963 resultados para DIVERGENCE
O gene ataxin-3 (ATXN3; 14q32.1) codifica uma proteína expressa ubiquamente, envolvida na via ubiquitina-proteassoma e na repressão da transcrição. Grande relevância tem sido dada ao gene ATXN3 após a identificação de uma expansão (CAG)n na sua região codificante, responsável pela ataxia mais comum em todo o mundo, SCA3 ou doença de Machado-Joseph (DMJ). A DMJ é uma doença neurodegenerativa, autossómica dominante, de início tardio. O tamanho do alelo expandido explica apenas uma parte do pleomorfismo da doença, evidenciando a importância do estudo de outros modificadores. Em doenças de poliglutaminas (poliQ), a toxicidade é causada por um ganho de função da proteína expandida; no entanto, a proteína normal parece ser, também, um dos agentes modificadores da patogénese. O gene ATXN3 possui dois parálogos humanos gerados por retrotransposição: ataxin-3 like (ATXN3L) no cromossoma X, e LOC100132280, ainda não caracterizado, no cromossoma 8. Estudos in vitro evidenciaram a capacidade da ATXN3L para clivar cadeias de ubiquitina, sendo o seu domínio proteolítico mais eficiente do que o domínio da ATXN3 parental. O objetivo deste estudo foi explorar a origem e a evolução das retrocópias ATXN3L e LOC100132280 (aqui denominadas ATXN3L1 e ATXN3L2), assim como testar a relevância funcional de ambas através de abordagens evolutivas e funcionais. Deste modo, para estudar a divergência evolutiva dos páralogos do gene ATXN3: 1) analisaram-se as suas filogenias e estimou-se a data de origem dos eventos de retrotransposição; 2) avaliaram-se as pressões seletivas a que têm sido sujeitos os três parálogos, ao longo da evolução dos primatas; e 3) explorou-se a evolução das repetições CAG, localizadas em três contextos genómicos diferentes, provavelmente sujeitos a diferentes pressões seletivas. Finalmente, para o retrogene que conserva uma open reading frame (ORF) intacta, ATXN3L1, analisou-se, in silico, a conservação dos locais e domínios proteicos da putativa proteína. Ademais, para este retrogene, foi estudado o padrão de expressão de mRNA, através da realização de PCR de Transcriptase Reversa, em 16 tecidos humanos. Os resultados obtidos sugerem que dois eventos independentes de retrotransposição estiveram na origem dos retrogenes ATXN3L1 e ATXN3L2, tendo o primeiro ocorrido há cerca de 63 milhões de anos (Ma) e o segundo após a divisão Platirrínios-Catarrínios, há cerca de 35 Ma. Adicionalmente, outras retrocópias foram encontradas em primatas e outros mamíferos, correspondendo, no entanto, a eventos mais recentes e independentes de retrotransposição. A abordagem evolutiva mostrou a existência de algumas constrições selectivas associadas à evolução do gene ATXN3L1, à semelhança do que acontece com ATXN3. Por outro lado, ATXN3L2 adquiriu codões stop prematuros que, muito provavelmente, o tornaram num pseudogene processado. Os resultados da análise de expressão mostraram que o gene ATXN3L1 é transcrito, pelo menos, em testículo humano; no entanto, a optimização final da amplificação específica dos transcriptos ATXN3L1 permitirá confirmar se a expressão se estende a outros tecidos. Relativamente ao mecanismo de mutação inerente à repetição CAG, os dois parálogos mostraram diferentes padrões de evolução: a retrocópia ATXN3L1 é altamente interrompida e pouco polimórfica, enquanto a ATXN3L2 apresenta tratos puros de (CAG)n em algumas espécies e tratos hexanucleotídicos de CGGCAG no homem e no chimpanzé. A recente aquisição da repetição CGGCAG pode ter resultado de uma mutação inicial de CAG para CGG, seguida de instabilidade que proporcionou a expansão dos hexanucleótidos.Estudos futuros poderão ser realizados no sentido de confirmar o padrão de expressão do gene ATXN3L1 e de detetar proteína endógena in vivo. Adicionalmente, a caracterização da proteina ataxina-3 like 1 e dos seus interatores moleculares poderá povidenciar informação acerca da sua relevância no estado normal e patológico.
Forest fires implications in overland flow and soil erosion have been researched for several years. Therefore, is widely known that fires enhance hydrological and geomorphological activity worldwide as also in Mediterranean areas. Soil burn severity has been widely used to describe the impacts of fire on soils, and has being recognized as a decisive factor controlling post-fire erosion rates. However, there is no unique definition of the term and the relationship between soil burn severity and post-fire hydrological and erosion response has not yet been fully established. Few studies have assessed post-fire erosion over multiple years, and the authors are aware of none which assess runoff. Small amount of studies concerning pre-fire management practices were also found. In the case of soil erosion models, the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE) and the revised Morgan–Morgan–Finney (MMF) are well-known models, but not much information is available as regards their suitability in predicting post-fire soil erosion in forest soils. The lack of information is even more pronounced as regards post-fire rehabilitation treatments. The aim of the thesis was to perform an extensive research under the post fire hydrologic and erosive response subject. By understanding the effect of burn severity in ecosystems and its implications regarding post fire hydrological and erosive responses worldwide. Test the effect of different pre-fire land management practices (unplowed, downslope plowed and contour plowed) and time-since-fire, in the post fire hydrological and erosive response, between the two most common land uses in Portugal (pine and eucalypt). Assess the performance of two widely-known erosion models (RUSLE and Revised MMF), to predict soil erosion rates during first year following two wildfires of distinctive burn severity. Furthermore, to apply these two models considering different post-fire rehabilitation treatments in an area severely affected by fire. Improve model estimations of post-fire runoff and erosion rates in two different land uses (pine and eucalypt) using the revised MMF. To assess these improvements by comparing estimations and measurements of runoff and erosion, in two recently burned sites, as also with their post fire rehabilitation treatments. Model modifications involved: (1) focusing on intra-annual changes in parameters to incorporate seasonal differences in runoff and erosion; and (2) inclusion of soil water repellency in runoff predictions. Additionally, validate these improvements with the application of the model to other pine and eucalypt sites in Central Portugal. The review and meta-analysis showed that fire occurrence had a significant effect on the hydrological and erosive response. However, this effect was only significantly higher with increasing soil burn severity for inter-rill erosion, and not for runoff. This study furthermore highlighted the incoherencies between existing burn severity classifications, and proposed an unambiguous classification. In the case of the erosion plots with natural rainfall, land use factor affected annual runoff while land management affected both annual runoff and erosion amounts significantly. Time-since-fire had an important effect in erosion amounts among unplowed sites, while for eucalypt sites time affected both annual runoff and erosion amounts. At all studied sites runoff coefficients increase over the four years of monitoring. In the other hand, sediment concentration in the runoff, recorded a decrease during the same period. Reasons for divergence from the classic post-fire recovery model were also explored. Short fire recurrence intervals and forest management practices are viewed as the main reasons for the observed severe and continuing soil degradation. The revised MMF model presented reasonable accuracy in the predictions while the RUSLE clearly overestimated the observed erosion rates. After improvements: the revised model was able to predict first-year post-fire plot-scale runoff and erosion rates for both forest types, these predictions were improved both by the seasonal changes in the model parameters; and by considering the effect of soil water repellency on the runoff, individual seasonal predictions were considered accurate, and the inclusion of the soil water repellency in the model also improved the model at this base. The revised MMF model proved capable of providing a simple set of criteria for management decisions about runoff and erosion mitigation measures in burned areas. The erosion predictions at the validation sites attested both to the robustness of the model and of the calibration parameters, suggesting a potential wider application.
This paper examines the roles of research in teacher education across the four nations of the United Kingdom. Both devolution and on-going reviews of teacher education are facilitating a greater degree of cross-national divergence. England is becoming a distinct outlier, in which the locus for teacher education is moving increasingly away from Higher Education Institutions and towards an ever-growing number of school-based providers. While the idea of teaching as a research-based profession is increasingly evident in Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales, it seems that England, at least in respect of the political rhetoric, recent reforms and explicit definitions, is fixed on a contrastingly divergent trajectory towards the idea of teaching as a craft-based occupation, with a concomitant emphasis on a (re)turn to the practical. It is recommended that research is urgently needed to plot these divergences and to examine their consequences for teacher education, educational research and professionalism.
This paper presents a single case study of one street gang in one London borough. Semistructured interviews were conducted with 12 gang members, or former gang members, and seven practitioners. The practitioners and gang members / ex-gang members reported different perspectives on how the gang was structured and drug dealing was organised. The gang members / ex-gang members suggested that the gang is a loose social network with little recognisable formal organisation. Although individual gang members sell drugs, the gang should not be viewed as a drug dealing organisation. Rather it is a composition of individual drug dealers who cooperate out of mutual self-interest. Therefore, some gang members are best described as independent entrepreneurs while others are subcontractors looking to 'go solo'. The seven practitioners, however, tended to describe a more hierarchically structured gang, with formal recruitment processes. This divergence of perspective highlights an important consideration for policy and research.
This chapter focuses on the visualisation of historical time, illustrated by key examples from the eighteenth century when the modern timeline was invented. We are fortunate in having not only surviving examples of printed timelines from the period but also explanations written by their makers, revealing the ambitions they had for visualisation. An important divergence is evident, between those who want to use rhetorical visual metaphors to tell a graphical story, and those who prefer to let the data ‘speak for itself’, allowing patterns to emerge from the distribution of data points across a surface. Keywords: timeline, chronographics
Dissertação de mest., Biologia Marinha, Faculdade de Ciências do Mar e do Ambiente, Universidade do Algarve, 2008
The fire salamander complex is quite diverse in the Iberian Peninsula where nine subspecies of Salamandra salamandra are currently recognized. Here, we analysed the geographical distribution of the subspecies S. s. gallaica and S. s. crespoi using partial sequences of the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene of 168 individuals from 12 locations in Portugal. Our results support the existence of a deep lineage divergence between the two subspecies, with non-overlapping geographical distributions except in two contact zones: one in Sesimbra on the western coast, and another in Alcoutim on the southeastern border with Spain. Moreover, S. s. crespoi displays signs of gene flow among the sampled locations whereas S. s. gallaica shows evidence of some restriction to gene flow. Present-day genetic make-up of S. s. gallaica and S. s. crespoi is a result of past historical events, fine-tuned by contemporary Iberian geoclimate. Humid mountain areas were found to harbour increased genetic diversity possibly acting as past refugia during drier interglacial periods. To analyse wider geographical patterns and lineage splitting events within S. salamandra we performed a Bayesian dating analysis completing our data set with previously published sequences. The observed divergences were associated to successive biogeographic scenarios, and to other Iberian species showing similar trends.
Distributional semantics tries to characterize the meaning of words by the contexts in which they occur. Similarity of words hence can be derived from the similarity of contexts. Contexts of a word are usually vectors of words appearing near to that word in a corpus. It was observed in previous research that similarity measures for the context vectors of two words depend on the frequency of these words. In the present paper we investigate this dependency in more detail for one similarity measure, the Jensen-Shannon divergence. We give an empirical model of this dependency and propose the deviation of the observed Jensen-Shannon divergence from the divergence expected on the basis of the frequencies of the words as an alternative similarity measure. We show that this new similarity measure is superior to both the Jensen-Shannon divergence and the cosine similarity in a task, in which pairs of words, taken from Wordnet, have to be classified as being synonyms or not.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2014
Oriêntador: Mestre Carlos Pedro
Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil na Área de Especialização de Vias de Comunicação e Transportes
Trabalho Final de Mestrado elaborado no Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil (LNEC) para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil pelo Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa no âmbito do protocolo de cooperação entre o ISEL e o LNEC
O presente trabalho descreve a análise feita a um veículo de todo o terreno. O kartcross/buggy em estudo é usado em provas do tipo Baja, sendo estas provas longas e com traçados sinuosos. O veículo, já construído, foi testado através de softwares, a nível estrutural e ciclístico, pretendendo-se assim efetuar engenharia inversa sobre o mesmo. No decorrer da sua utilização normal o kartcross/buggy sofre vários tipos de solicitações, como sejam aceleração, travagem e força centrípta em curva. Portanto, o veículo deve ser capaz de suportar estes esforços e ter uma boa habilidade. Além dos testes em uso corrente foi analisada também a rigidez torsional do quadro do veículo e do veículo completo, podendo-se assim melhorar estes valores. A nível ciclístico foram analisados os parâmetros das suspensões como o camber, convergência/divergência, caster, entre outros. Da análise destes parâmetros e possível fazerem-se melhorias de forma a que o veículo tenha um melhor desempenho. Para validar os testes computacionais efetuados foi reproduzido experimentalmente o teste da rigidez torsional. No final, compararam-se os valores numéricos com os experimentais e aferir se o modelo se encontra bem representado.
This paper studies the statistical distributions of worldwide earthquakes from year 1963 up to year 2012. A Cartesian grid, dividing Earth into geographic regions, is considered. Entropy and the Jensen–Shannon divergence are used to analyze and compare real-world data. Hierarchical clustering and multi-dimensional scaling techniques are adopted for data visualization. Entropy-based indices have the advantage of leading to a single parameter expressing the relationships between the seismic data. Classical and generalized (fractional) entropy and Jensen–Shannon divergence are tested. The generalized measures lead to a clear identification of patterns embedded in the data and contribute to better understand earthquake distributions.
This paper examines modern economic growth according to the multidimensional scaling (MDS) method and state space portrait (SSP) analysis. Electing GDP per capita as the main indicator for economic growth and prosperity, the long-run perspective from 1870 to 2010 identifies the main similarities among 34 world partners’ modern economic growth and exemplifies the historical waving mechanics of the largest world economy, the USA. MDS reveals two main clusters among the European countries and their old offshore territories, and SSP identifies the Great Depression as a mild challenge to the American global performance, when compared to the Second World War and the 2008 crisis.