999 resultados para Casa de praia


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With process urbanization process the Brazilian cities have been goin through, Natal/RN does not differ from the other ones, it has had a fast, inordinate and planned urbanization, but not applied, it has caused a high increase of social environmental problems. One of the worrying problems observed is the change in the coastal landscape, which has caused serious damage to the city‟s population, more specifically, of Ponta Negra beach neighborhood. For the geographical studies, the issue, concerning the occupation of the beaches that has been getting higher and higher in the last decades is extremely important because these, in addition to being used as homes in the new urban configuration, have incorporated new ways of environmental interference, without a simultaneous advance of knowledge which would be necessary for a more suitable and rational use of litoral spaces. Thus, the current assignment aimed to focus the coastal landscape of Ponta Negra Beach, in the city of Natal/RN, checking and analyzing the effects caused by anthropic and natural action, and the way it reflects in the quality of life of the resident, working population and of the frequenters as well as the landscape transformations in the area which is object of study, from 1970 through 2010. The methodology used followed to stages, the first concerned the theoretical work bibliographic surveying and composition; and second one the empirical work marking of the environmental characterization and application of the questionnaires. So, we can measure that Ponta Negra, is very susceptible to environmental changes, the ones caused by the natural dynamics of the beach, as well as the human actions (society) in this really fragile and mutable space, so it needs, a more profound systematic study about the coastal landscape. In order to reach a minimization of the change of the landscapes in the coastal zones there must be an integrated management of the environments, based on the planning of actions and territorial reordination of the occupations of these so important spaces, environmentally, as well as socioeconomically. Whereas, only this way, we will have a sustentable development and a suitable use of that space


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Issues concerning coastal regions, especially the beaches have sparked quite complex because studies are there that most people in the world has secured housing, mainly from the half of the last century, without concern for the natural dynamics of these environments, which have complex interactions of continental and oceanic, coastal responsible for changes in locations that can be perceived in a few years and sometimes even a few days or hours. The search took as main goal, analyze the Genipabu Beach, in the municipality of Extremoz/RN, fragile environment and rapid momentum, which has been occupied in a disorderly and unplanned. Carried out a beach monitoring through profiles beach environments: defined stages morphodynamics; realization of characterize hydrodynamic processes; identification of changes in the landscape. To this end, made necessary a survey from the bibliographic collection for theoretical and conceptual rationale. An empirical step for conducting the environmental characterization of hydrodynamics, leveling and topographic analysis of sediments (in laboratory), for observation of changes in features, influenced, and natural dynamics, anthropic action that increasingly comes taking the characteristics from the natural landscape. Underlines therefore the importance of academic studies in several areas in these environments, for setting up a coastal zoning giving public subsidies for managers for managing and planning the use and occupation of the coast in their areas


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This dissertation includes the monitoring of coastal environmental dynamics at three points distinct from Ponta Negra beach, located on the South Coast of Natal, capital of Rio Grande do Norte, in the period June 2012 to May, 2013. For this, the following hypotheses were developed: Which actors morphodynamic and/or anthropogenic responsible for the changes in the study area? And yet, the configuration of the morphodynamic state of the beach, dissipative, reflective or intermediate? Faced with these questions , studies on the beach environment has its relevance as they may clarify the risks and responsibilities of anthropogenic intervention and also assist managers in more targeted action regarding the protection of praiais systems, since once committed, it is very difficult recover the environmental framework of the area, being greatly more feasible the development of multidisciplinary work plans that can guide human actions possible in search of an understanding to the harmonious interaction between society and the beach system. Its main goal is the understanding of the processes of coastal dynamics, methodological procedures that supported the implementation of this research were based on the object of study related literature associated with the collection of data resulting from beach profiles made monthly in spring tides (full moon), the hydrodynamic data and statistical quantification data (%) and size classification of sediment sediment after laboratory analysis. The results obtained from annual comparative tables of beach profiles, associated sedimentological analysis, indicated a positive sediment budget, tending to equilibrium for Point 01 and Point 02 negative. Have to Step 03 were added to the hydrodynamic data, which allowed also on a comparative framework, the perception of a depositional dynamics, with a tendency to decrease the accumulation of material at the end of the annual cycle. These data also allowed for the point 03, the calculation of the volume of material transported by the longshore current was around 104.280 m³/m, plus the Dean parameter which established a morphological state of the dissipative beach with specific prevalences for point 03. Thus, given the results presented in this work in a timely monitoring of coastal dynamics is expected that managers and public authorities can articulate multidisciplinary work plans, always aiming actions that seek understanding and effective commitment to the recovery of the harmonious interaction between society and Ponta Negra beach environment


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Com o objetivo de caracterizar a deficiência de boro no mamoeiro (Carica papaya L.) em condições de casa de vegetação e correlacionar com o problema que ocorre em condições de campo, conhecido como careca do mamoeiro ou queda do chapéu, foram instalados dois ensaios. O primeiro foi conduzido em condições de campo no município de Botucatu, SP., em um solo pertencente ao grande grupo Terra Roxa Estruturada e de clima Cf.b.. O segundo ensaio foi conduzido em condições de casa de vegetação e soluções nutritivas. Os autores descrevem os sintomas de deficiência de boro em mamoeiro e correlacionam o problema conhecido como careca do mamoeiro, com a deficiência de boro.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Este artigo, pensado a partir de nossa pesquisa de mestrado, pretende discutir a utilização das oficinas profissionalizantes oferecidas aos adolescentes da Unidade de Internação como possibilidade de reinserção social, com base em documentos da Fundação CASA e de entrevistas realizadas com ex-internos, professores e dirigentes da Unidade Modelo de Araraquara (SP).


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Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar cinco cultivares de melão rendilhado com relação as características associadas à produção e qualidade dos frutos e quanto à aparência. O experimento foi conduzido em casa de vegetação da Faculdade de Ciências Agrárias e Veterinárias-UNESP, Câmpus de Jaboticabal. Utilizou-se o delineamento em blocos ao acaso com 5 tratamentos compostos pelas cultivares Sunrise; Aragon; Halest Best Jumbo; Nero e Bônus nº 2 e 4 repetições. Foram avaliados o peso médio dos frutos comercializáveis; diâmetro e comprimento médio de frutos; espessura média e coloração do mesocarpo e epicarpo; teor de sólidos solúveis (ºBrix), pH e acidez total. O híbrido Bônus nº 2 destacou-se com relação à produção média/m², peso médio dos frutos (Kg), espessura da polpa (cm) e ºBrix, características importantes para a produção e comercialização dos frutos de meloeiro, podendo ser indicado para cultivo em casa de vegetação.


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OBJETIVO: Este estudo qualitativo teve por objetivo descrever como um sistema familiar reage perante a situação de dependência em um membro idoso, quais recursos utiliza para manter sua estabilidade e a assistência de enfermagem disponibilizada neste contexto. MÉTODOS: Utilizou-se como referencial teórico a abordagem dos sistemas familiares e como método a pesquisa-ação. Os dados foram colhidos de novembro de 2004 a janeiro de 2005, utilizando-se o genograma, o ecomapa e o levantamento de problemas. RESULTADOS: Principais demandas familiares: luto antecipado, sobrecarga do papel de cuidador, falta de conhecimento sobre a doença e desajustamento familiar perante a crise. Principais intervenções: incentivar a narrativa da enfermidade, oferecer sugestões e informações, elogiar as forças familiares e assegurar pronto atendimento. CONCLUSÕES: Com o atendimento à família sob o enfoque sistêmico foi possível propor as intervenções de ajuda para a melhoria da qualidade de vida familiar, de maneira que ela também vislumbrasse suas próprias soluções para o enfrentamento das adversidades.


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The water restriction can damage the performance of crops, especially in the flowering period. Thus, the aim of this research was to evaluate the response of genotypes of wheat submitted to water deficit in the beginning of flowering. The experiment was conducted in greenhouse, in a completely randomized design, in factorial scheme 3 x 2, with five replications. The factors studied were: three wheat cultivars (Coodetec (CD) 105, 108 and 111) and 2 irrigation managements (with and without imposition of water deficit). During the period of water deficit imposition, gravimetric soil moisture and the relative content of water in leaf were evaluated, while at the moment of rehydration the biometric variables were determined. At the end of the crop cycle the components of production were evaluated. Reduction was found in the gravimetric soil moisture, in the relative levels of water and in all biometric variables, in function of the water deficit. The grain production showed difference only among the water regimes, in which the cultivar CD 111 is more efficient in the maintenance of the productive potential in conditions of water deficit, through the quick recovery in the relative content of water in leaves.


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Considering the importance of significations in literary works, this paper proposes a comparative study of the image of the Doll's House in Henrik Ibsen's play ADoll's House (1879), and Katherine Mansfield's short story The Doll's House, published in the book The Dove's Nest (1923), based on the theories of Gaston Bachelard and Jean Baudrillard. In both cases, one notices that the presence of this image indicatesnot only the construction of these works' environment, but also a criticism of the bourgeois model of a perfect and flawless society, as the described image refers to. However, even though this image shares the same idea in both works, it will be explored differentlyin each case, whether through the search of Nora's character in escaping social conformity as in Ibsen, or through the subtle childlike game experienced by the Kelvey sisters, asin Mansfield.


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Sociais - FFC


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)