882 resultados para Coturnix japonica
A quantitative radiolarian study at Ocean Drilling Program Site 1241 in the eastern tropical Pacific enables us to reconstruct paleoceanographic changes that occurred since the latest middle Miocene. Today, this site is located just under the Eastern Pacific Warm Pool (EPWP). Based on the abundance variations of radiolarian characteristic species which are indicators of upwelling and thermocline changes, it is suggested that three notable changes occurred at 10.6, 9.8, and 4.2 Ma in the region. Four distinct periods of oceanographic conditions bounded by these notable changes were characterized on the basis of the following: (1) stratified seawater (12.0 to 10.6 Ma); (2) a shallowing of the thermocline and an increasing of upwelling (10.6 to 9.8 Ma); (3) significant inflow of warm water to the eastern tropical Pacific caused by an intensified Northern Equatorial Countercurrent (NECC), resulting in the formation of EPWP (9.8 to 4.2 Ma); and (4) the reduction of the EPWP and the NECC, and an increase in upwelling (4.2 to 0 Ma). The timing of these paleoceanographic events indicated the strong relations with the opening and closing of the Indonesian and Central American (Panama) Seaways. The reduction of the EPWP (this study) and the deepening of the thermocline in western Pacific at about 4.2 Ma (Cannariato and Ravelo, 1997; Chaisson and Ravelo, 2000) indicated a change from a state resembling El Niño in the late Miocene and the early Pliocene time to a state resembling La Niña by the late Pliocene
Fifty short sediment cores collected with a multiple corer and five box cores from the central Arctic Ocean were analysed to study the ecology and distribution of benthic foraminifers. To work out living faunal associations, standing stock and diversity, separate analyses of living (Rose Bengal stained) and dead foraminifers were carried out for the sediment surface. The size fractions between 63 and 125 µm and >125 µm were counted separately to allow comparison with former Arctic studies and with studies from the adjacent Norwegian-Greenland Sea, Barents Sea and the North Atlantic Ocean. Benthic foraminiferal associations are mainly controlled by the availability of food, and competition for food, while water mass characteristics, bottom current activity, substrate composition, and water depth are of minor importance. Off Spitsbergen in seasonally ice-free areas, high primary production rates are reflected by high standing stocks, high diversities, and foraminiferal associations (>125 µm) that are similar to those of the Norwegian-Greenland Sea. Generally, in seasonally ice-free areas standing stock and diversity increase with increasing food supply. In the central Arctic Ocean, the oligotrophic permanently ice-covered areas are dominated by epibenthic species. The limited food availability is reflected by very low standing stocks and low diversities. Most of these foraminiferal associations do not correspond to those of the Norwegian-Greenland Sea. The dominant associations include simple agglutinated species such as Sorosphaerae, Placopsilinellae, Komokiacea and Aschemonellae, as well as small calcareous species such as Stetsonia horvathi and Epistominella arctica. Those of the foraminiferal species that usually thrive under seasonally ice-free conditions in middle bathyal to lower bathyal water depth are found under permanently ice-covered conditions in water depths about 1000 m shallower, if present at all.
An ethnobotanical survey of medicinal plants was carried out in the Central Middle Atlas in the years 2013 and 2014 to establish the catalog of medicinal plants used in traditional medicine in the treatment of diabetes. Thus, 1560 people were interviewed, using questionnaires. The latter enabled us to gather information on traditional healing practices of the local population including scientific name, French name, vernacular name, plant parts used , therapeutic indications , revenues and mode of administration. The results show that 76 medicinal species were inventoried in the study area. These plant species are included into 67 genus and 40 families. The most represented families are: Lamiaceae (12 species), Asteraceae and Brassicaceae species with 14 each. Of 76 medicinal species found in the region, four species are reported for the first time in the traditional treatment of diabetes in Morocco. They are Pistacia atlantica, Ptychotis verticillata, Anacyclus pyrethrum, Alyssum spinosum, Cistus albidus, Juniperus thurifera, Ephedra nebrodensis, Thymus algeriensis, Th. munbyanus, Th. zygis, Abelmoschus esculentus, Fraxinus augustifolia, Sorghum vulgare and, Eriobotrya japonica. The leaves are the most used organs (38%). The decoction is the dominant mode of preparation (50%) and administration is mostly for oral use (97%).
Schistosomiasis is a neglected tropical disease that affects more than 200 million people worldwide. The main disease-causing agents, Schistosoma japonicum, S. mansoni and S. haematobium, are blood flukes that have complex life cycles involving a snail intermediate host. In Asia, S. japonicum causes hepatointestinal disease (schistosomiasis japonica) and is challenging to control due to a broad distribution of its snail hosts and range of animal reservoir hosts. In China, extensive efforts have been underway to control this parasite, but genetic variability in S. japonicum populations could represent an obstacle to eliminating schistosomiasis japonica. Although a draft genome sequence is available for S. japonicum, there has been no previous study of molecular variation in this parasite on a genome-wide scale. In this study, we conducted the first deep genomic exploration of seven S. japonicum populations from mainland China, constructed phylogenies using mitochondrial and nuclear genomic data sets, and established considerable variation between some of the populations in genes inferred to be linked to key cellular processes and/or pathogen-host interactions. Based on the findings from this study, we propose that verifying intraspecific conservation in vaccine or drug target candidates is an important first step toward developing effective vaccines and chemotherapies against schistosomiasis.
To further investigate the importance of insulin signaling in the growth, development, sexual maturation and egg production of adult schistosomes, we have focused attention on the insulin receptors (SjIRs) of Schistosoma japonicum, which we have previously cloned and partially characterised. We now show, by Biolayer Interferometry, that human insulin can bind the L1 subdomain (insulin binding domain) of recombinant (r)SjIR1 and rSjIR2 (designated SjLD1 and SjLD2) produced using the Drosophila S2 protein expression system. We have then used RNA interference (RNAi) to knock down the expression of the SjIRs in adult S. japonicum in vitro and show that, in addition to their reduced transcription, the transcript levels of other important downstream genes within the insulin pathway, associated with glucose metabolism and schistosome fecundity, were also impacted substantially. Further, a significant decrease in glucose uptake was observed in the SjIR-knockdown worms compared with luciferase controls. In vaccine/challenge experiments, we found that rSjLD1 and rSjLD2 depressed female growth, intestinal granuloma density and faecal egg production in S. japonicum in mice presented with a low dose challenge infection. These data re-emphasize the potential of the SjIRs as veterinary transmission blocking vaccine candidates against zoonotic schistosomiasis japonica in China and the Philippines.
The cause of zoonotic schistosomiasis in the Philippines is Schistosoma japonicum, which infects up to 46 mammalian hosts, including humans and bovines. In China, water buffaloes have been identified as major reservoir hosts for schistosomiasis japonica, contributing up to 75% of human transmission. In the Philippines, water buffaloes (carabao; Bubalus bubalis carabanesis) have, historically, been considered unimportant reservoirs. We therefore revisited the possible role of bovines in schistosome transmission in the Philippines, using the recently described formalin-ethyl acetate sedimentation (FEA-SD) technique and a qPCR assay to examine fecal samples from 153 bovines (both carabao and cattle) from six barangays in Northern Samar. A high prevalence of S. japonicum was found using qPCR and FEA-SD in both cattle (87.50% and 77.08%, respectively) and carabao (80.00% and 55.24%, respectively). The average daily egg output for each bovine was calculated at 195,000. High prevalence and infection intensity of F. gigantica was also found in the bovines by qPCR and FEA-SD (95.33% and 96.00%, respectively). The identification of bovines as major reservoir hosts for S. japonicum transmission suggests that bovine treatment and/or vaccination, as one becomes available, should be included in any future control program that aims to reduce the disease burden due to schistosomiasis in the Philippines.
BACKGROUND: The Philippines has a population of approximately 103 million people, of which 6.7 million live in schistosomiasis-endemic areas with 1.8 million people being at risk of infection with Schistosoma japonicum. Although the country-wide prevalence of schistosomiasis japonica in the Philippines is relatively low, the prevalence of schistosomiasis can be high, approaching 65% in some endemic areas. Of the currently available microscopy-based diagnostic techniques for detecting schistosome infections in the Philippines and elsewhere, most exhibit varying diagnostic performances, with the Kato-Katz (KK) method having particularly poor sensitivity for detecting low intensity infections. This suggests that the actual prevalence of schistosomiasis japonica may be much higher than previous reports have indicated.
METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Six barangay (villages) were selected to determine the prevalence of S. japonicum in humans in the municipality of Palapag, Northern Samar. Fecal samples were collected from 560 humans and examined by the KK method and a validated real-time PCR (qPCR) assay. A high S. japonicum prevalence (90.2%) was revealed using qPCR whereas the KK method indicated a lower prevalence (22.9%). The geometric mean eggs per gram (GMEPG) determined by the qPCR was 36.5 and 11.5 by the KK. These results, particularly those obtained by the qPCR, indicate that the prevalence of schistosomiasis in this region of the Philippines is much higher than historically reported.
CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Despite being more expensive, qPCR can complement the KK procedure, particularly for surveillance and monitoring of areas where extensive schistosomiasis control has led to low prevalence and intensity infections and where schistosomiasis elimination is on the horizon, as for example in southern China.
La codorniz común ( Coturnix coturnix ) , es un ave migratoria de Asia, África y Europa. Las espec ies más importantes son la codorniz europea o Coturnix coturnix coturnix y la codorniz asiática o japonesa Coturnix coturnix japónica , u na subespecie que comúnmente emigraba entre Europa y Asia , eventualmente domesticada en China. Durante muchos años , est as aves fueron consideras únicamente de carácter ornamental , aprecia das también por el canto característico del macho. La codorniz doméstica fue llevada alrededor del siglo XI desde China a Japón , a través de Corea , y fue domesticada en el lejano oriente y no en oriente m edio co mo argumenta n algunos autores ( T imy , 2009). Si bien la codorniz europea emigraba al sur a través del mar Mediterráneo, al encontrarse exhausta por el vuelo, probablemente haya sido fácilmente cazada o capturada. Un indicio de esto e s que los escritos bíblicos y egipcios que mencionan estas aves no indican que fueran criadas en cautiverio. Los primeros registros escritos sobre la domesticación de la codorniz en Japón , datan del siglo XII. Estas aves fueron inicialmente criadas por su canto, hecho que cambió después de la noticia de que el e mperador de Japón se había curado de tuberculosis gracias a una dieta a base de carne de codorniz. Esto inició la producción masiva de carne y huevos de codorniz en la última parte del siglo XIX. P or el año 1910, en Japón, la codorniz era utilizada no sólo por su carne y huevos , sino también por su canto . 4 Entre los años de 1910 y 1940 , la población de codorni z japónica se incrementó rápidamente en Japón, especialmente en las localidades de Tokio , M ishima, Nagoya, Gifu y Toyohashi. Este período es coincidente con el de la expansión imperial de Japón, por lo que la codorniz japonesa fue establecida en otros países como Corea, China y Taiwán, para hacerlo más tarde en todo el s udeste asiático. La sube specie domesticada, Coturnix coturnix jap ó nica , es llamada codorniz japonesa , pero también se la conoce por otros nombres: codorniz común, codorniz oriental, codorniz asiática, codorniz faraona, codorniz pecho rojo, codorniz real y codorniz real japonesa ( T imy , 2009 ) . Por otro lado, e xisten tres grandes rutas migratorias de las codornices desde el continente af ricano hasta las zonas europeas: La primera ruta abarca desde las costas occidentales de Á frica, M arruecos , Australia y Argelia hacia la península ibérica , y desde esta pasa a Francia e Inglaterra, países escandinavos y parte de Europa central. Una segunda ruta parte de zonas de Argelia oriental, L ibia y Túnez , dirigiéndose a través de Italia a Europa central a las zonas del Danubio y Rusia. La terce ra ruta va desde Egipto hacia Grecia y Europa oriental (Quintana , 2008 ). La llegada a Europa de las codornices tiene lugar durante el final de la primavera y regresan a África , durante el otoño
La codorniz “coturnix coturnix japónica”, es una especie que ha venido tomando auge en nuestro medio por ser un ave con esas características. La presente investigación fue analizar el efecto de diferentes niveles de harina de maíz amarillo mezclado con alimento concentrado comercial, en la nutrición de codorniz, en la etapa de desarrollo e inicio de postura, para ello se evaluaron 4 tratamientos: Tratamiento 1 = 100% de concentrado comercial de desarrollo de la marca Aliansa, Tratamiento 2 = 75% de concentrado comercial de desarrollo de marca Aliansa y 25% de harina de maíz amarillo, Tratamiento 3 = 50% de concentrado comercial de desarrollo marca Aliansa y 50% de harina de maíz amarillo, Tratamiento 4 = 25% de concentrado comercial de desarrollo marca Aliansa y 75% de harina de maíz amarillo.
O nitrogênio e potássio são os nutrientes requeridos em maiores quantidades pelas gramas e no Brasil não se tem informação da quantidade a ser aplicada para se obter a formação de tapete em menor tempo possível. Dois experimentos foram instalados em vasos em casa de vegetação, com o objetivo de avaliar o efeito de doses de nitrogênio e de potássio na produção de tapetes de grama esmeralda (Zoysia japonica). O delineamento utilizado para cada experimento foi fatorial com doses de N ou K e épocas de avaliação. Foram aplicadas quatro doses de nitrogênio (0, 200, 400 e 600 kg ha-1) e quatro doses de potássio (0, 100, 200, e 300 kg ha-1). As doses de nitrogênio e potássio foram aplicadas parceladamente em cobertura. O aumento das doses de N influenciou a taxa de cobertura do solo pela grama (TCS) permitindo a formação do tapete com a dose de 408 kg ha-1 de N aos 198 dias após a colheita do tapete anterior, tempo menor quando comparado com as demais doses. A concentração de N na folha e da cor verde da grama foram influenciadas pelas doses de N podendo ser utilizadas para auxiliar na recomendação das doses de N. O aumento das doses de K não influenciou na TCS pela grama, sendo o teor no solo (1,4 mmol c dm-3) suficiente para a produção dos tapetes de grama esmeralda.
Despite numerous therapeutic interventions cancer is still today the second leading cause of death. A growing interest has been addressed to isothiocytanates and more recently, the 6- (methylsulfonyl) hexyl isothiocyanate (6-MITC), the main constituent of the rhizome of Wasabia Japonica, has stimulated the interest of researchers. Aim of the research was to study if 6-MITC is able to modulate the main mechanisms underlying chemopreventive process in leukemic cells lines, verify the selectivity of action and the safety of use in terms of mutagenicity. The study was conducted on different cell types. In particular, Jurkat and HL-60 cells were treated with increasing concentrations of 6-MITC and cell viability, induction of apoptosis, cell cycle analysis, autophagy modulation and stimulation of differentiation were evaluated by flow cytometry. PBL, the non-transformed counterparty of leukemia cells, was used to analyse the selectivity of action by studying the same mechanisms previously indicated. Finally, safety of use and antimutagenicity were studied in TK6 cells adopting an automated protocol in flow cytometry. The achieved results have demonstrated that isothiocyanate modulates many signaling pathways involved in chemopreventive mechanism. In fact, 6-MITC induces apoptosis of both transformed cells, limits tumor growth by slowing down the cell cycle of Jurkat cells and blocks HL-60 cell cycle, increases the autophagic flux and induces cytodifferentiation of promyelocytic HL-60 into macrophage and granulocytic phenotypes. Furthermore, the results obtained with 6-MITC on PBL from healthy donors suggest that the isothiocyante is a good selective cytotoxic agent. Essential feature of a good chemopreventive agent is selectivity toward cancer cells and low toxicity towards non-transformed cells. Finally, the analysis of the micronuclei revealed that 6-MITC is not mutagenic, ensuring safe use, and that instead, it is able to counteract the mutagenic activity of the aneuploidogen Vinblastine, demonstrating another important and interesting chemopreventive activity.
A Non-Indigenous Species (NIS) is defined as an organism, introduced outside its natural past or present range of distribution by humans, that successfully survives, reproduces, and establish in the new environment. Harbors and tourist marinas are considered NIS hotspots, as they are departure and arrival points for numerous vessels and because of the presence of free artificial substrates, which facilitate colonization by NIS. To early detect the arrival of new NIS, monitoring benthic communities in ports is essential. Autonomous Reef Monitoring Structures (ARMS) are standardized passive collectors that are used to assess marine benthic communities. Here we use an integrative approach based on multiple 3-month ARMS deployment (from April 2021 to October 2022) to characterize the benthic communities (with a focus on NIS) of two sites: a commercial port (Harbor) and a touristic Marina (Marina) of Ravenna. The colonizing sessile communities were assessed using percentage coverage of the taxa trough image analyses and vagile fauna (> 2 mm) was identified morphologically using a stereomicroscope and light microscope. Overall, 97 taxa were identified and 19 of them were NIS. All NIS were already observed in port environments in the Mediterranean Sea, but for the first time the presence of the polychaete Schistomeringos cf. japonica (Annenkova, 1937) was observed; however molecular analysis is needed to confirm its identity. Harbor and Marina host significantly different benthic communities, with significantly different abundance depending on the sampling period. While the differences between sites are related to their different environmental characteristic and their anthropogenic pressures, differences among times seems related to the different life cycle of the main abundant species. This thesis evidenced that ARMS, together with integrative taxonomic approaches, represent useful tools to early detect NIS and could be used for a long-term monitoring of their presence.