Anàlisi del doblatge al castellà de la sèrie Polseres Vermelles

Autoria(s): Ginovart Cid, Clara



Aquest treball presenta una anàlisi d’aspectes sempre problemàtics en traducció, i encara més en doblatge, mitjançant exemples extrets de traduccions reals del primer i segon capítols de la sèrie catalana Polseres Vermelles. Aquests aspectes són: el llenguatge col•loquial, l’humor, la intertextualitat, els referents culturals i l’expressió d’estats d’ànim.

Colloquialism, humour, intertextuality, cultural references and feelings expressedthrough language are five of the most polemic aspects in general and audiovisualtranslation. Yet, these concepts have not been analysed deeply enough, so there arestill techniques and elements that can help or influence the translation that should bedefined. It is necessary to analyse in detail each one of these concepts in order toestablish which steps should be taken when translating them. To reach that, I willcarry out an extraction of tokens from the TV series Polseres vermelles and I will choosethe most representative ones for pragmatic, communicative, and semioticdimensions. Afterwards, I am going to classify them according to thoseaforementioned polemic aspects and I am going to comment them individually.The present dissertation, with descriptive aims, shows some results that may not beexpectable in Catalan-Spanish audiovisual translation, not much frequent and at firstsight, or thought, not much difficult. Therefore, the great number of modulationsand changes produced in the translation when compared to the original, and the factthat these variations are not always acceptable make think that this domain needsmore experience and running-in, as well as more research, both academic anddidactic. From a descriptive approach, this paper shows a list of chosen examplesthat are going to prove that the aforementioned aspects may suppose difficulties forthe translator for the dubbed version or, at least, are to be given special attention(particularly when, like here, some constraints exist).





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Palavras-Chave #Doblatge #Català -- Traducció al castellà
