933 resultados para Autogenous And Semi-autogenous Milling
Relatório de estágio de mestrado, Educação (Área de especialidade em Administração Educacional), Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Educação, 2016
Dissertação apresentada para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Educação social e intervenção comunitária
Dissertação apresentada para obtenção do grau de mestre no âmbito do Mestrado em Educação Social e Intervenção Comunitária da Escola Superior de Educação do Instituto Politécnico de Santarém.
Dissertação apresentada para a obtenção do grau de mestre em Ciências da Educação - área de Supervisão e Orientação Pegagógica
O presente relatório decorreu durante a Prática de Ensino Supervisionada do Mestrado em Educação Pré-Escolar e é um reflexo das experiências no Jardim-de-Infância da Praceta, na cidade de Portalegre. O trabalho intitulado de “A Aprendizagem Cooperativa na Educação Pré-Escolar” teve comos principais objetivos: identificar e promover competências em crianças em idade pré-escolar; desenvolver competências sociais que permitam a cooperação entre crianças em idade pré-escolar (dos 3 aos 6 anos). Para tal, foram utilizados vários instrumentos de recolha de dados, e foram várias as atividades que promovemos com as crianças de modo a podermos refletir sobre esta metodologia que se baseia na cooperação e entreajuda. Metodologicamente foi usada a investigação-ação, o que permitiu uma reflexão em todos os momentos e que se constituiu como um apoio às nossas práticas enquanto estudantes de Mestrado e enquanto futuros profissionais de educação. Utilizámos um dilema social, não moral e uma entrevista semiestruturada, a fim de compreender melhor o mundo social e as competências sociais das crianças. Os resultados enfatizam que as crianças ainda se encontram entre o nível 0 – impulsivo e o nível 1 – unilateral, ou seja, que pensam na sua satisfação pessoal e tentam apaziguar o outro, respetivamente. Utilizámos ainda uma escala de avaliação do desenvolvimento da criança, de Alberto Sousa, a fim de avaliar as competências das crianças no que diz respeito à cooperação e ao relacionamento. Neste tópico os resultados que obtivemos demonstraram que a maioria das crianças se encontram num nível 3, no que diz respeito ao Relacionamento, e que na Cooperação as crianças obtêm valores mais baixos, isto é um reflexo da idade das crianças e da sua maturidade, pois a criança pré-escolar demonstra egocentrismo.
BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE In clinical diagnosis, medical image segmentation plays a key role in the analysis of pathological regions. Despite advances in automatic and semi-automatic segmentation techniques, time-effective correction tools are commonly needed to improve segmentation results. Therefore, these tools must provide faster corrections with a lower number of interactions, and a user-independent solution to reduce the time frame between image acquisition and diagnosis. METHODS We present a new interactive method for correcting image segmentations. Our method provides 3D shape corrections through 2D interactions. This approach enables an intuitive and natural corrections of 3D segmentation results. The developed method has been implemented into a software tool and has been evaluated for the task of lumbar muscle and knee joint segmentations from MR images. RESULTS Experimental results show that full segmentation corrections could be performed within an average correction time of 5.5±3.3 minutes and an average of 56.5±33.1 user interactions, while maintaining the quality of the final segmentation result within an average Dice coefficient of 0.92±0.02 for both anatomies. In addition, for users with different levels of expertise, our method yields a correction time and number of interaction decrease from 38±19.2 minutes to 6.4±4.3 minutes, and 339±157.1 to 67.7±39.6 interactions, respectively.
The mesozooplankton community, with special emphasis on calanoid copepods, was studied with respect to its species composition, abundance, vertical distribution and developmental structure during the ISPOL expedition to the ice covered western Weddell Sea. Stratified zooplankton tows were carried out nine times between December 1, 2004 and January 2, 2005 with a multiple opening-closing net between 0 and 1000 m depth. Copepods were by far the most abundant taxon contributing more than 94% of the total mesozooplankton. Numerical dominants were cyclopoid copepods, mostly Oncaea spp. A total of 66 calanoid copepod species were identified, but the calanoid copepod community was characterised by the dominance of only a few species. The most numerous species was Microcalanus pygmaeus, which comprised on average 70% of all calanoids. Calanoides acutus and Metridia gerlachei represented other abundant calanoid species contributing an average of 8 and 7%, respectively. All other species comprised less than 3%. The temporal changes in the abundance and population structure of M. pygmaeus and M. gerlachei were small while a shift in the stage frequency distribution of C. acutus was observed during the study: CIV dominated the C. acutus population with 48 to 50% during the first week of December, while CV comprised 48% in late December. CI and CII of C. acutus were absent in the samples and males occurred only in very low numbers in greater depths. In M. gerlachei, CI was not found, whereas all developmental stages of M. pygmaeus occurred throughout the study. All three species showed migratory behaviour, and they occurred in upper water layers towards the end of the investigation. This vertical ascent was most pronounced in C. acutus and relatively weak in the other two species. In M. pygmaeus and M. gerlachei, copepodite stages were responsible for the upward migration in late December, while the vertical distribution of adults did not change. In C. acutus all abundant developmental stages (CIV, CV and females) ascended to upper water layers. Almost exclusively (93%) medium- and semi-ripe females of C. acutus and M. gerlachei were found, and only 3 - 4% of the ovaries were ripe. The absence of CI and the low number of ripe females indicate that the main reproductive period had not started in C. acutus and M. gerlachei until the end of our study in early January. In contrast, the high portion of CI and CII of M. pygmaeus suggests that reproduction of this species had started in October-November and hence, before the onset of the phytoplankton bloom in the water. The community structure did not differ between stations with one exception on December 26, when the station was strongly influenced by the continental shelf.
Section 1. Food, feed, and fertilizer.--section 2. Fuel.--section 3. Raw materials and semi-finished products.--section 4. Machinery and vehicles.--section 5. Miscellaneous and unclassified.
Pamphlets adapted by J. Ogden from materials prepared by community development officers in the Philippines and Pakistan.
Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-06
This paper reports on an exploration of the concept of 'supervision' as applied to allied health professionals within a large mental health service in one Australian State. A two-part methodology was used, with focus group interviews conducted with allied health professionals, and semi-structured telephone interviews with service managers. Fifty-eight allied health professionals participated in a series of seven focus groups. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with the Directors or Managers of mental health services in all 21 regions in the state. Allied health professionals and service managers both considered supervision to be an important mechanism for ensuring staff competence and best practice outcomes for consumers and carers. There was strong endorsement of the need for clarification and articulation of supervision policies within the organization, and the provision of appropriate resourcing to enable supervision to occur. Current practice in supervision was seen as ad hoc and of variable standard; the need for training in supervision was seen as critical. The supervision needs of newly graduated allied health professionals and those working in rural and regional areas were also seen as important. The need for a flexible and accessible model of supervision was clearly demonstrated.
We investigate the dynamics of the capillary thinning and break-up process for low viscosity elastic fluids such as dilute polymer solutions. Standard measurements of the evolution of the midpoint diameter of the necking fluid filament are augmented by high speed digital video images of the break up dynamics. We show that the successful operation of a capillary thinning device is governed by three important time scales (which characterize the relative importance of inertial, viscous and elastic processes), and also by two important length scales (which specify the initial sample size and the total stretch imposed on the sample). By optimizing the ranges of these geometric parameters, we are able to measure characteristic time scales for tensile stress growth as small as 1 millisecond for a number of model dilute and semi-dilute solutions of polyethylene oxide (PEO) in water and glycerol. If the final aspect ratio of the sample is too small, or the total axial stretch is too great, measurements are limited, respectively, by inertial oscillations of the liquid bridge or by the development of the well-known beads-on-a-string morphology which disrupt the formation of a uniform necking filament. By considering the magnitudes of the natural time scales associated with viscous flow, elastic stress growth and inertial oscillations it is possible to construct an operability diagram characterizing successful operation of a capillary break-up extensional rheometer. For Newtonian fluids, viscosities greater than approximately 70 mPas are required; however for dilute solutions of high molecular weight polymer, the minimum Viscosity is substantially lower due to the additional elastic stresses arising from molecular extension. For PEO of molecular weight 2.10(6) g/mol, it is possible to measure relaxation times of order 1 ms in dilute polymer solutions with zero-shear-rate viscosities on the order of 2-10 mPas.
Managing the assets of older people is a common and potentially complex task of informal care with legal, financial, cultural, political and family dimensions. Older people are increasingly recognised -as having significant assets, but the family, the state, service providers and the market have competing interests in their use. Increased policy interest in self-provision and user-charges for services underline the importance of asset management in protecting the current and future health, care and accommodation choices of older people. Although 'minding the money' has generally been included as an informal care-giving task, there is limited recognition of either its growing importance and complexity or of care-givers' involvement. The focus of both policy and practice have been primarily on substitute decision-making and abuse. This paper reports an Australian national survey and semi-structured interviews that have explored the prevalence of non-professional involvement in asset management. The findings reveal the nature and extent of involvement, the tasks that informal carers take on, the management processes that they use, and that 'minding the money' is a common informal care task and mostly undertaken in the private sphere using some risky practices. Assisting informal care-givers with asset management and protecting older people from financial risks and abuse require various strategic policy and practice responses that extend beyond substitute decision-making legislation. Policies and programmes are required: to increase the awareness of the tasks, tensions and practices surrounding asset management; to improve the financial literacy of older people, their informal care-givers and service providers; to ensure access to information, advice and support services; and to develop better accountability practices.
A presente dissertação trata da visão dos gestores sobre a extensão universitária nas Instituições de Ensino Superior particulares na região do Grande ABC. A revisão do tema indica que extensão universitária é diretamente dependente da visão política da instituição a qual pertence. Existem, portanto, diversos modelos conceituais e práticos. Originalmente assumiu o caráter de cursos livres abertos à sociedade, mais tarde conhecida como prestação de serviços, assessorias, ação comunitária, assistencialismo e atualmente discute-se a extensão universitária sob uma perspectiva de desenvolvimento social e como articuladora entre o ensino e a pesquisa. A pergunta norteadora do trabalho é: de que forma a extensão universitária é administrada nas IES particulares? Por meio de seu objetivo geral, a pesquisa busca analisar a administração da extensão universitária, tendo como foco as Instituições de Ensino Superior particulares na região do Grande ABC. Para auxiliar no alcance deste objetivo geral, foram delimitados dois objetivos específicos: (a) identificar as concepções políticas, assim como as práticas extensionistas declaradas pelas IES, e (b) analisar a visão do gestor na administração da extensão. Os dados coletados foram analisados sob o ponto de vista de três dimensões administrativas, a saber: humana, material e sistêmica. Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa, exploratória e descritiva. A pesquisa documental e entrevistas semiestruturadas fazem parte da coleta de dados que subsidiarão a análise final. A contribuição científico-social que se discute neste trabalho é a reflexão sobre os limites e potencialidades da administração da extensão diante dos atuais diálogos sobre o tema.
O presente trabalho possui como objetivo geral a análise da institucionalização da extensão universitária, tendo como foco as instituições de ensino superior (IES) particulares do município de Guarujá (SP). A pesquisa se justifica pela importância que a extensão tomou no contexto da educação no Brasil, tendo em vista a indissociabilidade entre Ensino, Pesquisa e Extensão. A pergunta norteadora é: De que forma a institucionalização dos projetos de extensão universitária vem sendo administrada nas IES do município de Guarujá (SP)? Como objetivos específicos foram delimitados: a) Identificar as concepções políticas, assim como as práticas extensionistas declaradas pelas IES e b) Analisar a visão do gestor na administração da extensão no que tange a sua institucionalização. A abordagem metodológica foi de cunho qualitativo, exploratório, por meio de estudos de casos múltiplos. Os instrumentos de coleta de dados foram documentos e entrevistas semiestruturadas. Os principais resultados encontrados foram: 1) A execução dos projetos de extensão é realizada de forma burocrática somente para cumprir requisitos legais e políticos; e 2) A institucionalização dos projetos de extensão é feita de forma lenta somente com objetivos legais e/ou políticos para atender uma parcela da população no entorno da instituição, porém sem fins sociais legítimos no que tange à essência dos valores de extensão universitária. Constatou-se, portanto, a ausência da indissociabilidade entre ensino, pesquisa e extensão