916 resultados para Análise multivariada de dados


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É crescente a busca pelo engajamento no trabalho por se tratar de um construto motivacional positivo, caracterizado por vigor, dedicação e absorção, sempre relacionado ao trabalho, implicando sentimento de realização que envolve estado cognitivo positivo e que é persistente no tempo. A busca em conhecer o que gera sentimentos positivos em trabalhadores no ambiente de trabalho é tema corrente em diversos estudos na área do comportamento organizacional. O construto de bem-estar no trabalho é constituído de três dimensões, a saber: satisfação no trabalho, envolvimento no trabalho e comprometimento organizacional afetivo associada aos afetos positivos dirigidos ao trabalho; e por sua vez o capital psicológico está relacionado com resultados de desempenho no trabalho, como otimismo, eficácia, esperança e resiliência. O presente estudo teve como objetivo analisar as relações entre engajamento no trabalho, bem-estar no trabalho e capital psicológico em profissionais da área de gestão de pessoas. Os participantes deste estudo foram 159 profissionais que atuam na área de gestão de pessoas em organizações diversas. A coleta de dados foi realizada por meio de um questionário eletrônico criado no ambiente Surveymonkey. O questionário era autoaplicável contendo as seguintes medidas. A análise dos dados foi realizada por meio do SPSS 19.0, calculando-se estatísticas descritivas e índices de correlação. Foi realizada, a priori, uma análise exploratória dos dados para verificar a precisão de entrada de dados, outliers e respostas omissas. Os resultados revelaram a existência de correlações positivas e significativas entre engajamento no trabalho, capital psicológico e as dimensões de bem-estar no trabalho (satisfação no trabalho, envolvimento no trabalho e comprometimento organizacional afetivo). Conclui-se que o indivíduo que apresenta vigor e absorção tem também em níveis acentuados otimismo, resiliência, esperança e eficácia e as dimensões de bem estar: satisfação no trabalho, envolvimento no trabalho e comprometimento organizacional afetivo.


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O associativismo empresarial aparece como forma de desenvolvimento regional, seja este econômico, social ou cultural, e é grande aliado para o surgimento e crescimento das micro e pequenas empresas. É um tema já vivenciado e estudado por vários países do mundo, entre eles europeus e especificamente italianos, mas ainda pouco estudado e conhecido no Brasil. A presente pesquisa objetivou analisar o associativismo empresarial entre micro e pequenas empresas (MPEs) na região do Grande ABC (GABC) pelo Projeto Empreender (SEBRAE) relacionando seus dados com os publicados do relatório 2003/5 de autoria do Observatório Europeu de estudos sobre pequenas e médias empresas europeias, analisando as formas de associativismo aqui ocorridas, além de identificar o perfil das empresas e empresários envolvidos no projeto. Para tal análise foram coletados dados de um total de 63 empresas do Projeto Empreender, nos núcleos de Santo André, São Caetano do Sul e Ribeirão Pires. Do GABC foram coletados dados utilizando o instrumento desenvolvido pelo Observatório Europeu de estudos sobre pequenas e médias empresas. A análise dos dados coletados no GABC em relação aos dados europeus se fez necessária para que pudessem ser encontrados pontos de divergências e convergências em cada uma das experiências, objetivando o aprendizado e evolução do tema. A escolha do GABC foi motivada pelo fato da região passar por mudanças no seu perfil econômico, passando de berço e grande pólo das grandes indústrias para um grande centro de pequenas empresas prestadoras de serviços. Após coleta e análise dos dados, percebeu-se que a experiência do GABC e a ocorrida na Itália se parecem em muitos aspectos, porém tem grandes diferenças estruturais. Enquanto o projeto europeu é de responsabilidade de um órgão da União Europeia, aqui o projeto é de autoria do SEBRAE e sofre grandes conflitos com as Associações Comerciais e Industriais (ACIs) da região quando o tema é custeio das despesas das pessoas e estrutura que envolve a implantação do projeto. Além disso, conclui-se que é necessária uma maior aproximação dos municípios com o projeto, tendo em vista que isto poderia ser fator de incentivo a entrada de novas empresas além de fator de aumento de seriedade do sistema. Mais dois dados merecem destaque. Primeiro o fato do Projeto Empreender ter pouca visibilidade regional, ou seja, ser muito pouco divulgado, e o fato da agência de desenvolvimento do GABC não ter aproximação alguma com o projeto. Por último, surgem dados no decorrer da pesquisa que rompem a barreira das teorias administrativas conhecidas, tais como a amizade como fator de associativismo. Portanto, os resultados obtidos com essa pesquisa apontam para a influência no incentivo ao desenvolvimento do processo associativista na região do GABC, além de servir como incentivador para a aproximação de outros atores sociais no processo.(AU)


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Essa pesquisa investiga empiricamente o desempenho das empresas do Grande ABC, região industrializada e cada vez mais representativa economicamente para o país. As sete cidades que representam a região, Santo André, São Bernardo do Campo, São Caetano do Sul, Diadema, Mauá, Ribeirão Pires e Rio Grande da Serra, tiverem nos últimos anos um crescimento econômico consideravelmente acima do crescimento do país e seu desenvolvimento tem impulsionado o crescimento do país. A análise empírica utiliza dados em painel e investiga o desempenho das firmas das sete cidades que compõe o Grande ABC durante os anos de 2001 a 2008 utilizando a metodologia multinível e três medidas de desempenho: ROA, OROA e ROE. A metodologia multinível possibilitou a identificação dos principais efeitos que estão associados ou não ao desempenho das empresas, entre esses efeitos estão o ano, a própria empresa, o subsetor, o setor e a cidade que a empresa se localiza. Entre as três medidas de desempenho utilizadas houve significativa convergência e, além disso, o estudo identificou que há um significativo efeito no desempenho das empresas associado ao ano e à própria empresa, além de mostrar que os setores, os subsetores e a cidade que a empresa se localiza não apresentam um efeito significativo associado ao desempenho dessas firmas.


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Pesquisa a respeito das influências da indústria cultural sobre a formação da identidade nas Escolas de Samba em Juiz de Fora, as transformações introduzidas nestas agremiações através dos meios de comunicação de massa ao longo dos anos e o modo pelo qual os sambistas de Juiz de Fora reinterpretam e assimilam as informações da indústria cultural. O papel dos meios de comunicação locais frente ao carnaval. O trabalho dividiu-se em três etapas: pesquisa bibliográfica; realização de um diagnóstico a partir de entrevistas semi-estruturadas com as pessoas envolvidas com as Escolas de Samba ou historicamente relevantes para os desfiles oficiais de carnaval em Juiz de Fora; e a análise qualitativa dos dados coletados. Levantou-se a trajetória histórica das Escolas de Samba de Juiz de Fora e seus pontos de contato com as Escolas de Samba do Rio de Janeiro, além de se buscar compreender qual é a percepção que os juizforanos têm sobre o desfile local. As informações foram trabalhadas sob o ponto de vista da Teoria Crítica, das propostas filosóficas de Michel Foucault, das considerações sobre a sociedade do espetáculo. O trabalho demonstra que a preocupação principal das Escolas de Samba de Juiz de Fora é com a realização de um desfile que se enquadre nos padrões exigidos pela indústria cultural, conseqüentemente o espetáculo em torno da festa transformou-se em uma forma de controle social, eliminando a espontaneidade e a transgressão que tradicionalmente estão associadas ao carnaval.(AU)


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A avaliação e monitorização de sinais vitais é uma ferramenta fundamental utilizada na medicina, principalmente no que se relaciona com o estado físico do indivíduo. A evolução constante da tecnologia assumiu um papel central na evolução de produtos ligados ao contexto médico, que atualmente assumem-se como produtos do quotidiano. Existiu também uma alteração do paradigma, ou seja, produtos anteriormente utilizados exclusivamente na medicina, agora usados em atividades diárias. A preocupação da monitorização de sinais vitais é uma temática emergente, uma vez que uma análise correta destes dados permite intervir precocemente em aspetos que melhoram a qualidade de vida do indivíduo. A prevenção tornou-se um fator essencial, visto que os utilizadores interagem com estes produtos no quotidiano. Esta necessidade leva ao aparecimento de novos produtos, que estejam ligados à atividade diária do indivíduo. É neste paradigma que a solução se apresenta, a interação do produto com o utilizador de forma discreta e menos intrusiva, oferecendo maior conforto e funcionalidade. Assim sendo, o designer deve perceber os princípios de funcionamento dos componentes que permitem recolher informação sobre os sinais vitais e ambientais. O papel do design neste projeto de investigação passou pelo desenvolvimento de uma solução para monitorização da dinâmica corporal no período do sono, de forma a contribuir para a prevenção da apneia do sono. A solução divide-se em três elementos, que interligados, proporcionam ao utilizador um controlo do período de sono. Os elementos são: tapete de mapeamento de pressão, um monitor de sono, e uma aplicação móvel. Os aspetos ergonómicos e funcionais foram tidos em conta na conceção do produto assim como a aplicação de métodos de desenvolvimento de produto, com o intuito de obter uma solução que respeite as necessidades do utilizador. A solução foi validada, do ponto de vista conceptual, através de um protótipo semi-funcional.


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This paper prese nts the validation of the Performance Indicator System for Projects under Construction - SIDECC. The goal was to develop a system of performance indicators from the macroergonômica approach, con sidering criteria of usefulness , practicality and applicabilit y and the concept of continuous improveme nt in the construction industry . The validation process SIDECC consisted of three disti nct models . Modeling I corresponded to the theoretical development and valid ation of a system of indicators . Modeling II concern s the development and valida tion of multi - indicator system . For this modeling, we used the Mother of Use and Importance and Multivariate Analysis . Modeling III correspo nded to the validation situated , which consisted of a case study of a wo rk of construct ion of buildings , which were applied and anal yzed the results of modeling II . This work resulted in the development of an applied and tested for the construction of an integrated system of per formance indicators methodology , involving aspects of production , quality , e nvironmental, health and safety . It is inferred that the SIDECC can be applied, in full or in part , the construction companies as a whole, as we ll as in other economic sectors .


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Base excision repair (BER) and nucleotide excision repair (NER) pathways play critical role in maintaining genome integrity. Polymorphisms in BER and NER genes which modulate the DNA repair capacity may affect the susceptibility and prognosis of oral cancer. This study was conducted with genomic DNA from 92 patients with oral squamous cell carcinomas (OSCC) and 130 controls. The cases were followed up to explore the associations between BER and NER genes polymorphisms and the risk and prognosis of OSCC. Four single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in XRCC1 (rs25487), APEX1 (rs1130409), XPD (rs13181) and XPF (rs1799797) genes were tested by polymerase chain reaction – quantitative real time method. The GraphPad Prism version 6.0.1 statistical software was applied for statistical analysis of association. Odds ratio (OR), hazard ratio (HR), and their 95 % confidence intervals (CIs) were calculated by logistic regression. Kaplan-Meier curve and Cox proportional hazard model were used for prognostic analysis. The presence of polymorphic variants in XRCC1, APEX1, XPD and XPF genes were not associated with an increased risk of OSCC. Gene-environment interactions with smoking were not significant for any polymorphism. The presence of polymorphic variants of the XPD gene in association with alcohol consumption conferred an increased risk of 1.86 (95% CI: 0.86 – 4.01, p=0.03) for OSCC. Only APEX1 was associated with decreased specific survival (HR 3.94, 95% CI: 1.31 – 11.88, p=0.01). These results suggest an interaction between polymorphic variants of the XPF gene and alcohol consumption. Additionally APEX1 may represent a prognostic marker for OSCC.


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Formal education, understood by the gradual process that occurs at school, aims at learning and systematic knowledge is of great interest to society as it benefits its individuals and leads to many positive effects, such as increased productivity and welfare (Johnes, Johnes, 2007). Understanding what influences the educational outcome is as important as the result itself, because lets you manage these variables in order to obtain a better student performance. This work uses the data envelopment analysis (DEA) to compare the efficiency of Rio Grande do Norte schools. In this nonparametric method, an efficiency frontier was construct from the best schools that use the inputs set to generate educational products. Therefore, the data used were obtain by Test Brazil and year 2011 School Census to state and municipal schools of Rio Grande do Norte. Some of the variables considered as inputs and outputs have been obtain directly these bases - the other two were prepared, using the Item Response Theory (IRT) - they are the socioeconomic and school infrastructure indices. As a first step, we compared several DEA models, with changes of input variables. Then was chose the non-discretionary model for which was deep the analysis of results. The results showed that only seven schools were efficient in the 5th and 9th grades simultaneously; there were no significant differences between the efficiency of municipal and state schools; and there were no differences between large and small schools. Analyzing the municipalities, Mossoró excelled in both years with the highest proportion of efficient schools. Finally, the study suggests that using the projections provided by the DEA method, the most inefficient schools would be able to achieve the goal IDEB in 2011, in other words, it is possible to improve the education of significant state taking the efficient schools as a basis for too much.


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Located on the western edge of the Brazilian northeast, the Parnaíba Basin is an intra cratonic basin with oil production. This study aims at understanding its genesis and evolution, using aeromagnetic and gravity data. We used the spectral analysis of aeromagnetic data to map the depth to the bottom of the magnetic sources in order to assimilate this depth with the depth of the Curie isotherm, and infer the geothermal gradient. Using the spectral analysis technique, we succeeded in mapping the surface of the depth to the bottom of magnetic sources (SBFM), which marks the depth that occur magnetization. In the Parnaíba Basin the SBFM presented depths around -20,5 and -28,5 , which was consistent with an inversion of the same dataset using the technique of Magnetization Vector Inversion (MVI). Furthermore, SBFM topography correlates well with Moho depth, which was estimated from satellite gravimetric data from the GOCE mission (Gravity Field and Steady-State Ocean Circulation Explorer). Assuming that SBFM coincides with the Curie isotherm of magnetite (ICM), defined as the surface at which magnetite ( ) looses its ferromagnetic properties, it was possible to estimate the geothermal gradient. The geothermal gradient in the basin showed values between 19.2 and 26.5 , allowing to estimate the heat flow for the Parnaíba basin after assuming a conductivity of 2.69 . The resulting heat flow values ranged between 51.6 and 71.3 , which is consistent with values found in other works throughout the South American continent. Lithospheric thickness using an empirical relationship, finding values between -65.8 and -89.2 . We propose that thermal structure of Parnaíba basin is influenced by a deep thermal anomaly. This anomaly has heated the lithosphere beneath the basin and has resulted in relatively thin values for the lithospheric thickness and relatively high surface heat flow values. The origin of the anomaly is not clear, but the correlation between Curie depth and Moho topography, suggests that tectonic extension processes could have played a role.


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INTRODUCTION: The pregnancy and childbirth cause many changes in a woman's life, whether physical, hormonal, emotional or social. Such changes may affect the postural balance and the quality of life of women in pregnancy and may persist after delivery. To analyze changes in postural balance and quality of life in women in pregnancy and postpartum. METHODS: This study consisted of 47 women participants of the Course for Pregnant Women of the Department of Physical Therapy at UFRN, evaluated during pregnancy (2° or 3° trimester) and in the period 1-8 months postpartum. In all participants was evaluated the postural balance, the Balance Master® in five specific tests: (1) Modified Clinical Test of Sensory Interaction on Balance-MCTSIB; (2) Rhythmic Weight Shift Test - RWS (3) unilateral stance - US, (4) Sit to Stand - STS, and (5) Walk Across - WA. The quality of life (QoL) was assessed by applying the Quality Score of life Ferrans & Powers (IQVFP), both during pregnancy and in the postpartum period. For statistical analysis we used the Statistical Package for Social Sciences software for Personal Computer- SPSS (version 20.0), applying the tests: Shapiro-Wilk to assess the normality of the data; Chi-square to analyze the frequency of postural balance changes in the two groups of pregnancy and postpartum in both groups; McNemar test to analyze balance disorders frequency of related samples in the two time points; to compare the behavior of postural balance during pregnancy and postpartum, and to compare the QoL between the periods, we used the Wilcoxon test; and yet, the MannWhitney test to compare the QoL scores in the two groups of pregnancy and postpartum in both groups. We adopted p-value <0.05. RESULTS: Comparing the postural balance during pregnancy and postpartum in MSTSIB test has statistical difference in unstable surface with closed eyes (p=0.001) and in the US test, the speed of oscillation with right leg with eyes closed (p=0,03). Quality of life, there was statistical difference between the scores only among postpartum groups, the family domain (p=0.03); and to comparing pregnancy and postpartum in domain health and operation (p=0.02) and the Socioeconomic domain (p=0.01). CONCLUSIONS: It was observed that the balance changes present during pregnancy persist postpartum, and the quality of life is considered good by women, both during pregnancy and postpartum.


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This research analyzed the discourse of Brazilian transmen in relation to (un) pathologizing of identity (trans). Therefore, it seeks to analyze the perception of the meanings attributed by Brazilian transmen to their experiences within the context in which their experience is considered a psychiatric disorder, which can be (or not) be diagnosed by doctors and psychologists. Whereby, obtaining such permissions becomes a necessity to perform bodily changes, as well as referrals for modifications of civil documentation. The methodology used was discourse analysis and research techniques were semi-structured interviews and systematic observation of the meetings of Cartografias Trans group, psychotherapeutic care group of transpeople to the Centro de pesquisa e atendimento à travestis e transexuais - CPATT in Curitiba , Paraná. The theoretical framework of the research suppoted mainly, but not only, in the studies proposed by queer theory. In this sense the research found by entering the field and analyzing the data brought, among other things, the existence of a strategic discourse by Brazilian transmen toward depathologization of their identities, manifested mainly on the notion of to have the identity (trans) pathologized does not make them sick.


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Camu-camu (Myrciaria dubia H.B.K. (McVaugh)) is a native Amazon fruit, recognized worldwide as one of the main natural sources of ascorbic acid. Due to its great acidity, this fruit is generally consumed after processing into juice or as ingredient in food preparations. As a co-product of the camu-camu processing, a significant amount of agroindustrial residue is generated. Despite the studies showing the bioactive value and biological potential of the fruit, few studies have approached the possible processing techniques, transformation and preservation of camu-camu fruits and its agroindustrial pomace. Therefore, the present work has the objective of evaluating two different drying processes applied to camu-camu pomace (peel and seeds with residual pulp), freeze drying and hot air drying, in order to obtain a functional fruit product. This thesis was divided into three stages: the first one shows the studies related to the freeze drying and hot air drying, where we demonstrated the impact of the selected drying techniques on the bioactive components of camu-camu, taking the fresh pomace as the control group. Among the investigated conditions, the groups obtained at 50ºC and 4 m/s (SC50) and 80ºC and 6 m/s (SC80) were selected as for further studies, based on their ascorbic acid final content and Folin-Ciocalteau reducing capacity. In addition to SC50 and SC80, the fresh pomace (RF) and freeze dried (RL) samples were also evaluated in these further stages of the research. Overall, the results show higher bioactive concentration in the RF samples, followed by RL, SC50 and SC80. On the second step of the research, the antioxidant, antimicrobial and antienzymatic activities were evaluated and the same tendency was observed. It was also reported, for the first time in the literature, the presence of syringic acid in dried camu-camu pomace. In the third and final stage of the research, it was investigated the effect of dried camu-camu on aging and neuroprotective disorders, using the in vivo model C.elegans. It was observed that camu-camu extracts were able to modulate important signaling genes relevant to thermal and oxidative stresses (p < 0.05). The polar acid, polar basic and polar neutral fractions obtained from the low molecular extracts of SC50 were able to extend the lifespan of wild type N2 C. elegans in 20% and 13% (p < 0.001). Results also showed that the paralysis induced by the β1-42 amyloid was significantly (p < 0.0001) retarded in CL4176 worms. Similarly, the camu-camu extracts attenuated the dopaminergic induction associated to Parkinson’s disease. Finally, a global analysis of the data presented here reveal that the camu-camu pomace, a co-product obtained from the industrial processing of a native Brazilian fruit, is a relevant natural source of health relevant compounds. This thesis, shows for the first time, the multifunctionality of camu-camu pomace, a natural resource still underexploited for scientific, commercial and technological purposes.


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Introduction: Obesity shows changes in pulmonary function and respiratory mechanics, however, little is known regarding the prevalence of worsening respiratory function when considering the increase in central or peripheral adiposity or general obesity. Objectives: To analyze the association between anthropometric adiposity and decreased lung function in obese. Materials and Methods: Patients eligible for this study obese individuals (IMC≥30kg/m2) in pre-bariatric surgery and referred for Treatment Clinic of Obesity and Related Diseases, located at the University Hospital Onofre Lopes (HUOL), from October 2005 and July 2014. The evaluation included clinical information and measurement of anthropometric measures (body mass index (BMI), body fat index (BFI) and waist circumference (WC) and neck (NC)) and spirometric. The prevalence and analysis by Poisson regression was performed considering the following outcome variables: forced vital capacity (FVC), forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1) and Maximum Voluntary Ventilation (MVV) and as predictor variables were considered: BMI, IAC, WC and NC and as control variables: age, gender, smoking history and comorbidities (diabetes mellitus, dyslipidemia and hypertension). Statistical analysis was performed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences software (SPSS - version 20.0). Results: We analyzed 384 individuals, 75% women, mean BMI: 46.6 (± 8.7) kg/m2, IAC: 49.26 (± 9.48)%, WC: 130.84 (± 16.23) cm and NC: 42.3 (± 4.6) cm. The higher prevalence of FVC and FEV1 <80% was observed in individuals with NC above 42 cm, followed those with a BMI above 45 kg/m2. Multivariate analysis using Poisson regression showed as risk factors associated with FVC <80%, the variables: NC above 42 cm (odds ratio (OR) 2.41) and BMI over 45Kg/m2 (OR 1.71 ). As for FEV1 <80% predicted, all predictor variables were associated, with the largest odds presented by the NC (3.40). MVVV was not associated with any studied varaible. Conclusion: Individuals with NC above 42 cm had higher prevalence of reduced lung function and the NC was the measure with the highest association with reduced lung function in obese.


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The Physical Rehabilitation services (PR) are of fundamental importance in combating the global epidemic of Traffic Accidents (TA). Considering the numerous physical and social consequences of the survivors, quality problems in access to PR are a hazard to recovery of victims. It is necessary to improve the management of quality of services, assessing priority dimensions and intervening in their causes, to ensure rehabilitation available in time and suitable conditions. This study aimed to identify barriers to access to rehabilitation considering the perception of TA victims and professionals. The aim is also to estimate the access to rehabilitation and their associated factors. This is a qualitative and quantitative study of exploratory nature developed in Natal / RN with semi-structured interviews with 19 health professionals and telephone survey to 155 victims of traffic accidents. To explore barriers to access the speeches were transcribed and analyzed using the Alceste software (version 4.9). During the interviews used the following guiding question: “What barriers hinder or prevent access to physical rehabilitation for victims of traffic accidents?”. The names of classes and axes resulting from Alceste was performed by ad hoc query to three external researchers with subsequent consensus of the most representative name of analysis. We conducted multivariate analysis of the influence of the variables of the accident, sociodemographic, clinical and assistance on access to rehabilitation. Associations with p <0.20 in the bivariate analysis were submitted to logistic regression, step by step, with p <0.05 and confidence interval (CI) of 95%. The main barriers identified were: “Bureaucratic regulation”, “Long time to start rehabilitation”, “No post-surgery referral” and “inefficiency of public services”. These barriers were divided into a theoretical model built from the cause-effect diagram, in which we observed that insufficient access to rehabilitation is the product of causes related to organizational structure, work processes, professional and patients. Was constructed two logistic regression models: “General access to rehabilitation” and “Access to rehabilitation to public service”. 51.6% of patients had access to rehabilitation, and 32.9% in public and 17.9% in the private sector. The regression model “General access to rehabilitation” included the variables Income (OR:3.7), Informal Employment (OR:0.11), Unemployment (OR:0.15), Perceived Need for PR (OR:10) and Referral (OR: 27.5). The model “Access to rehabilitation in the public service” was represented by the “Referral to Public Service” (OR: 23.0) and “Private Health Plan” (OR: 0.07). Despite the known influence of social determinants on access to health services, a situation difficult to control by the public administration, this study found that the organizational and bureaucratic procedures established in health care greatly determine access to rehabilitation. Access difficulties show the seriousness of the problem and the factors suggest the need for improvements in comprehensive care for TA survivors and avoid unnecessary prolongation of the suffering of the victims of this epidemic.


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In Brazil, the National Agency of Electric Energy (ANEEL) represents the energy regulator. The rates review have been one of its main tasks, which establish a pricing practice at a level to cover the efficient operating costs and also the appropriate return of the distributors investments. The changes in the procedures to redefine the efficient costs and the several studies on the methodologies employed to regulate this segment denote the challenge faced by regulators about the best methodological strategy to be employed. In this context, this research aims to propose a benchmarking evaluation applied to the national regulation system in the establishment of efficient operating costs of electricity distribution utilities. The model is formulated to promote the electricity market development, partnering with government policies ant to society benefit. To conduct this research, an integration of Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) with the Stochastic Frontier Analysis (SFA) is adopted in a three stages procedure to correct the efficiency in terms of environmental effects: (i) evaluation by means of DEA to measure operating costs slacks of the utilities, in which environmental variables are omitted; (ii) The slacks calculated in the first stage are regressed on a set of environmental variables by means of SFA and operating costs are adjusted to account the environmental impact and statistical noise effects; and, (iii) reassess the performance of the electric power distribution utilities by means of DEA. Based on this methodology it is possible to obtain a performance evaluation exclusively expressed in terms of management efficiency, in which the operating environment and statistical noise effects are controlled.