannot rule out other factors including differences in sleeping desaturations and breathing patterns, thus suggesting higher hypoxic stimuli in the HH group.
The discussion about setting up a program for lung cancer screening was launched with the publication of the results of the National Lung Screening Trial, which suggested reduced mortality in high-risk subjects undergoing CT screening. However, important questions about the benefit-harm balance and the details of a screening program and its cost-effectiveness remain unanswered. A panel of specialists in chest radiology, respiratory medicine, epidemiology, and thoracic surgery representing all Swiss university hospitals prepared this joint statement following several meetings. The panel argues that premature and uncontrolled introduction of a lung cancer screening program may cause substantial harm that may remain undetected without rigorous quality control. This position paper focuses on the requirements of running such a program with the objective of harmonizing efforts across the involved specialties and institutions and defining quality standards. The underlying statement includes information on current evidence for a reduction in mortality with lung cancer screening and the potential epidemiologic implications of such a program in Switzerland. Furthermore, requirements for lung cancer screening centers are defined, and recommendations for both the CT technique and the algorithm for lung nodule assessment are provided. In addition, related issues such as patient management, registry, and funding are addressed. Based on the current state of the knowledge, the panel concludes that lung cancer screening in Switzerland should be undertaken exclusively within a national observational study in order to provide answers to several critical questions before considering broad population-based screening for lung cancer.
This bachelor's degree thesis deals with homomorphic public-key cryptography, or in other words cryptosystems with special addition properties. Such cryptosystems are widely used in real life situations, for instance to make electronic voting secure. In Chapter 1 a few basic algebra results and other key concepts are introduced. Chapters 2 and 3 contain the algorithms and properties of the two cryptosystems which are considered to be the best for e-voting: Paillier and Joye-Libert. The thesis is concluded in Chapter 4, by comparing running times of the two above-mentioned cryptosystems, in simulations of real-life e-voting systems, with up to tens of thousands of voters, and different levels of security. Through these simulations, we discern the situations where each of the two cryptosystems is preferable.
Two lanes of a major four lane arterial street needed to be reconstructed in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. The traffic volumes and difficulty of detouring the traffic necessitated closure for construction be held to an absolute minimum. Closure of the intersections, even for one day, was not politically feasible. Therefore, Fast Track and Fast Track II was specified for the project. Fast Track concrete paving has been used successfully in Iowa since 1986. The mainline portion of the project was specified to be Fast Track and achieved the opening strength of 400 psi in less than twelve hours. The intersections were allowed to be closed between 6 PM and 6 AM. This could occur twice - once to remove the old pavement and place the base and temporary surface and the second time to pave and cure the new concrete. The contractor was able to meet these restrictions. The Fast Track II used in the intersections achieved the opening strength of 350 psi in six to seven hours. Two test sections were selected in the mainline Fast Track and two intersections were chosen to test the Fast Tract II. Both flexural and compression specimens were tested. Pulse velocity tests were conducted on the pavement and test specimens. Maturity curves were developed through monitoring of the temperatures. Correlations were performed between the maturity and pulse velocity and the flexural strengths. The project was successful in establishing the feasibility of construction at night, with no disruption of traffic in the daytime, using fast Track II. Both the Fast Track II pavements were performing well four years after construction.