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The simplified model of human tear fluid (TF) is a three-layered structure composed of a homogenous gel-like layer of hydrated mucins, an aqueous phase, and a lipid-rich outermost layer found in the tear-air interface. It is assumed that amphiphilic phospholipids are found adjacent to the aqueous-mucin layer and externally to this a layer composed of non-polar lipids face the tear-air interface. The lipid layer prevents evaporation of the TF and protects the eye, but excess accumulation of lipids may lead to drying of the corneal epithelium. Thus the lipid layer must be controlled and maintained by some molecular mechanisms. In the circulation, phospholipid transfer protein (PLTP) and cholesteryl ester transfer protein (CETP) mediate lipid transfers. The aim of this thesis was to investigate the presence and molecular mechanisms of lipid transfer proteins in human TF. The purpose was also to study the role of these proteins in the development of dry eye syndrome (DES). The presence of TF PLTP and CETP was studied by western blotting and mass spectrometry. The concentration of these proteins was determined by ELISA. The activities of the enzymes were determined by specific lipid transfer assays. To study the molecular mechanisms involved in PLTP mediated lipid transfer Langmuir monolayers and asymmetrical flow field-flow fractionation (AsFlFFF) was used. Ocular tissue samples were stained with monoclonal antibodies against PLTP to study the secretion route of PLTP. Heparin-Sepharose affinity chromatography was used for PLTP pull-down experiments and co-eluted proteins were identified with MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry or Western blot analysis. To study whether PLTP plays any functional role in TF PLTP-deficient mice were examined. The activity of PLTP was also studied in dry eye patients. PLTP is a component of normal human TF, whereas CETP is not. TF PLTP concentration was about 2-fold higher than that in human plasma. Inactivation of PLTP by heat treatment or immunoinhibition abolished the phospholipid transfer activity in tear fluid. PLTP was found to be secreted from lacrimal glands. PLTP seems to be surface active and is capable of accepting lipid molecules without the presence of lipid-protein complexes. The active movement of radioactively labeled lipids and high activity form of PLTP to acceptor particles suggested a shuttle model of PLTP-mediated lipid transfer. In this model, PLTP physically transports lipids between the donor and acceptor. Protein-protein interaction assays revealed ocular mucins as PLTP interaction partners in TF. In mice with a full deficiency of functional PLTP enhanced corneal epithelial damage, increased corneal permeability to carboxyfluorescein, and decreased corneal epithelial occludin expression was demonstrated. Increased tear fluid PLTP activity was observed among human DES patients. These results together suggest a scavenger property of TF PLTP: if the corneal epithelium is contaminated by hydrophobic material, PLTP could remove them and transport them to the superficial layer of the TF or, alternatively, transport them through the naso-lacrimal duct. Thus, PLTP might play an integral role in tear lipid trafficking and in the protection of the corneal epithelium. The increased PLTP activity in human DES patients suggests an ocular surface protective role for this lipid transfer protein.


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Monocarboxylate transporters (MCTs), especially the isoforms MCT1 - MCT4, cotransport lactate and protons across the cell membranes. They are thus essential for pH regulation and homeostasis in glycolytic cells such as red blood cells (RBCs), and skeletal muscle cells during intense exercise. In 70% of the Standardbred horses the lactate transport activity (TA) in RBCs is high and transport is mediated mainly by MCTs. In the rest 30% of the Standardbreds MCT mediated transport route is not active and the TA is low. MCTs need an ancillary protein for their proper localization and functioning in the plasma membrane. The ancillary protein for MCT1 and MCT4 is a member of immunoglobulin superfamily, CD147. Here we determined the expression of MCT isoforms and CD147 in equine RBCs and gluteal muscle. We sequenced the cDNA of horse MCT1 and CD147 to achieve horse-specific antibodies and to reveal sequence variations that may affect the TA of RBCs. The amount of MCT1 and CD147 mRNA in muscle were also studied. ---- In all, 73 horses representing different breeds were used. Blood samples were drawn from the jugular vein and muscle samples were taken either from gluteal muscle using biopsy needle or during castration from expendable cremaster muscle. The TA of RBCs was studied using radiolabeled lactate and the amount of MCT isoforms and CD147 in the plasma membranes using Western blotting. The level of mRNA in muscle cells was determined using qPCR. Isoforms MCT1 and MCT2 were found in the RBCs and isoforms MCT1 and MCT4 in the muscle cells of horses. The TA of RBCs was dependent on the expression of CD147 and MCT1 in the plasma membrane. Sequence variations were found in the cDNA of both MCT1 and CD147, but they did not explain the inactivity of MCT1 mediated transport route. The single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) Met125Val in CD147 that existed parallel with an SNP in 3´-untranslated region explained, however, attenuation in CD147 expression in Standardbreds. A single mutation Ile51Val also decreased the expression of CD147 in one Warmblood. The MCT1 and CD147 mRNA concentrations in the gluteal muscle were higher in horses with higher MCT1 and CD147 expression in RBCs and lower in horses with minor expression of CD147 and MCT1. This suggests that the bimodal distribution of TA is due to differences in transcriptional regulation that is functioning in parallel in MCT1 and CD147 gene.


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Background: One of the major challenges in understanding enzyme catalysis is to identify the different conformations and their populations at detailed molecular level in response to ligand binding/environment. A detail description of the ligand induced conformational changes provides meaningful insights into the mechanism of action of enzymes and thus its function. Results: In this study, we have explored the ligand induced conformational changes in H. pylori LuxS and the associated mechanistic features. LuxS, a dimeric protein, produces the precursor (4,5-dihydroxy-2,3-pentanedione) for autoinducer-2 production which is a signalling molecule for bacterial quorum sensing. We have performed molecular dynamics simulations on H. pylori LuxS in its various ligand bound forms and analyzed the simulation trajectories using various techniques including the structure network analysis, free energy evaluation and water dynamics at the active site. The results bring out the mechanistic details such as co operativity and asymmetry between the two subunits, subtle changes in the conformation as a response to the binding of active and inactive forms of ligands and the population distribution of different conformations in equilibrium. These investigations have enabled us to probe the free energy landscape and identify the corresponding conformations in terms of network parameters. In addition, we have also elucidated the variations in the dynamics of water co-ordination to the Zn2+ ion in LuxS and its relation to the rigidity at the active sites. Conclusions: In this article, we provide details of a novel method for the identification of conformational changes in the different ligand bound states of the protein, evaluation of ligand-induced free energy changes and the biological relevance of our results in the context of LuxS structure-function. The methodology outlined here is highly generalized to illuminate the linkage between structure and function in any protein of known structure.


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We compute the entropy and transport properties of water in the hydration layer of dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine bilayer by using a recently developed theoretical scheme two-phase thermodynamic model, termed as 2PT method; S.-T. Lin et al., J. Chem. Phys. 119, 11792 (2003)] based on the translational and rotational velocity autocorrelation functions and their power spectra. The weights of translational and rotational power spectra shift from higher to lower frequency as one goes from the bilayer interface to the bulk. Water molecules near the bilayer head groups have substantially lower entropy (48.36 J/mol/K) than water molecules in the intermediate region (51.36 J/mol/K), which have again lower entropy than the molecules (60.52 J/mol/K) in bulk. Thus, the entropic contribution to the free energy change (T Delta S) of transferring an interface water molecule to the bulk is 3.65 kJ/mol and of transferring intermediate water to the bulk is 2.75 kJ/mol at 300 K, which is to be compared with 6.03 kJ/mol for melting of ice at 273 K. The translational diffusion of water in the vicinity of the head groups is found to be in a subdiffusive regime and the rotational diffusion constant increases going away from the interface. This behavior is supported by the slower reorientational relaxation of the dipole vector and OH bond vector of interfacial water. The ratio of reorientational relaxation time for Legendre polynomials of order 1 and 2 is approximately 2 for interface, intermediate, and bulk water, indicating the presence of jump dynamics in these water molecules. (C) 2010 American Institute of Physics. doi:10.1063/1.3494115]


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Work/family reconciliation is a crucial question for both personal well-being and on societal level for productivity and re-production throughout the Western world. This thesis examines work/family reconciliation on societal and organisational level in the Finnish context. The study is based on an initial framework, developing it further and analysing the results with help of it. The methodology of the study is plural, including varying epistemological emphasis and both quantitative and qualitative methods. Policy analysis from two different sectors is followed by a survey answered by 113 HR-managers, and then, based on quantitative analyses, interviews in four chosen case companies. The central findings of the thesis are that there indeed are written corporate level policies for reconciling work and family in companies operating in Finland, in spite of the strong state level involvement in creating a policy context in work/family reconciliation. Also, the existing policies vary in accessibility and use. The most frequently used work/family policies still are the statutory state level policies for family leave, taking place when a baby is born and during his or her first years. Still, there are new policies arising, such as a nurse for an employee’s child who has fallen ill, that are based on company activity only, which shows in both accessibility and use of the policy. Reasons for developing corporate level work/family policies vary among the so-called pro-active and re-active companies. In general, family law has a substantial effect for developing corporate level policies. Also headquarter gender equality strategies as well as employee demands are important. In regression analyses, it was found that corporate image and importance in recruitment are the foremost reasons for companies to develop policies, not for example the amount of female employees in the company. The reasons for policy development can be summarized into normative pressures, coercive pressures and mimetic pressures, in line with findings from institutional theory. This research, however, includes awareness of different stakeholder interests and recognizes that institutional theory needs to be complemented with notions of gender and family, which seem to play a part in perceived work/family conflict and need for further work/family policies both in managers’ personal lives and on the organisational level. A very central finding, demanding more attention, is the by HR managers perceived change in values towards work and commitment towards organisation at the youngest working generation, Generation Y. This combined with the need for key personnel has brought new challenges to companies especially in knowledge business and will presumably lead to further development of flexible practices in organisations. The accessibility to this flexibility seems to, however, be even more dependent on the specific knowledge and skills of the employee. How this generation will change the organisations remains to be seen in further research.


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The open development model of software production has been characterized as the future model of knowledge production and distributed work. Open development model refers to publicly available source code ensured by an open source license, and the extensive and varied distributed participation of volunteers enabled by the Internet. Contemporary spokesmen of open source communities and academics view open source development as a new form of volunteer work activity characterized by hacker ethic and bazaar governance . The development of the Linux operating system is perhaps the best know example of such an open source project. It started as an effort by a user-developer and grew quickly into a large project with hundreds of user-developer as contributors. However, in hybrids , in which firms participate in open source projects oriented towards end-users, it seems that most users do not write code. The OpenOffice.org project, initiated by Sun Microsystems, in this study represents such a project. In addition, the Finnish public sector ICT decision-making concerning open source use is studied. The purpose is to explore the assumptions, theories and myths related to the open development model by analysing the discursive construction of the OpenOffice.org community: its developers, users and management. The qualitative study aims at shedding light on the dynamics and challenges of community construction and maintenance, and related power relations in hybrid open source, by asking two main research questions: How is the structure and membership constellation of the community, specifically the relation between developers and users linguistically constructed in hybrid open development? What characterizes Internet-mediated virtual communities and how can they be defined? How do they differ from hierarchical forms of knowledge production on one hand and from traditional volunteer communities on the other? The study utilizes sociological, psychological and anthropological concepts of community for understanding the connection between the real and the imaginary in so-called virtual open source communities. Intermediary methodological and analytical concepts are borrowed from discourse and rhetorical theories. A discursive-rhetorical approach is offered as a methodological toolkit for studying texts and writing in Internet communities. The empirical chapters approach the problem of community and its membership from four complementary points of views. The data comprises mailing list discussion, personal interviews, web page writings, email exchanges, field notes and other historical documents. The four viewpoints are: 1) the community as conceived by volunteers 2) the individual contributor s attachment to the project 3) public sector organizations as users of open source 4) the community as articulated by the community manager. I arrive at four conclusions concerning my empirical studies (1-4) and two general conclusions (5-6). 1) Sun Microsystems and OpenOffice.org Groupware volunteers failed in developing necessary and sufficient open code and open dialogue to ensure collaboration thus splitting the Groupware community into volunteers we and the firm them . 2) Instead of separating intrinsic and extrinsic motivations, I find that volunteers unique patterns of motivations are tied to changing objects and personal histories prior and during participation in the OpenOffice.org Lingucomponent project. Rather than seeing volunteers as a unified community, they can be better understood as independent entrepreneurs in search of a collaborative community . The boundaries between work and hobby are blurred and shifting, thus questioning the usefulness of the concept of volunteer . 3) The public sector ICT discourse portrays a dilemma and tension between the freedom to choose, use and develop one s desktop in the spirit of open source on one hand and the striving for better desktop control and maintenance by IT staff and user advocates, on the other. The link between the global OpenOffice.org community and the local end-user practices are weak and mediated by the problematic IT staff-(end)user relationship. 4) Authoring community can be seen as a new hybrid open source community-type of managerial practice. The ambiguous concept of community is a powerful strategic tool for orienting towards multiple real and imaginary audiences as evidenced in the global membership rhetoric. 5) The changing and contradictory discourses of this study show a change in the conceptual system and developer-user relationship of the open development model. This change is characterized as a movement from hacker ethic and bazaar governance to more professionally and strategically regulated community. 6) Community is simultaneously real and imagined, and can be characterized as a runaway community . Discursive-action can be seen as a specific type of online open source engagement. Hierarchies and structures are created through discursive acts. Key words: Open Source Software, open development model, community, motivation, discourse, rhetoric, developer, user, end-user


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Trafficking in human beings has become one of the most talked about criminal concerns of the 21st century. But this is not all that it has become. Trafficking has also been declared as one of the most pressing human rights issues of our time. In this sense, it has become a part of the expansion of the human rights phenomenon. Although it is easy to see that the crime of trafficking violates several of the human rights of its victims, it is still, in its essence, a fairly conventional although particularly heinous and often transnational crime, consisting of acts between private actors, and lacking, therefore, the vertical effect associated traditionally with human rights violations. This thesis asks, then, why, and how, has the anti-trafficking campaign been translated in human rights language. And even more fundamentally: in light of the critical, theoretical studies surrounding the expansion of the human rights phenomenon, especially that of Costas Douzinas, who has declared that we have come to the end of human rights as a consequence of the expansion and bureaucratization of the phenomenon, can human rights actually bring salvation to the victims of trafficking? The thesis demonstrates that the translation process of the anti-trafficking campaign into human rights language has been a complicated process involving various actors, including scholars, feminist NGOs, local activists and global human rights NGOs. It has also been driven by a complicated web of interests, the most prevalent one the sincere will to help the victims having become entangled with other aims, such as political, economical, and structural goals. As a consequence of its fragmented background, the human rights approach to trafficking seeks still its final form, consisting of several different claims. After an assessment of these claims from a legal perspective, this thesis concludes that the approach is most relevant regarding the mistreatment of victims of trafficking in the hands of state authorities. It seems to be quite common that authorities have trouble identifying the victims of trafficking, which means that the rights granted to themin international and national documents are not realized in practice, but victims of trafficking are systematically deported as illegal immigrants. It is argued that in order to understand the measures of the authorities, and to assess the usefulness of human rights, it is necessary to adopt a Foucauldian perspective and to observe the measures as biopolitical defence mechanisms. From a biopolitical perspective, the victims of trafficking can be seen as a threat to the population a threat that must be eliminated either by assimilating them to the main population with the help of disciplinary techniques, or by excluding them completely from the society. This biopolitical aim is accomplished through an impenetrable net of seemingly insignificant practices and discourses that not even the participants are aware of. As a result of these practices and discourses, trafficking victims only very few of fit the myth of the perfect victim, produced by biopolitical discourses become invisible and therefore subject to deportation as (risky) illegal immigrants, turning them into bare life in the Agambenian sense, represented by the homo sacer, who cannot be sacrificed, yet does not enjoy the protection of the society and its laws. It is argued, following Jacques Rancière and Slavoj i ek, that human rights can, through their universality and formal equality, provide bare life the tools to formulate political claims and therefore utilize their politicization through their exclusion to return to the sphere of power and politics. Even though human rights have inevitably become entangled with biopolitical practices, they are still perhaps the most efficient way to challenge biopower. Human rights have not, therefore, become useless for the victims of trafficking, but they must be conceived as a universal tool to formulate political claims and challenge power .In the case of trafficking this means that human rights must be utilized to constantly renegotiate the borders of the problematic concept of victim of trafficking created by international instruments, policies and discourses, including those that are sincerely aimed to provide help for the victims.


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This study aims at understanding the need for decentralized power generation systems and to explore the potential, feasibility and environmental implications of biomass gasifier-based electricity generation systems for village electrification. Electricity needs of villages are in the range of 5–20 kW depending on the size of the village. Decentralized power generation systems are desirable for low load village situations as the cost of power transmission lines is reduced and transmission and distribution losses are minimised. A biomass gasifier-based electricity generation system is one of the feasible options; the technology is readily available and has already been field tested. To meet the lighting and stationary power needs of 500,000 villages in India the land required is only 16 Mha compared to over 100 Mha of degraded land available for tree planting. In fact all the 95 Mt of woody biomass required for gasification could be obtained through biomass conservation programmes such as biogas and improved cook stoves. Thus dedication of land for energy plantations may not be required. A shift to a biomass gasifier-based power generation system leads to local benefits such as village self reliance, local employment and skill generation and promotion of in situ plant diversity plus global benefits like no net CO2 emission (as sustainable biomass harvests are possible) and a reduction in CO2 emissions (when used to substitute thermal power and diesel in irrigation pump sets).


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Chronic periodontitis results from a complex aetiology, including the formation of a subgingival biofilm and the elicitation of the host s immune and inflammatory response. The hallmark of chronic periodontitis is alveolar bone loss and soft periodontal tissue destruction. Evidence supports that periodontitis progresses in dynamic states of exacerbation and remission or quiescence. The major clinical approach to identify disease progression is the tolerance method, based on sequential probing. Collagen degradation is one of the key events in periodontal destructive lesions. Matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-8 and MMP-13 are the primary collagenolytic MMPs that are associated with the severity of periodontal inflammation and disease, either by a direct breakdown of the collagenised matrix or by the processing of non-matrix bioactive substrates. Despite the numerous host mediators that have been proposed as potential biomarkers for chronic periodontitis, they reflect inflammation rather than the loss of periodontal attachment. The aim of the present study was to determine the key molecular MMP-8 and -13 interactions in gingival crevicular fluid (GCF) and gingival tissue from progressive periodontitis lesions and MMP-8 null allele mouse model. In study (I), GCF and gingival biopsies from active and inactive sites of chronic periodontitis patients, which were determined clinically by the tolerance method, and healthy GCF were analysed for MMP-13 and tissue inhibitor of matrix metalloproteinases (TIMP)-1. Chronic periodontitis was characterised by increased MMP-13 levels and the active sites showed a tendency of decreased TIMP-1 levels associated with increments of MMP-13 and total protein concentration compared to inactive sites. In study (II), we investigated whether MMP-13 activity was associated with TIMP-1, bone collagen breakdown through ICTP levels, as well as the activation rate of MMP-9 in destructive lesions. The active sites demonstrated increased GCF ICTP levels as well as lowered TIMP-1 detection along with elevated MMP-13 activity. MMP-9 activation rate was enhanced by MMP-13 in diseased gingival tissue. In study (III), we analysed the potential association between the levels, molecular forms, isoenzyme distribution and degree of activation of MMP-8, MMP-14, MPO and the inhibitor TIMP-1 in GCF from periodontitis progressive patients at baseline and after periodontal therapy. A positive correlation was found for MPO/MMP-8 and their levels associated with progression episodes and treatment response. Because MMP-8 is activated by hypochlorous acid in vitro, our results suggested an interaction between the MPO oxidative pathway and MMP-8 activation in GCF. Finally, in study (IV), on the basis of the previous finding that MMP-8-deficient mice showed impaired neutrophil responses and severe alveolar bone loss, we aimed to characterise the detection patterns of LIX/CXCL5, SDF-1/CXCL12 and RANKL in P. gingivalis-induced experimental periodontitis and in the MMP-8-/- murine model. The detection of neutrophil-chemoattractant LIX/CXCL5 was restricted to the oral-periodontal interface and its levels were reduced in infected MMP-8 null mice vs. wild type mice, whereas the detection of SDF-1/CXCL12 and RANKL in periodontal tissues increased in experimentally-induced periodontitis, irrespectively from the genotype. Accordingly, MMP-8 might regulate LIX/CXCL5 levels by undetermined mechanisms, and SDF-1/CXCL12 and RANKL might promote the development and/or progression of periodontitis.


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Synthesis of peanut agglutinin was induced in callus and cell suspension cultures of cotyledons of peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.). The lectin was synthesised in cultures through several passages. Biosynthesis of peanut agglutinin was regulated by the type and concentration of exogenous growth regulators and was positively correlated to the growth of the cultures,indicating that the agglutinin may have a role to play during cell growth. Movement of agglutinin from the cells into the medium not only facilitated easy isolation of the lectin but also provided a clue that it may probably serve as a defence molecule. The synthesized lectin purified from culture, was found to be biologically active, and was found to be comparable with the lectin from seeds, in terms of its electrophoretic mobility.


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Wave pipelining is a design technique for increasing the throughput of a digital circuit or system without introducing pipelining registers between adjacent combinational logic blocks in the circuit/system. However, this requires balancing of the delays along all the paths from the input to the output which comes the way of its implementation. Static CMOS is inherently susceptible to delay variation with input data, and hence, receives a low priority for wave pipelined digital design. On the other hand, ECL and CML, which are amenable to wave pipelining, lack the compactness and low power attributes of CMOS. In this paper we attempt to exploit wave pipelining in CMOS technology. We use a single generic building block in Normal Process Complementary Pass Transistor Logic (NPCPL), modeled after CPL, to achieve equal delay along all the propagation paths in the logic structure. An 8×8 b multiplier is designed using this logic in a 0.8 ?m technology. The carry-save multiplier architecture is modified suitably to support wave pipelining, viz., the logic depth of all the paths are made identical. The 1 mm×0.6 mm multiplier core supports a throughput of 400 MHz and dissipates a total power of 0.6 W. We develop simple enhancements to the NPCPL building blocks that allow the multiplier to sustain throughputs in excess of 600 MHz. The methodology can be extended to introduce wave pipelining in other circuits as well


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This study aims to determine optimal locations of dual trailing-edge flaps and blade stiffness to achieve minimum hub vibration levels in a helicopter, with low penalty in terms of required trailing-edge flap control power. An aeroelastic analysis based on finite elements in space and time is used in conjunction with an optimal control algorithm to determine the flap time history for vibration minimization. Using the aeroelastic analysis, it is found that the objective functions are highly nonlinear and polynomial response surface approximations cannot describe the objectives adequately. A neural network is then used for approximating the objective functions for optimization. Pareto-optimal points minimizing both helicopter vibration and flap power ale obtained using the response surface and neural network metamodels. The two metamodels give useful improved designs resulting in about 27% reduction in hub vibration and about 45% reduction in flap power. However, the design obtained using response surface is less sensitive to small perturbations in the design variables.


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The ability of Static Var Compensators (SVCs) to rapidly and continuously control reactive power in response to changing system conditions can result in the improvement of system stability and also increase the power transfer in the transmission system. This paper concerns the application of strategically located SVCs to enhance the transient stability limits and the direct evaluation of the effect of these SVCs on transient stability using a Structure Preserving Energy Function (SPEF). The SVC control system can be modelled from the steady- state control characteristic to accurately simulate its effect on transient stability. Treating the SVC as a voltage-dependent reactive power load leads to the derivation of a path-independent SPEF for the SVC. Case studies on a 10-machine test system using multiple SVCs illustrate the effects of SVCs on transient stability and its accurate prediction.


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In this paper the effects of constant and cyclic power loads on the evolution of interfacial reaction layers in lead-free solder interconnections are presented. Firstly, the differences in the growth behavior of intermetallic compound (IMC) layers at the cathode and anode sides of the interconnections are rationalized. This is done by considering the changes in the intrinsic fluxes of elements owing to electromigration as well as taking into account the fact that the growth of Cu3Sn and Cu6Sn5 are coupled via interfacial reactions. In this way, better understanding of the effect of electron flux on the growth of each individual layer in the Cu-Sn system can be achieved. Secondly, it is shown that there is a distinct difference between steady-state current stressing (constant current, constant temperature) and power cycling with alternating on- and off-cycle periods (accompanied by a change of temperature). The reasons behind the observed differences are subsequently discussed. Finally, special care is taken to ensure that the current densities are chosen in such a way that there is no risk for even partial melting of the solder interconnections.


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The nonequilibrium dynamic phase transition, in the kinetic Ising model in the presence of an oscillating magnetic field has been studied both by Monte Carlo simulation and by solving numerically the mean-field dynamic equation of motion for the average magnetization. In both cases, the Debye ''relaxation'' behavior of the dynamic order parameter has been observed and the ''relaxation time'' is found to diverge near the dynamic transition point. The Debye relaxation of the dynamic order parameter and the power law divergence of the relaxation time have been obtained from a very approximate solution of the mean-field dynamic equation. The temperature variation of appropriately defined ''specific heat'' is studied by the Monte Carlo simulation near the transition point. The specific heat has been observed to diverge near the dynamic transition point.