969 resultados para COLD-FORMED STEEL BEAMS


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Friction influences the nature of transfer layer formed at the interface between tool and metal during sliding. In the present investigation, experiments were conducted using “Inclined Scratch Tester” to understand the effect of surface texture of hard surfaces on coefficient of friction and transfer layer formation. EN8 steel flats were ground to attain surfaces of different textures with different roughness. Then super purity aluminium pins were scratched against the prepared steel flats. Scanning electron micrographs of the contact surfaces of pins and flats were used to reveal the morphology of transfer layer. It was observed that the coefficient of friction and the formation of transfer layer depend primarily on the texture of hard surfaces, but independent of surface roughness of hard surfaces. It was observed that on surfaces that promote plane strain conditions near the surface, the transfer of material takes place due to the plowing action of the asperities. But, on a surface that promotes plane stress conditions the transfer layer was more due to the adhesion component of friction. It was observed that the adhesion component increases for surfaces that have random texture but was constant for the other surfaces


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The imaging performance of hololenses formed with four different geometries were studied through an analysis of their third-order aberration coefficients. It is found that the geometry proposed by Brandt (1969) gives the least residual aberration with minimum variation of this aberration with the reconstruction angle. When the ideal position of one of the construction beams is changed in order to generate a hololens array, the residual aberration is found to increase sharply, which in turn affects the image resolution among the multiplied images in the output. A hololens array was generated using Brandt's geometry with the help of a one-dimensional sinusoidal grating. The results of multiple imaging with the hololens array are presented. The image resolution is reasonably high and can be further improved by reducing the f-number of the hololenses.


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In this paper, nonhomogeneous Markov chains are proposed for modeling the cracking behavior of reinforced concrete beams subjected to monotonically increasing loads. The model facilitates prediction of the maximum crackwidth at a given load given the crackwidth at a lower load level, and thus leads to a better understanding of the cracking phenomenon. To illustrate the methodology developed, the results of three reinforced concrete beams tested in the laboratory are analyzed and presented.


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The aim of this study is to obtain the fracture characteristics of low and medium compressive strength self consolidating concrete (SCC) for notched and un-notched plain concrete beams by using work of fracture G(F) and size effect model G(f) methods and comparing them with those of normal concrete and high performance concrete. The results show that; (i) with an increase in compressive strength, G(F) increases and G(f) decreases; (ii) with an increase in depth of beam, the decrease in nominal stress of notched beam is more when compared with that of a notchless beam.


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Probabilistic analysis of cracking moment from 22 simply supported reinforced concrete beams is performed. When the basic variables follow the distribution considered in this study, the cracking moment of a beam is found to follow a normal distribution. An expression is derived, for characteristic cracking moment, which will be useful in examining reinforced concrete beams for a limit state of cracking.


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A detailed evaluation of size, shape and microstrains of BaTiO3 crystallites produced by hydrothermal crystallization at 90 – 180 °C and 0.1 – 1.2 MPa, from amorphous TiO2· xH2O (3 < × < 8) gel and aqueous Ba(OH)2 is presented, using X-ray line-broadening and TEM studies. Whereas the concentration of Ba(OH)2 and the acceptor impurities affect the crystallite shape, the stoichimetry with respect to Ba/Ti, donor as well as acceptor impurities, and the temperature of crystallization influence the microstrains. It is shown that strains in the crystallites are related to the point defects in the lattice. Compensation of the residually present hydroxyl ions in the oxygen sublattice by cation vacancies results in strains leading to metastable presence of the cubic phase at room temperature. Studies on the diffuse phase transition behaviour of these submicron powders show that the stable tetragonal phase is produced only on annealing at high temperatures where the mobility of cations vacancies are larger. Heat-treatment reduces anisotropy and strain in undoped samples, whereas annealing is less effective in doped materials. Comparison of the crystillite size by TEM showed better agreement with the Warren—Averbach method.


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PTFE specimens were slid against an EN24 disc. The unworn and worn surfaces as well as the wear debris were examined by X-ray diffraction. Sliding was found to introduce (i) shrinkage of the unit cell, (ii) enlargement of crystallites and (iii) residual stresses in the slid PTFE surface. No conformational changes in the 157 helix could be observed due to sliding. The wear debris was found to be 1 mgrm thick warped laminates.


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The three phase equilibrium between alloy, spinel solid solution and α-alumina in the Fe-Ni-Al-O system has been fully characterized at 1823K as a function of alloy composition using both experimental and computational methods. The oxygen potential was measured using a solid state cell incorporating yttria-doped thoria as the electrolyte and Cr+ Cr2O3 as the reference electrode. Oxygen concentration of the alloy was determined by an inert gas fusion technique. The composition of the spinel solid solution, formed at the interface between the alloy and an alumina crucible, was determined by EPMA. The variation of the oxygen concentration and potential and composition of the spinel solid solution with mole fraction of nickel in the alloy have been computed using activities in binary Fe-Ni system, free energies of formation of end member spinels FeO•(1+x)Al2O3 and NiO•(1+x)Al2O3 and free energies of solution of oxygen in liquid iron and nickel, available in the literature. Activities in the spinel solid solution were computed using a cation distribution model. The variation of the activity coefficient of oxygen with alloy composition in Fe-Ni-O system was calculated using both the quasichemical model of Jacob and Alcock and the Wagner's model, with the correlation of Chiang and Chang. The computed results for the oxygen potential and the composition of the spinel solid solution are in good agreement with the measurements. The measured oxygen concentration lies between the values computed using models of Wagner and Jacob and Alcock. The results of the study indicate that the deoxidation hyper-surface in multicomponent systems can be computed with useful accuracy using data for end member systems and thermodynamic models.


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The effect of tensile prestrain on fatigue crack propagation behaviour of commercial mild steel with significant amount of stringer inclusions has been studied. In prestrained materials the usual stable stage II crack growth region is preceded by a phase wherein a retardation in crack growth rate occurs. No such behaviour is observed in annealed material. The amount of retardation is found to increase with increase in prestrain. A mechanism for the observed retardation in crack growth rate is also presented.


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The basic method of JIc calculation using a single specimen is discussed. Dokouipil's approach for evaluating the JIc value is extended further and the effect of prestrain on rolled mild steel with significant inclusions is studied using this modified approach. Although this method does not give an accurate value of JIc, it is quite effective for a comparative study. While the fracture toughness of annealed and 7% prestrained materials are about the same, the fracture toughness of 3% prestrained material is significantly lower.


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Friction force generated in lubricated cutting of steel is experimentally estimated by recording the tangential force experienced by the spherical face of a pin rubbing against a freshly cut surface. The pin and the cutting tool are both submerged in the lubricant and the pin is situated on the cut-track to record the force. The recording shows an instantaneous achievement of a peak in the force curve followed by a decline in time to a steady state value. The peak and not the steady state friction was found to be sensitive to the structure of the hydrocarbon and addition of additive to the oil. The configuration was designed and tested to demonstrate the influence of a reaction film which develops during cutting, on cutting tool friction. Given the strong correlation between the peak friction and the existence of a tribofilm in the cutting zone, the configuration is used to determine the lower limit of a cutting speed regime, which marks the initiation of lubricant starvation, in cutting of steel using an emulsion as a cutting fluid. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Silicon strip detectors are fast, cost-effective and have an excellent spatial resolution. They are widely used in many high-energy physics experiments. Modern high energy physics experiments impose harsh operation conditions on the detectors, e.g., of LHC experiments. The high radiation doses cause the detectors to eventually fail as a result of excessive radiation damage. This has led to a need to study radiation tolerance using various techniques. At the same time, a need to operate sensors approaching the end their lifetimes has arisen. The goal of this work is to demonstrate that novel detectors can survive the environment that is foreseen for future high-energy physics experiments. To reach this goal, measurement apparatuses are built. The devices are then used to measure the properties of irradiated detectors. The measurement data are analyzed, and conclusions are drawn. Three measurement apparatuses built as a part of this work are described: two telescopes measuring the tracks of the beam of a particle accelerator and one telescope measuring the tracks of cosmic particles. The telescopes comprise layers of reference detectors providing the reference track, slots for the devices under test, the supporting mechanics, electronics, software, and the trigger system. All three devices work. The differences between these devices are discussed. The reconstruction of the reference tracks and analysis of the device under test are presented. Traditionally, silicon detectors have produced a very clear response to the particles being measured. In the case of detectors nearing the end of their lifefimes, this is no longer true. A new method benefitting from the reference tracks to form clusters is presented. The method provides less biased results compared to the traditional analysis, especially when studying the response of heavily irradiated detectors. Means to avoid false results in demonstrating the particle-finding capabilities of a detector are also discussed. The devices and analysis methods are primarily used to study strip detectors made of Magnetic Czochralski silicon. The detectors studied were irradiated to various fluences prior to measurement. The results show that Magnetic Czochralski silicon has a good radiation tolerance and is suitable for future high-energy physics experiments.


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In the present investigation, a very good combination of strength and ductility, 630MPa 0.2% proof stress and 14.8% elongation to fracture in tensile test, has been obtained for the 7075 Al alloy after optimizing the processing parameters for spray forming, hot extruding the spray deposit, and peak aging the samples taken from the extruded rod. The spray deposits contained some porosity but it was almost eliminated on hot extrusion. Electron probe microanalysis revealed that even though spray forming was carried out in an open atmosphere, it did not affect the oxygen content and its distribution in the material on spray forming, because the atomizing argon gas provided a protective cover to molten droplets and prevented their oxidation. The chemical composition of the spray-formed material was found to be almost the same as the raw material, and the major alloying elements were found to be uniformly distributed in the extruded rod.


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For the past two centuries, nationalism has been among the most influential legitimizing principles of political organization. According to its simple definition, nationalism is a principle or a way of thinking and acting which holds that the world is divided into nations, and that national and political units should be congruent. Nationalism can thus be divided into two aspects: internal and external. Internally, the political units, i.e., states, should be made up of only one nation. Externally each nation-state should be sovereign. Transnational national governance of rights of national minorities violates both these principles. This study explores the formation, operation, and effectiveness of the European post-Cold War minorities system. The study identifies two basic approaches to minority rights: security and justice. These approaches have been used to legitimize international minority politics and they also inform the practice of transnational governance. The security approach is based on the recognition that the norm of national self-determination cannot be fulfilled in all relevant cases, and so minority rights are offered as a compensation to the dissatisfied national groups, reducing their aspiration to challenge the status quo. From the justice perspective, minority rights are justified as a compensatory strategy against discrimination caused by majority nation-building. The research concludes that the post-Cold War minorities system was justified on the basis of a particular version of the security approach, according to which only Eastern European minority situations are threatening because of the ethnic variant of nationalism that exists in that region. This security frame was essential in internationalising minority issues and justifying the swift development of norms and institutions to deal with these issues. However, from the justice perspective this approach is problematic, since it justified double standards in European minority politics. Even though majority nation-building is often detrimental to minorities also in Western Europe, Western countries can treat their minorities more or less however they choose. One of the main contributions of this thesis is the detailed investigation of the operation of the post-Cold War minorities system. For the first decade since its creation in the early 1990s, the system operated mainly through its security track, which is based on the field activities of the OSCE that are supported by the EU. The study shows how the effectiveness of this track was based on inter-organizational cooperation in which various transnational actors compensate for each other s weaknesses. After the enlargement of the EU and dissolution of the membership conditionality this track, which was limited to Eastern Europe from the start, has become increasingly ineffective. Since the EU enlargement, the focus minorities system has shifted more and more towards its legal track, which is based on the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities (Council of Europe). The study presents in detail how a network of like-minded representatives of governments, international organizations, and independent experts was able strengthen the framework convention s (originally weak) monitoring system considerably. The development of the legal track allows for a more universal and consistent, justice-based approach to minority rights in contemporary Europe, but the nationalist principle of organization still severely hinders the materialization of this possibility.