990 resultados para Barra estatórica de hidrogerador
Populations of Synchaeta jollyae (Shiel & Koste, 1993) (Rotifera), a species recently recorded for the first time in Brazil and South America, were analyzed in reservoirs in Southeast Brazil. Sampling was carried out monthly from August 2006 to July 2007 at Furnas Reservoir in the Rio Grande basin, state of Minas Gerais, and in four cascade reservoirs in the Tiete River basin (Barra Bonita, Bariri, Ibitinga and Nova Avanhandava) state of Sao Paulo, in June and September 2008 and in January and May 2009. Synchaeta jollyae occurred in most samples and periods. From the results obtained it is evident that S. jollyae occurs in water bodies of varied trophic status but reaches larger populations in eutrophic water bodies and during lower temperature periods. The greatest densities of S. jollyae were found in the eutrophic Bariri Reservoir, on the Tiete River, during the winter. Mann-Whitney test confirmed the significant difference between the population densities in periods of high and low temperatures, with populations reaching higher densities at lower temperatures. It is not yet possible to tell whether S. jollyae is a widely distributed species that has been overlooked in previous plankton studies in South America. Wherever these populations of S. jollyae might have originated, it appears to be a species well established and adapted to a wide range of conditions in the Neotropics.
Two new records of Anopheles homunculus in the eastern part of the Atlantic Forest are reported. This species was found for the first time in Barra do Ouro district, Maquine municipality, Rio Grande do Sul state, located in the southern limit of the Atlantic Forest. The 2nd new record was in the Serra Bonita Reserve, Camacan municipality, southeast Bahia state. These records extend the geographical distribution of An. homunculus, suggesting that the species may be widely distributed in coastal areas of the Atlantic Forest. It is hypothesized that the disjunct distribution of the species may be caused by inadequate sampling, and also difficulties in species identification based only on female external characteristics. Species identification was based on morphological characters of the male, larva, and pupa, and corroborated by DNA sequence analyses, employing data from both 2nd internal transcribed spacer of nuclear ribosomal DNA and of mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I.
Final Gondwana amalgamation was marked by the closure of the Neoproterozoic Clymene ocean between the Amazonia craton and central Gondwana. The events which occurred in the last stage of this closure were recorded in the upper Alto Paraguai Group in the foreland of the Paraguay orogen. Outcrop-based fades analysis of the siliciclastic rocks of upper Alto Paraguai Group, composed of the Sepotuba and Diamantino Formations, was carried out in the Diamantino region, within the eastern part of the Barra dos Bugres basin, Mato Grosso state, central-western Brazil. The Sepotuba Formation is composed of sandy shales with planar to wave lamination interbedded with fine-grained sandstone with climbing ripple cross-lamination, planar lamination, swaley cross-stratification and tangential to sigmoidal cross-bedding with mud drapes, related to marine offshore deposits. The lower Diamantino Formation is composed of a monotonous, laterally continuous for hundreds of metres, interbedded siltstone and fine-grained sandstone succession with regular parallel lamination, climbing ripple cross-lamination and ripple-bedding interpreted as distal turbidites. The upper part of this formation consists of fine to medium-grained sandstones with sigmoidal cross-bedding, planar lamination, climbing ripple cross-lamination, symmetrical to asymmetrical and linguoid ripple marks arranged in lobate sand bodies. These fades are interbedded with thick siltstone in coarsening upward large-scale cycles related to a delta system. The Sepotuba Formation characterises the last transgressive deposits of the Paraguay basin representing the final stage of a marine incursion of the Clymene ocean. The progression of orogenesis in the hinterland resulted in the confinement of the Sepotuba sea as a foredeep sub-basin against the edge of the Amazon craton. Turbidites were generated during the deepening of the basin. The successive filling of the basin was associated with progradation of deltaic lobes from the southeast, in a wide lake or a restricted sea that formed after 541 +/- 7 Ma. Southeastern to east dominant Neoproterozoic source regions were confirmed by zircon grains that yielded ages around 600 to 540 Ma, that are interpreted to be from granites in the Paraguay orogen. This overall regressive succession recorded in the Alto Paraguai Group represents the filling up of a foredeep basin after the final amalgamation of westem Gondwana in the earliest Phanerozoic. (C) 2011 International Association for Gondwana Research. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Type 1 diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease that results from the autoimmune response against pancreatic insulin producing beta cells. Apart of several insulin regimens, since the decade of 80s various immunomodulatory regimens were tested aiming at blocking some steps of the autoimmune process against beta cell mass and at promoting beta cell preservation. In the last years, some independent research groups tried to cure type 1 diabetes with an "immunologic reset" provided by autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in newly diagnosed patients, and the majority of patients became free form insulin with increasing levels of C-peptide along the time. In this review, we discuss the biology of hematopoietic stem cells and the possible advantages and disadvantages related to the high dose immunosuppression followed by autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation.
Background: Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) is associated with high in-hospital mortality. Alveolar recruitment followed by ventilation at optimal titrated PEEP may reduce ventilator-induced lung injury and improve oxygenation in patients with ARDS, but the effects on mortality and other clinical outcomes remain unknown. This article reports the rationale, study design, and analysis plan of the Alveolar Recruitment for ARDS Trial (ART). Methods/Design: ART is a pragmatic, multicenter, randomized (concealed), controlled trial, which aims to determine if maximum stepwise alveolar recruitment associated with PEEP titration is able to increase 28-day survival in patients with ARDS compared to conventional treatment (ARDSNet strategy). We will enroll adult patients with ARDS of less than 72 h duration. The intervention group will receive an alveolar recruitment maneuver, with stepwise increases of PEEP achieving 45 cmH(2)O and peak pressure of 60 cmH2O, followed by ventilation with optimal PEEP titrated according to the static compliance of the respiratory system. In the control group, mechanical ventilation will follow a conventional protocol (ARDSNet). In both groups, we will use controlled volume mode with low tidal volumes (4 to 6 mL/kg of predicted body weight) and targeting plateau pressure <= 30 cmH2O. The primary outcome is 28-day survival, and the secondary outcomes are: length of ICU stay; length of hospital stay; pneumothorax requiring chest tube during first 7 days; barotrauma during first 7 days; mechanical ventilation-free days from days 1 to 28; ICU, in-hospital, and 6-month survival. ART is an event-guided trial planned to last until 520 events (deaths within 28 days) are observed. These events allow detection of a hazard ratio of 0.75, with 90% power and two-tailed type I error of 5%. All analysis will follow the intention-to-treat principle. Discussion: If the ART strategy with maximum recruitment and PEEP titration improves 28-day survival, this will represent a notable advance to the care of ARDS patients. Conversely, if the ART strategy is similar or inferior to the current evidence-based strategy (ARDSNet), this should also change current practice as many institutions routinely employ recruitment maneuvers and set PEEP levels according to some titration method.
The red-belly toads (Melanophryniscus) of southern South America secrete defensive alkaloids from dermal granular glands. To date, all information on Melanophryniscus alkaloids has been obtained by extraction from either skins or whole organisms; however, in other amphibians, tetrodotoxins, samandarines, and bufadienolides have been detected in both skin and other organs, which raise the possibility that lipophilic alkaloids may occur in non-integumentary tissues in Melanophryniscus as well. To test this hypothesis, we studied the distribution of alkaloids in the skin, skeletal muscle, liver, and mature oocytes of the red-belly toad M. simplex from three localities in southern Brazil. Gas chromatography and mass spectrometry of skin extracts from 11 individuals of M. simplex resulted in the detection of 47 alkaloids (including isomers), 9 unclassified and 38 from 12 known structural classes. Each alkaloid that was present in the skin of an individual was also present in the same relative proportion in that individual's skeletal muscle, liver, and oocytes. The most abundant and widely distributed alkaloids were the pumiliotoxins 251D, 267C, and 323A, 5,8-disubstituted indolizidines 207A and 223D, 5,6,8-trisubstituted indolizidine 231B, 3,5-disubstituted pyrrolizidines cis-223B and cis- and trans-251K, and izidine 211C. We report the first record of piperidines in Melanophryniscus, bringing the total number of alkaloid classes detected in this genus to 16. Alkaloid composition differed significantly among the three study sites. The functional significance of defensive chemicals in non-integumentary tissues is unknown.
Vigas são elementos estruturais encontrados na maioria das construções civis. Dentre os materiais de engenharia, destaca-se a madeira, por ter resistência mecânica satisfatória aliada a baixa densidade. A madeira roliça apresenta-se como boa solução na confecção de vigas, uma vez que não precisa ser processada, como é o caso da madeira serrada. O projeto de elementos estruturais de madeira requer o conhecimento de suas propriedades físicas e mecânicas, obtidas segundo as premissas de documentos normativos. Em se tratando da madeira roliça, os documentos normativos nacionais que tratam da determinação das propriedades de resistência e rigidez estão vigentes há mais de vinte anos sem revisão técnica. De forma geral, tanto as normas nacionais como as internacionais idealizam geometria troncocônica para as peças roliças de madeira, implicando equações simplificadas incapazes de prever a influência das irregularidades da forma na determinação do módulo de elasticidade longitudinal. Este trabalho objetiva avaliar a influência das irregularidades da geometria em peças roliças de madeira Corymbia citriodora e Pinus caribaea no cálculo do módulo de elasticidade longitudinal. Para tanto, utilizou-se do ensaio de flexão estática a três pontos, considerando também um modelo matemático simplificado, assumindo seção circular constante para a forma do elemento. As irregularidades das peças são consideradas nos modelos numéricos, constituídos de elementos finitos de barra e tridimensionais. Os resultados encontrados revelam equivalência estatística entre os módulos de elasticidade para ambas as formas de cálculo, indicando ser plausível a consideração de seção circular constante para as peças de madeira aqui avaliadas.
Foram investigados os efeitos do gradiente de textura e da posição do estímulo teste com relação à linha do horizonte na percepção de tamanho relativo. Pelo método das escadas duplas, cinquenta voluntários ajustaram o tamanho de uma barra apresentada acima, abaixo ou no nível do horizonte para que fosse percebida do mesmo tamanho que uma barra apresentada no campo visual inferior. Os estímulos foram apresentados por 100ms sobre cinco fundos de tela. O gradiente de perspectiva contribuiu mais para a superestimação de tamanho relativo que o gradiente de compressão. Os tamanhos dos objetos que interceptavam a linha do horizonte foram superestimados. O sistema visual mostrou-se bastante eficaz em extrair informações de profundidade da perspectiva, fazendo-o mesmo em apresentações muito breves.
Com o envelhecimento, ocorrem alterações na composição corporal, observando-se uma redução da massa magra (MM) e um aumento progressivo da massa gorda (MG). O objetivo deste estudo foi descrever a composição corporal de mulheres idosas ativas, pelos métodos de antropometria e óxido de deutério e verificar a concordância do método antropométrico com o método óxido de deutério, considerado como referência nesse estudo. Participaram do estudo 22 idosas independentes, com faixa etária entre 65 a 75 anos. O peso corporal foi avaliado usando balança digital e a altura usando um estadiômetro em barra vertical. Para identificar o nível de atividade física foi usado o questionário internacional de atividade física (IPAQ, versão longa). A composição corporal foi avaliada pela antropometria pelas equações de Jackson et al. e Durnin e Womersley e pelo método de óxido de deutério (²H2O). Para análise estatística, usaram-se o coeficiente de concordância de Lin e o gráfico de Bland e Altman. A média de idade foi 69,3±3,6 anos, o peso 67,2±10,6Kg, a altura 1,55±0,04m e o índice de massa corporal 27,9±5,0 kg/m². Os coeficientes de concordância obtidos pelas equações de Jackson et al. e Durnin e Womersley comparados ao deutério foram: %GC 0,72 e 0,71; MG 0,90 e 0,91; e MM 0,46 e 0,57. As equações utilizadas neste estudo apresentaram boa concordância com o deutério, sendo que, a equação de Durnin e Womersley apresentou melhores resultados para avaliar a composição corporal de idosas ativas.
O presente estudo tem como objetivo analisar se crianças com dificuldades motoras apresentariam baixos níveis de aptidão física relacionada à saúde em relação aos seus pares sem dificuldades. Dezesseis crianças com dificuldades motoras com aproximadamente oito anos foram pareadas em gênero e idade com outras 16 sem dificuldades motoras. Os participantes completaram os testes de aptidão física (sentar e alcançar, salto em distância parado, puxada em suspensão na barra modificado, abdominal e corrida de 9 minutos) e os de coordenação motora (MABC-2). Os resultados indicaram diferenças significativas no salto em distância parado, puxada em suspensão na barra modificado, abdominal, mas não para sentar e alcançar e corrida de 9-m. Os resultados são semelhantes aos publicados na literatura internacional, com exceção da corrida de 9 minutos. A ideia de que em algum grau a coordenação é necessária para executar tarefas de aptidão física e pode impactar no desempenho da aptidão física é discutida no presente trabalho.
We prove that any continuous function with domain {z ∈ C: |z| ≤ 1} that generates a bizonal positive definite kernel on the unit sphere in 'C POT.Q' , q ⩾ 3, is continuously differentiable in {z ∈ C: |z| < 1} up to order q − 2, with respect to both z and 'Z BARRA'. In particular, the partial derivatives of the function with respect to x = Re z and y = Im z exist and are continuous in {z ∈ C: |z| < 1} up to the same order.
[ES] En esta cuarta edición vamos a pasear por el entorno urbano de la ciudad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, donde podremos apreciar sobre qué materiales se ha construido la ciudad y cómo la actividad humana ha transformado totalmente su paisaje natural. Comenzaremos en La Puntilla hablando de La Isleta, analizando el crecimiento de este islote que posteriormente quedó unido al resto de la isla por un tómbolo de arena. Seguiremos a lo largo del Paseo de Las Canteras observando cómo varía el tipo de arenas en la playa actual, así como los distintos materiales que formaron parte de ese antiguo tómbolo de arena, los más representativos de ellos formando la barra. Finalmente, una vez hayamos descansado a comer en la Plaza de la Música, al lado del Auditorio Alfredo Kraus, iremos hacia el camino de Los Giles, en la desembocadura del Barranco de Tamaraceite, donde existen interesantes afl oramientos de la Formación Detrítica de Las Palmas que constituye el sustrato geológico principal sobre el que se asienta la ciudad alta (Figura 1). Lamentablemente no podemos seguir el camino hacia El Rincón (Mirador del Atlante) ya que se encuentra en obras, pero podremos buscar equivalencias con los materiales que allí afl oran, en lo que uno de los cortes geológicos más espectaculares que existen en Gran Canaria y que condensa casi toda su historia geológica.
[EN] This work presents a 2D finite elements - boundary elements coupling model for the harmonic analysis of beam structures founded on viscoelastic domains. The beam structure is modeled by finite elements, whereas the soil is modeled as a homogeneous isotropic viscoelastic boundary element region. The coupling is enforced through a rigid boundary in which equilibrium and compatibility conditions are applied. Formulation and implementation are presented together with some application examples.
Ectodermal Dysplasias syndrome (EDs) are a heterogeneous group of inherited disorders characterized by dysplasia of tissues of ectodermal origin. Complete or partial anodontia are the most frequent dental findings. Prosthetic rehabilitation is recommended from functional, esthetic, and psychological points of view. Because of the anatomical abnormalities of existing teeth and alveolar ridges, conventional prosthetic rehabilitation in young patient is often difficult. Five growing patients (age 9 to 11 years) with oligo- or anodontia were prosthetically rehabilitated. Panoramic film and Cone Bean Computerized Tomography were performed and a resin model of mandibular bone was made. Despite a remarkable multi-dimensional atrophy of the alveolar bone, the insertion of two tapered implants was possible. After a submerged healing period of 2 month, the implants were exposed and abutment connection was performed. Implants were connected with an expansion bar that permits mandibular growth and prosthetic retention. A removable prosthesis was constructed with ball attachments. Mandibular growth was followed and evaluated using the expansion guide and cephalometric radiographs. Mandibular growth in sagittal and transverse direction had no adverse effects on implant position. The expansion bar permitted the undisturbed growth of the mandible. After 4.5 years of follow-up, this study showed that Implant-supported overdenture may improve oral function, phonesis and esthetics. The mandibular rotation accompanying growth had not caused a significant problem relative to the angulation and migration of the implants. Implants can be successfully placed, restored and loaded in growing EDs patients. The cephalometric analysis supported that EDs patients show midface hypoplasia with a class III tendency, which can be avoided by early rehabilitation. Thanks to the good stability and retention of the implant-supported overdenture, patients considered the prostheses as comparable to natural teeth.
L’aderenza tra barre fibrorinforzate e calcestruzzo è una chiave fondamentale per comprendere al meglio l’azione composita di strutture rinforzate o armate in FRP. Deve essere mobilitata una certa aderenza tra la barra e calcestruzzo per trasferire gli sforzi da un corpo all’altro. Poiché il materiale composito è anisotropo, in direzione longitudinale le proprietà meccaniche sono governate da quelle delle fibre, mentre in direzione trasversale dalla resina. La matrice presenta in genere resistenze più basse di quella a compressione del calcestruzzo, cosicché il meccanismo di aderenza risulta diverso da quello sviluppato dalle tradizionali barre in acciaio. In questa tesi viene sviluppata appunto un’indagine sperimentale sul fenomeno dell’aderenza di barre in acciaio e barre in CFRP (fibra di carbonio) nel calcestruzzo, cercando di capire come cambia il fenomeno al variare dei parametri da cui dipende principalmente l’aderenza, come ad esempio la resistenza caratteristica a compressione del calcestruzzo, il diametro e la deformazione superficiale della barra e la posizione di questa nel provino di calcestruzzo. Sono state quindi realizzate delle prove di pull-out, ovvero delle prove di estrazione di barre da provini di calcestruzzo, per determinare le tensioni tangenziali d’aderenza in funzione dello scorrimento locale della barra (local bond-slip). Infine sono stati calibrati, sui risultati delle prove sperimentali, i tre modelli analitici più noti in letteratura che descrivono il fenomeno dell’aderenza delle barre in FRP nel calcestruzzo, ovvero quello di Malvar (1994), il CMR Model (1995) e il Modified BPE Model (1996).