921 resultados para Cocaína (crack)


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Pharmacological treatments currently used in ethanol addiction are inefficient, requiring new drugs for this purpose. The pro-drug N-Acetylcysteine (N-Ac) has shown efficacy in the treatment of addiction to cocaine and nicotine in preclinical research and clinical pilot studies. When administered, N-Ac is subsequently converted to cysteine, and cystine, which has an action on the central nervous system. However, there are few data about the possible application of N-Ac in the ethanol addiction. Behavioral sensitization is the gradual increase of the psychostimulant effects induced by repeated administration of drugs of abuse, including ethanol, and its development has been linked to important neuroadaptations in addiction. These neuroadaptations occur in neural circuits that mediate the reinforcing properties of these drugs and may involve several proteins. The ΔFosB protein accumulates in neurons after repeated activation and mediates long lasting changes in response to drugs of abuse. These changes are manifested mainly in the nucleus accumbens (Acb) and prefrontal cortex (PFC) neurons. The aim of the study was to evaluate the effects of N-Ac treatment in the development of ethanol behavioral sensitization and in alterations in the ΔFosB protein in mice. Swiss male mice were exposed to a standardized behavioral sensitization protocol to the experimental conditions of the laboratory and treated with N-Ac. At the end of behavioral sensitization procedure, animals were euthanized and their brains removed for ΔFosB quantification by Western blotting. Two experiments of behavioral sensitization were performed to the standardization of the protocol. The first, although effective in demonstrating the development of behavioral sensitization, was not effective in allowing the evaluation of the expression of the behavioral sensitization. The age of the animals and the conditions of luminosity and color of locomotion apparatus were changed and a new...


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Pharmacological treatments currently used in ethanol addiction are inefficient, requiring new drugs for this purpose. The pro-drug N-Acetylcysteine (N-Ac) has shown efficacy in the treatment of addiction to cocaine and nicotine in preclinical research and clinical pilot studies. When administered, N-Ac is subsequently converted to cysteine, and cystine, which has an action on the central nervous system. However, there are few data about the possible application of N-Ac in the ethanol addiction. Behavioral sensitization is the gradual increase of the psychostimulant effects induced by repeated administration of drugs of abuse, including ethanol, and its development has been linked to important neuroadaptations in addiction. These neuroadaptations occur in neural circuits that mediate the reinforcing properties of these drugs and may involve several proteins. The ΔFosB protein accumulates in neurons after repeated activation and mediates long lasting changes in response to drugs of abuse. These changes are manifested mainly in the nucleus accumbens (Acb) and prefrontal cortex (PFC) neurons. The aim of the study was to evaluate the effects of N-Ac treatment in the development of ethanol behavioral sensitization and in alterations in the ΔFosB protein in mice. Swiss male mice were exposed to a standardized behavioral sensitization protocol to the experimental conditions of the laboratory and treated with N-Ac. At the end of behavioral sensitization procedure, animals were euthanized and their brains removed for ΔFosB quantification by Western blotting. Two experiments of behavioral sensitization were performed to the standardization of the protocol. The first, although effective in demonstrating the development of behavioral sensitization, was not effective in allowing the evaluation of the expression of the behavioral sensitization. The age of the animals and the conditions of luminosity and color of locomotion apparatus were changed and a new...


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Wild bearded capuchin monkeys, Cebus libidinosus, use stone tools to crack palm nuts to obtain the kernel. In five experiments, we gave 10 monkeys from one wild group of bearded capuchins a choice of two nuts differing in resistance and size and/or two manufactured stones of the same shape, volume and composition but different mass. Monkeys consistently selected the nut that was easier to crack and the heavier stone. When choosing between two stones differing in mass by a ratio of 1.3:1, monkeys frequently touched the stones or tapped them with their fingers or with a nut. They showed these behaviours more frequently before making their first selection of a stone than afterward. These results suggest that capuchins discriminate between nuts and between stones, selecting materials that allow them to crack nuts with fewer strikes, and generate exploratory behaviours to discriminate stones of varying mass. In the final experiment, humans effectively discriminated the mass of stones using the same tapping and handling behaviours as capuchins. Capuchins explore objects in ways that allow them to perceive invariant properties (e.g. mass) of objects, enabling selection of objects for specific uses. We predict that species that use tools will generate behaviours that reveal invariant properties of objects such as mass; species that do not use tools are less likely to explore objects in this way. The precision with which individuals can judge invariant properties may differ considerably, and this also should predict prevalence of tool use across species. (C) 2010 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Wild bearded capuchins, Cebus libidinosus, in Fazenda Boa Vista, Brazil crack tough palm nuts using hammer stones. We analysed the contribution of intrinsic factors (body weight, behaviour), size of the nuts and the anvil surface (flat or pit) to the efficiency of cracking. We provided capuchins with local palm nuts and a single hammer stone at an anvil. From video we scored the capuchins` position and actions with the nut prior to each strike, and outcomes of each strike. The most efficient capuchin opened 15 nuts per 100 strikes (6.6 strikes per nut). The least efficient capuchin that succeeded in opening a nut opened 1.32 nuts per 100 strikes (more than 75 strikes per nut). Body weight and diameter of the nut best predicted whether a capuchin would crack a nut on a given strike. All the capuchins consistently placed nuts into pits. To provide an independent analysis of the effect of placing the nut into a pit, we filmed an adult human cracking nuts on the same anvil using the same stone. The human displaced the nut on proportionally fewer strikes when he placed it into a pit rather than on a flat surface. Thus the capuchins placed the nut in a more effective location on the anvil to crack it. Nut cracking as practised by bearded capuchins is a striking example of a plastic behaviour where costs and benefits vary enormously across individuals, and where efficiency requires years to attain. (C) 2009 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Chimpanzees have been the traditional referential models for investigating human evolution and stone tool use by hominins. We enlarge this comparative scenario by describing normative use of hammer stones and anvils in two wild groups of bearded capuchin monkeys (Cebus libidinosus) over one year. We found that most of the individuals habitually use stones and anvils to crack nuts and other encased food items. Further, we found that in adults (1) males use stone tools more frequently than females, (2) males crack high resistance nuts more frequently than females, (3) efficiency at opening a food by percussive tool use varies according to the resistance of the encased food, (4) heavier individuals are more efficient at cracking high resistant nuts than smaller individuals, and (5) to crack open encased foods, both sexes select hammer stones on the basis of material and weight. These findings confirm and extend previous experimental evidence concerning tool selectivity in wild capuchin monkeys (Visalberghi et al., 2009b; Fragaszy et al., 2010b). Male capuchins use tools more frequently than females and body mass is the best predictor of efficiency, but the sexes do not differ in terms of efficiency. We argue that the contrasting pattern of sex differences in capuchins compared with chimpanzees, in which females use tools more frequently and more skillfully than males, may have arisen from the degree of sexual dimorphism in body size of the two species, which is larger in capuchins than in chimpanzees. Our findings show the importance of taking sex and body mass into account as separate variables to assess their role in tool use. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The use of stones to crack open encapsulated fruit is widespread among wild bearded capuchin monkeys (Cebus libidinosus) inhabiting savanna-like environments. Some populations in Serra da Capivara National Park (Piaui, Brazil), though, exhibit a seemingly broader toolkit, using wooden sticks as probes, and employing stone tools for a variety of purposes. Over the course of 701.5 hr of visual contact of two wild capuchin groups we recorded 677 tool use episodes. Five hundred and seventeen of these involved the use of stones, and 160 involved the use of sticks (or other plant parts) as probes to access water, arthropods, or the contents of insects` nests. Stones were mostly used as ""hammers""-not only to open fruit or seeds, or smash other food items, but also to break dead wood, conglomerate rock, or cement in search of arthropods, to dislodge bigger stones, and to pulverize embedded quartz pebbles (licking, sniffing, or rubbing the body with the powder produced). Stones also were used in a ""hammer-like"" fashion to loosen the soil for digging out roots and arthropods, and sometimes as ""hoes"" to pull the loosened soil. In a few cases, we observed the re-utilization of stone tools for different purposes (N = 3), or the combined use of two tools-stones and sticks (N = 4) or two stones (N = 5), as sequential or associative tools. On three occasions, the monkeys used smaller stones to loosen bigger quartz pebbles embedded in conglomerate rock, which were subsequently used as tools. These could be considered the first reports of secondary tool use by wild capuchin monkeys. Am. J. Primatol. 71:242-251, 2009. (c) 2008 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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Appreciation of objects` affordances and planning is a hallmark of human technology. Archeological evidence suggests that Pliocene hominins selected raw material for tool making [1, 2]. Stone pounding has been considered a precursor to tool making [3, 4], and tool use by living primates provides insight into the origins of material selection by human ancestors. No study has experimentally investigated selectivity of stone tools in wild animals, although chimpanzees appear to select stones according to properties of different nut species [5, 6]. We recently discovered that wild capuchins with terrestrial habits [7] use hammers to crack open nuts on anvils [8-10]. As for chimpanzees, examination of anvil sites suggests stone selectivity [11], but indirect evidence cannot prove it. Here, we demonstrate that capuchins, which last shared a common ancestor with humans 35 million years ago, faced with stones differing in functional features (friability and weight) choose, transport, and use the effective stone to crack nuts. Moreover, when weight cannot be judged by visual attributes, capuchins act to gain information to guide their selection. Thus, planning actions and intentional selection of tools is within the ken of monkeys and similar to the tool activities of hominins and apes.


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Wild bearded capuchins (Cebus libidinosus, quadrupedal, medium-sized monkeys) crack nuts using large stones. We examined the kinematics and energetics of the nut-cracking action of two adult males and two adult females. From a bipedal stance, the monkeys raised a heavy hammer stone (1.46 and 1.32 kg, from 33 to 77% of their body weight) to an average height of 0.33 m, 60% of body length. Then, they rapidly lowered the stone by flexing the lower extremities and the trunk until the stone contacted the nut. A hit consisting of an upward phase and a downward phase averaged 0.74 s in duration. The upward phase lasted 69% of hit duration. All subjects added discernable energy to the stone in the downward phase. The monkeys exhibited individualized kinematic strategies, similar to those of human weight lifters. Capuchins illustrate that human-like bipedal stance and large body size are unnecessary to break tough objects from a bipedal position. The phenomenon of bipedal nut-cracking by capuchins provides a new comparative reference point for discussions of percussive tool use and bipedality in primates. Am J Phys Anthropol 138:210-220, 2009. (C) 2008 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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How do capuchin monkeys learn to use stones to crack open nuts? Perception-action theory posits that individuals explore producing varying spatial and force relations among objects and surfaces, thereby learning about affordances of such relations and how to produce them. Such learning supports the discovery of tool use. We present longitudinal developmental data from semifree-ranging tufted capuchin monkeys (Cebus apella) to evaluate predictions arising from Perception-action theory linking manipulative development and the onset of tool-using. Percussive actions bringing an object into contact with a surface appeared within the first year of life. Most infants readily struck nuts and other objects against stones or other surfaces from 6 months of age, but percussive actions alone were not sufficient to produce nut-cracking sequences. Placing the nut on the anvil surface and then releasing it, so that it could be struck with a stone, was the last element necessary for nut-cracking to appear in capuchins. Young chimpanzees may face a different challenge in learning to crack nuts: they readily place objects on surfaces and release them, but rarely vigorously strike objects against surfaces or other objects. Thus the challenges facing the two species in developing the same behavior (nut-cracking using a stone hammer and an anvil) may be quite different. Capuchins must inhibit a strong bias to hold nuts so that they can release them; chimpanzees must generate a percussive action rather than a gentle placing action. Generating the right actions may be as challenging as achieving the right sequence of actions in both species. Our analysis suggests a new direction for studies of social influence on young primates learning sequences of actions involving manipulation of objects in relation to surfaces.


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Nutcracking capuchins are mentioned in reports dating as far back as the sixteenth century,(1,2) as well as in Brazilian folklore.(3) However, it was barely a decade ago that primatologists ""discovered"" the spontaneous use of stones to crack nuts in a semi-free ranging group of tufted capuchin monkeys. Since then, we have found several more capuchin populations in savanna-like environments which(5-7) employ this form of tool use. The evidence so far only weakly supports geneti cally based behavioral differences between populations and does not suggest that dietary pressures in poor environments are proximate determinants of the likelihood of tool use. Instead, tool use within these capuchin populations seems to be a behavioral tradition that is socially learned and is primarily associated with more terrestrial habits. However, differences in the diversity of ""tool kits"" between populations remain to be understood.


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When a scaled structure (model or replica) is used to predict the response of a full-size compound (prototype), the model geometric dimensions should relate to the corresponding prototype dimensions by a single scaling factor. However, owing to manufacturing technical restrictions, this condition cannot be accomplished for some of the dimensions in real structures. Accordingly, the distorted geometry will not comply with the overall geometric scaling factor, infringing the Pi theorem requirements for complete dynamic similarity. In the present study, a method which takes geometrical distortions into account is introduced, leading to a model similar to the prototype. As a means to infer the performance of this method, three analytical problems of structures subjected to dynamic loads are analysed. It is shown that the replica developed applying this technique is able to accurately predict the full-size structure behaviour even when the studied models have some of their dimensions severely distorted. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The purpose of the study was to verify the effects of a number of materials' parameters (crystalline content; Young's modulus, E; biaxial flexure strength, sigma(i); Vickers hardness, VH; fracture toughness, K-Ic; fracture surface energy, gamma(f); and index of brittleness, B) on the brittleness of dental ceramics. Five commercial dental ceramics with different contents of glass phase and crystalline particles were studied: a vitreous porcelain (VM7/V), a porcelain with 16 vol% leucite particles (d.Sign/D), a glass-ceramic with 29 vol% leucite particles (Empress/E1), a glass-ceramic with 58 vol% lithium-disilicate needle-like particles (Empress 2/E2), and a glass-infiltrated alumina composite with 65 vol% crystals (In-Ceram Alumina/IC). Discs were constructed according to manufacturers' instructions, ground and polished to final dimensions (12 mm x 1.1 mm). Elastic constants were determined by ultrasonic pulse-echo method. sigma(i) was determined by piston-on-3-balls method in inert condition. VH was determined using 19.6 N load and K-Ic was determined by indentation strength method. gamma(f) was calculated from the Griffith-Irwin relation and B by the ratio of HV to K-Ic. IC and E2 showed higher values of sigma(i), E, K-Ic and gamma(f), and lower values of B compared to leucite-based glass-ceramic and porcelains. Positive correlations were observed for sigma(i) versus K-Ic, and K-Ic versus E-1/2, however, E did not show relationship with HV and B. The increase of crystalline phase content is beneficial to decrease the brittleness of dental ceramics by means of both an increase in fracture surface energy and a lowering in index of brittleness. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd and Techna Group Sri. All rights reserved.


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To determine whether tool use varied in relation to food availability in bearded capuchin monkeys, we recorded anvil and stone hammer use in two sympatric wild groups, one of which was provisioned daily, and assessed climatic variables and availability of fruits, invertebrates and palm nuts. Capuchins used tools to crack open encased fruits, mostly palm nuts, throughout the year. Significant differences between wet and dry seasons were found in rainfall, abundance of invertebrates and palm nuts, but not in fruit abundance. Catule nuts were more abundant in the dry season. We tested the predictions of the necessity hypothesis (according to which tool use is maintained by sustenance needs during resource scarcity) and of the opportunity hypothesis (according to which tool use is maintained by repeated exposure to appropriate ecological conditions, such as preferred food resources necessitating the use of tools). Our findings support only the opportunity hypothesis. The rate of tool use was not affected by provisioning, and the monthly rate of tool use was not correlated with the availability of fruits and invertebrates. Conversely, all capuchins cracked food items other than palm nuts (e.g. cashew nuts) when available, and adult males cracked nuts more in the dry season when catule nuts (the most common and exploited nut) are especially abundant. Hence, in our field site capuchins use tools opportunistically. (C) 2012 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We present for the first time a justification on the basis of central limit theorems for the family of life distributions generated from scale-mixture of normals. This family was proposed by Balakrishnan et al. (2009) and can be used to accommodate unexpected observations for the usual Birnbaum-Saunders distribution generated from the normal one. The class of scale-mixture of normals includes normal, slash, Student-t, logistic, double-exponential, exponential power and many other distributions. We present a model for the crack extensions where the limiting distribution of total crack extensions is in the class of scale-mixture of normals. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Aim. This work tested the effect of the addition of Al2O3/GdAlO3 longitudinal fibers in different contents to veneering porcelain of two dental all ceramic systems. Methods: Fibers (0.5 mm diameter) obtained by the Laser Heated Pedestal Growth (LHPG) method were added to bar-shaped specimens made by veneer porcelain (monolayers) or both the veneer and the core ceramic (bilayers) of two all-ceramic systems: In-Ceram Alumina - glass infiltrated alumina composite (GIA) and In-Ceram 2000 AL Cubes - alumina polycrystal (AP) (VITA Zahnfabrik). The longitudinal fibers were added to veneering porcelain (VM7) in two different proportions: 10 or 17 vol%. The bars were divided into nine experimental conditions (n = 10) according to material used: VM7 porcelain monolayers, VM7/GIA, VM7/AP; and according to the amount of fibers within the porcelain layer: no fibers, 10 vol% or 17 vol%. After grinding and polishing the specimens were submitted to a three point bending test (crosshead speed = 0.5 mm/min) with porcelain positioned at tensile side. Data were analyzed by means of one-way ANOVA and a Tukey's test (alpha = 5%). Scanning electronic microscopy (SEM) was conducted for fractographic analysis. Results. Regarding the groups without fiber addition, VM7/AP showed the highest flexural strength (MPa), followed by VM7/GIA and VM7 monolayers. The addition of fibers led to a numerical increase in flexural strength for all groups. For VM7/GIA bilayers the addition of 17 vol% of fibers resulted in a significant 48% increase in the flexural strength compared to the control group. Fractographic analysis revealed that the crack initiation site was in porcelain at the tensile surface. Cracks also propagated between fibers before heading for the alumina core. Conclusions. The addition of 17 vol% of Al2O3/GdAlO3 longitudinal fibers to porcelain/glass infiltrated alumina bilayers significantly improved its flexural strength. 10 vol% or 17 vol% of fibers inclusion increased the flexural strength for all groups. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.