956 resultados para Confederate States of America. Army. 1st Louisiana Brigade


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Global amphibian decline by chytridiomycosis is a major environmental disaster that has been attributed to either recent fungal spread or environmental change that promotes disease. Here, we present a population genetic comparison of Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis isolates from an intensively studied region of frog decline, the Sierra Nevada of California. In support of a novel pathogen, we find low diversity, no amphibian-host specificity, little correlation between fungal genotype and geography, local frog extirpation by a single fungal genotype, and evidence of human-assisted fungus migration. In support of endemism, at a local scale, we find some diverse, recombining populations. Therefore neither epidemic spread nor endemism alone explains this particular amphibian decline. Recombination raises the possibility of resistant sporangia and a mechanism for rapid spread as well as persistence that could greatly complicate global control of the pathogen.


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HeI photoelectron spectra of the vapour phase complexes of diethylether and diethylsulphide with iodine have been investigated for the first time. The iodine orbital ionization energy decreases on complexation while the donor lone-pair orbital ionization energy increases markedly; the shifts are considerably larger in the sulphide complex as expected on the basis of enthalpy considerations.


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The role of the electronic kinetic energy and its Cartesian components is examined during the formation of the first excited 1�£ and the lowest 3�£ states of HeH+ employing wavefunctions of multi-configuration type with basis orbitals in elliptic coordinates. Results show that the bond formation in these states is preceded primarily by a charge transfer from H to He+ rather than by polarisation of the H-orbital by He+


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An apolar synthetic analog of the first 10 residues at the NH2-terminal end of zervamicin IIA crystallizes in the triclinic space group P1 with cell dimensions a = 10.206 +/- 0.002 A, b = 12.244 +/- 0.002 A, c = 15.049 +/- 0.002 A, alpha = 93.94 +/- 0.01 degrees, beta = 95.10 +/- 0.01 degrees, gamma = 104.56 +/- 0.01 degrees, Z = 1, C60H97N11O13 X 2H2O. Despite the relatively few alpha-aminoisobutyric acid residues, the peptide maintains a helical form. The first intrahelical hydrogen bond is of the 3(10) type between N(3) and O(0), followed by five alpha-helix-type hydrogen bonds. Solution 1H NMR studies in chloroform also favor a helical conformation, with seven solvent-shielded NH groups. Continuous columns are formed by head-to-tail hydrogen bonds between the helical molecules along the helix axis. The absence of polar side chains precludes any lateral hydrogen bonds. Since the peptide crystallizes with one molecule in a triclinic space group, aggregation of the helical columns must necessarily be parallel rather than antiparallel. The packing of the columns is rather inefficient, as indicated by very few good van der Waals' contacts and the occurrence of voids between the molecules.


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Configuration interaction calculation have been carried out on the s-hole states of Mn2+ Fe2+ (both high- and low-spin configurations). Co2+, Ca2+, K+ and Na+ including configurations involving virtual orbitals. The results show good agreement with the multiplet structures found in X-ray photoelectron spectra of these ions.


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Seven Dactylopius tomentosus (Lamarck) biotypes were collected from a range of Cylindropuntia spp. in Mexico, South Africa and United States of America (USA) and imported into quarantine facilities at the Ecosciences Precinct. Host range trials were conducted for each biotype and further assessed against the Cylindropuntia species that are naturalised in Australia to determine the most effective biotype for each species. Host range was confined to the Cylindropuntia for all seven biotypes. In the efficacy trials, C. imbricata (Haw.) F.M.Knuth was killed by the ‘imbricata’ biotype within 16 weeks and C. kleiniae (DC.) F.M.Knuth died within 26 weeks. Cylindropuntia fulgida var. mamillata (DC.) Backeb. and C. imbricata were killed by the ‘fulgida’ biotype within 18 weeks. On-going trials suggest that C. rosea (DC.) Backeb. could be controlled by either the ‘acanthocarpa’ or the ‘acanthocarpa × echinocarpa’ biotypes. Cylindropuntia spinosior (Englem.) F.M.Knuth was not susceptible to any of the D. tomentosus biotypes assessed. A clear designation of which D. tomentosus biotype is most suited for each Cylindropuntia species will improve and increase the effectiveness of biological control of these weed species


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Contains the constitution, by-laws, correspondence, papers, and minutes of the Synagogue Council of America (1935-1958), an incomplete set of the minutes of the Plenum, (1949-1965), the minutes of the Executive Committee (1946-1969), Officers' (Summit) Meetings (1955-1967) and the minutes and reports of the Budget Committee (1946-1966), financial reports and statements for 1942-1965 and fundraising activities (1958-1968).


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Calcined samples of chromia supported on Al2O3, ZnO, or SnO2 show both Cr(VI) and Cr(III) on the surface, Cr(VI) being preponderant in the case of Al2O3-supported catalysts. The proportion of Cr(VI) decreases with increase in Cr content of the calcined catalysts. Reduction of the supported chromia catalysts in H2 at 720 K for 1 hr gives rise to Cr(III) and Cr(V). On carrying out the dehydrogenation of cyclohexane on the chromia catalysts a higher proportion of Cr(V) is found than after treatment with hydrogen. Vanadia supported on Al2O3 or MoO3 shows significant proportion of V(IV) on carrying out the oxidation of toluene on the catalysts. Calcined MoO3 (10%)/Al2O3 shows only Mo(VI) on the surface at 300 K, but on heating to 670 K in vacuum shows the presence of a considerable proportion of Mo(V) which on cooling disproportionates to Mo(IV) and Mo(VI). Mo(V) is noticed on surfaces of this catalyst on reduction with hydrogen as also on carrying out dehydrogenation of cyclohexane. While Bi2MoO6 shows only Mo(VI) on the surface at 300 K, heating it to 670 K in vacuum changes it entirely to Mo(V) which then gives rise to Mo(IV) and Mo(VI) on cooling.


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This project describes how Streptococcus agalactiae can be transmitted experimentally in Queensland grouper. The implications of this research furthers the relatedness between Australian S. agalactiae strains from animals and humans. Additionally, this research has developed diagnostic tools for Australian State Veterinary Laboratories and Universities, which will assist in State and National aquatic animal disease detection, surveillance, disease monitoring and reporting


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Over the past two decades neo liberalism has shaped global economic activity. The international reach of the current economic crisis propelled by the subprime mortgage meltdown in the United States has affected Indigenous communities in different ways to those whose investments were depleted by the Wall Street activities of an unregulated corporate and banking sector. Throughout this roller coaster economic ride the low socio-economic position of Indigenous peoples continued in Canada, the United States of America, New Zealand, Hawaii and Australia. The logic, or illogic of capital, failed to extend the boom of the economic upturn to Indigenous peoples, but is poised to extend the repercussions of the current downturn deep into Indigenous lives. The consistency of the Indigenous socio-economic position across these countries, even where treaties exist, indicates that the phenomenon is based on a shared Indigenous reality. In this special edition, the commonality in the way in which Indigenous people are engaged in and positioned by market forces and regulation by their respective nation states is proposed as one of the foundation plates of that Indigenous positioning...


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The articles in this edition of the International Journal of Critical Indigenous Studies engage collectively with how different epistemologies and cultural values inform power relations in different locations, situations and contemporary contexts. As a group, these articles demonstrate, over varying facets, how meaning, communicative intent and interpretive effect are constitutive of power relations between Indigenous people and non Indigenous people. Jackie Grey discusses the labour of belonging as played out in a dispute over Indigenous fishing rights in a small New England town of Aquinnah, located on Noepe Island the traditional lands of the Wampanoag in the United States of America. She reveals the ways in which the jurisdiction of non Indigenous belonging operates discursively and materially to preclude Indigenous rights and self determination. Grey's analysis highlights the incommensurability of Indigenous and non Indigenous belonging that are played out in power relations born of colonisation.


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Australian forest industries have a long history of export trade of a wide range of products from woodchips(for paper manufacturing), sandalwood (essential oils, carving and incense) to high value musical instruments, flooring and outdoor furniture. For the high value group, fluctuating environmental conditions brought on by changes in mperature and relative humidity, can lead to performance problems due to consequential swelling, shrinkage and/or distortion of the wood elements. A survey determined the types of value-added products exported, including species and dimensions packaging used and export markets. Data loggers were installed with shipments to monitor temperature and relative humidity conditions. These data were converted to timber equilibrium moisture content values to provide an indication of the environment that the wood elements would be acclimatising to. The results of the initial survey indicated that primary high value wood export products included guitars, flooring, decking and outdoor furniture. The destination markets were mainly located in the northern hemisphere, particularly the United States of America, China, Hong Kong, Europe including the United Kingdom), Japan, Korea and the Middle East. Other regions importing Australian-made wooden articles were south-east Asia, New Zealand and South Africa. Different timber species have differing rates of swelling and shrinkage, so the types of timber were also recorded during the survey. Results from this work determined that the major species were ash-type eucalypts from south-eastern Australia (commonly referred to in the market as Tasmanian oak), jarrah from Western Australia, spotted gum, hoop pine, white cypress, black butt, brush box and Sydney blue gum from Queensland and New South Wales. The environmental conditions data indicated that microclimates in shipping containers can fluctuate extensively during shipping. Conditions at the time of manufacturing were usually between 10 and 12% equilibrium moisture content, however conditions during shipping could range from 5 (very dry) to 20% (very humid). The packaging systems incorporated were reported to be efficient at protecting the wooden articles from damage during transit. The research highlighted the potential risk for wood components to ‘move’ in response to periods of drier or more humid conditions than those at the time of manufacturing, and the importance of engineering a packaging system that can account for the environmental conditions experienced in shipping containers. Examples of potential dimensional changes in wooden components were calculated based on published unit shrinkage data for key species and the climatic data returned from the logging equipment. The information highlighted the importance of good design to account for possible timber movement during shipping. A timber movement calculator was developed to allow designers to input component species, dimensions, site of manufacture and destination, to see validate their product design. This calculator forms part of the free interactive website www.timbers.com.au.


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The aim of this thesis is to analyse the key ecumenical dialogues between Methodists and Lutherans from the perspective of Arminian soteriology and Methodist theology in general. The primary research question is defined as: "To what extent do the dialogues under analysis relate to Arminian soteriology?" By seeking an answer to this question, new knowledge is sought on the current soteriological position of the Methodist-Lutheran dialogues, the contemporary Methodist theology and the commonalities between the Lutheran and Arminian understanding of soteriology. This way the soteriological picture of the Methodist-Lutheran discussions is clarified. The dialogues under analysis were selected on the basis of versatility. Firstly, the sole world organisation level dialogue was chosen: The Church – Community of Grace. Additionally, the document World Methodist Council and the Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification is analysed as a supporting document. Secondly, a document concerning the discussions between two main-line churches in the United States of America was selected: Confessing Our Faith Together. Thirdly, two dialogues between non-main-line Methodist churches and main-line Lutheran national churches in Europe were chosen: Fellowship of Grace from Norway and Kristuksesta osalliset from Finland. The theoretical approach to the research conducted in this thesis is systematic analysis. The Remonstrant articles of Arminian soteriology are utilised as an analysis tool to examine the soteriological positions of the dialogues. New knowledge is sought by analysing the stances of the dialogues concerning the doctrines of partial depravity, conditional election, universal atonement, resistible grace and conditional perseverance of saints. This way information is also provided for approaching the Calvinist-Arminian controversy from new perspectives. The results of this thesis show that the current soteriological position of the Methodist-Lutheran dialogues is closer to Arminianism than Calvinism. The dialogues relate to Arminian soteriology especially concerning the doctrines of universal atonement, resistible grace and conditional perseverance of saints. The commonalities between the Lutheran and Arminian understanding of soteriology exist mainly in these three doctrines as they are uniformly favoured in the dialogues. The most discussed area of soteriology is human depravity, in which the largest diversity of stances occurs as well. On the other hand, divine election is the least discussed topic. The overall perspective, which the results of the analysis provide, indicates that the Lutherans could approach the Calvinist churches together with the Methodists with a wider theological perspective and understanding when the soteriological issues are considered as principal. Human depravity is discovered as the area of soteriology which requires most work in future ecumenical dialogues. However, the detected Lutheran hybrid notion on depravity (a Calvinist-Arminian mixture) appears to provide a useful new perspective for Calvinist-Arminian ecumenism and offers potentially fruitful considerations to future ecumenical dialogues.


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Dielectric studies of the glassy crystalline states of cyclohexanol, cyclohexanone, and camphor obtained by upercooling the plastic crystalline phase demonstrate the presence of characteristic a- and p-relaxations. The parameters of the a-relaxation fit the Vogel-Tammann-Fulcher (VTF) equation. ESR spin-probe studies of the glassy crystalline phase of cyclohexanol show that there is a marked decrease in the correlation time above the glasslike transition temperature. The present studies suggest the similarity between glassy crystals having long-range orientational disorder and glasses which are known to betra nslationally disordered.