1000 resultados para Currículo Mudança


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Segundo uma perspetiva crtica e baseando-se em autores como Papert), Jonassen, Toffler, Robinson, Facer e Christensen, o artigo aborda a incorporao de tecnologias potencialmente transformadoras na escola, to transformadoras que algumas delas (as TIC, por exemplo) tm tido poder suficiente para operarem mudanças radicais na maneira como vivemos e at como nos representamos, e como essas tecnologias acabam invariavelmente ao servio do desenvolvimento do currículo, sem que da advenham mudanças qualitativas importantes, quer para escola, muito menos para o prprio currículo. No caso particular das TIC, o artigo discute tambm como as propostas inovadoras do seu uso como ferramentas de aprendizagem desvinculadas dos modelos curriculares a priori, one-fits-all, desenvolvidas nomeadamente ao longo dos anos setenta e oitenta do sculo XX, foram sendo inexoravelmente suplantadas pelo uso de TIC ao servio da didtica e, mais recentemente, como suporte de plataformas digitais de distribuio de contedos curriculares.


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Esta investigao inserida no mestrado em Cincias da Educao- Inovao Pedaggica tem como objetivo conhecer a cultura escolar, designadamente, as prticas pedaggicas no mbito do programa, Plano Integrado de Educao e Formao (PIEF), num estabelecimento de ensino do Funchal. A procura de uma eventual mudança de paradigma, assim como, de inovao pedaggica, poder comprovar e reforar a necessidade de alterar os trilhos que levam a Escola atual a afastar-se do lugar-comum. Nesta perspetiva, o rumo a seguir passar pela Mudança, podendo o foco da mesma estar numa pequena comunidade (cultura) ou num programa, cujo estudo particular permitir conhecer como atuam os seus agentes de aprendizagem. O desafio central da investigao emana da seguinte questo: Ser o PIEF um meio de incluso e, em simultneo, de inovao pedaggica? Com vista a evidenciar a pertinncia desta questo, foram desenvolvidos conceitos temas e abordadas teorias de aprendizagem contemporneas que ao se concretizarem como suporte terico de fundamentao, contextualizam o estudo e constituem a base de orientao para o trabalho de investigao no campo. A metodologia de investigao privilegiada apresenta um carcter etnogrfico, uma vez que particulariza o conhecimento dos fenmenos sociais, a microanlise e a viso holstica sobre a comunidade local. A definio do seu foco associado a um programa e a sua delimitao no tempo e no espao classifica-o de estudo de caso etnogrfico. O objetivo final ser compreender e analisar a cultura da Escola Vila Mar atravs da observao participante e das narrativas dos seus intervenientes, de modo a aferir da veracidade ou logro da questo basilar. A necessidade de implementao do programa PIEF nesta escola foi a resposta encontrada face inadequao do currículo nacional, no entanto, no se verificou no seu estudo o mpeto suficiente para criar a metamorfose necessria.


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O objetivo do presente estudo consiste em perceber o papel do currículo na preservao da identidade cultural. O estudo justifica-se pelo seu contributo original no campo do currículo, mediante uma investigao pioneira e indita no que diz respeito articulao entre o currículo, a identidade e o patrimnio musical madeirense. Para compreender aquele processo, recorremos a um trabalho de campo, caracterizado por um estudo exploratrio, sob a gide da abordagem qualitativa, abrangendo todos os professores de Educao Musical da Regio Autnoma da Madeira. Como instrumentos de recolha, assinalamos: observao de conferncias e a anlise das planificaes no mbito do projeto Regionalizao do Currículo de Educao Musical (RCEM), entrevistas semiestruturadas, inqurito por questionrio e anlise documental. Os dados foram submetidos anlise de contedo, organizados em seis categorias, e os dados quantitativos foram analisados atravs de uma grelha do programa excel. Dos resultados do estudo, evidenciamos: reconhecimento da importncia da construo curricular local; integrao de componentes regionais e locais no currículo como prtica comum a todos os professores; valorizao das atividades prticas e dos saberes dos alunos, constitui um vetor importante para a motivao; constatao de uma boa adeso pela maioria dos alunos s propostas naquele mbito; reconhecimento de que as novas sonoridades so um fator de motivao; reconhecimento de carncia de formao no mbito do projeto RCEM; conhecimento e utilizao de vrios materiais pedaggicos no mbito do projeto RCEM; existncia de um conhecimento geral do patrimnio imaterial madeirense; conhecimento da grande maioria das instituies e grupos culturais musicais e da sua importncia na pesquisa e divulgao do patrimnio; constatao de uma fraca colaborao entre aquelas instituies e a escola; reconhecimento de que a cultura demarca a identidade; constatao de que a msica um veculo de identidade; reconhecimento de que msica madeirense representa um legado histrico; reconhecimento de que educao ajuda a formar a identidade do aluno, considerando que o currículo um documento de identidade. Estes resultados sustentam a posio da educao, atravs do currículo, como vetor de transmisso cultural e formao da identidade.


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Num mundo marcado pela globalizao e mundializao dos problemas, um mundo igualmente em busca da preservao das razes locais e identitrias, novas exigncias se impem escola, no sentido de esta acompanhar as mudanças ocorridas e se adaptar s novas realidades. Uma adaptao que passa por solues cada vez mais flexveis e diferenciadas, pressupondo ou implicando uma mudança igualmente ao nvel das polticas educativas, numa sociedade tambm ela cada vez mais heterognea, pelo que a resposta est na diversificao e gesto local do currículo, em cujo mbito a (re)construo do PCT vai assumir uma importncia singular. Assim, o estudo que agora apresentamos prope-se analisar, de maneira crtica e fundamentada, as concees e as prticas dos docentes de uma turma do 1. Ciclo do Ensino Bsico do Funchal RAM, no campo da reorganizao curricular para este nvel de ensino, estabelecida pelo Decreto-Lei n. 6/2001, procurando entender de que forma que eles (re)constroem o seu PCT, enquanto ferramenta para uma gesto curricular flexvel e adequada diversidade da turma a que se destina, sua realidade mais particular ou especfica. Nesse sentido, a recolha de dados implicou uma abordagem qualitativa, consubstanciada pela anlise de documentos referentes s entrevistas, aos inquritos por questionrio, aos Projetos da escola (PEE e PCE) e ao Projeto da turma dos docentes nele envolvidos (PCT), e ainda s observaes levadas a cabo na mesma. No obstante as limitaes que um estudo desta natureza apresenta, os resultados apontam para a urgncia de uma mudança ao nvel das prticas neste mbito. Por conseguinte, percebemos que os docentes, de um modo geral, dominam a noo de PCT e as concees a ele inerentes, e reconhecem as vantagens da sua (re)construo, sobretudo ao nvel da oferta educativa e consequente melhoria da aprendizagem dos alunos. No entanto, tambm percebemos que falta melhorar certos aspetos ao nvel da ao, melhor dizendo, da interao e colaborao docente, para uma mudança significativa das prticas, para uma verdadeira (re)construo do PCT. De qualquer modo, ficou patente a necessidade de uma aposta na formao dos professores, de forma a promover e estimular neles uma cultura de Projeto, e a dotlos com as devidas competncias que lhes permitam prticas colaborativas e os ajudem na (re)construo de PCT com sentido, numa escola para todos.


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Companies have always been organized by processes, often imperceptible to its employees. With the advancement of technology, organizational processes currently run an organization through computers, and thus generate immediate information that is available to each sector. With the objective of seeking business information in real time, the government created the SPED - Public System of Digital, which involves three subsystems, which are the Electronic Invoice, Digital Accounting Bookkeeping and Digital Tax Bookkeeping. This system is revolutionizing the business structures when gathering, in an innovative way, all information and interlinked business processes. For the implementation of SPED, a revision in the organizational processes is required, since the information is generated and is sent online to the government, without mistakes. Thus the study aimed to analyze the change brought about by the implementation of the Public System of Digital SPED in the main business processes. In order to do so, we have performed a multiple case study involving three companies in the state of Para, two operate in wholesale and one explores agribusiness. The Data collection was performed by accounting professionals, IT and managers. According to the results obtained, it was found that in two companies, the IT infrastructure was capable of deploying the new system without major problems, while one company had more difficulties to cope with the new system. However, all companies had to examine its processes to make the customizations needed to fit. It was also observed that there is no IT Governance in two companies. Therefore, we recommend the use of an appropriate model, not only for the implementation of SPED, but as a way to manage and extract better results from investment in information technology


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Dental education is going through important changes in preparing workers to meet the needs of the society and the labor market. For that reason, we studied the offering of comprehensive dental care clinics in Brazil with the aim of encouraging future curriculum changes focused on the training of general dental practitioners. An email questionnaire on educational organization and comprehensive care clinics of undergraduate programs was sent to each academic dental affairs dean. Sixty-seven (41.6%) dental schools agreed to participate. We observed that curriculum changes have contributed to modify the format of comprehensive care clinics. This was felt mainly (88,1%) with regards to workload and course offerings in different levels of the dental curriculum, thereby creating a favorable environment for generalist training. Most schools shared the following characteristics: clinical procedures were being prioritized according to level of complexity (95,5%), students were having the chance to attend courses in other programs (37,3%), and attempt to diversify teaching methods was being challenged (58,2%). Although progress in combining teaching and clinical services was reported by 83,6% of schools, most clinical procedures were still being performed intramurally (50,7%) in partnership with public service. There was also improvement in clinical mentorship due to the hiring of instructors qualified to work in comprehensive care clinics and with aptitude to supervise a wider range of dental procedures (58,2%). Further changes to Brazilian comprehensive care clinics should hence be encouraged and intensified to ensure appropriate generalist training for dental practitioners


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This research focuses on the fishery activity, aligned to knowledge of past generations, and the transformation to those who depend on this activity for their livelihood, at the seashore community of Pitangui in Extremoz municipality, which lies 40 km away from Natal, seat of the state of Rio Grande do Norte. The intense modernization which has taking place during the last few years may be considered the result of a number of economic, social and cultural factors, as the introduction of new fishery technology. On the other hand, the present study seeks to show how this changing process happened, and to what extent those affected understand and evaluate this transformation. The methodology to carry out the ethnographic work was mainly adopted by qualitative methods and techniques - by participant observation, oral history, photography and the audiovisual records besides reference to data extracted under quantitative methods, as an important instrument of analyses. This induces a conclusion that the transformation of the community is a consequence of the globalized market, though still tied up to specific local relations. The emerging results are: the use of new fishery technology, and new ways of orientation and navigation; the opening to new jobs and occupational activity, the re-order of space s appropriation; changing sociability, larger access to consumer goods, besides bringing on some new conflicts land appropriation and the fishery and the protection of the environment. All this comprehended as a result of the movement of the local relations participating in the global spaces


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This thesis is the result of an investigation about the transversality of the environmental issues into the daily curriculum of High Schools (from first to eighth grade). The research field was the county of Santo Antonio de Jesus in the state of Bahia, Brazil. The investigation is related with the challenge that the present model of social development and organization has put to the school institution: to bring the regular discussion about Environmental Education (EE) to the school s daily life. Facing the complexity of the socio-environmental issues and the basic functions of Education, the object of study was restricted to the identification of the challenges and paradoxes of the EE inside the curriculum organization of Politic-Pedagogic Project of the schools and the teachers daily practices. About the methodology, we adopted different references for the qualitative research: sociology, history, economy, and education. As for the investigative procedures about the teacher s practices, we related the school s daily practices to the context of the community. We also adopted several investigative procedures, such as questionnaires, interviews, observations and formative intervention. The theoretical basis was organized based on references to curriculum organization, environmental culture, teacher education and also considering the pillars of a capitalistic system that is based on consumerism and that generates social exclusion. At the initial considerations, we contextualized the contemporary environmental issues in an attempt to interpret the conditions of the EE transversality into the school s daily practices, which are still oriented to the traditional Cartesian Education. Based on the collected data, we found the reasons for the teachers dilemma and reluctances to the insertion of the environmental issues into the organization of the work plan and into the management of a school. Nevertheless, the results also signed promising possibilities to the EE tranversality, in case the curriculum of the school could be more sensible towards the cultural and social-economical issues of a community. We especially questioned The National Curriculum Parameter s (PCN), which is considered highly insufficient to inform the teachers about the environmental issues, facing the actual local conditions of social and pedagogic work. The final considerations showed the role and the importance of this research as one strategy to organize the curriculum education into the perspective of the transversality of environmental issues inside the education of both teacher and student


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A mid the many transformations and advances that the contemporary society is going through, the right to education is a topic that does not end and becomes increasingly present, given the urgency of including students with disabilities in education. Given this new reality, schools are challenged to receive them with quality, and implement actions that promote favorable conditions for their development at school. Accordingly, it is fundamental the organizational restructuring of education to meet the specific needs of students. Thus, it is imperative that educational institutions defining the type of person who intend to form and the society proposing to build. These are aspects that precede any question, since the knowledge covered in the curriculum will contribute directly to the creation of human beings are involved there. Based on this theme, this assignment reports aspects of a survey of a local public school, located in Natal/RN, which deals with the analysis of the curriculum and its implementation in teaching practice in the classroom, before the inclusion of students with disabilities intellectual. Thus, to undertake a study of case with five professionals at school, involving documentary analysis and observation of the curriculum of the pedagogical practice of teachers in the classroom, as well as conducting an interview with all stakeholders. To this end, the data analyzed shows that, although the right of citizens with disabilities is guaranteed by constitutional law, the school, locus of this study, have not realized the extent of conquest. Does not recognize the fact of being in school and learn together with others is also a right of persons with disabilities. Thus, while your resume is to present a progressive vision, believed to be open, concerned with the selection and organization of content, with flexibility in defining the goals, with the search for diversification of the procedures adopted, as well as the planning activities teaching and learning based on the level of student learning, this is not effective in teaching practice, either through ignorance of the guidelines defined either by lack of knowledge about the proposal and an inclusive curriculum can provide answers to all educational students, including those with intellectual disability


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The present investigation deals with the Curriculum and Pedagogical Practices of Young and Adults, EJA, and articulates with the conceptions and beliefs of teachers sitting. The empirical scope of this investigation consisted in the Municipal School Francisca Leonsia, located in the Agrarian Reform Settlement Serra Nova, city of Flornia/RN. Seeks to analyze the relationship between the Curriculum and Educational Practices of Young and Adult EJA - conceptions beliefs of these teachers. This work is based on qualitative research, interpretative character reflective and makes use of documentary analysis, structured interviews and reflective sessions as methodological procedures which ensure the achievement of our goals in research. These procedures allowed us to enter the practice setting and curriculum for teachers to understand how they think, prepare and practice of adult education in school curriculum research field. The documentary analysis provided the rethinking of the curriculum selected references, Political Pedagogical Project and Proposed Course of EJA, from a critical reading of concepts and conceptions given in these references, with a view to construction and reconstruction of concepts that reclaim the identity of young people and adult field, inserted in the Rural Workers Movement landless/MST. As reflective sessions were constituted in spaces of collective training and allowed the group to selfreflection e collective reflection about the ideas and beliefs that permeate the curriculum and guide their practices education in adult education. In these areas of training are also discussed current problems of adult education, the construction of an educational project of the adult education field to, warranties of learning and cultural identity of the adult education field and placed in the context of the MST. Under this view, it is concluded that the conceptions and beliefs of teachers seated directly relate to the curriculum designed, developed and practiced in adult education, as well as the educational practices that permeate the curriculum. This relation is in the midst of adversities of Rural Education, inserted in the Movement of Landless Rural Workers-MST, and requires the commitment of teachers to the necessary changes to an education are critical and emancipatory