959 resultados para Astrocyte swelling


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ABSTRACT Il presente lavoro vuole introdurre la problematica del rigonfiamento del terreno a seguito di grandi scavi in argilla. Il sollevamento del terreno dopo lo scavo può passare inosservato ma sono numerosi i casi in cui il rigonfiamento dura per molti anni e addirittura decenni, Shell Centre, London, Lion Yard, Cambridge, Bell Common, London, ecc. Questo rigonfiamento il più delle volte è impedito dalla presenza di fondazioni, si genera quindi una pressione distribuita che se non considerata in fase di progetto può portare alla fessurazione della fondazione stessa. L’anima del progetto è la modellazione e l’analisi del rigonfiamento di grandi scavi in argilla, confrontando poi i risultati con i dati reali disponibili in letteratura. L’idea del progetto nasce dalla difficoltà di ottenere stime e previsioni attendibili del rigonfiamento a seguito di grandi scavi in argilla sovraconsolidata. Inizialmente ho esaminato la teoria e i fattori che influenzano il grado e la velocità del rigonfiamento, quali la rigidezza, permeabilità, fessurazione, struttura del suolo, etc. In seguito ho affrontato lo studio del comportamento rigonfiante di argille sovraconsolidate a seguito di scarico tensionale (scavi), si è evidenziata l’importanza di differenziare il rigonfiamento primario e il rigonfiamento secondario dovuto al fenomeno del creep. Il tema centrale del progetto è l’analisi numerica tramite Flac di due grandi scavi in argilla, Lion Yard, Cambridge, e, Bell Common, London. Attraverso una dettagliata analisi parametrica sono riuscito a trovare i migliori parametri che modellano il comportamento reale nei due casi in esame, in questo modo è possibile arrivare a stime e previsioni attendibili del fenomeno rigonfiante del terreno a seguito di grandi scavi. Gli scavi modellati Lion Yard e Bell Common sono rispettivamente in Gault Clay e London Clay, grazie a famosi recenti articoli scientifici sono riuscito a evidenziare la principali propietà che diversificano i due terreni in esame, tali propietà sono estremamente differenti dalle normali caratteristiche considerate per la progettazione in presenza di terreno argilloso; sono così riuscito a implementare i migliori parametri per descrivere il comportamento dei due terreni nei diversi modelli. Ho inoltre studiato l’interazione terreno-struttura, la pressione esercitata dal rigonfiamento del terreno è strettamente funzione delle caratteristiche di connesione tra fondazione superficiale e muro di sostegno, tale pressione non deve essere ignorata in fase progettuale poichè può raggiungere importanti valori. Nello scavo di Lion Yard, considerando la presenza delle fondazioni profonde ho evidenziato il fatto che il rigonfiamento crea una forza distribuita di taglio tra i pali di fondazione ed il terreno, anche tale sollecitazione dovrebbe essere considerata ai fini della progettazione. La problematica non si ferma solo sull’interazione terreno-fondazioni, infatti durante gli scavi di importanti fondazioni londinesi lo scarico tensionale ha creato uno spostamento significativo positivo verso la superfice di tratti di tunnel della metropolita, questo fenomeno può creare seri problemi di sicurezza nella rete dei trasporti pubblici. Infine sono stati messi a confronto i risultati del programma Flac con quelli di metodi semplificati, ho trovato che utilizzando il metodo iterativo di O’Brien i risultati sono simili alla realtà e il tempo di calcolo è molto inferiore di quello richiesto utilizzando Flac, 2-3 giorni. In conclusione posso affermare che grazie ad una dettagliata analisi parametrica è stato possibile stimare il rigonfiamento del terreno, argilla sovraconsolidata, nei due casi analizzati.


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The study of mass transport in polymeric membranes has grown in importance due to its potential application in many processes such as separation of gases and vapors, packaging, controlled drug release. The diffusion of a low molecular weight species in a polymer is often accompanied by other phenomena like swelling, reactions, stresses, that have not been investigated in all their aspects yet. Furthermore, novel materials have been developed that include inorganic fillers, reactive functional groups or ions, that make the scenery even more complicated. The present work focused on the experimental study of systems where the diffusion is accompanied by other processes; suitable models were also developed to describe the particular circumstances in order to understand the underlying concepts and be able to design the performances of the material. The effect of solvent-induced deformation in polymeric films during sorption processes was studied since the dilation, especially in constrained membranes, can cause the development of stresses and therefore early failures of the material. The bending beam technique was used to test the effects of the dilation and the stress induced in the polymer by penetrant diffusion. A model based on the laminate theory was developed that accounts for the swelling and is able to predict the stress that raise in the material. The addition of inorganic fillers affects the transport properties of polymeric films. Mixed matrix membranes based on fluorinated, high free volume matrices show attractive performances for separation purposes but there is a need for deeper investigation of the selectivity properties towards gases and vapors. A new procedure based on the NELF model was tested on the experimental data; it allows to predict solubility of every penetrant on the basis of data for one vapor. The method has proved to be useful also for the determination of the diffusion coefficient and for an estimation of the permeability in the composite materials. Oxygen scavenging systems can overcome lack of barrier properties in common polymers that forbids their application in sensitive applications as food packaging. The final goal of obtaining a membrane almost impermeable to oxygen leads to experimental times out of reach. Hence, a simple model was developed in order to describe the transport of oxygen in a membrane with also reactive groups and analyze the experimental data collected on SBS copolymers that show attractive scavenging capacity. Furthermore, a model for predicting the oxygen barrier behavior of a film formed as a blend of OSP in a common packaging material was built, considering particles capable of reactions with oxygen embedded in a non-reactive matrix. Perfluorosulphonic acid ionomers (PFSI) are capturing attention due to a high thermal and chemical resistance coupled with very peculiar transport properties, that make them appropriate to be used in fuel cells. The possible effect of different formation procedure was studied together with the swelling due to water sorption since both water uptake and dilation can dramatically affect the fuel cells performances. The water diffusion and sorption was studied with a FTIR-ATR spectrometer that can give deeper information on the bonds between water molecules and the sulphonic hydrophilic groups and, therefore, on the microstructure of the hydrated ionomer.


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This work studies the impact of two traditional Romanian treatments, Red Petroleum and Propolis, in terms of real efficiency and consequence on the wooden artifacts. The application of these solutions is still a widely adopted and popular technique in preservative conservation but the impact of these solutions is not well known. It is important to know the effect of treatments on chemical-physical and structural characteristics of the artifacts, not only for understanding the influence on present conditions but also for foreseeing the future behavior. These treatments with Romanian traditional products are compared with a commercial antifungal product, Biotin R, which is utilized as reference to control the effectiveness of Red Petroleum and Propolis. Red Petroleum and Propolis are not active against mould while Biotin R is very active. Mould attack is mostly concentrated in the painted layer, where the tempera, containing glue and egg, enhance nutrition availability for moulds. Biotin R, even if is not a real insecticide but a fungicide, was the most active product against insect attack of the three products, followed by Red Petroleum, Propolis and untreated reference. As for colour, it did not change so much after the application of Red Petroleum and Biotin R and the colour difference was almost not perceptible. On the contrary, Propolis affected the colour a lot. During the exposure at different RH, the colour changes significantly at 100% RH at equilibrium and this is mainly due to the mould attack. Red Petroleum penetrates deeply into wood, while Propolis does not penetrate and remains only on the surface. However, Red Petroleum does not interact chemically with wood substance and it is easy volatilized in oven-dry condition. On the contrary Propolis interacts chemically with wood substance and hardly volatilized, even in oven-dry condition and consequently Propolis remains where it penetrated, mostly on the surface. Treatment by immersion has impact on wood physical parameters while treatment by brushing does not have significant impact. Especially Red Petroleum has an apparent impact on moisture content (MC) due to the penetration of solution, while Propolis does not penetrate so much and remains only on surface therefore Propolis does not have so much impact as Red Petroleum. However, if the weight of the solution penetrated in wood is eliminated, there is not significant difference in MC between treated and untreated samples. Considering physical parameters, dimensional stability is an important parameter. The variation of wood moisture content causes shrinkages/swelling of the wood that polychrome layer can only partially follow. The dimension of wooden supports varied under different moisture conditioning; the painted layer cannot completely follow this deformation, and consequently a degradation and deterioration caused by detachment, occurs. That detachment affects the polychrome stratification of the panel painting and eventually the connections between the different layer compositions of the panel painting.


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Dünne Polymerfilme besitzen einen weiten Anwendungsbereich in vielen High-Tech Applikationen. All diese Anwendungen erfordern ein bestimmtes Anwendungsprofil des dünnen Films. Diese Anforderungen umschließen sowohl die physikalischen Eigenschaften des Films als auch seine Struktur. Um sie zu realisieren, werden oftmals Mischungsfilme aus verschiedenen Polymeren verwendet. Diese neigen jedoch in vielen Fällen zur bereits während der Präparation zu Phasenseparation.Vor diesem Hintergrund wurde untersucht welchen Einfluss die Verträglichkeit der gemischten Polymere auf die Strukturbildung des dünnen Films ausüben. Als Modellsystem hierfür dienten Mischungen statistischer Poly-styrol-stat-para brom-styrol Copolymere.Die Oberflächenstrukturen, die sich währen der Präparation der Mischungsfilme einstellten, wurden mit Rasterkraftmikroskopie untersucht. wobei die Topologie einer statistischen Analyse unterzogen wurde. Zum einen wurde hierzu die spektrale Leistungsdichte der Oberflächenkontour zum anderen die zugehörigen Minkowski-Funktionale berechnet.Neben Oberflächenstrukturen bilden sich während der Präparation auch Entmischungsstrukturen im inneren des Filmes. Zur Charakterisierung dieser Strukturen wurden die Filme durch Streuung unter streifendem Einfall untersucht. Durch eine modellfreie Interpretation der Streuexperimente gelang der Nachweis der inneren StrukturenFür nur schwach unverträglich Filme konnte auf Basis der Streuexperimente eine Replikation der Oberflächenstruktur des Substrates auf die Filmoberflächen nachgewiesen werden. Diese Replikation wurde für verschieden raue Substrate und bezueglich der Kinetik ihrer Abnahme beim Quellen der Filme untersucht.


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Colloidal nanoparticles are additives to improve or modify several properties of thermoplastic or elastic polymers. Usually colloid-polymer mixtures show phase separation due to the depletion effect. The strategy to overcome this depletion demixing was to prepare surface-modified colloidal particles, which can be blended with linear polymer chains homogeneous. A successful synthesis strategy for the preparation of hairy nanospheres was developed by grafting polystyrene macromonomer chains onto polyorganosiloxane microgels. The number of hairs per particle with a core radius of approximately 10nm exceeded 150 hairs in all cases. The molecular weight of the hairs variied between 4000-18000g/mol.The compatibility of these hairy spheres mixed with linear polymer chains was investigated by AFM, TEM and SAXS. Homogeneous mixtures were found if the molecular weight of the polymer hairs on the particle surface is at least as large as the molecular weight of the matrix chains. If the chains are much shorter than the hairs, the colloidal hair corona is strongly swollen by the matrix polymer, leading to a long-range soft interparticle repulsion ('wet brush'). If hairs and chains are comparable in length, the corona shows much less volume swelling, leading to a short-range repulsive potential similar to hard sphere systems ('dry brush'). Polymerketten und Kolloidpartikel entmischen aufgrund von Depletion-Wechselwirkungen. Diese entropisch bedingte Entmischung konnte durch das Ankoppeln von Polymerhaaren verschiedenen Molekulargewichts auf die Kugeloberflächen der Kolloide bis zu hohen Konzentrationen vermieden werden. Zur Darstellung sphärischer Bürsten und haariger Tracerpartikel wurde eine neue Synthesestrategie ausgearbeitet und erfolgreich umgesetzt.Das Kompatibilitätsverhalten dieser sphärischen Bürsten in der Schmelze von Polymerketten als Matrix wurde mittels Elektronenmikroskopie und Kleinwinkelröntgenstreuung untersucht. Die Mischungen setzten sich aus sphärischen Bürsten und Matrixketten mit unterschiedlichen Molekulargewichten zusammen.Es zeigte sich, daß die Mischbarkeit entschieden durch das Verhältnis von Haarlänge zu Länge der Matrixketten beeinflußt wird.Aus den Untersuchungen des Relaxationsverhaltens mittels Rheologie und SAXS ergibt sich, daß das Konzept der 'dry brush'- und 'wet brush'-Systeme auf diese Mischungen übertragbar ist. Die Volumenquellung der Haarcorona durch die Matrixketten ist, wie die Experimente gezeigt haben, bereits im Fall von Polymeren mit relativ niedrigen Molekulargewichten zu beobachten. Sie ist umso stärker ausgeprägt, je größer das Längenverhältnis zwischen Polymerhaaren und Matrixketten ist. Die Quellung bedeutet eine Vergrößerung des effektiven Radius der Partikel und entspricht somit einer Erhöhung des effektiven Volumenbruchs. Dies führt zur Ausbildung einer höheren Ordnung und zu einem Einfrieren der Relaxation dieser strukturellen Ordnung führt.


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Membrane-based separation processes are acquiring, in the last years, an increasing importance because of their intrinsic energetic and environmental sustainability: some types of polymeric materials, showing adequate perm-selectivity features, appear rather suitable for these applications, because of their relatively low cost and easy processability. In this work have been studied two different types of polymeric membranes, in view of possible applications to the gas separation processes, i.e. Mixed Matrix Membranes (MMMs) and high free volume glassy polymers. Since the early 90’s, it has been understood that the performances of polymeric materials in the field of gas separations show an upper bound in terms of permeability and selectivity: in particular, an increase of permeability is often accompanied by a decrease of selectivity and vice-versa, while several inorganic materials, like zeolites or silica derivates, can overcome this limitation. As a consequence, it has been developed the idea of dispersing inorganic particles in polymeric matrices, in order to obtain membranes with improved perm-selectivity features. In particular, dispersing fumed silica nanoparticles in high free volume glassy polymers improves in all the cases gases and vapours permeability, while the selectivity may either increase or decrease, depending upon material and gas mixture: that effect is due to the capacity of nanoparticles to disrupt the local chain packing, increasing the dimensions of excess free volume elements trapped in the polymer matrix. In this work different kinds of MMMs were fabricated using amorphous Teflon® AF or PTMSP and fumed silica: in all the cases, a considerable increase of solubility, diffusivity and permeability of gases and vapours (n-alkanes, CO2, methanol) was observed, while the selectivity shows a non-monotonous trend with filler fraction. Moreover, the classical models for composites are not able to capture the increase of transport properties due to the silica addition, so it has been necessary to develop and validate an appropriate thermodynamic model that allows to predict correctly the mass transport features of MMMs. In this work, another material, called poly-trimethylsilyl-norbornene (PTMSN) was examined: it is a new generation high free volume glassy polymer that, like PTMSP, shows unusual high permeability and selectivity levels to the more condensable vapours. These two polymer differ each other because PTMSN shows a more pronounced chemical stability, due to its structure double-bond free. For this polymer, a set of Lattice Fluid parameters was estimated, making possible a comparison between experimental and theoretical solubility isotherms for hydrocarbons and alcoholic vapours: the successfully modelling task, based on application of NELF model, offers a reliable alternative to direct sorption measurement, which is extremely time-consuming due to the relevant relaxation phenomena showed by each sorption step. For this material also dilation experiments were performed, in order to quantify its dimensional stability in presence of large size, swelling vapours.


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Nell’ambito di questa Tesi sono state affrontate le fasi di progettazione, sviluppo e caratterizzazione di materiali biomimetici innovativi per la realizzazione di membrane e/o costrutti 3D polimerici, come supporti che mimano la matrice extracellulare, finalizzati alla rigenerazione dei tessuti. Partendo dall’esperienza di ISTEC-CNR e da un’approfondita conoscenza chimica su polimeri naturali quali il collagene, è stata affrontata la progettazione di miscele polimeriche (blends) a base di collagene, addizionato con altri biopolimeri al fine di ottimizzarne i parametri meccanici e la stabilità chimica in condizioni fisiologiche. I polimeri naturali chitosano ed alginato, di natura polisaccaridica, già noti per la loro biocompatibilità e selezionati come additivi rinforzanti per il collagene, si sono dimostrati idonei ad interagire con le catene proteiche di quest’ultimo formando blends omogenei e stabili. Al fine di ottimizzare l’interazione chimica tra i polimeri selezionati, sono stati investigati diversi processi di blending alla base dei quali è stato applicato un processo complesso di co-fibrazione-precipitazione: sono state valutate diverse concentrazioni dei due polimeri coinvolti e ottimizzato il pH dell’ambiente di reazione. A seguito dei processi di blending, non sono state registrate alterazioni sostanziali nelle caratteristiche chimiche e nella morfologia fibrosa del collagene, a riprova del fatto che non hanno avuto luogo fenomeni di denaturazione della sua struttura nativa. D’altro canto entrambe le tipologie di compositi realizzati, possiedano proprietà chimico-fisiche peculiari, simili ma non identiche a quelle dei polimeri di partenza, risultanti di una reale interazione chimica tra le due molecole costituenti il blending. Per entrambi i compositi, è stato osservato un incremento della resistenza all’attacco dell’enzima collagenasi ed elevato grado di swelling, quest’ultimo lievemente inferiore per il dispositivo contenente chitosano. Questo aspetto, negativo in generale per quanto concerne la progettazione di impianti per la rigenerazione dei tessuti, può avere aspetti positivi poiché la minore permeabilità nei confronti dei fluidi corporei implica una maggiore resistenza verso enzimi responsabili della degradazione in vivo. Studi morfologici al SEM hanno consentito di visualizzare le porosità e le caratteristiche topografiche delle superfici evidenziando in molti casi morfologie ibride che confermano il buon livello d’interazione tra le fasi; una più bassa omogeneità morfologica si è osservata nel caso dei composti collagene-alginato e solo dopo reidratazione dello scaffold. Per quanto riguarda le proprietà meccaniche, valutate in termini di elasticità e resistenza a trazione, sono state rilevate variazioni molto basse e spesso dentro l’errore sperimentale per quanto riguarda il modulo di Young; discorso diverso per la resistenza a trazione, che è risultata inferiore per i campione di collagene-alginato. Entrambi i composti hanno comunque mostrato un comportamento elastico con un minore pre-tensionamento iniziale, che li rendono promettenti nelle applicazioni come impianti per la rigenerazione di miocardio e tendini. I processi di blending messi a punto nel corso della ricerca hanno permesso di ottenere gel omogenei e stabili per mezzo dei quali è stato possibile realizzare dispositivi con diverse morfologie per diversi ambiti applicativi: dispositivi 2D compatti dall’aspetto di membrane semitrasparenti idonei per rigenerazione del miocardio e ligamenti/tendini e 3D porosi, ottenuti attraverso processi di liofilizzazione, con l’aspetto di spugne, idonei alla riparazione/rigenerazione osteo-cartilaginea. I test di compatibilità cellulare con cardiomioblasti, hanno dimostrato come entrambi i materiali compositi realizzati risultino idonei a processi di semina di cellule differenziate ed in grado di promuovere processi di proliferazione cellulare, analogamente a quanto avviene per il collagene puro.


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Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurden experimentelle und theoretische Untersuchungen zum Phasen- und Grenzflächenverhalten von ternären Systemen des Typs Lösungsmittel/Fällungsmittel/Polymer durchgeführt. Diese Art der Mischungen ist vor allem für die Planung und Durchführung der Membranherstellung von Bedeutung, bei der die genaue Kenntnis des Phasendiagramms und der Grenzflächenspannung unabdingbar ist. Als Polymere dienten Polystyrol sowie Polydimethylsiloxan. Im Fall des Polystyrols kam Butanon-2 als Lösungsmittel zum Einsatz, wobei drei niedrigmolekulare lineare Alkohole als Fällungsmittel verwendet wurden. Für Polydimethylsiloxan eignen sich Toluol als Lösungsmittel und Ethanol als Fällungsmittel. Durch Lichtstreumessungen, Dampfdruckbestimmungen mittels Headspace-Gaschromatographie (VLE-Gleichgewichte) sowie Quellungsgleichgewichten lassen sich die thermodynamischen Eigenschaften der binären Subsysteme charakterisieren. Auf Grundlage der Flory-Huggins-Theorie kann das experimentell bestimmte Phasenverhalten (LLE-Gleichgewichte) in guter Übereinstimmung nach der Methode der Direktminimierung der Gibbs'schen Energie modelliert werden. Zieht man die Ergebnisse der Aktivitätsbestimmung von Dreikomponenten-Mischungen mit in Betracht, so ergeben sich systematische Abweichungen zwischen Experiment und Theorie. Sie können auf die Notwendigkeit ternärer Wechselwirkungsparameter zurückgeführt werden, die ebenfalls durch Modellierung zugänglich sind.Durch die aus den VLE- und LLE-Untersuchungen gewonnenen Ergebnissen kann die sog. Hump-Energie berechnet werden, die ein Maß für die Entmischungstendenz darstellt. Diese Größe eignet sich gut zur Beschreibung von Grenzflächenphänomenen mittels Skalengesetzen. Die für binäre Systeme gefundenen theoretisch fundierten Skalenparameter gelten jedoch nur teilweise. Ein neues Skalengesetz lässt erstmals eine Beschreibung über die gesamte Mischungslücke zu, wobei ein Parameter durch eine gemessene Grenzflächenspannung (zwischen Fällungsmittel/Polymer) ersetzt werden kann.


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Es wurden funktionalisierte polymerunterstützte planare Phospholipid-Modellmembran-Systeme hergestellt und auf jeder Präparationsstufe eingehend charakterisiert. Dünne Polysaccharidfilme wurden in der Form von quellbaren Gelen auf oxidische Oberflächen aufgebracht und bezüglich ihres Quellungsverhaltens und der Oberflächeneigenschaften in Abhängigkeit vom Wassergehalt untersucht. Lipidmonoschichten unterschiedlicher Zusammensetzung wurden mittels Langmuir-Blodgett-Tranfer auf Polymersubstrate übertragen und bezüglich der Stärke der Lipid/Polymer Wechselwirkung, der lateralen Selbstdiffusion in Abhängigkeit von der Wasseraktivität, dem Spreitverhalten der monomolekularen Membran auf dem Substrat in Abhängigkeit von der Wasseraktivität und dem Lateraldruck der Monoschicht, sowie des Ausmaßes der Hydratation im Kopfgruppenbereich der Lipidmembran in Abhängigkeit von der Wasseraktivität mittels Fluoreszensondenmethoden (Fluoreszenzerholung nach Photobleichung (FRAP), Fluoreszenzmikroskopie und Fluoreszenzspektroskopie) untersucht. Diffusions- und Spreitverhalten von amphiphilen Monoschichten auf Polymersubstraten wurden auf der Basis von in dieser Arbeit entwickelten physikalischen Modellen diskutiert. Mittels Langmuir-Schäfer Transfer wurde auf polymerunterstützte Lipidmonoschichten eine zweite Monoschicht übertragen. Die somit erhaltenen Lipid-Doppelschichtmembranen wurden bezüglich ihrer Stabilität, der lateralen Struktur, der lateralen Selbstdiffusion, des Spreitverhaltens auf unbedeckte Bereiche sowie der Stärke der Membran/Substrat Wechselwirkung vermittels Fluoreszenzmikroskopie, FRAP und Interferenz-Kontrast-Mikroskopie (RICM) untersucht. Schließlich wurden substratgestützte Doppelschicht-Lipidmembranen mit als Protonenpumpen fungierenden integralen Membranproteinen versehen. Die laterale Selbstdiffusion der rekonstituierten Proteinmoleküle wurde mittels FRAP, die funktionale Aktivität der Protonenpumpen mit einem Ionen-sensitiven Feldeffekttransistor-Array analysiert.


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Der Einfluß von Druck auf die Eigenschaften dünner dielektrischer Filme wurde mit Hilfe von Oberflächenplasmonen-Spektroskopie untersucht. Die Arbeit kann aus der Perspektive der Materialcharakterisierung und aus apparativer Sicht betrachtet werden, da z.B. eine neue Hochdruckzelle konstruiert wurde, die kombinierte Oberflächenplasmonen-Elektrochemie Messungen erlaubt. SiO2-Solgel Filme wurden optimiert und auf ihre Widerstandsfähigkeit in Bufferlösungen und ihre Oberflächeneigenschaften hin untersucht. Eine Anwendung lag in der Charakterisierung von thermoresponsiven Acrylsäureisopropylamid Hydrogelen, die einen Volumenphasenübergang aufwiesen, dessen Eigenschaften durch Druck und die Beschränktheit des Films auf die Oberfläche beeinflußt wurden.Die Charakterisierung von DNA Hybridisierungsreaktionen an Oberflächen wurde mit einer Fluoreszenz-erweiterten Hochdruckapparatur durchgeführt. Zunächst wurde die Stabilität der zugrundeliegenden Bindematrix sichergestellt. Bei DNA Einzelsträngen führten Temperatur und Druck zu jeweils verringertem bzw. erhöhtem Signal. Entropie und Änderungen der Lösungsmitteleigenschaften wurden für die Signaländerungen verantwortlich gemacht. Die Eigenschaften der Doppelhelix wurden im Langmuir-Bild beschrieben. Der Brechungsindex von Kohlendioxid wurde bis zu 200 MPa gemessen und mit vorhandenen Gleichungen verglichen. Weiterhin wurde das Schwellverhalten von PMMA in scCO2/MMA-Mischungen untersucht. Mit Druck und MMA-Konzentration nimmt das Polymer vermehrt Kohlendioxid auf. Dadurch schwillt es an und sein Brechungsindex nimmt ab. Berechnungen unter Annahme einer idealen Mixtur ergaben gute qualitative Übereinstimmung mit den Meßwerten.Abschließend wurde eine neue Elektrochemie-Hochdruckzelle vorgestellt, die an Kaliumhexacyanoferrat(III)-(II) getestet wurde. Die Elektropolymerisation von Thiophen optisch untersucht.


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The research has included the efforts in designing, assembling and structurally and functionally characterizing supramolecular biofunctional architectures for optical biosensing applications. In the first part of the study, a class of interfaces based on the biotin-NeutrAvidin binding matrix for the quantitative control of enzyme surface coverage and activity was developed. Genetically modified ß-lactamase was chosen as a model enzyme and attached to five different types of NeutrAvidin-functionalized chip surfaces through a biotinylated spacer. All matrices are suitable for achieving a controlled enzyme surface density. Data obtained by SPR are in excellent agreement with those derived from optical waveguide measurements. Among the various protein-binding strategies investigated in this study, it was found that stiffness and order between alkanethiol-based SAMs and PEGylated surfaces are very important. Matrix D based on a Nb2O5 coating showed a satisfactory regeneration possibility. The surface-immobilized enzymes were found to be stable and sufficiently active enough for a catalytic activity assay. Many factors, such as the steric crowding effect of surface-attached enzymes, the electrostatic interaction between the negatively charged substrate (Nitrocefin) and the polycationic PLL-g-PEG/PEG-Biotin polymer, mass transport effect, and enzyme orientation, are shown to influence the kinetic parameters of catalytic analysis. Furthermore, a home-built Surface Plasmon Resonance Spectrometer of SPR and a commercial miniature Fiber Optic Absorbance Spectrometer (FOAS), served as a combination set-up for affinity and catalytic biosensor, respectively. The parallel measurements offer the opportunity of on-line activity detection of surface attached enzymes. The immobilized enzyme does not have to be in contact with the catalytic biosensor. The SPR chip can easily be cleaned and used for recycling. Additionally, with regard to the application of FOAS, the integrated SPR technique allows for the quantitative control of the surface density of the enzyme, which is highly relevant for the enzymatic activity. Finally, the miniaturized portable FOAS devices can easily be combined as an add-on device with many other in situ interfacial detection techniques, such as optical waveguide lightmode spectroscopy (OWLS), the quartz crystal microbalance (QCM) measurements, or impedance spectroscopy (IS). Surface plasmon field-enhanced fluorescence spectroscopy (SPFS) allows for an absolute determination of intrinsic rate constants describing the true parameters that control interfacial hybridization. Thus it also allows for a study of the difference of the surface coupling influences between OMCVD gold particles and planar metal films presented in the second part. The multilayer growth process was found to proceed similarly to the way it occurs on planar metal substrates. In contrast to planar bulk metal surfaces, metal colloids exhibit a narrow UV-vis absorption band. This absorption band is observed if the incident photon frequency is resonant with the collective oscillation of the conduction electrons and is known as the localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR). LSPR excitation results in extremely large molar extinction coefficients, which are due to a combination of both absorption and scattering. When considering metal-enhanced fluorescence we expect the absorption to cause quenching and the scattering to cause enhancement. Our further study will focus on the developing of a detection platform with larger gold particles, which will display a dominant scattering component and enhance the fluorescence signal. Furthermore, the results of sequence-specific detection of DNA hybridization based on OMCVD gold particles provide an excellent application potential for this kind of cheap, simple, and mild preparation protocol applied in this gold fabrication method. In the final chapter, SPFS was used for the in-depth characterizations of the conformational changes of commercial carboxymethyl dextran (CMD) substrate induced by pH and ionic strength variations were studied using surface plasmon resonance spectroscopy. The pH response of CMD is due to the changes in the electrostatics of the system between its protonated and deprotonated forms, while the ionic strength response is attributed from the charge screening effect of the cations that shield the charge of the carboxyl groups and prevent an efficient electrostatic repulsion. Additional studies were performed using SPFS with the aim of fluorophore labeling the carboxymethyl groups. CMD matrices showed typical pH and ionic strength responses, such as high pH and low ionic strength swelling. Furthermore, the effects of the surface charge and the crosslink density of the CMD matrix on the extent of stimuli responses were investigated. The swelling/collapse ratio decreased with decreasing surface concentration of the carboxyl groups and increasing crosslink density. The study of the CMD responses to external and internal variables will provide valuable background information for practical applications.


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Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war die Untersuchung von Struktur und Dynamik in Polymer-Ton-Nanokompositen mittels EPR-Spektroskopie; damit sollten ein Beitrag zur Analyse der Tensidschicht in solchen Systemen geleistet und die Ergebnisse anderer Messmethoden ergänzt werden. Die Tensidschicht in Polymer-Ton-Nanokompositen nimmt großen Einfluss auf das System, denn sie bestimmt die Wechselwirkung zwischen Ton und Polymer: Damit hydrophiler Ton gut mit hydrophobem Polymer (hier Polystyrol) mischbar ist, muss das Schichtsilikat zunächst mit Tensiden organisch-modifiziert werden; dies geschieht durch Kationenaustausch der Natriumionen im Ton gegen Tenside. Um mit Hilfe der EPR einen Einblick in die Tensidschicht zu gewinnen, muss etwa 1% der zur Tonmodifizierung eingesetzten Amphiphile spinmarkiert sein. So gelang es im Rahmen dieser Arbeit, Tenside mit verschiedenen Kopfgruppen, nämlich Trimethylammonium- bzw. Trimethylphosphoniumtenside, zu synthetisieren und sie an verschiedenen Positionen ihrer hydrophoben Alkylkette mit einem Nitroxidradikal zu markieren. Das Nitroxidradikal diente als Spinsonde für die EPR-Experimente. Neben der Synthese verschiedener, spinmarkierter Amphiphile, der anschließenden Darstellung organisch-modifizierten Tons (Kationenaustausch) und verschiedener Polymer-Ton-Nanokomposite (Schmelzinterkalation) wurden alle Proben mittels EPR-Spektroskopie untersucht; dabei wurden sowohl cw- als auch gepulste Messtechniken eingesetzt. Aus cw-Experimenten ging hervor, dass die Dynamik der gesamten Tensidschicht mit der Temperatur zunimmt und die Mobilität der hydrophoben Tensidalkylkette mit wachsendem Abstand zu ihrer Kopfgruppe wächst. Zugabe von Polymer behindert bei steigender Temperatur das Anschwellen des Tons bei Aufschmelzen der Tensidschicht; die Dynamik des Systems ist eingeschränkt. Mit Hilfe gepulster EPR-Messungen (ENDOR und ESEEM), die Informationen über Abstände bzw. Kontakt in den untersuchten Systemen lieferten, ließ sich ein Strukturmodell der Polymer-Ton-Nanokomposite skizzieren, das Vorstellungen anderer, älterer Methoden unterstützt: Hierbei richten sich die Tenside in Multischichten unterschiedlicher Mobilität parallel zur Tonoberfläche aus.


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Grundlage für die hier gezeigte Arbeit stellt die Eigenschaft von amphiphilen Blockcopolymeren dar immer den Block mit der niedrigsten Grenzflächenenergie zum angrenzenden Medium an die Oberfläche zu bringen. Durch einen Austausch des Mediums an der Grenzfläche zum Blockcopolymer kann eine Reorientierung erzwungen werden, wenn die Grenzflächenenergie des anderen Blocks nun die niedrigere Grenzflächenenergie besitzt. Dieses Verhalten von dünnen amphiphilen Blockcopolymerfilmen wurde zur Strukturierung von Oberflächen ausgenutzt und in nachfolgenden Synthesen weiter verstärkt. Um dies zu erreichen wurde das zur Strukturierung erforderliche Poly(4-Octylstyrol)block(4-hydroxystyrol) durch kontrollierte radikalische Polymerisationsmethode mit dem Tempo Unimer (2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-1-1(1-phenyl-ethoxy)-piperidin) synthetisiert. Für die geplanten Reorientierungen und Modifizierungen von Oberflächen wurden dünne Filme durch Schleuderbeschichtung auf verschiedenen Substraten (Siliziumwafern, Glassubstraten und Goldoberflächen) hergestellt. Das Verhalten der Oberflächen von diesen Filmen wurde durch Kontaktwinkelmessungen untersucht. Auf diese Weise konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Oberfläche von Polymerfilmen nach der Präparation aus dem hydrophoben Block des Polymers gebildet wird. Durch Kontakt des Polymerfilms mit Wasser kann dieser zur Reorientierung gebracht werden, so dass der hydrophile Block des Polymers an der Oberfläche erscheint. Dieses Verhalten wurde zur Strukturierung mit softlithographischen Techniken genutzt. Dazu wurden hydrophil/hydrophob strukturierte Oberflächen durch Aufsetzen von hydrophoben PDMS-Stempeln, die Teile der Oberfläche selektiv abdeckten, und Einbringen von Wasser in die dabei entstehenden Kapillaren hergestellt. Dies ermöglichte es die Oberfläche selektiv im Größenbereich von 500nm bis zu 50µm zu strukturieren und an den reaktiven Bereichen Materialien, wie z.B. Kupfer, Titandioxid, Polyelektrolyte, photonische Kristalle und angegraftete Polymere, mit verschiedenen Methoden selektiv auf die Oberfläche aufzubringen. Um den Reorganisationsprozess der Oberfläche genauer zu studieren, wurde ein für diese Aufgabe besser geeignetes Polymer (Poly(Styrol)-block-poly(essigsäure-2-(2-(4-vinyl-phenoxy)-ethoxy)ethylester)) synthetisiert. Aus diesem Blockcopolymer wurden wieder dünne Filme durch Spincoaten hergestellt. Die Reorientierung dieses Polymers in 70°C warmen Wasser konnte durch Kontaktwinkelmessungen und NEXAFS Spektroskopie nachgewiesen werden. Mit Hilfe der NEXAFS Spektroskopie konnte festgestellt werden, dass die Geschwindigkeit der Reorientierung durch eine exponentielle Funktion beschrieben werden kann. Eine Auswertung der Geschwindigkeitskonstante für die Reorientierung einer hydrophilen zu einer hydrophoben Oberfläche des Polymers bei 60°C führt zu =75min. Aufgrund des exponentiellen Charakters der Reorientierung macht es den Anschein, dass die Reorientierung bei verschiedenen Reorientierungstemperaturen bis zu einem gewissen Grad erfolgt und dann stoppt. Eine weitere Reorientierung scheint erst wieder bei einer Temperaturerhöhung zu beginnen. Aus AFM Messungen ist ein Beginnen der Reorientierung durch Bildung kleiner Löcher in der Polymeroberfläche zu erkennen, die sich zu runden Erhöhungen und Vertiefungen vergrößern, um letztendlich in ein spinodales Entmischungsmuster über zu gehen. Dieses heilt dann im Laufe der Zeit langsam durch Verschwinden der hydrophilen Bereiche langsam aus. Der Beginn des zuvor beschriebenen Reorientierungsprozesses einer hydrophilen Oberfläche in eine hydrophobe konnte sowohl in den AFM, als auch in den NEXAFS-Messungen zu ca. 50°C bestimmt werden.


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A range of vectors were made in which the EYFP gene or the Cre gene were inserted in the start codon of the NG2 gene. The NG2-EYFP vectors were used to generate NG2-EYFP “knockin” mice by homologous recombination. The F1 generation showed lack of EYFP expression, due to NeoR cassette interference. Excision of the NeoR, by breeding the F1 generation to ELLA-Cre mice allowed proper expression of EYFP. NG2-EYFP heterozygous mice were characterized in detail for astrocytic, neurogenic and oligodendrocytic properties through antibody labeling. NG2-EYFP+ cells did not label for the astrocyte marker GFAP, but some cells did express S100 Beta. The cells did not label with any neuronal markers like Beta III tubulin, Neun, and double cortin, but many of the NG2-EYFP+ cells made intimate contacts to the neurons. These contacts are widespread throughout the grey and white matter of the brain. The NG2-EYFP+ cells did label for oligodendrocyte markers like PDGFα-R, NG2, Olig2, O4, and Sox 10. There were a few cells termed phantom cells that did label for NG2, but had no EYFP expression. This could have been caused by improper excision of the NeoR cassette in the F2 generation. The heterozygous mouse is a tool to allow the characterization of the in vivo properties of the NG2+ cells. Breeding of these mice to homozygosity yielded an NG2-knockout mouse, which was also subjected to initial characterization. The NG2-EYFP homozygous showed equivalent cell labeling results to the NG2-EYFP heterozygous mouse, but the phantom cells disappeared in the knockout. The results show that the NG2 cells are a heterogenous population that does not express astrocytic or neuronal markers. The homozygous mouse is an ideal tool to further dissect the properties of the cells, lacking NG2 in vivo.


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In this thesis, we investigated the evaporation of sessile microdroplets on different solid substrates. Three major aspects were studied: the influence of surface hydrophilicity and heterogeneity on the evaporation dynamics for an insoluble solid substrate, the influence of external process parameters and intrinsic material properties on microstructuring of soluble polymer substrates and the influence of an increased area to volume ratio in a microfluidic capillary, when evaporation is hindered. In the first part, the evaporation dynamics of pure sessile water drops on smooth self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) of thiols or disulfides on gold on mica was studied. With increasing surface hydrophilicity the drop stayed pinned longer. Thus, the total evaporation time of a given initial drop volume was shorter, since the drop surface, through which the evaporation occurs, stays longer large. Usually, for a single drop the volume decreased linearly with t1.5, t being the evaporation time, for a diffusion-controlled evaporation process. However, when we measured the total evaporation time, ttot, for multiple droplets with different initial volumes, V0, we found a scaling of the form V0 = attotb. The more hydrophilic the substrate was, the more showed the scaling exponent a tendency to an increased value up to 1.6. This can be attributed to an increasing evaporation rate through a thin water layer in the vicinity of the drop. Under the assumption of a constant temperature at the substrate surface a cooling of the droplet and thus a decreased evaporation rate could be excluded as a reason for the different scaling exponent by simulations performed by F. Schönfeld at the IMM, Mainz. In contrast, for a hairy surface, made of dialkyldisulfide SAMs with different chain lengths and a 1:1 mixture of hydrophilic and hydrophobic end groups (hydroxy versus methyl group), the scaling exponent was found to be ~ 1.4. It increased to ~ 1.5 with increasing hydrophilicity. A reason for this observation can only be speculated: in the case of longer hydrophobic alkyl chains the formation of an air layer between substrate and surface might be favorable. Thus, the heat transport to the substrate might be reduced, leading to a stronger cooling and thus decreased evaporation rate. In the second part, the microstructuring of polystyrene surfaces by drops of toluene, a good solvent, was investigated. For this a novel deposition technique was developed, with which the drop can be deposited with a syringe. The polymer substrate is lying on a motorized table, which picks up the pendant drop by an upward motion until a liquid bridge is formed. A consecutive downward motion of the table after a variable delay, i.e. the contact time between drop and polymer, leads to the deposition of the droplet, which can evaporate. The resulting microstructure is investigated in dependence of the processes parameters, i.e. the approach and the retraction speed of the substrate and the delay between them, and in dependence of the intrinsic material properties, i.e. the molar mass and the type of the polymer/solvent system. The principal equivalence with the microstructuring by the ink-jet technique was demonstrated. For a high approach and retraction speed of 9 mm/s and no delay between them, a concave microtopology was observed. In agreement with the literature, this can be explained by a flow of solvent and the dissolved polymer to the rim of the pinned droplet, where polymer is accumulated. This effect is analogue to the well-known formation of ring-like stains after the evaporation of coffee drops (coffee-stain effect). With decreasing retraction speed down to 10 µm/s the resulting surface topology changes from concave to convex. This can be explained with the increasing dissolution of polymer into the solvent drop prior to the evaporation. If the polymer concentration is high enough, gelation occurs instead of a flow to the rim and the shape of the convex droplet is received. With increasing delay time from below 0 ms to 1s the depth of the concave microwells decreases from 4.6 µm to 3.2 µm. However, a convex surface topology could not be obtained, since for longer delay times the polymer sticks to the tip of the syringe. Thus, by changing the delay time a fine-tuning of the concave structure is accomplished, while by changing the retraction speed a principal change of the microtopolgy can be achieved. We attribute this to an additional flow inside the liquid bridge, which enhanced polymer dissolution. Even if the pendant drop is evaporating about 30 µm above the polymer surface without any contact (non-contact mode), concave structures were observed. Rim heights as high as 33 µm could be generated for exposure times of 20 min. The concave structure exclusively lay above the flat polymer surface outside the structure even after drying. This shows that toluene is taken up permanently. The increasing rim height, rh, with increasing exposure time to the solvent vapor obeys a diffusion law of rh = rh0  tn, with n in the range of 0.46 ~ 0.65. This hints at a non-Fickian swelling process. A detailed analysis showed that the rim height of the concave structure is modulated, unlike for the drop deposition. This is due to the local stress relaxation, which was initiated by the increasing toluene concentration in the extruded polymer surface. By altering the intrinsic material parameters i.e. the polymer molar mass and the polymer/solvent combination, several types of microstructures could be formed. With increasing molar mass from 20.9 kDa to 1.44 MDa the resulting microstructure changed from convex, to a structure with a dimple in the center, to concave, to finally an irregular structure. This observation can be explained if one assumes that the microstructuring is dominated by two opposing effects, a decreasing solubility with increasing polymer molar mass, but an increasing surface tension gradient leading to instabilities of Marangoni-type. Thus, a polymer with a low molar mass close or below the entanglement limit is subject to a high dissolution rate, which leads to fast gelation compared to the evaporation rate. This way a coffee-rim like effect is eliminated early and a convex structure results. For high molar masses the low dissolution rate and the low polymer diffusion might lead to increased surface tension gradients and a typical local pile-up of polymer is found. For intermediate polymer masses around 200 kDa, the dissolution and evaporation rate are comparable and the typical concave microtopology is found. This interpretation was supported by a quantitative estimation of the diffusion coefficient and the evaporation rate. For a different polymer/solvent system, polyethylmethacrylate (PEMA)/ethylacetate (EA), exclusively concave structures were found. Following the statements above this can be interpreted with a lower dissolution rate. At low molar masses the concentration of PEMA in EA most likely never reaches the gelation point. Thus, a concave instead of a convex structure occurs. At the end of this section, the optically properties of such microstructures for a potential application as microlenses are studied with laser scanning confocal microscopy. In the third part, the droplet was confined into a glass microcapillary to avoid evaporation. Since here, due to an increased area to volume ratio, the surface properties of the liquid and the solid walls became important, the influence of the surface hydrophilicity of the wall on the interfacial tension between two immiscible liquid slugs was investigated. For this a novel method for measuring the interfacial tension between the two liquids within the capillary was developed. This technique was demonstrated by measuring the interfacial tensions between slugs of pure water and standard solvents. For toluene, n-hexane and chloroform 36.2, 50.9 and 34.2 mN/m were measured at 20°C, which is in a good agreement with data from the literature. For a slug of hexane in contact with a slug of pure water containing ethanol in a concentration range between 0 and 70 (v/v %), a difference of up to 6 mN/m was found, when compared to commercial ring tensiometry. This discrepancy is still under debate.