994 resultados para Behavioural sciences


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This study measured the clinical activities performed and times taken by hospital pharmacists to provide medication monitoring services to individual medical and surgical patients. Linking these data to hospital Patient Administration Systems showed how clinical pharmacy manpower needs are guided by patient partition, disease complexity and Diagnosis Related Group classification.


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The thesis examined systemic factors that placed children in stepfamilies at greater risk of physical abuse and neglect by comparing differences between biological- and step-families on a number of known risk factors. A model describing the pathway of child abuse and neglect for children living in stepfamilies was developed to aid in prevention.The portfolio presents four case studies which demonstrate the impact of disruptions to attachment experiences and the sequelae on psychological functioning and how the associated affect dysregulation may be linked to attachment disruptions.


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This thesis examined the subjective emotional responses of women to depictions of violent and sexually violent film. Findings highlighted the significance of contextual factors, such as the gender of the perpetrator and victim upon viewers, and found that exposure to sexual violence in the media has important implications for women. The portfolio's four case studies demonstrate the complexities involved in making risk judgements and treatment planning given the diversity of offences and needs, as well as the implications these decisions can have when determining the amenability of offenders to specific sex offender treatment.


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Two novel to domain research methods - choice modelling and the implicit Association Test (IAT) - were applied to measure trade-offs and implicit preferences in human mate preferences. Collectively, findings from four experiments supported the explanatory superiority of Sexual Strategies Theory as a model of between sex and within sex variability in mate preferences.


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The thesis examined variables that could potentially mediate the relationship between child abuse and eating pathology. The relationship was found to be intricate and multi-faceted with important gender differences. The most novel finding was that drive for muscularity was significantly associated with child abuse in males and in females. The portfolio presents four adult case studies, each with different experiences of child abuse. It aims to examine if the core tenets of neurobiological theory of trauma can be useful to understand the lasting effects of child abuse on adult functioning.


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The previously unexplored trajectory of postoperative pulmonary dysfunction was mapped in adults having cardiac surgery. Factors including hypoxaemia, positive fluid balance, severe pain and impaired functional status were associated with the development of pulmonary dysfunction and pneumonia. These antecedents are amenable to treatment in the form of prompt preventative nursing intervention that has a fundamental influence on patient outcome.


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Interviews with women regarding their experiences of sexual desire informed the development of the Female Sexual Desire Questionnaire. A validation sample of 741 women completed this questionnaire, with six interrelated factors found. These components of sexual desire were labelled: Dyadic Desire, Solitary Desire, Resistance, Positive Relationship, Sexual Self-image, and Concern. The portfolio concludes that a standard evaluation process is needed to assess the effectiveness of men's behaviour change groups (MBCGs), and that such programs should comprise only one component of a comprehensive multifaceted intervention strategy against intimate partner violence (IPV). Four case studies are presented.


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This thesis examined factors associated with increased story-grammar production in police interviews with children who allege abuse. These factors included the child's age, the type of question asked and the nature of the event experienced by the child. Recommendation for improving story-grammar, which in turn enhances witness credibility, were discussed. The portfolio explored how an awareness of specific responsivity factors can inform treatment recommendations and execution in rehabilitation of offenders with substance use issues. Four case studies are presented in illustration.


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This research demonstrates the influence of parental bonding and parental authority on the parent-child relationship and subsequent child development in both biological and step-families. Differential effects of parental behaviour on child attachment style development were found for biological children and stepchildren. The results provide guidance for intervention and future research.


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It was found that Urgency and lack of Perseverance were significantly elevated in women with self-injury or eating pathology, and significantly higher again in women with both these syndromes. A longitudinal design found that self-injury tends to progress from milder, compulsive forms, to more severe, impulsive forms over time. The portfolio examines the frequent co-occurrence of substance use and psychiatric disorders (Dual Diagnosis). Four primary conceptualisations of how dual diagnoses develop and present are discussed. These models are then applied to inform four case studies.


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This thesis research examined the relationship between SWB and depression in the context of homeostasis theory. Results provide support for homeostasis as the SWB maintenance mechanism and strong support for conceptualising depression as a loss of SWB. Remarkable, results also indicate that some SWB measures outperform depression inventories in detecting depression. The portfolio uses attachment theory as a conceptual framework for understanding the contribution of attachment relationships to the development of borderline and antisocial personality pathology in children and adolescents. Four case studies are presented in illustration.


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This thesis explored a range of issues relating to overweight and obesity in children aged 0 to 5 years in Victoria, Australia. Key findings included relatively low prevalence and decreasing trends of overweight and obesity, and strong existing support for health behaviours in kindergartens and child care services.


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Across age, the ability to accept what cannot be changed increases while feelings of control remain stable. The growth of acceptance preserves, rather than compensates for, older adults' sense of being in control. In later life, acceptance and control appear to operate together to maintain wellbeing. The professional portfolio uses four case studies to illustrate how Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) programs can be reinterpreted through and Acceptance and Committment Therapy (ACT) framework and elements of both employed within a single therapeutic program.


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This thesis explores the role that Health Impact Assessment can play in social exclusion policy contexts focusing specifically on Victoria's Neighbourhood Renewal Scheme. The findings demonstrate that it can play an important role if due attention is given to contextual and procedural factors both within community settings and within government.


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The study examined whether divided attention and memory skills of older adults could be improved through video game training. The findings show that limited training with the games cannot enhance these skills. However, greater amounts of training could improve these vital skills amongst older adults.