886 resultados para Activity to classroom


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La motivación en la actividad física es una característica psicológica multidimensional, que se ve influenciada tanto por los aspectos internos de la persona (preferencias, deseos, temores, entre otras), como por las vivencias externas de su entorno (aceptación social, amistades, habilidades, entre otras). En una época en la que en el nivel mundial, la actividad física de personas de todas las edades, está en aumento constante, es fundamental para profesionales como educadores físicos, entrenadores deportivos o instructores de ejercicio, tener presentes los principales motivos de participación de los sujetos que tienen a su cargo, con el fin de velar por elaborar planes de trabajo ideales para que se mantengan realizándolo, orientándolos a disfrutar y estar satisfechos con su intervención y así alargar su ciclo de vida activa, evitando el abandono, aspecto tan relacionado con el sedentarismo y el riesgo de padecer enfermedades crónicas y degenerativas. Así, los niños prefieren la diversión y hacer amigos; los adolescentes la competición y las amistades; los universitarios la aventura y la diversión; los adultos obtener actividad física regular y los adultos mayores los beneficios relacionados con la salud. Las mujeres se motivan por la apariencia y aspectos sociales, mientras los hombres por la competición y el estatus. Los sujetos que hacen deporte se motivan por la competición y los que hacen ejercicio por la imagen corporal. A mayor nivel de actividad, se valora más la competición. Finalmente, la diversión, la competición, el aprender habilidades y la condición física son los motivos más importantes para participantes de actividad física norteamericanos, europeos y asiáticos. El presente trabajo se realizó con el propósito de dar a conocer a los profesionales de las ciencias del movimiento humano, las diferentes variables que determinan los motivos de participación en los distintos tipos de actividad física en sujetos con diferente edad, género, cultura y nivel de actividad.


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Resumo Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner, 1808) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) é um inseto exótico, altamente polífago, que foi detectado no Brasil em 2013 causando sérios danos em cultivos de soja, milho e algodão, localizados em áreas estaduais específicas das regiões Nordeste e Centro-Oeste com a presença do bioma Cerrado. Após o período de um ano o inseto foi identificado em várias regiões do País. A literatura indica que o inseto adulto apresenta características físicas que favorecem sua grande capacidade de voo, tanto em distância (100-1000 km) quanto a elevadas altitudes (maiores que 1,5 km acima do nível do solo), aumentando o seu potencial para dispersão de longo alcance, principalmente por voos migratórios das áreas já atacadas. Por essa razão, as massas de ar brasileiras podem atuar como potenciais facilitadoras à atividade migratória do inseto a longas distâncias para as áreas de maior concentração de seus cultivos hospedeiros preferenciais, resultante da atração natural do inseto aos fatores químicos delas decorrentes. Desse modo, devem ser consideradas em avaliações de áreas mais propícias à presença de H. armigera para orientar monitoramentos e estratégias de manejo locais. Este trabalho avaliou a potencial migração de H. armigera por massas de ar para áreas produtoras de cultivos hospedeiros do estado de São Paulo, considerando seus municípios produtores de algodão, soja, milho, tomate, feijão, café e laranja; as principais massas de ar brasileiras; a presença de grandes áreas com cultivos de eucalipto e pinus (outras potenciais barreiras físicas ao inseto); e a localização do bioma Cerrado paulista. Informações das áreas produtoras e das áreas plantadas por município de 2008, 2012 e 2014, disponibilizadas pelo IBGE, foram utilizadas em planos de informação georreferenciados, elaborados em ArcGis 10.3, para identificar a localização de suas respectivas grandes áreas em cada ano. O cruzamento georreferenciado também resultou mapas das áreas plantadas em 2014 com todos os cultivos citados, indicando as de maior potencial de infestação/reinfestações de H. armigera no estado de São Paulo, para orientar monitoramentos e estratégias de Manejo Integrado de Pragas - MIP locais. Abstract Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner, 1808) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) is an exotic insect highly polyphagous, which was detected in Brazil in 2013 causing serious damage to soybean, corn and cotton crops located in specific state areas in the northeast and center-west regions with the presence of Cerrado Biome (similar to the Savannah). After a oneyear period, the insect was detected in several regions of the country. Foreign literature indicates that the adult phase of the insect shows certain physical characteristics which favor its great flight capacity, even related to reach long distances (100-1000 Km) as many as to reach high altitudes (overtaken 1.5 Km above the ground level), increasing its potential of farthest dispersion, mainly by migratory flights from the areas already attacked. Therefore, the Brazilian air masses may act as potentially enhance the insect's farthest migratory activity to areas of greater concentration of its preferential host crops due to the insect's natural attraction to their chemical factors. Thus, migration potential of H. armigera by air masses toward preferential host crop areas must be considered in evaluations of most favorable areas to the presence of the insect to guide monitoring and local management strategies. The present work evaluated the H. armigera migration potential by air masses toward producing areas of host crops in São Paulo state, Brazil, considering its municipalities producing cotton, soybean, corn, tomato, bean, coffee, orange, eucalyptus and pine trees, as well as the main Brazilian air masses and the presence of Cerrado Biome in the state. Information of producing and of planting areas with the annual crops by municipalities in 2008, 2012 and 2014, provided by IBGE, were used in cross-maps made using ArcGis 10.3, in order to identify the location of their respective greater areas in each year. Cross-maps also provided results indicating the planting areas in 2014 with all crops already mentioned, as well as the potential areas to infestation/reinfestations of H. armigera in São Paulo State, in order to guide monitoring and local strategies of IPM.


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Thermogalvanic cells are capable of converting waste heat (generated as a by-product of almost all human activity) to electricity. These devices may alleviate the problems associated with the use of fossil fuels to meet the world's current demand for energy. This review discusses the developments in thermogalvanic systems attained through the use of nano-carbons as the electrode materials. Advances in cell design and electrode configuration that improve performance of these thermo converters and make them applicable in a variety of environments are also summarized. It is the aim of this review to act as a channel for further developments in thermogalvanic cell design and electrode engineering.


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BACKGROUND: Gross motor competence confers health benefits, but levels in children and adolescents are low. While interventions can improve gross motor competence, it remains unclear which correlates should be targeted to ensure interventions are most effective, and for whom targeted and tailored interventions should be developed.

OBJECTIVE: The aim of this systematic review was to identify the potential correlates of gross motor competence in typically developing children and adolescents (aged 3-18 years) using an ecological approach.

METHODS: Motor competence was defined as gross motor skill competency, encompassing fundamental movement skills and motor coordination, but excluding motor fitness. Studies needed to assess a summary score of at least one aspect of motor competence (i.e., object control, locomotor, stability, or motor coordination). A structured electronic literature search was conducted in accordance with the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses statement. Six electronic databases (CINAHL Complete, ERIC, MEDLINE Complete, PsycINFO(®), Scopus and SPORTDiscus with Full Text) were searched from 1994 to 5 August 2014. Meta-analyses were conducted to determine the relationship between potential correlates and motor competency if at least three individual studies investigated the same correlate and also reported standardized regression coefficients.

RESULTS: A total of 59 studies were identified from 22 different countries, published between 1995 and 2014. Studies reflected the full range of age groups. The most examined correlates were biological and demographic factors. Age (increasing) was a correlate of children's motor competence. Weight status (healthy), sex (male) and socioeconomic background (higher) were consistent correlates for certain aspects of motor competence only. Physical activity and sport participation constituted the majority of investigations in the behavioral attributes and skills category. Whilst we found physical activity to be a positive correlate of skill composite and motor coordination, we also found indeterminate evidence for physical activity being a correlate of object control or locomotor skill competence. Few studies investigated cognitive, emotional and psychological factors, cultural and social factors or physical environment factors as correlates of motor competence.

CONCLUSION: This systematic review is the first that has investigated correlates of gross motor competence in children and adolescents. A strength is that we categorized correlates according to the specific ways motor competence has been defined and operationalized (object control, motor coordination, etc.), which enables us to have an understanding of what correlates assist what types of motor competence. Indeed our findings do suggest that evidence for some correlates differs according to how motor competence is operationalized.


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The literature on policy enactment identifies the pivotal role played by school leaders and classroom teachers in response to attempts to implement reforms of current practices. An intersection of teachers’ personal and professional domains, such as enactment of National Curriculum priorities that identify intercultural understanding as a cross-curricular general capability embedded across learning areas, invests individual teachers’ attitudes and beliefs with additional significance. As local policy actors at the centre of this policy mix, teachers of EAL are presented with opportunities to play important roles in reconceptualising understandings of difference that resist categorisation and promote intercultural understanding. We argue that teachers’ beliefs and their attitudes to classroom linguistic and cultural diversity may be shaped significantly by their interaction with broader policy discourses, and that these are reflected in enactments—as opposed to implementations—of intercultural understanding policy in classrooms.


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his chapter describes how serious games can be used to improve the rehabilitation of stroke patients. Determining ideal training conditions for rehabilitation is difficult, as no objective measures exist and the psychological state of patients during therapy is often neglected. What is missing is a way to vary the difficulty of the tasks during a therapy session in response to the patient needs, in order to adapt the training specifically to the individual. In this chapter, we describe such a method. A serious game is used to present challenges to the patient, including motor and cognitive tasks. The psychological state of the patient is inferred from measures computed from heart rate variability (HRV) as well as breathing frequency, skin conductance response, and skin temperature. Once the psychological state of the patient can be determined from these measures, it is possible to vary the tasks in real time by adjusting parameters of the game. The serious game aspect of the training allows the virtual environment to become adaptive in real time, leading to improved matching of the activity to the needs of the patient. This is likely to lead to improved training outcomes and has the potential to lead to faster and more complete recovery, as it enables training that is challenging yet does not overstress the patient.


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This paper proposes and investigates a metaheuristic tabu search algorithm (TSA) that generates optimal or near optimal solutions sequences for the feedback length minimization problem (FLMP) associated to a design structure matrix (DSM). The FLMP is a non-linear combinatorial optimization problem, belonging to the NP-hard class, and therefore finding an exact optimal solution is very hard and time consuming, especially on medium and large problem instances. First, we introduce the subject and provide a review of the related literature and problem definitions. Using the tabu search method (TSM) paradigm, this paper presents a new tabu search algorithm that generates optimal or sub-optimal solutions for the feedback length minimization problem, using two different neighborhoods based on swaps of two activities and shifting an activity to a different position. Furthermore, this paper includes numerical results for analyzing the performance of the proposed TSA and for fixing the proper values of its parameters. Then we compare our results on benchmarked problems with those already published in the literature. We conclude that the proposed tabu search algorithm is very promising because it outperforms the existing methods, and because no other tabu search method for the FLMP is reported in the literature. The proposed tabu search algorithm applied to the process layer of the multidimensional design structure matrices proves to be a key optimization method for an optimal product development.


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The dual problems of sustaining the fast growth of human society and preserving the environment for future generations urge us to shift our focus from exploiting fossil oils to researching and developing more affordable, reliable and clean energy sources. Human beings had a long history that depended on meeting our energy demands with plant biomass, and the modern biorefinery technologies realize the effective conversion of biomass to production of transportation fuels, bulk and fine chemicals so to alleviate our reliance on fossil fuel resources of declining supply. With the aim of replacing as much non-renewable carbon from fossil oils with renewable carbon from biomass as possible, innovative R&D activities must strive to enhance the current biorefinery process and secure our energy future. Much of my Ph.D. research effort is centered on the study of electrocatalytic conversion of biomass-derived compounds to produce value-added chemicals, biofuels and electrical energy on model electrocatalysts in AEM/PEM-based continuous flow electrolysis cell and fuel cell reactors. High electricity generation performance was obtained when glycerol or crude glycerol was employed as fuels in AEMFCs. The study on selective electrocatalytic oxidation of glycerol shows an electrode potential-regulated product distribution where tartronate and mesoxalate can be selectively produced with electrode potential switch. This finding then led to the development of AEMFCs with selective production of valuable tartronate or mesoxalate with high selectivity and yield and cogeneration of electricity. Reaction mechanisms of electrocatalytic oxidation of ethylene glycol and 1,2-propanediol were further elucidated by means of an on-line sample collection technique and DFT modeling. Besides electro-oxidation of biorenewable alcohols to chemicals and electricity, electrocatalytic reduction of keto acids (e.g. levulinic acid) was also studied for upgrading biomass-based feedstock to biofuels while achieving renewable electricity storage. Meanwhile, ORR that is often coupled in AEMFCs on the cathode was investigated on non-PGM electrocatalyst with comparable activity to commercial Pt/C. The electro-biorefinery process could be coupled with traditional biorefinery operation and will play a significant role in our energy and chemical landscape.


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This report has two major objectives. First, the results of an action research project conducted at my high school concerning the use of graphic organizers and their effects on students' written expression abilities. The findings from this action research project indicate that the use of graphic organizers can prove beneficial to students. The second major objective of this report is to provide a reflection and evaluation of my experiences as a participant in the Michigan Teacher Excellence Program (MiTEP). This program provided middle and high school science teachers with an opportunity to develop research based pedagogy techniques and develop the skill necessary to serve as leaders within the public school science community. The action research project described in the first chapter of this report was a collaborative project I participated in during my enrollment in ED 5705 at Michigan Technological University. I worked closely with two other teachers in my building - Brytt Ergang and James Wright. We met several times to develop a research question, and a procedure for testing our question. Each of us investigated how the use of graphic organizers by students in our classroom might impact their performance on writing assessments. We each collected data from several of our classes. In my case I collected data from 2 different classes over 2 different assignments. Our data was collected and the results analyzed separately from classroom to classroom. After the individual classroom data and corresponding analysis was compiled my fellow collaborators and I got together to discuss our findings. We worked together to write a conclusion based on our combined results in all of our classes.


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The current study examines the effects of an online workshop pertaining to classroom behavior management on teacher self-efficacy, attitudes, motivation, knowledge, and practices. In addition, information about teacher utilization of the Internet, their opinions about professional development, and experiences with classroom management were collected. Participants included 57 1 st through 5th grade special and regular education teachers. Eligible teachers were those who teach an academic subject and had at least one child in the classroom they considered as disruptive. Teachers were randomized to either a training or waitlist group. Classroom observations of teacher practices and questionnaires were utilized. Teachers in the training group participated in two assessment points, baseline and post-workshop, and received access to the online course immediately following the baseline assessment. Teachers in the waitlist group participated in three assessment points, baseline, post-workshop, and follow-up, and received access to the online course immediately following the post-workshop assessment. Findings show that all teachers had access to the Internet at home and at school and used it on a daily basis. The majority of teachers indicated having some past training on all the techniques that were presented in the online workshop. All teachers expressed satisfaction with the workshop, indicating that it should be offered again. Post-workshop, findings showed significant group differences in knowledge with a large effect for the training group scoring higher than the waitlist group on a quiz. Secondly, group differences in self-efficacy, knowledge, and attitudes with teachers’ past-training as a moderator, was examined. Past-training was not found to be a significant moderator of self-efficacy, knowledge, or attitudes. However, the main effect for training group was significant for attitudes. In addition, teacher attitudes, but not knowledge and self-efficacy, significantly predicted motivation to implement. Next, the moderating effect of barriers on motivation and classroom management skill implementation was examined. Barriers were not found to be a significant moderator. Lastly, the training group was observed to be significantly more effective at giving commands compared to the waitlist group. The current study demonstrates the potential of a low-intensity online workshop on classroom management to enhance the accessibility of teacher professional development. ^


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This paper proposes and investigates a metaheuristic tabu search algorithm (TSA) that generates optimal or near optimal solutions sequences for the feedback length minimization problem (FLMP) associated to a design structure matrix (DSM). The FLMP is a non-linear combinatorial optimization problem, belonging to the NP-hard class, and therefore finding an exact optimal solution is very hard and time consuming, especially on medium and large problem instances. First, we introduce the subject and provide a review of the related literature and problem definitions. Using the tabu search method (TSM) paradigm, this paper presents a new tabu search algorithm that generates optimal or sub-optimal solutions for the feedback length minimization problem, using two different neighborhoods based on swaps of two activities and shifting an activity to a different position. Furthermore, this paper includes numerical results for analyzing the performance of the proposed TSA and for fixing the proper values of its parameters. Then we compare our results on benchmarked problems with those already published in the literature. We conclude that the proposed tabu search algorithm is very promising because it outperforms the existing methods, and because no other tabu search method for the FLMP is reported in the literature. The proposed tabu search algorithm applied to the process layer of the multidimensional design structure matrices proves to be a key optimization method for an optimal product development.


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SELECTED ORAL COMMUNICATIONS, SESSION 52: EPIGENETIC PATTERN IN OOCYTE AND EMBRYO, Tuesday 16 June 2015. This article/study appears in: Abstract book of the 31st ESHRE Annual Meeting, Lisbon, Portugal, 14-17 June 2015.


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En el presente trabajo se realiza una investigación acerca de la tecnología de liofilización, que comprende un análisis cuantitativo y cualitativo. Esto con la finalidad de conocer la posibilidad de exportar frutas liofilizadas a países pertenecientes de la Unión Europea y la EFTA. La investigación inicia con la recolección de información como la historia de la tecnología de liofilización, su proceso, ventajas y desventajas de aplicación, equipos y funciones necesarias para su realización y se ejemplifican dos empresas colombianas que en la actualidad utilizan esta tecnología. Adicionalmente, se evidencia la diferencia que existe entre este proceso y la deshidratación con calor. Posteriormente, se realiza una matriz de selección de países en la que se tienen en cuenta variables políticas, económicas, culturales y legales de los 32 países pertenecientes a la Unión Europea y la EFTA. Con base en esto se eligieron los dos países cuyo resultado presentaba mayor favorabilidad para la actividad a realizar, estos fueron Suiza y Suecia, para los cuales se hizo un estudio de mercado, teniendo en cuenta seis etapas: contactos, potencial de ventas del mercado, análisis competitivo, condiciones de entrada al país, condiciones financieras y de entrada al mercado y selección del país objetivo. Finalmente se presentan las conclusiones y recomendaciones que la información recolectada permitió obtener.


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INTRODUCCIÓN: Todos los individuos dentro de una sociedad tienen derecho a disfrutar de una integridad física, mental y de sus bienes materiales, que en principio debe ser garantizada por el Estado, sin embargo, debido a la ineficacia y falta de alcance en la disponibilidad de hombres y mujeres para cuidar a cada persona y empresa, la Seguridad Privada ha surgido como actividad económica para garantizar éste servicio de manera individualizada. No obstante a ello, poco se sabe acerca de las características de las personas que desempeñan ésta labor, así como las demandas inherentes a ésta actividad económica; sin embargo, en poblaciones económicamente similares, se documenta a través de la literatura la aparente relación entre la condición física del individuo y la presentación de accidentes de trabajo. OBJETIVO: Establecer la relación entre los accidentes de trabajo y el índice de masa corporal (IMC) en vigilantes atendidos en una I.P.S. de Salud Ocupacional en la ciudad de Bogotá-Colombia, durante el año 2015. MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS: Se llevó a cabo un estudio de corte transversal, con datos secundarios de una base de datos de 76 registros, procedentes de las historias clínicas médico ocupacionales realizadas a una población de trabajadores del sector de la Vigilancia o Seguridad Privada, durante su atención en una Institución Prestadora de Salud (I.P.S.) de Salud Ocupacional. Se incluyeron variables sociodemográficas, ocupacionales, las relacionadas con los accidentes de trabajo y el índice de masa corporal. Se obtuvieron las frecuencias univariadas y para las variables de tipo cuantitativo, medidas de tendencia central y dispersión, además de buscar potenciales asociaciones estadísticas, para conocer las variables que se relacionan con el evento estudiado. RESULTADOS: En éste proyecto se destaca que de los trabajadores que desempeñan la actividad económica de Vigilancia y Seguridad Privada, se encuentran en el grupo de 20 a 39 años (56.5%) y pertenecen al género masculino (84.2%); dichos factores contribuyen a la ocurrencia de los accidentes de trabajo (OR de 1.7 y 2.0 respectivamente). Además el I.M.C. de sobrepeso (OR 1.8), la obesidad (OR 1.4); y en sí el cargo de Vigilante concurren a la accidentalidad laboral (OR de 1.1) y con ello al incremento de incapacidad laboral en un 85.5% de 0 a 60 días. CONCLUSIONES: Se deben establecer medidas encaminadas al emprendimiento de sistemas de vigilancia epidemiológica que mitiguen y minimicen el riesgo, con ello la presencia de eventos no deseados en el ámbito laboral para ésta población y la disminución del ausentismo laboral.


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A utilização generalizada do computador para a automatização das mais diversas tarefas, tem conduzido ao desenvolvimento de aplicações que possibilitam a realização de actividades que até então poderiam não só ser demoradas, como estar sujeitas a erros inerentes à actividade humana. A investigação desenvolvida no âmbito desta tese, tem como objectivo o desenvolvimento de um software e algoritmos que permitam a avaliação e classificação de queijos produzidos na região de Évora, através do processamento de imagens digitais. No decurso desta investigação, foram desenvolvidos algoritmos e metodologias que permitem a identificação dos olhos e dimensões do queijo, a presença de textura na parte exterior do queijo, assim como características relativas à cor do mesmo, permitindo que com base nestes parâmetros possa ser efectuada uma classificação e avaliação do queijo. A aplicação de software, resultou num produto de simples utilização. As fotografias devem respeitar algumas regras simples, sobre as quais se efectuará o processamento e classificação do queijo. ABSTRACT: The widespread use of computers for the automation of repetitive tasks, has resulted in developing applications that allow a range of activities, that until now could not only be time consuming and also subject to errors inherent to human activity, to be performed without or with little human intervention. The research carried out within this thesis, aims to develop a software application and algorithms that enable the assessment and classification of cheeses produced in the region of Évora, by digital images processing. Throughout this research, algorithms and methodologies have been developed that allow the identification of the cheese eyes, the dimensions of the cheese, the presence of texture on the outside of cheese, as well as an analysis of the color, so that, based on these parameters, a classification and evaluation of the cheese can be conducted. The developed software application, is product simple to use, requiring no special computer knowledge. Requires only the acquisition of the photographs following a simple set of rules, based on which it will do the processing and classification of cheese.