907 resultados para China--Economic conditions--Maps


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La presente monografía tiene como propósito analizar el rol económico de China en Sudán de 1999 al 2008. Tras su crisis en la década de 1990, se examina el efecto que el rol chino tuvo en los sectores productivos de la economía sudanesa: el textil, el agrícola, el metalúrgico y el petrolero, aun cómo la estabilidad política en el régimen de Omar Al-Bashir en el ámbito político y el conflicto en Darfur como factor social. Como un último objetivo esta investigación, basándose en el trabajo de Mohammed Ayoob, se reevalúa el estatus de Sudán como Estado Tercermundista ilustrándolo a través del uso de la analogía de la metamorfosis de una mariposa.


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El interés de esta monografía es evaluar la influencia del conflicto armado nepalí sobre las relaciones de Nepal con India y China. Se analiza y se explica como un conflicto armado interno puede influir desde sus causas, desarrollo y desenlace en las relaciones regionales y bilaterales de un país con sus vecinos. El presente texto pretende probar que la guerra civil de Nepal influyo positivamente en sus relaciones con India y China, planteando al país nepalí como un escenario en disputa entre estas dos potencias emergentes. Mediante el Realismo Estructural de Keneth Watlz se evaluaran las lógicas y los patrones de cambio que puedan modificar el sistema conformado por Nepal, China e India, para posteriormente examinar los cambios reales o parciales que sufrieron las relaciones de estos países al termino del conflicto armado.


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La década de 1950 fue determinante en el establecimiento y póstumo desarrollo del sistema de política exterior de la República Popular China. Al respecto, es de vital importancia realizar un análisis exhaustivo sobre esta primera etapa en donde actores externos a la nación tuvieron un papel determinante. Se busca, entonces, analizar la incidencia que tuvo el discurso de Estados Unidos en la política exterior China a través de un profundo análisis cualitativo que tendrá como base elementos propios de la historiografía. Mediante aproximaciones constructivistas, se pretende demostrar que las creencias pre-existentes de ambos actores (así como la intersubjetividad entre los mismos), determinó la identidad construida a través de la percepción mutua. Lo anterior, impulsó las relaciones predominantemente agresivas entre Estados Unidos y la China Maoísta de principios de la Guerra Fría.


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Resumen tomado de la publicación. Con el apoyo económico del departamento MIDE de la UNED


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Conflictes socioterritorials i participació pública en la gestió de l'aigua de la conca del riu Muga (Alt Empordà) és un treball que incideix sobre la conflictivitat en la gestió dels rius mediterranis i prospecta en la participació pública -activa i vinculant- per a la resolució de conflictes i la planificació i gestió dels recursos hídrics. En concret, s'ha intentat donar resposta a cinc objectius: Objectius del marc teòric - Comprovar l'existència de dos discursos antagònics (radicalment oposats) en l'esfera social, científica i de gestió dels rius que generen conflicte i que són insostenibles per a una gestió integral dels recursos fluvials: el discurs antropocèntric i el discurs ecocèntric. Matèria d'estudi: L'excepcionalisme humà i l'ecologia profunda en la societat; Les disciplines de la regulació de l'aigua i de l'ecologia fluvial en la ciència; El contracte antropocèntric i el balanç ecocèntric en la gestió; El discurs ambiental (el riu antròpic i ecosistemàtic). - Valorar si les estratègies de participació pública (que involucren als agents socials) gaudeixen -respecte els processos de decisió unilaterals (siguin autoritàries o arbitràries)- de més garanties per corregir i prevenir conflictes desconstructius relacionats amb l'aigua i els recursos fluvials. Matèria d'estudi: Definició de conflicte en positiu; L'estratègia de cooperació i consens en la Resolució Alternativa de Disputes (Alternative Dispute Resolution) i 13 casos resolts de conflictes per l'aigua a l'Oest dels Estats Units; Bases d'un pla de gestió integral, adaptatiu i participatiu i el cas del San Joaquin River Management Plan (Califòrnia, Estats Units). Objectius del marc pràctic. Conca del riu Muga (Alt Empordà) - Contextualitzar la diversificació i intensificació dels usos de l'aigua dins un procés de canvi dels usos del sòl, particularment accelerat a partir de la dècada de 1960 i objecte de problemàtiques socioterritorials d'ençà de la dècada de 1980. Cartografia i matriu de canvi dels usos del sòl de la conca anys 1993 i 1957. Matèria d'estudi: Cartografia i estadística dels usos del sòl de la conca del riu Muga (49 municipis altempordanesos, 1.050 km2), anys 1957 i 1993. Retrospectiva dels espais forestals, d'aigua, conreats i urbanitzats. - Identificar i descriure les tensions i conflictes en l'ús de l'aigua, així com les característiques de les solucions adoptades en el període 1980-2000. Constatar si determinades solucions estructurals han esdevingut problemàtiques a mig o llarg termini, i estimar la probabilitat de conflictes futurs. Matèria d'estudi: 50 incidents problemàtics en abastament d'aigua (26 tensions i 24 conflictes) i 53 mesures per fer-hi front (12 d'adaptació de la demanda i 41 d'adaptació de l'oferta d'aigua) entre els anys 1980 i 2000, i diferenciant dues unitats territorials de la conca (la Muga interior i la plana de la Muga). - Caracteritzar quins són els temes en matèria d'aigua que no disposen de consens entre els agents socioeconòmics, tècnics i polítics locals reunits en les sessions de discussió del projecte MUGA. Determinar si les estratègies participatives poden prosperar perquè són factibles i idònies. Matèria d'estudi: Projecte MUGA: Gestión del recurso agua con participación de agentes. Estudio para la cuenca del río Muga (Girona), 2000-2003 - UAB i UdG; La dissensió d'opinions dels 30 participants a les 4 sessions de discussió entorn l'ús i gestió de l'aigua de la conca de la Muga; 6 temes de conflicte, 14 subtemes i 31 punts de discussió, 9 dels quals punts calents de conflicte (destructius i indicadors de punts de disfunció en la gestió de l'aigua de la conca).


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En este artículo se presenta el panorama de las actuales relaciones económicas entre China y Perú, tomando como eje articulador el Tratado de Libre Comercio (TLC) suscrito por estos dos países a principios de 2009. En la primera parte el autor examina las relaciones comerciales y de inversión entre China y Perú, luego analiza algunos elementos relevantes del TLC suscrito y, finalmente, presenta las posibles consecuencias del Acuerdo.


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In the last decade, the presence of China in Latin America has been characterized by a model of economic cooperation based on pragmatic principles of complementarity and mutual benefits. Latin America is presented as a “paradise” of natural resources and expanding markets, while China stands as the main financier and investor in the region. In this scenario, particularly since 2009, Ecuador has become one of the top recipients of Chinese funding and investment, mainly in strategic sectors such as energy and infrastructure. The presence of China in the country has been the subject of extensive discussions about the true benefits and costs behind its model of economic cooperation.


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A number of recent papers in the atmospheric science literature have suggested that a dynamical link exists between the stratosphere and troposphere. Numerical modelling studies have shown that the troposphere has a time-mean response to changes to the stratospheric climatological state. In this study the response of the troposphere to an imposed transient stratospheric change is examined. The study uses a high horizontal and vertical resolution numerical weather-prediction model. Experiments compare the tropospheric forecasts of two medium-range forecast ensembles which have identical tropospheric initial conditions and different stratospheric initial conditions. In three case studies described here, stratospheric initial conditions have a statistically significant impact on the tropospheric flow. The mechanism for this change involves, in its most basic step, a change to tropospheric synoptic-scale systems. A consistent change to the tropospheric synoptic-scale systems occurs in response to the stratospheric initial conditions. The aggregated impact of changes to individual synoptic systems maps strongly onto the structure of the Arctic Oscillation, particularly over the North Atlantic storm track. The relationship between the stratosphere and troposphere, while apparent in Arctic Oscillation diagnostics, does not occur on coherent, hemispheric scales.


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This paper presents the results of a study aimed at measuring the economic impact of genetically modified cotton in Maharashtra State, India. It is the first study of its kind in India in that the data have been collected from farmers growing the crop under market conditions, rather than from trials. The research compares the performance of more than 9,000 Bt and non-Bt cotton farm plots in Maharashtra over the 2002 and 2003 growing seasons. Results show that Bt cotton varieties have had a significant positive impact on average yields and on the economic performance of cotton growers.


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A study was conducted in the forest-steppe region of the Loess Plateau to provide insight into the factors affecting the process of vegetation establishment, and to provide recommendations for the selection of indigenous species in order to speed up the succession process and to allow the establishment of vegetation more resistant to soil erosion. Four distinctive vegetation types were identified, and their distribution was affected not only by the time since abandonment but also by other environmental factors, mainly soil water and total P in the upper soil layers. One of the vegetation types, dominated by Artemisia scoparia, formed the early successional stage after abandonment while the other three types formed later successional stages with their distribution determined by the soil water content and total P. It can be concluded that the selection of appropriate species for introduction to accelerate succession should be determined by the local conditions and especially the total P concentration and soil water content.


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Rapid economic growth in China has resulted in substantially improved household incomes. Diets have also changed, with a movement away from traditional foods and towards animal products and processed foods. Yet micronutrient deficiencies, particularly for calcium and vitamin A, are still widespread in China. In this research we model the determinants of the intakes of these micronutrients using household panel data, asking particularly whether continuing income increases are likely to cause the deficiencies to be overcome. Nonparametric kernel regressions and random effects panel regression models are employed. The results show a statistically significant but relatively small positive income effect on both nutrient intakes. The local availability of milk is seen to have a strong positive effect on intakes of both micronutrients. Thus, rather than relying on increasing incomes to overcome deficiencies, supplementary government policies, such as school milk programmes, may be warranted.


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The significance of Plasmodiophora brassicae Woronin and clubroot disease which it incites in members of the family Brassicaceae is reviewed as the focus for this special edition of the Journal of Plant Growth Regulation. This is a monographic treatment of recent research into the pathogen and disease; previous similar treatments are now well over half a century old. Vernacular nomenclature of the disease indicates that it had a well-established importance in agriculture and horticulture from at least the Middle Ages onward in Europe and probably earlier. Subsequently, the pathogen probably spread worldwide as a result of transfer on and in fodder taken by colonists as livestock feed. It is a moot point, however, whether there was much earlier spread by P. brassicae into China and subsequently Japan as Brassica rapa (Chinese cabbage and many variants) colonized those lands in archaeological time. Symptoms, worldwide distribution, and economic impact are briefly described here to provide a basis for understanding subsequent papers. Clubroot disease devastates both infected field and protected vegetable and agricultural Brassica crops. Particular importance is placed on recent reports of crop losses in tropical countries, albeit where the crops are grown in cooler altitudes, and in the Canadian prairie land canola crops. The latter is of enormous importance because this crop is the single most important and essential source of vegetable oils used in human foodstuffs and in industrial lubricants where mineral oils are inappropriate.


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This paper presents an investigation of the natural ventilation cooling potential (NVCP) of office buildings in the five generally recognised climate zones in China using the Thermal Resistance Ventilation (TRV) model, which is a simplified, coupled, thermal and airflow model. The acceptable operative temperature for naturally conditioned space supplied by the ASHARE Standard 55-2004 has been used for the comfort temperature setting. Dynamic simulations for a typical office room in the five representative cities, which are Harbin, Beijing, Shanghai, Kunming and Guangzhou, have been carried out. The study demonstrates that the NVCP depends on the multiple impacts of climate, the building's thermal characteristics, internal gains, ventilation profiles and regimes. The work shows how the simplified method can be used to generate detailed, indoor, operative temperature data based on the various building conditions and control profiles which are used to investigate the NVCP at the strategic design stage. The simulation results presented in this paper can be used as a reference guideline for natural ventilation design in China.


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The People's Republic of China and its 1.3 billion people have experienced a rapid economic growth in the past two decades. China's urbanisation ratio rose from around 20% in the early 1980s to 45% in 2007 [China Urban Research Committee. Green building. Beijing: Chinese Construction Industrial Publish House; 2008. ISBN 978-7-112-09925-2.]. The large volume and rapid speed of building construction rarely have been seen in global development and cause substantial pressure on resources and the environment. Government policy makers and building professionals, including architects, building engineers, project managers and property developers, should play an important role in enhancing the planning, design, construction, operation and maintenance of the building energy efficiency process in forming the sustainable urban development. This paper addresses the emerging issues relating to building energy consumption and building energy efficiency due to the fast urbanisation development in China.


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Objectives: To clarify the role of growth monitoring in primary school children, including obesity, and to examine issues that might impact on the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of such programmes. Data sources: Electronic databases were searched up to July 2005. Experts in the field were also consulted. Review methods: Data extraction and quality assessment were performed on studies meeting the review's inclusion criteria. The performance of growth monitoring to detect disorders of stature and obesity was evaluated against National Screening Committee (NSC) criteria. Results: In the 31 studies that were included in the review, there were no controlled trials of the impact of growth monitoring and no studies of the diagnostic accuracy of different methods for growth monitoring. Analysis of the studies that presented a 'diagnostic yield' of growth monitoring suggested that one-off screening might identify between 1: 545 and 1: 1793 new cases of potentially treatable conditions. Economic modelling suggested that growth monitoring is associated with health improvements [ incremental cost per quality-adjusted life-year (QALY) of pound 9500] and indicated that monitoring was cost-effective 100% of the time over the given probability distributions for a willingness to pay threshold of pound 30,000 per QALY. Studies of obesity focused on the performance of body mass index against measures of body fat. A number of issues relating to human resources required for growth monitoring were identified, but data on attitudes to growth monitoring were extremely sparse. Preliminary findings from economic modelling suggested that primary prevention may be the most cost-effective approach to obesity management, but the model incorporated a great deal of uncertainty. Conclusions: This review has indicated the potential utility and cost-effectiveness of growth monitoring in terms of increased detection of stature-related disorders. It has also pointed strongly to the need for further research. Growth monitoring does not currently meet all NSC criteria. However, it is questionable whether some of these criteria can be meaningfully applied to growth monitoring given that short stature is not a disease in itself, but is used as a marker for a range of pathologies and as an indicator of general health status. Identification of effective interventions for the treatment of obesity is likely to be considered a prerequisite to any move from monitoring to a screening programme designed to identify individual overweight and obese children. Similarly, further long-term studies of the predictors of obesity-related co-morbidities in adulthood are warranted. A cluster randomised trial comparing growth monitoring strategies with no growth monitoring in the general population would most reliably determine the clinical effectiveness of growth monitoring. Studies of diagnostic accuracy, alongside evidence of effective treatment strategies, could provide an alternative approach. In this context, careful consideration would need to be given to target conditions and intervention thresholds. Diagnostic accuracy studies would require long-term follow-up of both short and normal children to determine sensitivity and specificity of growth monitoring.