995 resultados para Alveolar bone graft
Os cuidados gerais relativos ao paciente submetido ao transplante de medula óssea (TMO) incluem avaliações odontológicas rotineiras, as quais devem estar inseridas em um contexto multiprofissional. A cavidade oral constitui um sítio propício a infecções com grande potencial de desenvolvimento de bacteremia, sendo que lesões infecciosas devem ser previamente tratadas e controladas pelo cirurgião-dentista. O objetivo desta revisão é discutir questões em destaque na literatura nacional e internacional referentes aos quadros inflamatórios e infecciosos orais de importância para o paciente transplantado de medula óssea, tanto os predisponentes a complicações durante o transplante, quanto os que ocorrem durante e após a terapia mielossupressora. Destaca-se na literatura a doença periodontal avançada, a qual constitui um quadro infeccioso crônico que deve ser evitado ou controlado durante o TMO, principalmente devido à presença de S. viridans. Os fatores de risco para mucosite oral (OM), doença do enxerto contra o hospedeiro (DECH) e xerostomia ainda não estão definidos, principalmente para OM e DECH. São citadas na literatura alternativas promissoras de tratamento para OM, tais como crioterapia, administração de fatores de crescimento e laserterapia. O risco aumentado de cárie é controverso e, dentre as lesões fúngicas e virais, destacam-se as infecções orais e de orofaringe por Candida e pela família de herpesvírus, de importância clínica considerável. Em pacientes pediátricos são relevantes as alterações craniofaciais e dentárias, decorrentes principalmente da radioterapia.
Estudaram-se a distribuição do leite nas porções alveolar e cisternal e a morfometria da glândula mamária de 14 vacas, sete da raça Holandesa, grupo H, e sete da Girolanda, grupo G, com ordem e dias de lactação semelhantes, ordenhadas duas vezes ao dia. A produção de leite foi mensurada diariamente, enquanto as frações de leite cisternal e alveolar foram medidas uma vez por semana. Durante o experimento, também foram realizadas medidas de ultrassonografia e morfometria da glândula mamária. As vacas Girolandas apresentaram úberes e tetos maiores que as vacas Holandesas. Diâmetro, espessura da parede e comprimento do canal do teto, medidos por imagens de ultrassom, também foram maiores nas Girolandas, mas a área de cisterna da glândula mamária foi maior nas Holandesas. Não houve diferença na produção de leite e nas frações de leite cisternal e alveolar entre as raças.
PURPOSE: To quantify the amount of bone formation in the calvarial region of Wistar rats after craniotomy using bone wax as a haemostatic agent. METHODS: Surgery to produce bilateral, symmetric, full-thickness cranial defects (area: 18 mm²) was performed in eight animals. The right side of the cranium remained open and the edges of the left side osseous defect was covered with bone wax. Calvaria were imaged immediately after surgery and 12 weeks postoperatively by computerized tomography. The areas of the bone defects were measured in three-dimensional images using Magics 13.0 (Materialise-Belgic, software CAD). RESULTS: The average amount of bone formation on the left and right side respectively was 4.85 mm² and 8.16 mm². Statistically significant differences between the amount of bone formation on the left and right sides were seen. CONCLUSIONS: Bone wax significantly diminishes the rate of bone formation in calvarial defects in a rat model.
In this work, we propose natural rubber latex (NRL) membranes as a protein delivery system. For this purpose Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA) was incorporated into the latex solution for in vitro protein delivery experiments. Different polymerization temperatures were used, from -10 to 27 °C, in order to control the membrane morphology. These membranes were characterized by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM), as well as the Lowry Method to measure the BSA release. SEM and AFM microscopy analysis showed that the number, size and distribution of pores in NRL membranes can be varied, as well as its overall morphology. We have found that the morphology of the membrane is the predominant factor for higher protein release, compared with pore size and number of pores. Results demonstrated that the best drug-delivery system was the membrane polymerized at RT (27 °C), which does release 66% of its BSA content for up to 18 days. Our results indicate that NRLb could be used in the future as an active membrane that could accelerate bone healing in GBR.
BACKGROUND: Original sevoflurane (Sevo A) is made with water, while a generic sevoflurane (Sevocris) is produced with propylene glycol as a stabilizing additive. We investigated whether the original and generic sevoflurane preparations differed in terms of their minimum alveolar concentration (MAC) values and hemodynamic effects. METHODS: Sixteen pigs weighing 31.6±1.8 kg were randomly assigned to the Sevo A or Sevocris groups. After anesthesia induction via mask with the appropriate sevoflurane preparation (6% in 100% oxygen), the MAC was determined for each animal. Hemodynamic and oxygenation parameters were measured at 0.5 MAC, 1 MAC and 1.5 MAC. Histopathological analyses of lung parenchyma were performed. RESULTS: The MAC in the Sevo A group was 4.4±0.5%, and the MAC in the Sevocris group was 4.1±0.7%. Hemodynamic and metabolic parameters presented significant differences in a dose-dependent pattern as expected, but they did not differ between groups. Cardiac indices and arterial pressures decreased in both groups when the sevoflurane concentration increased from 0.5 to 1 and 1.5 MAC. The oxygen delivery index (DO2I) decreased significantly at 1.5 MAC. CONCLUSION: Propylene glycol as an additive for sevoflurane seems to be as safe as a water additive, at least in terms of hemodynamic and pulmonary effects.
A artrodese rádio-cárpica é procedimento radical usado no tratamento de fraturas e luxações do carpo, com danos à fibrocartilagem palmar e às estruturas ligamentares de sustentação, decorrentes de hiperextensão. Para este estudo foram selecionados 15 cães, submetidos à artrodese rádio-cárpica, entre abril/02 e julho/04. Foram estudados os casos quanto à formação de calo ósseo e às complicações pós-cirúrgicas. A técnica consistiu na ostectomia da superfície articular do rádio, expondo-a e retificando-a. Os subprodutos desta fresagem foram reintroduzidos como enxerto após sua redução em tamanho com rugina. Para a estabilização articular, em todos os casos, foram usadas placas compressivas. Foram realizados exames radiográficos imediatamente à intervenção cirúrgica e em intervalos de 30 dias, até a total fusão articular. Os resultados obtidos neste estudo, com fusão da articulação em até 300 dias de pós-cirúrgico em 80% dos casos estudados, foram semelhantes aos dispostos para as técnicas que utilizam enxertos autólogos esponjosos, sendo que, em 68% dos pacientes, a recuperação se deu sem qualquer complicação significativa. Pequenas complicações, como o aumento de volume, foram observadas em 22% dos casos, não determinando qualquer alteração no resultado final. Tais resultados viabilizam a técnica descrita, demonstrando a exeqüibilidade da utilização dos subprodutos da fresagem do osso subcondral como enxerto em artrodeses de carpo em cães.
The aging process is frequently characterized by an involuntary loss of muscle (sarcopenia) and bone (osteoporosis) mass. Both chronic diseases are associated with decreased metabolic rate, increased risk of falls fracture, and, as a result, increased morbidity and loss of independence in the elderly. The quality and quantity of protein intake affects bone and muscle mass in several ways and there is evidence that increased essential amino acid or protein availability can enhance muscle protein synthesis and anabolism, as well as improve bone homeostasis in older subjects. A thorough evaluation of renal function is important, since renal function decreases with age. Finally, protein and calcium intake should be considered in the prevention or treatment of the chronic diseases osteoporosis and sarcopenia
Objective: This study investigated the effects of low-level laser therapy (LLLT) and electrical stimulation (ES) on bone loss in spinal cord-injured rats. Materials and Methods: Thirty-seven male Wistar rats were divided into four groups: standard control group (CG); spinal cord-injured control (SC); spinal cord-injured treated with laser (SCL; GaAlAs, 830 nm, CW, 30mW/cm, 250 J/cm(2)); and spinal cord-injured treated with electrical field stimulation (SCE; 1.5 MHz, 1: 4 duty cycles, 30 mW, 20 min). Biomechanical, densitometric, and morphometric analyses were performed. Results: SC rats showed a significant decrease in bone mass, biomechanical properties, and morphometric parameters (versus CG). SCE rats showed significantly higher values of inner diameter and internal and external areas of tibia diaphyses; and the SCL group showed a trend toward the same result (versus SC). No increase was found in either mechanical or densitometric parameters. Conclusion: We conclude that the mentioned treatments were able to initiate a positive bone-tissue response, maybe through stimulation of osteoblasts, which was able to determine the observed morphometric modifications. However, the evoked tissue response could not determine either biomechanical or densitometric modifications.
Introduction: The successful integration of stem cells in adult brain has become a central issue in modern neuroscience. In this study we sought to test the hypothesis that survival and neurodifferentiation of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) may be dependent upon microenvironmental conditions according to the site of implant in the brain. Methods: MSCs were isolated from adult rats and labeled with enhanced-green fluorescent protein (eGFP) lentivirus. A cell suspension was implanted stereotactically into the brain of 50 young rats, into one neurogenic area (hippocampus), and into another nonneurogenic area (striatum). Animals were sacrificed 6 or 12 weeks after surgery, and brains were stained for mature neuronal markers. Cells coexpressing NeuN (neuronal specific nuclear protein) and GFP (green fluorescent protein) were counted stereologically at both targets. Results: The isolated cell population was able to generate neurons positive for microtubule-associated protein 2 (MAP2), neuronal-specific nuclear protein (NeuN), and neurofilament 200 (NF200) in vitro. Electrophysiology confirmed expression of voltage-gated ionic channels. Once implanted into the hippocampus, cells survived for up to 12 weeks, migrated away from the graft, and gave rise to mature neurons able to synthesize neurotransmitters. By contrast, massive cell degeneration was seen in the striatum, with no significant migration. Induction of neuronal differentiation with increased cyclic adenosine monophosphate in the culture medium before implantation favored differentiation in vivo. Conclusions: Our data demonstrated that survival and differentiation of MSCs is strongly dependent upon a permissive microenvironment. Identification of the pro-neurogenic factors present in the hippocampus could subsequently allow for the integration of stem cells into nonpermissive areas of the central nervous system.
The broad use of transgenic and gene-targeted mice has established bone marrow-derived macrophages (BMDM) as important mammalian host cells for investigation of the macrophages biology. Over the last decade, extensive research has been done to determine how to freeze and store viable hematopoietic human cells; however, there is no information regarding generation of BMDM from frozen murine bone marrow (BM) cells. Here, we establish a highly efficient protocol to freeze murine BM cells and further generate BMDM. Cryopreserved murine BM cells maintain their potential for BMDM differentiation for more than 6 years. We compared BMDM obtained from fresh and frozen BM cells and found that both are similarly able to trigger the expression of CD80 and CD86 in response to LPS or infection with the intracellular bacteria Legionella pneumophila. Additionally, BMDM obtained from fresh or frozen BM cells equally restrict or support the intracellular multiplication of pathogens such as L. pneumophila and the protozoan parasite Leishmania (L.) amazonensis. Although further investigation are required to support the use of the method for generation of dendritic cells, preliminary experiments indicate that bone marrow-derived dendritic cells can also be generated from cryopreserved BM cells. Overall, the method described and validated herein represents a technical advance as it allows ready and easy generation of BMDM from a stock of frozen BM cells.
Background: Mast cells have recently gained new importance as immunoregulatory cells that are involved in numerous pathological processes. One result of these processes is an increase in mast cell numbers at peripheral sites. This study was undertaken to determine the mast cell response in the peritoneal cavity and bone marrow during repopulation of the peritoneal cavity in rats. Results: Two mast cell specific antibodies, mAb AA4 and mAb BGD6, were used to distinguish the committed mast cell precursor from more mature mast cells. The peritoneal cavity was depleted of mast cells using distilled water. Twelve hours after distilled water injection, very immature mast cells could be isolated from the blood and by 48 hours were present in the peritoneal cavity. At this same time the percentage of mast cells in mitosis increased fourfold. Mast cell depletion of the peritoneal cavity also reduced the total number of mast cells in the bone marrow, but increased the number of mast cell committed precursors. Conclusions: In response to mast cell depletion of the peritoneal cavity, a mast cell progenitor is released into the circulation and participates in repopulation of the peritoneal cavity, while the committed mast cell precursor is retained in the bone marrow.
Background: The D-mannose binding lectin ArtinM is known to recruit neutrophils, to degranulate mast cells and may have potential therapeutic applications. However, the effect of ArtinM on mast cell recruitment has not been investigated. Methodology: Male Wistar rats were injected i.p. with ArtinM or ConA (control). The ability of the lectin to degranulate peritoneal and mesenteric mast cells was examined. Recruitment of mast cells to the peritoneal cavity and mesentery after ArtinM injection was examined with or without depletion of peritoneal mast cells by distilled water. Results: ArtinM degranulated both peritoneal and mesentery mast cells in vitro. Three days after i.p. injection of the lectin there were reduced numbers of mast cells in the peritoneal lavage, while at 7 days post injection of ArtinM, the number of peritoneal mast cells was close to control values. Since immature mast cells are recruited from the bone marrow, the effect of the lectin on bone marrow mast cells was examined. Injection of ArtinM resulted in an increased number of mast cells in the bone marrow. To determine if degranulation of mast cells in the peritoneal cavity was required for the increase in bone marrow mast cells, the peritoneal cavity was depleted of mast cells with ultrapure water. Exposure to ArtinM increased the number of mast cells in the bone marrow of rats depleted of peritoneal mast cells. Conclusions: The ArtinM induced recruitment of mast cells from the bone marrow to the peritoneal cavity may partially explain the therapeutic actions of ArtinM.
Purpose: To evaluate the expression of NF-kappa B pathway genes in total bone marrow samples obtained from MM at diagnosis using real-time quantitative PCR and to evaluate its possible correlation with disease clinical features and survival. Material and methods: Expression of eight genes related to NF-kappa B pathway (NFKB1, IKB, RANK, RANKL, OPG, IL6, VCAM1 and ICAM1) were studied in 53 bone marrow samples from newly diagnosed MM patients and in seven normal controls, using the Taqman system. Genes were considered overexpressed when tumor expression level was at least four times higher than that observed in normal samples. Results: The percentages of overexpression of the eight genes were: NFKB1 0%, IKB 22.6%, RANK 15.1%, RANKL 31.3%, OPG 7.5%, IL6 39.6%, VCAM1 10% and ICAM1 26%. We found association between IL6 expression level and International Staging System (ISS) (p = 0.01), meaning that MM patients with high ISS scores have more chance of overexpression of IL6. The mean value of ICAM1 relative expression was also associated with the ISS score (p = 0.02). Regarding OS, cases with IL6 overexpression present worse evolution than cases with IL6 normal expression (p = 0.04). Conclusion: We demonstrated that total bone marrow aspirates can be used as a source of material for gene expression studies in MM. In this context, we confirmed that IL6 overexpression was significantly associated with worse survival and we described that it is associated with high ISS scores. Also, ICAM1 was overexpressed in 26% of cases and its level was associated with ISS scores.
During fetal development, mesenchymal progenitor (MP) cells are co-localized in major hematopoietic territories, such as yolk sac (YS), bone marrow (BM), liver (LV), and others. Studies using mouse and human MP cells isolated from fetus have shown that these cells are very similar but not identical to adult mesenchymal stem cells (MSC). Their differentiation potential is usually restricted to production of highly committed osteogenic and chondrogenic precursors. Such properties of fetal MP cells can be very useful for tissue regeneration, when a great number of committed precursors are required. The objectives of this study were to isolate and characterize MP cells from canine YS, BM, and LV in early and late stages of fetal development. Gestational stage was identified, and cell culture conditions were evaluated for efficient isolation of canine MP cells. All canine fetal MP cells expressed vimentin, nestin, and CD44 proteins. Cytokeratin 18 expression was observed in BM-and LV-MP cells, and vascular endothelial (VE)-cadherin expression was observed only in YS-MP cells. A small number of MP cells (5%) from LV and YS expressed Oct3/4 protein. The differentiation potential of canine fetal MP cells varied significantly: YS- and BM-MP cells differentiated into bone and cartilage, whereas LV-MP cells differentiation was limited to osteogenic fate. None of the canine fetal MP cells were able to differentiate into adipose cells. Our data suggest that canine fetal MP cells are an appropriate in vitro model to study MP biology from hematopoietic territories and they are a source of committed osteogenic and chondrogenic precursors for regenerative medicine.
Objectives: The aim of this study was to evaluate the osteogenic potential of recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein-2 (rhBMP-2) and low-level laser irradiation (LLLI), isolated or combined in critical bone defects (5mm) in parietal bone using ovariectomized female rats as an experimental animal model. Materials and Methods: Forty-nine female Wistar rats, bilaterally ovariectomized (OVX), were divided into seven treatment groups of seven animals each: (I) laser in a single application, (II) 7 mu g of pure rhBMP-2, (III) laser and 7 mu g of pure rhBMP-2, (IV) 7 mu g of rhBMP-2/monoolein gel, (V) laser and 7 mu g of rhBMP-2/monoolein gel, (VI) laser and pure monoolein gel, and (VII) critical bone defect controls. The low-level laser source used was a gallium aluminum arsenide semiconductor diode laser device (lambda = 780 nm, D = 120 J/cm(2)). Results: Groups II and III presented higher levels of newly formed bone than all other groups with levels of 40.57% and 40.39%, respectively (p < 0.05). The levels of newly formed bone of groups I, IV, V, and VI were similar with levels of 29.67%, 25.75%, 27.75%, and 30.64%, respectively (p > 0.05). The area of new bone formation in group VII was 20.96%, which is significantly lower than groups I, II, III, and VI. Conclusions: It was concluded that pure rhBMP-2 and a single dose of laser application stimulated new bone formation, but the new bone formation area was significantly increased when only rhBMP-2 was used. Additionally, the laser application in combination with other treatments did not influence the bone formation area.